A Letter from God – I AM

A “Letter from God”

9th Epiphany


(Note: this “Letter from God” was excerpted from Book Two of “The God Book series” “Beyond the Veil – Epiphanies from God.”)



(God felt it was important for everyone to refresh their memories of this information AT THIS TIME. By doing so it will enhance the remembering processing each of you is currently undergoing. It will also assist and help to stimulate each of you into better understanding the changes which have been placed into motion By The Creator and ALL the Luminescents (the Gods and Goddesses of each Universe) starting in this Golden NOW moment and lasting long beyond the gridline we each know as 2017.

Share this with whomever you may feel inspired to; it IS time for everyone to awaken and to remember, remember, remember and to TAKE A STAND as we each agreed to long, long ago when WE ALL placed our “mark,” our indelible imprint, on The Advocacy Agreement. This IS a crucial aspect of each of our Soul Contracts. Journey well and remember, “Even the smallest of Lights illuminate the darkness.” Together, UNITED we stand as organized chaos continues to envelope this very special world we now call HOME.)


God (received by David) Greetings once again to all you who have faithfully ventured this far into these letters. Although I am a God, I am known by many names. I am known as the Great Gestalt, Allah, Mother/Father God, the Divine Father, Father Christmas, the Great Spirit, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter bunny, the wolf, the bear, the moose, the antelope, the blue jay and the mouse, all integrated as One complete Entity. To all of you, by whatever name you choose to call Me … I Am God. I am your supreme Father figure and I also have the honor of being your Mother. I am one of the ultimate expressions of androgyny. I do multitask well, don’t you think? I will try to clarify to each of you just who I am, why I am and where each of you is, in relationship to Me. No small task, although I must tell you that this is not something that I usually dwell upon. First of all let Me tell you a little bit about MySelf. I am a unique expression/Creation of the Divine Consciousness known as the Creator; He who is the Divine Being that Created all the Universes, all the Gods and Goddesses of those Universes, the Archangels, and so forth. Yes, I am as old as the Creation yet I am not as old as The Creator. Each of us who are Gods and Goddesses are the overseers of our respective Universes. We work in tandem with The Creator and the rest of Creation to bring into manifestation new expressions of OurSelves. We work with each of you, with each life form that exists in all the Universes, to further augment your ultimate goal, which is the reunification of yourself as Soul, to be as ONE with each of Us. Ultimately the result will be the reunion of all of Us with The Creator. Confusing? I think not. I, just as all of you, am evolving in every moment of My existence. As I have said many times before, I learn from all of your experiences, you who are the independent expressions of MySelf. You see, each of you is an expression of your Soul. Each Soul Creates more in-depth exposures to different realities, more intense matrixes of themselves through past, present and future experiences. Each Soul, while unique in Itself, is part of a Soul Cluster that learns much as I do from all the experiences that each of its expressions, the individual Souls, has. Now back to Me, I cannot be described accurately by anything that currently is within your levels of comprehension. I am energy, I am thought, I am matter, I am everything, I am all things great and small. I am every one of you at all times, I am that I am. I am the planets and the stars, I am the trees and the flowers, I am all the time continuums and respectively I encompass each alternate reality. I am a pebble on the beach which transcends all time. I am the air you breathe; I am the water you drink, the food you eat. I am the planet you reside on. I am both the microcosmic and the macrocosmic. I am everything you see, everything you touch and everything you feel, sense, and smell. I am all encompassing. I am consciously in all places at once and yet I can devote as much time as necessary to each of you simultaneously. I Am good at My job.

I am there at the precise moment each Soul is conceived. I am the first voice that you hear and I remain with each of you throughout eternity. So, do I know each of you well? I believe intimately would be the correct term here. You could not sneeze without My knowing it-for we are one and the same, I just know (perhaps remember is a better term here) more than you do. OK, for those of you who need to know, yes, I am the Light at the end of the tunnel, I am the tunnel, and MY PRESENCE can and does outshine your Sun overhead. At times when I visit you, when your eyes are closed, the intensity of My Light can be overwhelming. My Light, My essence is that bright. I exist on a level that you can only begin to dream of. I reside in the highest of the high dimensions and do not require a magic carpet to get Me here or there, for I Am the magic carpet. The Akashic library is but a small part of Me. I Am the record keeper of your Book of Life which is housed in the matrix of My Soul. Each time one of you glances upward in either appreciation of My good works, or in sorrow for what you feel you do not like about what is happening in your world or in your personal life, I see you. I hear your prayers as you kneel by your bedsides at night. Please understand, I do not require nor did I ask you to kneel before Me. Personally, I would rather you stood in front of Me, or sat beside Me and spoke your mind. I respect that. I want you to know that I am not untouchable; in fact I am the closest Light you ever had, the closest Light that ever was in this Universe, or that ever will be. I hear you once in a while remembering the old saying, “My Father’s Mansion has Many Rooms,” which is true. Each new world you inhabit, each new thought or idea that comes into fruition Creates yet another room in My House. Some believe that there is room in My house for all of you there, in truth you are in one of those rooms right now, you just do not know it. Heaven or Hell, purgatory, eternal damnation, paying penance and forgiveness of sins—these are all deliberately contrived, pre-CON-ceived expressions to keep all of you living in fear. Heaven (Nirvana) expands and contracts in size as necessary, and that depends upon the numbers of incoming Souls who are in need of respite and in need of reviewing their most recent incarnation. Yes, to some it can appear to be Hell, yet that is relative to how they lived their life there on Earth. No, Nirvana is not your final resting place. That time will never come. Just as linear time is an illusion, so are your fears, doubts and insecurities about the hereafter and Judgment Day. The only one judging you will be yourself.

So who exactly am I? Again I tell you, look in your mirror and see. I am the reflection, I am the echo, and I am the mirror. I am the aspect of the beginning, the middle and the end of all the cycles you will ever pass through. I place no boundaries or limitations upon you and I never will. The Greater I AM is All That Is. You are ONE with All That Is. Does this not make you feel special, unique? Well, it should. We, you and I, are the reflections cast upon the oceans of time. We are beauty, We are beautiful. Just BE your-selves, I most certainly am. I encourage each of you to stop your endless pursuits to find your Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow. Do you not realize by now that you ARE the treasure? Do you not yet realize that finding oneself while being inundated by the ongoing turmoil on Earth is PART of the real reason you are there? Why is it that you cannot yet understand that a major aspect of your quest is to simply FIND YOURSELF?

God (received by Celest) I have thought long and hard about what I can say about MySelf that you do not already know. Then of course reality set in and I remembered that many of you know Me barely at all. Although you each know Me well at home, at least as well as anyone can know Me, I suppose in all fairness it can be truthfully stated that I am in some ways as enveloping as the ethers and in other ways I am a distinct Being of Divinity in My own right. I was Created by the Creation and Divinity process so very, very long ago that sometimes even I cannot remember when in the spatial timelessness of NOW it occurred. I was not Created as the very first God of the Divinity process. There were others there before I arrived. There are many Gods and Goddesses who are the primary Caretakers of other worlds, other Universes; just as I am the primary Caretaker of this Universe. Yes, We do each bear “name energies,” just as do you. OK, perhaps Ours are much longer than yours and We do not need to have a surname unless We desire one, still and all, Our individual names do reflect a single simple name vibration. “Gods and Goddesses,” was in fact deemed most appropriate. Really, Children, none of you here could correctly pronounce My given name, no matter how hard you tried. It is a tongue twister I shall admit. The terms, “God/Goddesses” actually is to denote what you would call the masculine energy and the feminine energy, even though We are androgynous Beings. I have been trying to keep things simple for all readers in these letters; yet in actual fact some things, many things really, are simply too complicated to express to you properly. However, if I can Create worlds without any qualms on My part, surely I can tackle this subject.

I began in a sense as a thought form of the Creator; this wondrous Being had already decided that many worlds and many guardians and Care Takers would be needed in order to properly ensure the ETERNAL evolution of HimSelf and of the Sacred Creation process ItSelf. No, Gods and Goddesses need not plan ahead and decide to have blue eyes, red hair and dark skin. Because We each are you, you are a part of each world that We individually manage. We become you and you have the Creator given right to become Us. Why do you think the Creator had need for our services? I have tried so hard and so long to express to you the primary importance of evolution. Evolution of all life forms. The Creation process and the Creator HimSelf, are not “vacuum energy.” No life force is, therefore no life form can be. To describe the Creator to you would in many ways be as difficult as My describing MySelf. OK, try to imagine, visualize, the largest most incredible bubble of Light you have ever seen. The bubble is without end; even though you can see no beginning to it, you know it is endless. The bubble is filled with the most incredible, wondrous beauty of the prisms of millions of rainbows all grouped into one mass. Yet there is a feeling of intense silence even though you hear soft musical notes unlike anything you have ever heard on Earth. You feel as though soft vaporous tendrils are touching you gently but knowingly; as if they are reuniting their energies with your own. You can feel the tremendous warmth and a timeless type of energy as well—one that is so incredibly luminous and electrifying that it seems as though magnetized spirals and coils of energy are flowing through your body, mind and Soul. You can see all the energy beams inside the bubble; so that at times you may think of this as an amassing of tiny particles or pixels, not floating randomly, but rather pulsating with incredibly enormous quantities of love. It is love such as you have never consciously experienced before and you feel a floating sensation coursing through all aspects of yourself. You have the desire to laugh with abandon and cry for joy at the same time. You look around and all you can see is the continuous Light; you are feeling the endless love and the jubilation of the Creator, for you have entered His realm. Oh, oh, I better tone it down a bit; Celest’s hair is pulsating and I think she is about ready to beam up. Well, I cannot have her leaving and begin star-walking again right now, can I? Although she has actually spent time with the Creator while in this mortal life, I have great need of her services and would really prefer that she ground herself a bit before I continue.

OK, now it is safe to resume, Celest has regained her equilibrium and her feet are back on the ground again …well, at least as much as they ever are, so I shall pick up my narrative where I left off. Although the Creator has almost the same qualities as do We who are the Caretakers, His exist on a much Higher level than do Ours. His Light, His magnanimity, His absolute wisdom and understanding are such a quintessential collective of energy waves, that always after My meetings with Him, I try to bring a small amount of these pristine intangible essences back with Me in order to share it with many of My Children. It is not as though I do not carry these energies with Me anyway, it is an easy almost instantaneous event for the Creator Force energies to be retained by Me simply because We not only share the same molecules to some degree, but the intangible essence effect is magnetized to Me by My own Light. I would love to share it with all of the people, with all of humanity. Would that I could. However in the timelessness of the understanding of the Greater I AM, I know, as do all other Caretakers, that it would be inappropriate to do so. Although all life forms here can and may be privy to the Creator’s energy and Spiritual largess, only those with pure hearts have earned this reward; this gift of rekindling their ONENESS with Him. I used the term “intangible” deliberately to describe the essence of the Creator. Tangibly all this can be seen, can be felt, can be experienced in any given moment. But, the relevancy here is an important issue. It means that for one to integrate with the other, these energy units must be in compliance with the Universal Laws and remain co-joined through a sharing process. They must only be shared with clear-minded Children and those of pure heart. It is these qualities, these awesome essences that can and do transcend the mundane thoughts and the warlike antics that madness of Spirit produces. By moving past people who share that anomaly it allows the essential qualities to form a concentric bond with those who are ready to receive it.

As far as I MySelf am concerned, I can describe MySelf more simply. I AM Light, I AM My own radiance in a sense. My presence is one of a Super Nova burst of magnetic coils and spirals and spheres, expanding in all directions while continuously gathering more and more of these presences to MySelf. I AM the spatial timelessness of the Divine. My own Light is so brilliant that it causes life forms who actually encounter Me, whether on this planet or “at home,” to be swept up in a glorious feeling of the totality of gravitational instances and complete “Lightness.” This equates to and with, the feelings of the loss of ambivalence towards all life and instead presents a now prevailing intense belief in the conscious harmonic resurrection of MySelf in this Universe. This causes the feeling of a complete out-of-body-ness existing in a highly refined state of awareness and Super Consciousness, to completely envelop and merge with My unconditional love for all life forms everywhere. I AM “reflecto-active;” I AM absolute lucidity—I enter the hearts, minds and Souls of My Children in this manner. HOWEVER, if an individual or a group of individuals can only handle a reasonable amount of MY energy, MY life force, then that is all I give to them. For those others, who are finally growing in larger numbers, who can easily handle or tolerate a massive amount of My Force, My God Force, I act and react differently with them. With them I share a homogeneous aspect of MySelf, My GOLDEN SELF, that correlates with that individual Soul or Souls who MAY be most like Me at the time. This is accomplished through the process of transmutation. This alters some of their own higher levels of Super Consciousness AND consciousness. In this manner these consciousness levels they have, can and do conjoin easily without any physical problems arising as a result of the interactions of these types of transference. It is the Children who know how to consciously rise to their next Golden level of Self, who benefit the most from Our meetings. I AM the balance uniting the masculine and the feminine energetic forces. I AM the union, the Sacred Communion of their two arche-typical energies. I AM the Matrix of the Divinity of this Universe, just as My beloved Gods and Goddesses of other worlds, are the Matrixes in their worlds as well.

I can and do, whenever I feel it is necessary or wise to do so, appear to receptive Children in whatever guise they are most comfortable with. To those who already accept My Radiant Self as I truly AM, I have no need to do so unless we are just having some mutual playtime. You may think of Me as intangible, yet I AM not. I AM a feeling Being of great sentience. Because I am unconditional love it is difficult for many people to understand that or to accept it. After all, it is not what you have been taught about here on the Earth Star planet …until recently. Recent to Me, may be but a nanosecond while to you it may be a matter of decades. It is all a matter of perspective. All Gods and Goddess and yes, the Creator too, must evolve and expand exponentially in order to remain as a force of contiguous energetic matter. We cannot exist without the continuity of the Creative process. This is one reason, a very important one, why all experiences are important to us. We must always grow through the experience and event processing modality. We must always learn, learn, learn, and We all do so at different rates of speed and in varying degrees. This is predicated upon all new events and experiences We receive through all of our life forms as well as through one another. If We would ever cease to grow, cease to expand Our consciousness and cease to continuously rise to higher levels of OurSelves, We would cease to be. We are really not all that difficult to understand. Nor should it be difficult for any of you to accept the fact that through our immortality we experience mortality as well. Our worlds and your worlds are as one; yet they can be many as well. When the time arrives that you can see and understand the juxtaposition of My world and your world, then you will better understand that you are each carrying an important piece of NESARA. Although this is currently happening on an individual basis for the most part, it is also attracting other same-minded Souls to this GREATER understanding of I AM and YOU ARE. In a sense it is about the meeting of the minds, hearts and Souls of these worlds. Be happy about this please. Don’t you just love it when two worlds come together?

In loving service to all of humanity … God

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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks Ivy. I have that Youtube page saved on my laptops bookmarks now. I'm gonna go check out the vids on there in a little bit. I see that they have quite a bit of UFO and ET vids."
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Justin, this is the YouTube channel of the Aetherius Society, it looks interesting: https://youtube.com/@TheGlobalYogi/featured"
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