
This is something that absolutely must be addressed directly if the community is going to move forward. While there's a ton of wonderful, loving, evolved messages that are brought to us through channeling, there's also a whole lot of information that's very questionable, to put it nicely. I've lost count of all the failed predictions and the carrot-on-a-stick type promises of amazing things in the near future. Then there's all the "behind the scenes" information that's impossible to confirm, it has to be accepted on faith alone. Then the really odd stuff... Archangels are giving me investment advice? Pardon the French, but that just makes me say, what the fuck? I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous some of this is. Channeled messages are supposed to be super-evolved higher-consciousness information, why are they like this? Well I've got a very simple explanation that brings sense to all of this: channelers are channeling themselves.

At first glance it may seem like I'm trying to discredit channeling, but that's not my intention, I want to breathe new life into it. I don't need to discredit channeling, there's plenty of channelers who do a great job of that without any help from me. When I say that channelers are channeling themselves, I'm not discrediting channeling, in fact I'm giving credit to the channeler. That wonder transcendent message of Divine Love? That was You! You brought that through! Isn't that wonderful?

But no, most channelers aren't quite ready to merge with their Higher Selves. That's obvious, because if they did that they wouldn't need to channel anymore, they'd just speak Divine Truth directly. They still carry around this illusion of separation from the Divine, so they can't take direct responsibility for the messages. They still don't believe they can be as amazing as they really are, so they have to attribute it to someone else, some Being that they can believe is that amazing.

So if they're really channeling their Higher Self, how come we get so much incorrect information? Well, the thing is, they're not always channeling their Higher Self, they often channel their own mind. Because the channeling is largely unconscious, it's difficult for the channeler to tell exactly where the information is coming from. The mind is great at telling people what they want to hear, in fact that's essential for the mind's survival. When the channeled messages start to ramble, sound like religious prophecy, or sound like a plot from a Hollywood movie, it's usually because it's just the mind making stuff up. It's a form of wish-fulfillment. It will often sound legit, but that's because the channeler's mind is appealing to people's preconceived beliefs about how a Divine Being is supposed to speak , dear ones.

Notice that when they're talking about raising Consciousness, the channelings are often spot on and very helpful. When they're talking about earthly matters, politics and predictions for the future, channeling is very hit or miss. Sure, they're correct sometimes, but given the amount of predictions that are made, some are bound to come true purely by chance. When you keep predicting change is going to happen repeatedly for decades, you're bound to be correct eventually.

So why so many channelers who channel Archangels and Ascended Masters, and so few who claim to be channeling their Higher Self? Well that's actually not the case, there's tons of channelers who understand that they are bringing in information from their Higher Self. However, it's not the channelers that make a message popular, it's the readers, and the readers put more faith in names they recognize. It's marketing 101, and it's unfortunate that it works the exact same way in the spiritual community as it does in mainstream society. Someone who claims they're channeling Archangel Michael is going to draw more attention and more trust by default, regardless of the accuracy of the message.

It's also important to understand that much of the channeled information is not a message from some Higher Dimensional Being to the whole world, but direct advice from the channeler's Higher Self to the channeler themselves. Things the channeler needs to work on, realizations they haven't quite come to. Sometimes advice is repeated over and over again because the channeler hasn't quite integrated it yet, though often this seems to go over the head of the channeler. Often the channeled message will even say, either directly or indirectly, that the being they're channeling is Themselves. Not all channelers are ready to hear this though, so it gets filtered out.

One thing that I feel would greatly enhance the credibility of channeling is for all channelers to take direct responsibility for what they're telling people. This should go without saying, of course you're responsible for a message that you put out to the public, but there are many channelers who take no responsibility for what they're telling people. That's irresponsible, it's the very definition of irresponsible, and yet some of these people get substantial followings. I highly recommend staying far away from channelers who take no personal responsibility for their channelings, it almost always seems to end in disaster. It's happened many times that a channeler will blame their own mistakes on beings of Unconditional Love and Truth. That kind of stuff makes me want to grab these channelers and scream some not very nice stuff at them. The channeler just needs to admit they made a mistake instead of making up excuses. The fact that this happens ought to be more than enough proof that channelings often just come from the channelers own mind.

A common explanation for false information coming through a channeler is that they were being influenced by negative astral entities. The thing about these entities though is that they aren't really real. They're negative thought patterns given "life" by your own mind. If nobody fed them anymore, they'd disappear, simple as that. Of course, for someone who can't see past their own mind, they may seem very real. A channeler is supposed to be more aware than that, and supposed to be able to tell where their information is coming from. A channeler is responsible for bringing in an authentic message, if they can't, they have no business channeling, or at least they shouldn't be spreading their channelings to thousands of people and claiming it's absolute truth.

Let me finish by saying I'm not against channeling, I feel it can be very helpful in bringing in messages of Love and Oneness. It can assist you in reconnecting with your Higher Self/God. I'm just aware of the obvious pitfalls and mistakes regarding channeling that the spiritual community seems to be making over and over again. To really move forward we need people merging with their own Divine Intelligence on an individual level, not putting a few channelers and teachers up on pedestals and treating them as infallible sources of Divine Truth. That's not the new paradigm at all, it's very much the old paradigm, that sort of thing is the basis for most religions.


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  • Yes, I agree that guidance to authentic message itself, benevolence of the source or things along those lines does require some 'inner sense'.
  • Roaring Lovely,

    You're right, there have been many syncs in science and inventions, also in areas like SF novels.

    The example re channellings that you gave does show that the info is coming from beyond the mind...but not from what source beyond the mind - benevolent high guidance, or lower astral entities of lesser intent, or mind control 'projections'....and to sort those out does require a clear & steady 'inner sense'....


  • Amparo, love and blessings back to you. xo

  • As for me, I am still researching on it. I have experienced lots of synchronisities regarding to how pple come to get some knowledge. For instance Faraday discovered his law of induction simultaneously with a guy termed Henry in America!

    There is realy some good evidence that indead, some info can come from beyond pple's minds.
  • There is an easy way of testing if there is such a thing as a channelled message that comes from say archangel Michael. Michael can simply deliver the same msg to two unrelated channelers. If I can read the same msg from say Kathyrin as it is from some 'seers' (channellers) I know of face to face who never read internet, I can be cock sure that both must be getting the same msg from beyond their minds, regardless of the contents in their msg and regardless whether I like them or not and regardless whether or not I want to beleive in the reality of channelling.

    So I donnot realy need to experience channellings myself to wisely gauge if channellings are real. Neither do I need a very strong 'intuition'. It is simpler than that!
  • Speaking as a direct physical experiencer of higher dimensional beings and star family, in communication with them, and merged with Higher Self and higher dimensional soul aspects: there is such a thing as channelling...and it does not matter whether you are in communication with your own Oversoul/Higher Self or other beings of high Love who have great insight and perspective.

    What does matter is whether individuals who believe they are channelling are actually in contact with true higher dimensional beings, and/or their actual Higher Self....or just an ego projection/fantasy of it or other beings....or have been infiltrated by either lower entities or mind control operations, or all of those at once. 

    At the present time I estimate about 5% of channellings are 'clean'. Complete disillusionment with channelling per se as a means of connecting with other dimensional beings and/or your own Higher Self is the goal of the control-oriented faction behind the scenes, and it means the true gems of wisdom and higher understanding are seldom discerned from the plethora of words, so you have people either taking in a lot of distortion mixed in with truths, or else 'throwing out the baby with the bathwater'. Both of those are the goal of the 'veilers'.

    PS: If someone has to 'channel their Higher Self', it means they have not yet fully merged with their Higher Self, for then it is always present, clear and unified within you, in your Inner Heart, not something that has to be 'reached' for. Feel the difference?

  • @Malcolm

    Astral Projection and Channeling, are two completely different excercises.

  • There's no such thing as "channeling".

    It's either "wishful thinking" or "hijacked minds".

  • HEY GANG: I astral project (or "channel") and see interesting and beautiful entities. NONE OF THESE ENTITIES EVER VIBRATED A COLOR, INDICATED BY MOTION (OR DEPICTION), OR VERBALLY TOLD ME ABOUT FUTURE EVENTS. I prefer astrology to offer such possibilities, because nobody can predict the future with 100% accuracy. We can only look for possibilities and challenges, and astrology offers such. 

  • You are most welcome Dr. SohiniBen Shukla, always a pleasure and privilege to share information that might lead to an enrichment of knowledge and eventual wisdom...deep peace to you & all here.

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