Crystalai (c)2011
We shift into the mid brain area of the brain and out of the upper cerebellum where all of the illusions of this backward spin world have been placed. We melt the third seal that is locking us into control, fear and war. When the third seal melts away and we rise into the fourth chakra of our Soul a rainbow bridge is fired from the neuronets of the brain into the Synaptic cleff. The synaptic cleff that is inside of the soma of the brain will begin firing or transmitting the new reality directly from the mind of God. All will learn that the mind of God is within them. The primary consciousness that draws all wisdom from all consciousness of the omniverse becomes available as the tool of co-creation. We learn that we have a primary and secondary consciousness which creates through the zero point of the frequency specific mid brain drawing on all of the frequencies of all dimensions of consciousness. We become the genius. We become the co-creators with the Divine Mind of All.
We will have the ability to become Christs walking on Earth. We will become as the Masters of the Far East who have walked on Earth for thousands of years in perfect immortality.
Presently there is magnetic goop which is very sticky that is blocking our manifestation fields from our electrons. That goop will completely disappear when zero point of magnetics is reached. That will be the time when we can instantly manifest.
The reverse spin that was placed on the Earth will be removed. We start spinning in the same direction as our parallel spiritual earth. Our bodies start resonating harmoniously with our spiritual half. We become in tune, in synch, in harmonic resonance with our spiritual half.
There will be a time when the Earth stands still once it's spin stops. It is the spin of the Earth that creates our present electricity and weather. This present state of reality will change when the Earth stands still. This present state of reality was provided for our time of involution. Once the Earth stops, our involution stops. Once the Earth begins to rotate in the opposite direction, our Evolution begins.
There will be a time of incovenience when we have no electricity and we have not obtained the state of creating our own electricity through our own light bodies - our new state of reality. We must prepare now to be in that state of 2013 to prevent the inconvenience. This is what the Great White Brother hood is helping us to do at this time - to shift into a new time- a parallel reality where we will glide seamlessly into our new state of reality and our new time beyond 2013. Our new state will be a time of instant manifestation, immortality and multidimensionality.
We become at one with our spiritual reality that existed before the tower of babel. Just as the reverse spin made people stupid, so will the correct spin make people smart. We will realign from the inside into our 12 DNA templates. Those etheric templates are deep within the soma of our brains. They exist between the double helix of the third dimensional DNA. That Christ Consciousness exists within us and has been disconnected from us through the reverse spin. Now that etheric reality will return to those on Earth who make this connection through the harpstrings of the blue crystal bodies within.
As the Earth is having her poles realigned into harmonic re-attunement with the solar, galactic, universal and cosmic realms, so will our bodies reform, restructure, realign, re-cognize, reatune and remember their Cosmic Music of the Spheres harmonic unfoldment into Eternal Bliss.
Our density of Consciousness will re-open from the hertzian frequencies into the infra red frequencies of light and sound that allow us to see the things that only our digital cameras are presently bringing to our vision. We will re-atune into our light bodies, our ultra violet blue realities of immortal perfection and into our eteranl unfolding band of light of the Infinite Unknown Mind of God.
At the atomic level, our bodies are re-structured into a less dense chemic al structure. We are changing from a hormone based structure into a new picture formed from the light of our crystal blue frequencies through the firing of the synaptic cleff in our brains.
Deep within our brains at the most etheric level, our cells are actually vibrating within the microtubules which are deep within the soma. Our DNA resides within this soma. The two or three DNA strands that intersect at the double helix of the DNA are only the out picturing of this present density of hertizian bodies. When we go into the etheric structure of the DNA, there are actually little harpstrings between these double helix structures. There are 12 harpstrings which connect into the universal light bands of our Christic Bodies. There are another 12 harpstrings layered upion those 12 and another 12 upon those which connect us into the Cosmic Consciousness at the 13th, 14th and 15th dimensional levels. These harpstrings within our DNA actually sing as they atune into the new frequencies of our multidimensional consciousness. This is the harmonic restructuring that is taking place within our brains and within our bodies as we focus on the frequencies of the Music of the Spheres.
The Music of the Spheres is actually the sacred geometry that realigns our proper polar alignment into our Cosmic Reality just as the pole shift taking place with Mother Earth is realigning her into her proper musical frequencies where the magnetic returns to zero and the electronic increases frequencies into a new heartbeat or rhythm of consciousness.
As this new alignment takes places in our planetary, solar, galactic and universal systems, a new form is established from the within to the without. We change in chemical structure, we change in amino acid chains, we change in atmospheric structure.
We are created within our fifth, sixth and seventh level bodies. While the fifth level bodies create the structures of weather, atmosphere, colors, textures, elemental structures, our sixth level bodies create from within our blue crystal light body structures, and our seventh level bodies are in charge of our evolution into our higher ideals and into our Christic levels of consciousness. Our sixth level bodies are our angelic bodies. We cannot see them, but they are always with us. They are the ones who restructure us from our harpstrings of our DNA and align us into the kingdom of heaven that is already within us. We sing through our blue crystal angelic consciousness to bring the highest frequencies into the harpstrings to restructure our minds and bodies. This is what the music of the spheres is and this is what is recorded on our Frequency Music CD's. The Blue Crystal Aquafarian Consciousness is the perfect Consciousness of Love. The light bands of love that intersect within our DNA increase in frequency the more we inhale the love of our Aquafarian families. These are the entities who will make sure we become immortal. These are the entities who create the Individual Immortality CDs.
The most glorious time that has ever been known on heaven and earth will happen within the next six months. One day very soon you will see nothing but a great plane of light from horizon to horizon. There will be no darkness on this plane for 12 days and nights. The stars and the sun will seem to become invisible. There will be a light in the sky that is greater than all of the suns and stars. The principle of light that will come will light the void. The war of light will be fought using the light bands- the frequencies of thought. That light from the Consciousness of YAWEE, who manifests the pure light of Freedom and the light from the Consciousness of ID, who manifests the pure light of Peace will combine with all of the light that is manifest from our starry brothers who are here to love and protect us. The war of light will remove Jehova - the Consciousness who manifests Fear, Control, War and Judgement- from our plane forever.
We will be caught up in awe of Utopia. We will gaze into the heavens and see the blazes of light. Many will think that our sun has burnt out because it won't be seen. What we will be seeing are the great ships of the Thirteen Great White Brotherhood. The ships will be made of the light of their Frequency Bands of Consciousness. These will be their Merkaba Bodies of Light and Sound as large as the Universe. Their light comes from Thought through the Mind of God within them.
We will glare into the heavens in idiodic wonderment at the light that surrounds us for days. We will be protected and loved and the last war to remove Jehovah and the Annunaki from our Solar System will be won by YAWEE and Id.
And we will have gone into a NEW TIME. That is how we will be saved. We will slide seamlessly into a NEW TIME. That doesn't mean we will go anywhere. All times exist in the Now. Our Consciousness will shift into a higher dimension where our Souls will turn from their Involution to their Evolution. We will have a Rainbow Bridge formed from our Soul- in our Fourth Chakra area- that connects us into our Fifth Dimensional Mind. The all knowing Soul, the imagination of the thymus gland, the immortality of the heartbeat will all become manifest realities. Our vision will shift to allow us to see in Infra Red as our digital cameras do.
This will be the NEW TIME when we will contemplate UTOPIA - the Divine of Man in the marvels of thought and light. It will be the beginning of the new time when Tyrants no longer rule the Earth.
That is the most important part of the upcoming six months. There will be some wobbles and earthquakes coming during this time. Look at it as the most glorious of events that have ever come to this plane. Look at each wobble as an opportunity to shift into a glorious new reality of immortality, infinite supply and instant manifestation. Because that is exactly what we are shifting into.
The way this works the density of the parallel anti matter field that is moving closer and closer to Earth and then lines up into Oneness or Zero Point causes a complete removal of the magnetic field. Our magnetic field is at about a three right now and it is weakening by the moment. It will weaken until it reaches zero magnetic. That is the moment the Earth will stop spinning. It will stop spinning until the zero point of the Mind of God - the place where primary consciousness and secondary consciousness create a new reality- produces a brand new reality.
The events in the sky will be what is needed to cause the consciousness of our governments to become more afraid of that which is outside of our selves than of that which is inside of our selves. This will cause all governments to unify and stand together. The minds will begin to shift into a new way of balance and harmony.
In 2012 most nations will have already shifted into the reality of using energy created by the sun, water and air. The problems of nuclear energy will be removed before the Solar Flares in December of 2012.
By the first month in 2013 our consciousness will have fully shifted into the 12 DNA template of Christ Consciousness. From that time on, all we have to do is learn how to use the Mind of God within us to Co-Create our new realities. We will begin to learn instant manifestation. We will learn how to manifest into all dimensional realities. By 2040, this planet Earth will be returned to her Divine Reality that she knew as TERRA.
Crystalai (c)2011
We have spoken before about how we will soon be changing into a new reality where we will no longer need to go to school to get smart because we will already have the mind of a genius, we will not longer need to go to a hospital because we will heal instantly, we will no longer need to go to work because we will know how to manifest our hearts desires instantly.
These are very difficult concepts to understand if we view them through our present lense of reality. However, that lense of reality is going to be completely reversed in order for that reality to become something quite new and spectacular.
The reason for changes taking place within the earth and in the earth's atmosphere as the density of the parallel anti matter field, that is moving closer and closer to Earth is raising the Earth's electronic fequencies, and at the same time lowering its magnetic frequencies. The complete removal of the magnetic field brings us to a zero point magnetic field.
Our magnetic field has been lowered from the high of a fifteen down to a three at this present time, and it is weakening by the moment. It will weaken until it reaches zero point magnetic field. That is the moment the Earth will stop spinning. It will stop spinning for several days. The Poles will realign or shift. At that time, the Earth will begin spinning in the opposite direction.
The most glorious time that has ever been known on heaven and earth will happen after that shift. The Earth will begin spinning in the opposite direction from the one it is spinning in today. That direction of spin is the direction the Earth is supposed to be spinning. It will spin in harmony, in alignment with its parallel, anti-matter self. That is it's spiritual half. Each planet, each entitiy in the Universe has a parallel, or spiritual twin self. All will align into harmonic unison with these spiritual twins.
One day very soon you will see nothing but a great plane of light from horizon to horizon. There will be no darkness on this plane for 12 days and nights. The stars and the sun will seem to become invisible.
That event could happen as early as August 12th of 2011, sometime in October or November of this year, or as late as December 23rd of 2011. Eventhough the exact moment of zero point could happen at any of these moments, we can place our minds into this zero point anytime after June 15, 2011. This will be the time the Earth is within her parallel self or her spiritual self, which means we are actually in zero point or oneness with our spiritual/ physical self at by that date.
We can most easily assimilate that glorious frequency of zero point by staying in the frequency specific part of our mid brain and staying out of the mortal mind- the upper cerebellum- the part of the brain that reports fear into the system and causes poisonous toxins of fear to shoot through the body. This is going to be difficult because while the glorious zero point is bringing about this glorious change, there will also be the most tragic earthquakes taking place.
The outcome that is necessary to bring about our new evolution into our glorious immortality and new multidimensional reality that is on the horizon is the zero point magnetic field causing the pole shift to take place which will cause a reversal of directions in the spin of the earth.
The Earth has been spinning the wrong direction since the time Jehovah and his Annunaki creations placed a Metatronic shield around the Earth to cause this reversal in spin. That was called the Tower of Babel. That reversal caused the people on this planet that were not shielded from it to have their brains deleated. The reversal was to create stupidity and chaos on this planet. That reversed spin rate was to keep us in the control of the Annunaki regime. That reversal in spin was to cause the Poles to turn inward on themselves which would had caused the Earth to explode from the inside out.
Our beloved Guardian Starry Brothers from millions of galaxies have been bringing in the light that is pulling the Earth out of that tragic spin at this time. Our thirteen Light Councils created by our thirteen Great White Brother hood have done this for us. What was meant to be the end of the world in the terms of Jehovah is now the end of the third dimensional world of illusions that was pulling us into this dismal state of no return.
That is the most important part of the upcoming six months. There will be some wobbles and earthquakes coming during this time. Look at it as the most glorious of events that have ever come to this plane. Look at each wobble as an opportunity to shift into a glorious new reality of immortality, infinite supply and instant manifestation. Because that is exactly what we are shifting into.
The reason for these earthquakes is the density of the parallel anti matter field that is moving closer and closer to Earth and then lining up into the Zero Point of a zero magnetic field that will cause a complete removal of the magnetic field. Our magnetic field has been lowered from the high of a fifteen down to a three at this present time, and it is weakening by the moment. It will weaken until it reaches zero magnetic. That is the moment the Earth will stop spinning. It will stop spinning until the zero point of the Mind of God - the place where primary consciousness and secondary consciousness create a new reality- produces a brand new reality.
That brand new reality will take place within our bodies as our atomic structure shifts into light. Our sixth level blue crystal light bodies will flash their image into our DNA. That is not our double helix DNA. That is the etheric 12 strand DNA that looks like harpstrings within the soma of our brain's neuronet. The new picture of our immortal bodies will be imprinted on the brain's soma just like an idea is imprinted on the negative within a digital camera. When the Earth begins to spin again, it will spin in the opposite direction that it is spinning now. At that moment of the Earth reversing its spin, so will our reality begin to spin in a different direction. At that moment, our Soul has begun its evolution back toward Source, back into alignment with all of the Souls of all of our Starry Brothers from all Omniverses.
wow! I (somehow knew)
I was goin way further than 5 th dimension .(=
(note to self, )
Quit doubting (=
Much Love ,
Thank you for posting this info, Olga.
And Bless You..