
AA METATRON – The Sovereignty Seal – TREE OF LIFE – The Manifestation Point – PART III


Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe. Today we will continue working with the Sovereignty Seal that I have received from Archangel Metatron. In the previous series of steps we spoke about the Vesica Piscis, Kundalini and the Pineal Gland, we journeyed through the 7 major chakras of the body, activated the Supreme Atom of your Being and today we will dive into the Tree of Life. I am more than sure that you have heard of the Tree of Life before. The tree of life comes to us from the Kabbalah. The word kabbalah comes from the Hebrew rootl’kabel, which means “to receive”. Last time we spoke about Chesed, Gevurah, Tiphereth and Nezach Sephiroth, and today we will continue to journey through the Tree of Life and talk about the last two Sephiroth.



The eights Sephiroth is HOD – meaning Glory and communication and information. Here we learn how to listen, and how to express our thoughts in a concise and fruitful manner. Hod is associated with the intellect and thoughts. Intellect and emotions need to balance each other. Expressing emotions without thinking is equivalent to uncontrolled rage. Thinking without emotions leads to becoming rigid.

Here it is important to discern the information that you receive, and to truly examine your thought processes to see where your thoughts are coming from? Are these thoughts coming from you? Or are you influenced more by what you read and the news that you watch? Are these thoughts propelling you further along your divine path helping you to manifest what you want, or are these thoughts blocking you from achieving success? Remember that your thoughts, if given enough energy, turning into thought forms, and so it is highly important to monitor them and decide if you wish to give them the power to turn into thought forms that will in turn either help or hinder your success. I talk a lot more about thought forms in my Freedom Journey Course but here I would like to share a very telling picture to help you understand what I mean.


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In the words of Gahl Sasson “The eighth word spoken by God was Splendor, or Hod, which is Hebrew for “reverberation.” This sphere enables communication, that most human characteristic, which demands both speaking and listening. Splendor guides commerce, business, and trade. It enables us to absorb the messages, signs, and synchronicities that we encounter so that we can translate and transmit them to the rest of humankind. Splendor is associated with magic, spells, and the ability to manifest mind over matter. Orange—the color chosen to herald the new millennium, our information age—is the color of the sphere, and Mercury, the planet linked to Gemini and Virgo, is its ambassador. In your astrological chart, Splendor/Mercury signifies your antenna, highlighting your style of communication, as well as your strengths and perhaps your weaknesses when it comes to conveying and receiving messages and knowledge. Name of God: ELOHIM TZEVAOT. Chant this name of Cod whenever you hunger to improve commutation, writing, public speaking, negotiations, or any kind of business.  (Source:



The ninth Sephiroth is Yesod, the Foundation. It is the foundation of the created world on which the other Sephirth rest. Yesod is usually seen as the lower astral world, the ether of electromagnetic substance well known in spiritualism and psychic phenomena. It is a subtle energy that vivifies, coordinates, integrates and stimulates the physical bodies. It is related to sexual energies and the sexual organs in the human body.

Yesod has the qualities of imagination, illusions, and dreams, all of which are necessary to make things happen in the world when properly understood. It gives us the power to connect, communicate and contact with outer reality (which is the next Sephirah, Malkuth).

All higher energies of the first eight Sephiroth have to pass through Yesod when expressing themselves in the physical world (=the tenth Sephirah). Yesod guides, forms and structures those higher energies and shapes them into their final patterns when expressed in the physical world. In this sense Yesod is also the foundation of the physical world, as the physical world is just the physical expression, or formation of what has already been structured and formed in Yesod. ( Source:

The ninth Sephirah is Yesod, the Foundation. Here is where we must let go of all our fears, fears of success, or fear of failure, fears that we cannot do something, or on the contrary that we can do too much. It is here that we finally let go of our old selves, the identity that has been superimposed on us by our surroundings, by our upbringing, by society. It is here where we leave all of these fears behind as we jump through this sephirot to freedom, where we are finally able to become that which we truly are. I talk more on this subject in my Freedom Journey Karmic release course.

In the words of Gahl Sasson “Ninth came the word Foundation (Yesod). This sphere holds all the secrets and subconscious powers of the universe. The word sod, which is the root of the Hebrew name of this sphere, means “secret.” Kabbalists have been stressing for millennia that at the foundation of the universe lies the secret of the law of attraction (the same law described in the bestselling book and DVD The Secret). That is one of the reasons why sexuality and passion are governed by this sphere. This intense and mysterious wheel of energy also governs transformation, healing, intimacy, and death. The law of attraction can transform your life and afford you what you always dreamt of. Foundation is linked to the moon, the ruler of the night, as well as the sign Scorpio. It is colored purple/violent, a rich tone that nonetheless emits the highest visible frequency in the spectrum. In your chart, Foundation/the moon exposes your inner reflexes—how you instinctively react to various situations in your life. It also might reveal hidden memories of early childhood or trauma, as well as the places in which you safeguard all your secrets. Name of God: SHADDAI EL CHAI. Chant this mantra for help with letting go of stubborn attachments such as ties to old, entangled relationships. Use this name of God to enhance intimacy and sexuality and to stimulate major changes in your life. “(Source:


To help you connect to the tree of life and all its sephirots there is a wonderful Disc called the Sephirot Device which balances out not only all 7 of your chakras, but assists in activating the 10 emanations of the Kabalah Tree of Life. This is a VERY powerful tool, to be used by those who are ready to open up to all of their virtues. Incredibly useful for healers and those working in the healing and creative arts. This device will cleanse you out, so be ready for tremendous transformations to take place after meditating with this disc for a while. You can use this device on your clients, simply by placing it on that body part which needs healing. Once you do so, you will be able to open a gateway to their subconsciousness and various thoughts will arise for them to release, various emotions will come up in order to heal whatever is ailing them.To learn more about this disc please click here.




The final and Tenth Sephiroth is Malkuth, the Kingdom. As last of the Sephiroth it is the synthesis of all other Sephiroth. Malkuth is the physical and total expression of the divine. It is the physical world as we daily experience it, the physical body, but also all crystallized energies that make this physical life possible. Malkuth gives us the power of self-expression.

Malkuth is also called The Queen, the Daughter, Bride, or Gate. As Gate it is the gate through which one enters the Tree of Life. As Queen, Daughter or Bride she is the Shekinah, the female aspect of the divinity, in relation to Kether, the first Sephirah, who is the King, Father or Groom. It also shows that when ascending the Tree, one needs to join Bride and Groom, that is joining our ordinary consciousness with the divine consciousness.

In Malkuth the Shekinah, or Divine presence, lies dormant. For Shekniah to rise up successfully, all six Sephiroth of what is called Zeïr Anpin (the Small Face) have to be purified, otherwise Shekinah will retreat back to Malkuth

According to Gahl Ssasson “And the last word to emerge from God’s consciousness in the Kabbalistic story of creation is Kingdom (Malchut). In Kabbalistic astrology, Kingdom relates to your rising sign or ascendant, the path you chose to walk in this lifetime, the highway that leads to your destiny. This sphere encompasses the entire physical creation—from unseen viruses and your neighbor next door to alien starships and vast galaxies millions of light years away. Name of God: ADONI HA’ARETZ. Chant this mantra whenever you yearn to ground yourself or fanciful ideas in reality. Use this name of God to relieve anxiety attacks and whenever you experience nightmares or the need for physical security. In general—whenever you want to get things done. (Source:

To continue discovering all that the tree of life has to offer. One of the best resources I feel is Gahl Sasson’s website called . There you will find a lot of resources to help you navigate through the Tree of Life as well as find various useful information to assist you on your ascension journey.

This concludes PART III of the TREE OF LIFE SERIES. Thank you for reading this article, I truly hope that this information was helpful for you. If you found it to be helpful please share it with others whom you feel may benefit from this information, as well as post your comments below this article about your experience with these suggestions. In the next article I will talk about the final part of the Sovereignty Seal which is THE MERKABA so stay tuned. Till then I send you the love of Universal proportions!

I love you all so very, very much and am so blessed to be walking on this journey here with you! ❤

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  • Dear amparo,

    After a long time heard about this Tree of Life in details..


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