Beloveds we are with you today to discuss the changes and the energy shifts that are going on at this particular point in time. Right now with the way the planets are lined up there's been very strong energy, very agitated energy and this will continue on for several more weeks. Right now we are in the middle of a trine, three planets that are causing the most dramatic chaos with relationships and with just dealing with one another. We ask of you please, before you speak, think, in any situation whether it's with a friend, with a lover, with a coworker or with someone you run into at the store. Practice love, practice patience. Everyone is releasing and bringing up all this negative stuck emotions and that is what this planetary line up is for right now. Be patient with everyone. The more that you focus on the negative, the more negative that you throw out there, the more it's going to affect the Unity grid, the more it's going to affect the Christ Consciousness grid. The thoughts we think, the words we say, create your reality. And as you can see by the fires in London, the riots in London, the more chaos, the more chaotic thoughts, the more chaos ensues. We ask all of you to stay in your heart space. There are going to be many, many, many more uprisings all over the world. Everyone involved in it came here to participate in that situation, however, part of the learning process, was to learn to come from the heart and not to turn to the chaos. So we ask those of you who are awake enough to control your thoughts, to think positive. Anytime you have any of the negativity rising again, go into your heart space, look at the situation, forgive the person involved, forgive yourself, send out love, send out gratitude. This is imperative in order to make it though these changes that are coming up and this is going to continue on a few more years. We want you to know that if you are faltering, that if you are needing help, call on us, we are here. We love you unconditionally. Ask and we will be there for you.
~ Archangel Michael
channeled 8/10/2011 on
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