Dear Friends,
Here I have a Message from Tom Om...
For this You go with the given link....and again you have to see all the links which has been given in His Message...
This is very important link...for so many aspects of Spiritual Knowledge.....of our Lemuria....Atlantis....Atlantic Crystal Its all details....
Many videos...and lot to learn from this single link....
You will have to go with the links of your selection of your subjects...
Hi Sohini,
You know that I AM always there for you, Sohini
Even you don't ask - I KNOW!
-Your Higher Self-
Today I released a new series of Codes
since this energy healing modality is transmitted
and anchored by the Master Councils of Shamballa.
Shamballa is a Sanskrit word (the same language we
get chakra and kundalini from) that means "place
of peace/ tranquility/happiness." In Tibetan Buddhist tradition,
Shambhala (or Shamballa) is (thought to be) a mystical kingdom
hidden somewhere beyond the snow peaks of the Himalayas.
Read more here:
Perhaps, once a upon a time gone by, the people who once
lived there knew how to access this sacred energy and brought
to earth in that place.
Shamballa is the very energy of God realization.
The very field of existence where heaven and earth are one.
Shamballa is the highest field of energy available to all humans
who has done their inner work and raised their vibration to the
point of accessing it and living within it.
This sacred energy is so special, and so incredibly potent in its
expression that it literally takes advanced mechanics to convert
and integrate them into your own energy field with ease and grace.
This energy is the true God potential in all of us.
How do we reach God realization?
God IS Love. Pure, untainted, unbiased love. That means
you vibrate at the pure frequency of love and all that surround
you can feel it, this happens the moment you vibrate in harmony
with the Unified/Chris Consciousness.
re-align all layers of your I AM existence.
ascended Masters offer their help to proceed further!!!
further Clearing & Alignments of several issues listed below...
Your fellow traveler,
Dear Gailene,
Thanks for your picture...
You please go within the post.....It's a Treasure...
Dear Master ofLight,
I wish that you should go with the given link and that post has so many links for us to have all knowledge about our Masters...Lemuria, Atlantis and so many pictures and videos....
Just slowly follow your subject of choice....a lot is there....