So I want to share with you something that just happened this morning.
Because while its a really little thing... It alludes to so much more.
So ... This morning I was inspired to write out a short invocation for programming crystals for protection...
I'll be sharing this with you soon.
Anyway, I grabbed my pen and notebook and started jotting it down...
And like three words in, the nice bold ink of my favorite G2 Pen started fading into nothing.
aka. My pen ran out of ink!
Not really thinking much of it, I grabbed another pen...
Kept writing...
And again!
My second pen ran out of ink a few words in...
So what did I do?
Take it as a sign this information was not meant to come out?
Get frustrated and give up on the whole thing?
Keep trying to get the pens that had run out of ink to work?
Blame myself for too much doodling and leaving so many of my pens without ink?
Nope... I didn't judge myself, or the situation at all.
I just grabbed a third pen and this time...
I was able to finish what I was trying to write.
It was simple. Easy... and effortless...
Because my goal and intention was so much bigger than the challenge, I glided right through it.
So here's the thing...
A pen or two running out of ink is a really little challenge to overcome...
I get that.
But this works with much bigger intentions and far greater challenges too.
It's a good analogy because really...
Any time you're trying to accomplish a goal, create something, grow, transform, or bring positive change into your life.
There will be challenges!
There will be roadblocks and unforeseen circumstances...
Pens will run out of ink, the internet will be down, you'll feel tired, roads will be closed, a storm will blow in, your flight will be delayed ... (you get the idea)
Your ego might want you to think that they're signs so that you give up, stop in your tracks, stay the same or revert back into the very habits and patterns you were setting out to transform.
But really...
Challenges, obstacles, and roadblocks are an essential part of the growth and transformation process.
They're opportunities on the path for you to claim your mastery!
To prove you're committed to your goal...
To respond in a new way...
And to move through whatever roadblocks arise by staying committed to your highest intentions and responding with love.
And when you're clear about your intentions...
This can really can guide you through even the biggest challenges that pop up in the life experience.
Life is often likened to a classroom...
And yes, there will be tests!
These tests are your opportunities to grow, to expand, evolve and respond in a new way.
If you're presented with a challenge this week, or if a struggle or lesson from your past reemerges, know that you can respond in a new way!
Remember that you're not who you used to be.
Reconnect with the big picture of who you are now, and where you're headed...
And in this moment now, with love in your heart and light in your field, you can move through challenges as easily as grabbing a new pen and continuing writing...
It's not so much that the challenges themselves become easy...
But you're able to overcome them because of your commitment, resolve, and willpower is so strong!
So remember...
That amidst whatever arises in your life experience you have a choice as to how you respond...
You really can choose to continue along your highest path, in alignment with your authentic truth...
In alignment with love.
Despite whatever roadblocks and challenges appear.
And of course, there is so much support in Spirit to guide and assist you too...
When your mind is clear and your heart open, you're able to tune in.
With love and blessings,
P.S. New Angel Card Reading for this week of the Full Moon Equinox is now up on YouTube here!