A Sure fire way to astral project.

When your lying down to rest you need to have a moderately loud tick tock clock.....

Listen Tic Tock

Listen Tic Tock

Listen Tic Tock

Listen Tic Tock

Listen Tic Tock

then it stops and the pictures start

this is the pardo of dharmata

you enter into you original essence its a breief moment

start out practising switching modes

you hear the tick tock

then it stops the pictures start

and then back again tick tock

tick tock

take note of the moment  when it happens so you can enter into your astral body while awake.

first you pass through a web a matrix the flower of life

practice the sri yatra to better visualize the web


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  • First thing you notice are various people

    some are nice and some are wicked

    these are the peaceful and the wrathful dieties

    recognize that they are merely a projection of your own rigpa


    its really a matter of recognition

    recognizing the moments what they symboliclly mean

    you ride in trains you ride in elevators you ride in planes

    these are all ASTRAL projections

    the one you is in the bindoo creating and trying to fullfill desires


    Dont give up

    cause you still have friends you're not the only one


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