Dear Friends,
Here is a Message from My Friend Tom Om.....
He has given all the details for our most of the Ascended Masters.....but you will have follow his links for your search...
Now Go ahead and find it out for yourself and if you want you can learn about Every master of our Universe...
The Reiki Success Mastery Intensive
"This is a TRUE Master SYSTEM"
Hi Sohini,
"This is a TRUE Master SYSTEM"
Hi Sohini,
Here is a fantastic way to communicate
In case you might not know who they are, please see below:
With my new Reiki System you will connect to the
Ascended Masters energy, so you can work with their
energies on a more personal basis. Call in their energies
when you have questions or problems, to assist you when
receive energy empowernments. They are there to help you,
all you need to do is ask.
energies on a more personal basis. Call in their energies
when you have questions or problems, to assist you when
receive energy empowernments. They are there to help you,
all you need to do is ask.
This is the TRUE Self-MASTERY!
The Ascended Masters you will get access to are:
Buddha, Sarat Kumara, Jesus, Abundentia, Maitreya,
Mary, Kuan Yin, Merlin, St. Germain, Kuthumi, Moses,
Padre Pio, and Serapis Bey
Buddha, Sarat Kumara, Jesus, Abundentia, Maitreya,
Mary, Kuan Yin, Merlin, St. Germain, Kuthumi, Moses,
Padre Pio, and Serapis Bey
See what great blessings are waiting for you:
Ma Ha Lo,
PS. If you are looking for MASTER GUIDANCE, then don't look further...
Dear Hawksblood1,
The real student or the disciple will be if ready then the Master comes in His / Her Life to give the guidance which is needed for that particular person...
You can not select !!
This is all on our luck also and happens at the correct time when the person is ready....
Dear Hellen,
Thanks for your Quotation....I like it...
You are welcome with Love & Peace...
In our life compassion should be the first virtue....!!
Dear Hawksblood1,
Time is very important factor ....
Every Master came with different Time with different situation and they did according to their demands and help the people and the mentality of the people is also changes with the Time....
So Nothing to think or to say ...
We have to see what is our duty now....and please keep useless ideas away....just think in what way we can help our World and our Planet...!!! with a mind full of Love &Compassion...
Love & Blessings....
Dear Hellen,
You are welcome with Love, Light & Blessings...
Dear Hawksblood1,
You try to see positive ....
The whole world is going to change and that's why you are feeling no good for all the calamities taking place....but imagine if you want a complete new building where you are living then you will have to destroy it and then on that land you can make a new One....
This is the Time for Evolution and will have to face all such changes with a balanced and stable mind....
Dear Hawksblood1,
You are very right....
You have compassionate heart...
I also feel like you but we have no power to make all happy....we just can pray for all....and now the old is going to make the World A new One...New Earth....this is a Natural Cycle....when old goes then new things can come and take it's place...
That's why so many groups of Light workers, Ascended masters, winged ones help the Divine in His Great Mission to make the planet Golden or to bring the heaven or Paradise on earth....but you should have patience....heal and help the people and make them divine so that they can come back in new Age....
So This is now it's full strength....