How wonderful to have this site where like minds and hearts gather to share truth and connect. I have so much to say and will be connecting often.
I have been on the path (consciously channeling) since 86 when my world opened WIDE with my own channelings. Before that I was doing healings and numerology
I had never channeled before but was guided to Channel wherein I was blessed with experiencing Arc Angel Michael. There I was with my two dear friends / sisters, neither of us ever been to any New Age events, we were following our hearts and secretly connecting with Higher Light.
Soon after I started recieving, what really kept me from doubting what was happening, a magazine called Psychic Guide, which had an article on Channeling WOW I had never heard of it, nor experienced it and thanks to the interview with Dr. Peeples and Lazaris I was able to accept what I was doing.
Years of personal counsel and messages from AStar Command, Hiarchy of Love and Light and Arc Angel Michael
they walked with me through my growth with love mostly sharing only with family.
So in short not wanting to give my whole story. We come to NOW in the NOW I am ready to share my information with all and am grateful that you are here.
Sending you LOVE
looking forward to connecting with you all <3
Much love to you