A Message from Creator: Connection to Source

When you are born you come from the light. You are connected to me, God, knowing only oneness and unconditional love. You reincarnate into your physical body secure in your connection and your purpose for coming to the Earthly Plane.

As time wears on, life in the physical form can begin to take its toll. People make you believe that you are worthless or that you are not believable. The ugliness of human emotions makes itself known to you and your connection to Source begins to wear down. In the place of connection, love and peace comes fear, hatred and self-doubt. There begins to be a void in the place where the strong connection to my love once was. Unaware of what is causing this void, you begin to find ways to fill it to help you to feel better, or to escape from the harsh reality of living on Earth.

This is where people who have lost their connection to me lose their way, looking to fill the void with addiction to substances that are not for their highest and best. Without awareness of what is causing the hole in their lives, people turn to substances that temporarily relieve their depression and despair.

It is a reality that many souls are lost in this way at this time, and it seems that their energy is bringing or keeping the world stuck in a lower vibration. To some extent this is true, but the prevalence of disconnection to Spirit is also the catalyst for bringing about change. Where once there was judgment and condemnation or even pity for people who were addicted, now there is help and the possibility of reconnection to Source. Sometimes, the only way to the light is to go into the darkness.

People will change when they can no longer accept to stay in the energy of despair and addiction. They will also change when their fellow man looks beyond the symptoms and recognises the cause. This, Dear Ones, is occurring around the world, and is lifting many out of the darkness of separation and disconnection and back into my light.

Many people do it through affiliation to religion, but they are still only part way to their journey. Connection to Source through religion is a temporary measure that will allow the person to feel more fulfilled while overcoming their need to fill the gaps in their hearts through substance abuse. When they are ready to fully embrace the lessons of the past, they will move beyond the safety of religion full-force into the realisation of oneness with me. It may take years, but at least they are back on the path of enlightenment and truth.

For those of you who have bypassed or moved through the lessons of religion, I say to you, “Welcome home!” When you are able to feel fulfilled just through connection to my light without the need to take unnatural substances into your body, then your journey along the path of truth and light will become clearer and more fulfilling.

Your body is a temple, because it is your direct connection to me. You are a co-creator and as such you are a God yourself. You may decide that all is in moderation, but your connection to me is strongest when your body is free of chemicals and all that is unnatural, including caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. It is wise to avoid these substances when your connection to me is important or there is a need for your body to be the clearest and purest channel.

People who distribute banned substances illegally for gain or profit are on their own paths of learning and will need to reckon with the karma that they gather either in this life or in their life’s review after their death. All souls reckon with their life’s dealings on return to the ethereal planes, but not all souls choose to resolve their karma or to extend their learning through to another reincarnation. This is entirely their choice to which there is no judgment attached. However, should the karma stay unresolved, their soul journeys will be severely hampered and they may remain stuck at their level of attainment for quite some time. Whenever they choose to reincarnate, issues to do with any unresolved karma will arise, affording an opportunity to resolve it.

The interference to one’s life from the effects of drugs and other chemical-altering substances cannot be ignored, but the lessons gained from such experiences can have positive long-term effects on the universal consciousness and on Earth’s ascension, if the lessons can be learned in time. One can argue that the energies of the Earth will be lowered through the use of mind-altering substances, but the counter argument is that the energies of Ascension will not allow for or tolerate the actions of those who use these substances to the point of abuse, violence or crime against others. Personal use of drugs can be seen as a lesson, but when the use affects the free-will of other people and has the potential to alter their destiny, this is another matter altogether. These people will now be quickly exposed, and karmic retribution will be swift.

Look to the light to extinguish the darkness in your lives. Look to me to assist you with finding your way and remembering your higher purpose for being on this Earth. I am always with you, and I always love you, no matter what you have done, what you believe or where you are going.

We are one.

I AM Creator of All-That-Is.

**Channel: Victoria Cochrane


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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thankyou Philip and I would suggest that the group can effectively be assured, as to the accurately of my information I have given in all matters. And I stand by the fruits given anyone who listens and applies my advice..to themselves, as myself..…"
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Philip Davies left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thank you Drekx for your post at 11.28am 🙏

In response to to your post....

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Philip Davies left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thank you Drekx 🙏

For your Response and the thread has prompted a discussion beyond what I expected in relation to the 7th Rays and happy to have found a community with an extensive understanding on the Ray's and it is an honour to have you and…"
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