This Paradigm shift and Exodus of 2011-12 is the most important event to ever happen in mankinds history. It is not just one event but many different kinds of events all happening at the same time. This culmalation of events has never happened before to mankind or the earth and for that matter it has never happened before in the universe nor is it proable that it will ever happen again. And that is why we must prepare for it now before it is to late. Because in SEPT. of 2011 we will start the second half of the seven year Tribulation that started in mid 2007 and will end in mid 2014. The great earth changes that are happening now will escolate as Planet-X brings us a preview of what is to come of when the photon Belt arrives and then of course the great Galatic Alignment. All of them and much more will be happening at the same time of the ending of the old Mayan calender on Dec.21,or 22,2012 , depending where you live.
This is the most best keep secret that the Governments,churches and Authorities are keeping from us the people. And of course the Illumanati is in control of most of the governments and media and they believe they will be able to install there One World Order if we are not here. They all have a common belief that there will not be enough food, fuel and supplys for all of us when these catalismic events occur. So they have secured for themselves under ground cities and bases where they plan to wait this whole event out. They do not plan to tell the populace of the earth until its already happening and they cannot keep it a secret anymore. And of cource by that time it will be to late and there will be utter caois. So my job or mission as one of the many messengers is to help inform the mass as to what is really going on and most importantly to show them how to survive, body mind and spirit, in this survival guide book. I am not a professional writer but Iwas told to do this.
There is another secret or event that the establishment does not want to discuss nor will they allow the Media to release. And that is what is called discloser and contact about our space brothers who have been here sence the beggining and are here now to rescue us. Most of the controled media refuses to report on the daily sightings that are happening aroud the world. These millions of ships that are suranding the earth now are not only protecting us from sever earth changes but also from the bad aliens who are trying to get in, who are working with the Dark Calbal of the evil govenment NWO. With so many ships our space brothers are going to force there hand soon, possible in Sept. when Planet-X arrives for all to see. In this book (2012 new earth survival.com) I have written all my personal contact and sightings of them, in the last 40 years. Which I have downloaded on this site. Hopefully this will help you understand that they are not only our relatives but also our family and friends. So that when contact is made you will not be afraid of them but instead embrace them. F or they have already rescued us from most of Elenin effect.
This rescue plan is orcastrated by Jesus-Sananda himself who's headquarters are on a mother ship of the Ashtar command. He is also directing all of the Galatic Federation of light ships. So we are in Gods hands and Jesus , who used to be one of us and now the only begotton son of God is here to rescue us. The Christens call it the Rapture. We call it Ascenscion and Exodus. I have several large chapters on spiritually, God ,Michael of Nebodon,Jesus and the Grand Master Universe. Also downloaded. We need to understand the larger picture of things so that we can find our place in the Divine plan. Everyone has chosen there distiny before they arrived on this planet to take part in a rescue plan to uplift mankinds consciousness. To help awaken as many of us as possible to be able to make this transition, not only to a New Earth but also as a new type of human being. Many of us will start over on this New Earth, others will someday come back here to repopulate the restored earth and still others will choose to explore outer space and help other civilations to evolve safely. Its your choice once you awaken to our possibilities and potential. We are all on a Journey with out Distance, to a distant shore.JC Be safe and in peace.we are one. Adonai