Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth Good Will within all Beings!
The Angel voices are singing these praises on this auspicious day. In this sacred time of the 11th day, of the 1st month, of an 11 Universal Year, the Light of pure Goodness prevails upon the Earth.
It’s in the world secreted within all that appears so dark and hopeless. The Light of Unconditional Love is anchoring in your heart, calling forth all that resonates with the supreme frequencies of divinity working on the Earth. Let the light of Wellbeing stand forth within the new structural foundations you are creating for this year. Let this be the year of the Angels working in and through every area of your life!
Let the Angels sing in your heart and inspire your mind. Open the core spiritual channel and let the Divine attributes of these winged beings of Light flow through you and awaken the cells of your body with the new frequencies of Light.
Allow the Brilliance of the Light of the Angels to inspire your work, your relationships and your every activity on the Earth. When you do this, you may see more meaning and fulfillment in all these areas of extra support.
Allow the exalted energy of the Angelic Dimensions to create new momentum within your being and bring Peace into your heart.
All is well! the angels say. Let it be true for you. All is truly well when you gain a more expansive perspective on life. There is freedom in this idea, let yourself receive it.
Allow your own angelic wings to unfurl, this is bringing it home in a personal way. Bringing it home means you can allow these exalted states of consciousness to anchor into your foundations and structures for life so their frequencies will be of the highest good for Wellbeing on every level.
In this time, you are anchoring high frequencies of Light into your body, and into the core structure of your being. Anchoring Light. Radiating Light. Activating Light and Receiving Light in order to ground the divine attribute of Wellbeing within you and in your world. And so it is.
Archangel Gabriel
Shanta Gabriel, scribe
January 11, 2018