A Matter of Trust

I have posted this Blog as U call it,,,, ''A matter of Trust''

and I move in Faith that All that need to know this Wunderfull truth will sit in it.

I Love U all forever,, I do,,,,,,  I sit in Ur Hearts,,, full of forgiveness,,, and Peace and Joy,,, ,,,,,,,,,, I do.

it starts out with a count of four,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, interesting,,, cause the count of ''four'' is the symbol of U.

I will Highlight in My introduction just the main parts of Ur Harts,,,,,,,,,,,,

''U doubt the Love that sits in the Center of U.''

''but U want it to end''

''and U have lived long enough to have learned that U are the Center of the Fire,,,"

and that all the fire burns,,,, the ashes will keep.

You have been led by ''Fear'' for many years,,, but Now is the time for U to see the Path of Love and Joy,,,

I have been led by that dark path for many years myself,,, but Now I aM awake with U,,, \

lets choose another Path together Now,,,,: )

a Path of joy and Peace and love,, that sits in the Center of Our Harts,,,

lets try it,,,

I AM in U,,, and I feel U,, all of U,,,

U are GorjisssNess

come oN,,,,, shine with Us..

: )


listen to this Wunderfull song that Ur Spirit Heart gave to U before U were born,,

I Love U forever, I do,, Yummy U are


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