My friends 2014 will be a year for all Light workers to step forward and to be accountable. No more hiding in the shadows allowing others to shoulder the great emotional instability surrounding the planet. All must now play a part in honoring the soul self. It is a year when unity must prevail. Unity with fellow Light workers of similar minds and ways - unity en mass.
It is through unity that a great step of transition can be achieved in 2014. The higher heart must also be acknowledged which will further expand your DNA strands enabling you to come closer to the Light, expanded and glowing with inner peace and unconditional love. I have said this repeatedly, however it is essential for all in the coming year. This will enable great strides to take place on your journey upward.
The Earth itself is also undergoing a great transitional change. As the plates shift and groan new lands will form and others will be flooded with water. Many lands will undergo change, some great, others small. Honor the land. Respect it. The land must be protected from large organizations who only seek monetary compensation. If this attitude is allowed to continue Mother Earth will soon say - enough! Do not treat me in this manner.
You who have incarnated for this great time are a guardian - of the Earth, your children and all living creatures. Remember this. There will be battles for land in the coming year.
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Many will find a voice in the battle of pureness. Pure food, pure water, and most importantly pure intent in all undertakings. The effects of this will reach around the Earth and indeed will be a mainstay for slowing greedy business moguls.
Faith will be deepened. Many will find a deeper peace and feel an inner security through connection with their inner voice. For some this will be a remembering, a return to listening within. Faith will be of great benefit to you through the next three years. It is during this time that the greatest transformation will take place. What has occurred during 2013 has merely been a preparation.
Medical breakthroughs will finally be released to the public. Much progress has been made in this area though some great break through's have been kept hidden. 2014 will be a year when much of that medical information will be released.
With each great shift, great change and transformation always follows. The end of 2012 was a great shift in cycles, energy, and awareness. Since many are reluctant to let go of past re-actions, 2013 provided many difficult challenges. How will you re-act in 2014? What will be your response to many varied situations, some of which will challenge you on inner levels? You see it is how you will re-act which will decide whether your path will be level one or an uphill journey. This is the secret after all. How will you re-act?
As you progress forward through the great shifts and cycles, you are learning through daily experiences to function from a higher level. I tell you this will be foremost in your coming year. As you ponder on this, it would be wise to consider how you would wish to respond, to re-act. It is a year where those who are able to function between the dimensions will achieve much soul growth. As above so below. Bring the higher energies, the higher knowledge into your daily being, your daily choices and responses.
The Observer
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2014 is you could say, the year of the observer. Simply observing where another is on their path, stepping away when necessary, not getting bogged down in heaviness, due to another's emotions or re-actions. You see?
As I have said 2013 provided a need to release many outdated behaviors, and human wants. 2014 is about raising your level of vibration to a higher level, and importantly living in a higher vibration. Also it will be important to cleanse your auric field daily, to maintain your own flow of higher energy.
Enjoy your journey. It is not meant to be a challenge, nor arduous. It is time now to join together, to create joy in your life and leave that which creates unhappiness and burdens in your life.
If you share this channeled transmission, please acknowledge the channel – Lynette and Kuthumi School of Wisdom and our web address.