Dearest ones, you have reached the most exciting point of your Ascension Journey. You have achieved the Grail level of Consciousness that opens the gateway to the 5th to 8th Dimensions of Consciousness, and also the 9th Dimensional level of Angelic Consciousness. This achievement will lift you into the New Earth and the New Energies, even while the lower levels on Earth are experiencing chaos and falling apart.

The Grail: 8th Dimensional Solar Pathways and Golden Light, and the Christ Consciousness and Sacred Union

The Story of the Golden Grail is one that embodies the Solar Light Energy and the Christ Consciousness. It is a narrative that expresses the archetypal journey to full Christ Consciousness. This is achieved by the Sacred Marriage or Union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine who become One in the service of Divine Love and Compassion on Earth.

In its primary expression, the story is about your inner union of Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, and how you achieve inner balance and union to become the “One” or Source energy that is represented by the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness. But, it can also be expressed by Sacred Union with a partner, where the two become One Soul in the service of Divine Love and Creativity.

The Grail itself was said to be the Golden Cup that was used by Yeshua at the Last Supper to contain his “blood” (wine that was transfigured at his command). As such it became a symbol for the Human Body and Light Body when it reaches the level of Christ Consciousness. It becomes the “container” for the Golden Light or “blood of Christ” and the Compassion of the Christ Consciousness.

At this stage of your Ascension, you have achieved this level where you are able to contain the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness as a foundation for the creation of the New Earth.

The Full Activation of the Path of the Rose to Galactic Consciousness
At this time too, the Path of the Rose and the Galactic Spiral to Full Galactic Consciousness has been activated within you.

The return of the Sisterhood of the Rose and the Galactic Priestesses and Navigators of the Galactic spirals has enabled this activation.

These priestesses were known as the Mary or Mariam beings. This was a title derived from “Stella Maris” or “Star of the Sea” referencing their work as navigators of Galactic Ocean spaces for the Earth.

Mary Magdalene was a “Stella Maris” in the tradition of Isis, Goddess and guide of the Cosmic Ocean in the teachings of the Sirian Star Teachers/Star Lions. She is your guide now as you once again learn to traverse the Galactic spaces in your adventures of consciousness.

The Rose is the symbol for those who have fully activated their ability to journey across TimeSpace. They follow the Spirals of evolution and transformation in alignment with the Divine Heart and through the Love and Compassion in their own Sacred Heart.

The Activation of 9D Angelic Consciousness

As a result of the full activation of the Grail and the Rose Path, you have now also become able to receive the transmissions from the 9th Dimension of the Angelic super consciousness frequency called “The Heart Song of the Angels”.

This frequency fully activates the Human Angelic Template in your DNA and allows you to further transform your Body/Light Body (Golden Grail Chalice) to become also a container for Angelic consciousness frequencies.

This means, Beloveds, that you are once again aligned with the original purpose for Humans on Earth. This is to be mediators of Divine Angelic Energy to the Earth and to anchor that energy on Earth.

As Human Angels on Earth, you carry Angelic Presence and you anchor the Angelic Light Codes on Earth. You work with the Elohim angels to create and manifest New Earth.

The Path of the Pure Heart : Archangel Michael, the Elohim, Mary Magdalene and the Cathars
The Path of the Pure Heart was taught by Mary Magdalene (and Yeshua) and became the pathway to the Christ Consciousness for her community, the Cathars. It was delivered to them by the Angelic Family or Tribe of the Elohim and Archangel Michael.

The Path of the Pure Heart as taught by Mary Magdalene was not just about “sexual purity” but about a way of life that honours Divine Creation and the Earth and sets out a path that is based in Love, Joy and Harmony.

This path is represented by the Divine Feminine path and the Divine Masculine path. In the last 30 years the Divine Feminine has returned to Earth to allow those who choose that path to express the energy of Love and the flow of Peace, Harmony and Joy. In this last few years, the new Divine Masculine path has also opened, allowing those that choose that path to express Love with courage, integrity, honesty and strength of heart and mind.

Beloveds, this is a moment of Great Celebration!

We celebrate with you!

The Golden Grail
Glows and Shimmers
With Love and Joy

Divine Feminine and Masculine
Are in Sacred Union
On Earth

The Path of the Rose
Spirals through the Stars
To the Heart of the Galaxy

The Angels sing
The Heart Song of the Angels
Peace and Compassion
Harmony and Love
On Earth
As it is in Heaven

And so it is!

Peace on Earth

And so it is!

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   Welcome to The Other Side ...May all fear be erased, starting tonight with the lunar eclipse, which will be visible here in Europe but even more in the Americas!...In deep GRATITUDE for our Divine Soul Connexion which allows us to act as ONE even…
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** Info (knowing)...!!!
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