How we assimilate this evolutionary influx of light and love depends upon many factors that manifest to clear out our past abberations, that are actually compounded because of our nutritional deficiencies "called Syndrome X" that don't feed the cells, as to why there are so many different symptoms manifesting for most people on the path of Ascension. A not so welcome emotional, as well as physical side effect, that once cleared enables us to physically ascend beyond the polarity consciousness so as to acquire the sacred embodiment of our future crystalline body system. A system which is composed of a quartz-like character able to receive refined messages from other crystal sources, such as free-formed amino acids that are stacked in particular ratios. Much as fiber optics its relay wires will strike points on our brain receptors and fire as never before for a very concentrated and sacred passage transitioning us to a super universal creator consciousness.
So you see, this process doesn't have to be so yucky and painful. Once we can nourish our cells from the inside out where the DNA can be restored we can get rid of all the distortions in our energetic pattern that's creating all the dis-ease and dis-harmone-y surfacing within our carbon based system. Besides Love, and letting go of third dimensional concepts to ease our passage, our body yearns for a catalytic booster to ascend Syndrome X, that covertly mascurades behind the achiness, mood swings, fatigue, poor memory and concentration, yet encompasses all cardiovascular, neurological and degenerative free radical diseases attributed to causing cell damage, mutation and even death. Hence I'm here to reveal how you can empower your journey by activating and accelerating your transition to a crystalline system with a solution, that I feel has been made available as part of the divine plan to release us from the challenges that fall under the umbrella of syndrome X that further compounds the dreaded symptoms. We can eclipse this issue by utilizing a marriage of synergistic remedies that create a bio ready super fuel for the body. This solution I am sharing with you has been created from space age technology to be easily and quickly absorbed at the cellular level which in turn raises the vibration of our cells. A delivery plus factor that actually restores the fountain of youth to our cells. This creates a light oscillation further elevating our vibration enabling us to transform from a carbon body to a crystal body. This is possible because the base of the carbon atom is only a slight shift to a silicon atom which is the crystal element that's rapidly evolving us to an immortal species.
I have always gravitated towards the cutting edge nutrition that's multifaceted in its delivery of nutritional requirements to synergistically rejuvenate our system at the cellular level. So when I first heard about this food source supplement I already had a point of reference to discern it's prowess of assimilation without studying in further detail, besides I simply felt satiated at the time with information to be bothered, especially since I'm fortunate to be in good health with none of the ghastly ascension symptoms I've read about. Hence I had no idea this cutting edge nutrition also had the ability to transform us from a carbon body to a crystal body. Had someone brought this low key benefit to my attention I would have been sharing it with you all sooner! My orthodox friend that introduced this resource to me understandably never shared these profound benefits with me as it wasn't part of her consciousness, until recently anyway, when a kindred spirit who she introduced it to was on a high about this not so well known factor had me review this. It's very hard for one to deny the ascension paradigm when the product they are selling you on can accelerate that very process. Needless to say she's now opening her mind to that which she has long since scoffed at me about! You have three choices of how to acquire this incredible resource. A health food Store if they have a wholesale distributor in your area. Or you can become a direct customer or a distributor via my friend Ray's website below. It's your choice, either way you order it over the Internet!
This here is but a nano bite of technical information to give you a glimpse of some of the properties that enables you to re-calibrate your life pulse. Via the scientific process of hydralization this nano sized organic food powder, a silica quartz like rare rice blend made from the endosperm or sweet spot purple rice, that then becomes alpha glycans. These alpha glycans penetrate cell membranes and DNA membranes, providing functional sugar proteins known to heal cells from the inside out. A natural cure as when consumed they go directly inside the cell where the DNA can be reestablished to restore order. This news is such profound news that penetrates to the depths of ones being as new codes will start directing how every cell is informed thereafter. No need to wonder why the Royal Dynastic Empires who have consummate knowledge on food and herbs all worked from the idea that one can find the elixir of longevity or even enlightenment from within one's own self, solely reserved this rediscovered elixir of life for themselves. Especially as they were all so very much involved in the different sects of the Martial Arts as seen in the great Dynastic movies I've been so enthralled with on You Tube such as "The House of the Flying Dagger"s and "Bichunmoo" for example.
Since this isn't my occupation there's not much more that I can tell you. So if you would like to learn more please contact Ray at 347-986-7072 and he can help you. If you are outside the USA you can call or text him on Skype for free. Raymaxxny is his user name. If you don't have Skype you can download it for free @ or if you just want to go to the website here it is.
P.S Depending on what country you are in you may not be able to access it from the website. So just contact Ray on how you can receive it as I can't help you here?
In light and Love!
May the Blessings Be!
Oops! I forgot to give you all Ray's email address.