A Message From Aluna Joy......





Through Aluna Joy with a group of holy women

with Mary and Magdalene, Jeshua and Joseph Arimathea
Chalice Well, Glastonbury, England on 7/16/13 - Message #2


The following is the Second message that we received in Avalon ~ The Rebirth of the Golden Grail Within ~ that took place over several huge grand astrological trines in July 2013. You can find our other messages on our website at www.alunajoy.com under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. We sugest that you read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The the Star Elders assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

(This morning, our group had a private visit at Chalice Well in Glastonbury. Upon arriving at Chalice Well, Aluna took the group to the well head, and we circled around it to see what messages awaited us. As Aluna tuned in, she became very emotional and started crying.)
Please read this message with an open heart and as if you were there with us.
Aluna: As soon as we walked through the gate, Mother Mary was with us.  She was with a group of other holy-looking women that don’t have names, although I’m sure one of them was Magdalene. They are so happy we are here. They can see our hearts. They are sending us love, and they are hugging us. Mother Mary is saying, “I forgive you.” I ask, “Why are you forgiving us — for what? Mother Mary says, “I’m going to forgive you because you can’t forgive yourself for all the things you thought you have done wrong or haven’t done good enough in your life.”  And she says that the holy water here is their blessing to us, and she is saying that they forgive us so we can let go of all the things that we felt we hadn’t done right or the people we have hurt or the things we have said or the harms we think we have caused. They want to wash all that away from us. They say these are burdens that we don’t have to carry anymore. (crying in group).  
Mother Mary and the group of holy women that are with her are saying that our hearts are so full of light so they don’t understand why we dampen down our light with our guilt and our lack of belief in ourselves. But they also understand because they felt those things themselves. They have gone through that in the past, where they have lost and they have failed. They realize now that all those feelings serve no purpose other than to make us fail even further in our lives. 
So these holy women are bathing us and hugging us and loving us because they see our hearts and our love and our intent to be good people and to make a difference in the world. They want to wash away all the blocks in us that keep us from doing this. They know that we have tried so hard to make a difference, yet we still feel small. We still think we are not as effective in the  world as we would like to be. They say that the amazing things that we would like to do are not just crazy dreams. They are reality; otherwise, we wouldn’t be dreaming these things. 
So with your permission, (those reading this must give permission as well) they are going to clear out all those doubts you have about yourself and all those things you feel bad about yourself. They hope you open your heart even further so you can be the person that you know you are, and that person that you know you are is all those wild crazy dreams you have inside that you never share with anyone because they are so sacred. Uttering them out loud would almost be blasphemous. You know what I am saying? Those secret places inside. These are the ideals these women live. It’s those super-deep, sacred places in our hearts that we never share with anyone because we are afraid they will get tainted and contaminated if we let them out.

The Avalon Essence Series

The Holy Grail Essence ~ Chalice Well
The Divine Essence of Mother Mary imparting Holy Forgiveness and Love, with a direct link to Source.
As soon as we entered Chalice Well for our early morning, private visit, some of us were in tears before we even got past the front gate. Once inside, we were greeted my Mother Mary who was with a group of Holy Women. She offered us forgiveness on our behalf, for the many transgressions upon us, or judgments that we hold against ourselves. She could see, even with great effort on our part, we had not been able to let go or forgive ourselves and others for uncountable transgressions. These are burdens that we do not have to carry anymore. This essence encourages us to live as divine expressions of God as it will wash away lingering self-doubts and old blocks that keep us from manifesting our true divine selves. It is nothing short of PURE LOVE. It will help us to realize our inner dreams and visions which, when made manifest, is our HOLY GRAIL WITHIN.

Chalice Well is one of Britain's most ancient, holy wells. It is at the center of Avalon, located between the famous Glastonbury Tor and Chalice Hill. As a sacred pilgrimage site for over two thousand years, it has been a place where pilgrims have come to drink the red water, find solace, peace and inspiration. Chalice Well imparts the theme 'Many Paths, One Source' and welcomes all people of goodwill, and oneness in diversity. Many legends are attributed to this well. The most compelling myth is that the Actual Holy Grail was hidden here. The water represents the blood of Christ miraculously springing forth from the ground when Joseph of Arimathea buried or washed the cup used at the Last Supper. It is acknowledged as the essence of life, the gift from Mother Earth to sustain its living forms and a direct expression of an unbounded life force. This essence was made in Chalice Well, Glastonbury, England on July 16, 2013. Place 4-8 drops under the tongue or in drinking water. 1 oz. bottle, purified with alcohol.

*** Spirit has requested us to make this essence accessible by offering it at $11.00 per bottle until this essence becomes extinct.
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New Earth Codes, The Flower of Life, Merkaba Essence ~ Crop Circle
This very complex essence holds the keys to anchoring and embodying the New Codes of Creation and the Laws of Nature in the new world. This is done by a complex process which we received while in this circle. It first erases memory/history that holds us back from entering the new world. It then links our new third eye (our new vision) to our new Solar Plexus (our store house of creative power). It is then bridged with the pure, uncontaminated light within our Heart (our new consciousness from the new codes) and lastly sealed in our New Aura System while maintaining our soul's orientation point within all time, space and dimensions. Made in the center point of a flower of life, double-star tetrahedron crop circle in a barley field flanked by blooming violet flax. We feel this was best of the crop circles this season. We are sending Great Blessings to the farmer who decided not to mow it down. God Bless you.

Suggested use . . . Take this Essence in deep contemplation, meditation while focusing on a photo of this crop circle. Caution: Do not use this essence standing up. We also strongly suggest that you don't drive any vehicle until you feel that you have anchored the codes. You will know that this is complete when your Solar Plexus feels stable. This essence was made in a Crop Circle in Wiltshire, England on July 18, 2013. Place 4-8 drops under the tongue or in drinking water. 1 oz. bottle, purified with alcohol.
(The powerful message that was received this day will be coming soon to our newsletter. Sign up here: http://www.alunajoy.com/joinnewsletter.html
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The Great Central Sun Essence ~ Stonehenge 
Cosmic Balance between Heaven and Earth
This essence helps us connect to the Great Central Sun and to stay in tune with the increasing and ever changing rhythms of nature. It assists us in bridging Heaven and Earth with our physical bodies. It holds an ancient~future sanctity that is beyond our knowing at this time. Stonehenge is the oldest example of a cosmic temple to invoke solar energies (positive charge) and the Gods connected to the Sun. It is also a lunar temple (negative charge) to invoke the Goddesses connected to the Moon. Stonehenge is aligned to 29 degrees Virgo towards the Great Central Sun, where scientists say a black hole holds all the galaxies together. Because of this alignment, high frequencies from the Great Central Sun are focused into Stonehenge. Inside the temple, the geometry holds a six pointed star which is the symbol of the new Jerusalem . . . a six pointed star of David. Crop formations have increased around this temple over the years. There are even myths regarding Merlyn bringing these ancient stones from Ireland. In any case, myth or science aside, I am sure that those who created this ancient enigma are all having a good laugh at us while we go in our heads to understand something that is way beyond our current consciousness. So use this essence knowing that it might just expand your awareness to encompass the wisdom of the cosmos. This essence was made INSIDE the stone circle. This essence was made in Stonehenge, England on July 19, 2013. Place 4-8 drops under the tongue or in drinking water. 1 oz. bottle, purified with alcohol.
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The PURE JOY Essence ~ St. Nectan's Glen
Holy Prayer, Forgiveness, Healing, Gratefulness and Rebirth
This essence is hard to describe with words. St Nectan's Glen was absolutely singing when we arrived. This land is overflowing with white, quartz crystal, a pure running water fall and a landscape that can only be described as fairy-like. We were called to make an essence with the water from the falls, and the Fairies and Pixies asked me to place 13 pure, little, white quartz crystals in the essence as well. I wandered through the water, and they pointed out which crystals to use. We go a lot of ORBS in our photos. This essence will impart a purity and lightness beyond your present experience. Use it to take yourself to a deep state of holy prayer, to bring about forgiveness on all levels, to fill your heart with gratefulness, and to infuse your entire being with Fairy-like qualities to rebirth joy and purity into your heart. This essence was made in St. Nectan's Glen, Cornwall, England on July 21, 2013. Place 4-8 drops under the tongue or in drinking water. 1 oz. bottle, purified with alcohol.

There Many myths and legends, from King Arthur and his knights, to ghostly sightings surround this place: but one undeniable fact is that it is a place of outstanding, natural beauty and the sweetest frequencies you will ever feel. Simply . . . you are healed by just visiting here. This site is known to many who follow the old ways as a sacred place, and numerous ribbons, crystals, photographs, inscriptions, prayers and other devotions now adorn the foliage and rock walls near the waterfall. Some visitors add small piles of flat stones obtained from the stream, known by some as fairy stacks.

P.S. The new owners of the Glen are doing a great job keeping this stunning glen at a remarkably high vibration. If you have a calling to do so, you can donate to the site here: http://www.st-nectansglen.co.uk/
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Opening a Star Portal to the New World Essence ~ The Praying Hands of Mary, Scottish Highlands
For the highly anticipated the Star of David - Merkaba - Grand Sextile Star Portal on July 29th, we traveled up into the Scottish highlands. We hiked up to the Praying Hands of Mary (a.k.a. Praying Goddess Hands) surrounded by glorious mountains covered in purple Scottish Heather. Once I understood the strange essence instructions I was receiving, the essence bowl was filled with Scottish Highland mountain spring water. Then I was instructed to "Float" the bowl between the Praying Hand's stones, and place 7 perfect Blue Harebells in the bowl. The Blue Harebells (Campanula rotundifolia ) is a flower that is a Celtic symbol of the Goddess and represents strength of a new birth. After a time, you could visibly see the water vibrating in the bowl. Look closely at the photo. We can see an apparition that has appeared in the bowl. Merlyn maybe, or an Ascended Master with hair blowing in the wind?

This essence is as complex as the Grand Sextile Star Portal was. This essence holds the key and IS the cracked open door that we have been looking for. It is finding the elusive golden needle in the hay stack. This essence contains the strength and creative power of the Goddess, and the protection and chivalry of the Knights Templar long before they were titles for such names. It heals and unifies our separation from each other, nature and the Earth. It encourages spiritual freedom - the wild free and pure spirit within us, with a gentle strength of character. This essence will also assist in the Astrologer's list of expectations shown below. This essence was made at the Praying Hands of Mary in the Scottish Highlands on July 29, 2013. Place 4-8 drops under the tongue or in drinking water. 1 oz. bottle, purified with alcohol.

Then there is the Astrology of the day . . .
This very rare Star of David / Merkaba / Six-pointed Star configuration in the heavens is one that astrologers have waited for decades to arrive. It was really two Grand Trines, one in Water and one in Earth (all feminine) which creates this configuration called a Grand Sextile or a Star Tetrahedron . . . A Star Portal. A lot of symbolism was tied into sacred geometry and much mystical configuration regarding Sacred Geometry that opened portals to NEW WORLD energy. This energetic portal operates in uncountable subtle realms.

Astrologers are sharing many things that we can expect to manifest a result of the
July 29th Grand Sextile Star Configuration . . .
* The Anchoring of the Unity of Heaven and Earth;
* Living with diversity within unity which will empower our ascension and assist in our evolution;
* The Opening of a store house for esoteric wisdom;
* The use of a new wellspring in new primordial waters of creation;
* The manifestation of worldwide commerce in alignment with truth and justice;
* The emergence of enlightened leadership;
* The merging of our physical world with our spiritual world;
* The access of higher frequencies initiating a sophisticated level of creation;
* Manifesting as physical living masters;
* New revelations will emerge sparking higher ideals for the new Earth and spiritual planes;
* A catalyst for the new love driven force that will deliver a new vision on a global scale;
* A first stage of emergence into the New Earth will carry us to the top of a wave of higher awareness;
* Heaven and Earth will manifest as ONE, anchored into unity consciousness.
Order this essence here...
OUR NEXT ADVENTURE! We invite you to join us.
March 18 - 31, 2014
Join our family in anchoring the new Light Grids in an
Eco-Conscious Pilgrimage for a new Earth and Humanity.

From wild jungles to the turquoise Caribbean Sea...
we will visit the Maya Sacred Sites of Palenque, Yaxchillan, Bonampak, Agua Azul, Misol-Ha, Calakmul with rare stele of the Mayan Divine Feminine, Chicanna, Balamku, Xpujil, Becan, Kohunlich,
Coba and integration at the Caribbean Sea.

Experience . . . Ancient Memory and Soul Retrieval . . . Opening to our Sixth Sense and more . . . Rejuvenation and Soul Healing . . . Re-connecting with our Star Family . . . Activating the Kundalini . . . Bringing Forth our New Abundance Codes . . . Accessing the Codes of Spherical Dimensions . . . Finding a New Cosmic Balance . . . Reconnection to the New SUN . . . Owning our Starry Heritage . . . Learning to live in a world without duality.

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  • Thank you Sohini, another beautiful reminder of the sacred heart..:-) Blessings..

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"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7zZoXHqla4"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily. https://youtu.be/C7zZoXHqla4?si=js1BfBJtle9FjPbK"
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