A Short Timely Message From My Higher Self

Sunset Angel Wings sky Cornwall UK (1)

"ANGEL WINGS" An incredible rare and spectacular sky phenomenon appeared during sunset along the coast in Peter’s Point in Cornwall, UK on March 17, 2016.

Hello my friends,looks like the negative black goo is bubbling up again, be careful that they don't catch you and pull you down that Dark rabbit hole. Remember to stay positive. Nothing that is happening around us is really that important. The only thing that is important is going on inside of us, not outside. The messages from above to us human angels down below is one of Ascension, all that is happening around us is mostly controlled by the DC for they do not wont us to Ascend because then we will over power them, in other words they will have lost there power over us and the ability to control us not only through the MSM but in many other ways as well.

     For we have been there slaves for many thousands of years and now thanks to the angels and ET's we are awake and are breaking free from being there slaves, so they are tightening there grip on us as we pull there chains off. And as we begin to ascend by going inside of ourselves and releasing all the negative energy matter through forgiveness, we find Love, and where Love is,Fear cannot be and where Fear is, Love cannot be. So we must choose!

   Fear or Love. In other words LOVE empowers us and Fear dis-empowers us. Let us awaken now and grab the torch that carries the light of Love and march forward telling all the other sleeping survivors to awaken, to wake up now, for its time to finish our Mission. and to not fall for all the F.F. that the DC is still throwing at us in there final grasp for power. To turn away from fear and lough at it for Joy is also a very powerful force and the newly awakened ones will follow those who are in joy.

       So be in joy as we turn away from the Fear that the DC is throwing at us as an attempt to stay above the water tht is taking them down. When we learn to Forgive ourselves and all those of the past and present who have hurt us, we then rise above the 3D Matrix that we were in and move into the 4D or Density which has more light and is a happier place to be in as we then prepare to move even further up the ladder to 5D which is where we find the New Earth and all the light workers who are living in Peace and harmony, the way that we have always dreamed it should be.

For we have been there before and remember how life should be in the higher realms. As we awake, we remember and what we remember is just as important if not more so than what we are now learning for we have been there before and have already learned many of these lessons or we would not have been able to come on this Mission and learn the greatest lesson of all" That We Are All One,Indeed! and that we are Created by LOVE to be in LOVE. LOVE is the only Answer.


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  • Now that's more like it, I like those pics and nice vid. They fit the pic above.And I am glad people liked the message from my higher self. Adonai

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