She and Jesus was brotherly souls before incarnation. She incarnate for two reasons to know how is to live with material body and to help Jesus at Hes mission. She was student and apostle of Jesus and wrote gospel.When Jesus teaches Hes apostles, she understood with the first, while other apostles not, and looks Him like UFO. She was married with Philip and was from rich family. She and Peter disagree about meanings of Jesus teaches and because she was a woman they put her at edge of history. Saying she was a harlot..............?
She and John and Hes mother was present near Jesus cross while other apostles was absent because fear about their lives..............!
And after 2000 years and some more, a few "clever guys" made a best seller film to get money with this story, SHAME ....................
Who was harlot in mind ? ? ?............Anyway.....................John