AA Michael speaks (true channeling)

There are many false "channelings" out there , but this is a true one , and the "magic 2012" + the great Obama doesn`t fit in here:AA Michael November 13, 2009By AA Michael, not sure of the channels name.Nov 28, 2009, 19:00Email this articlePrinter friendly pageCandace: As some of you well know, I have not been supportive of these messages by AA Michael and others coming from a certain person in France. These were Council of the NOT SO light. However, I have learned from AA Michael himself that changes were made and this is not revealed as to how at this time, but now he is really actually in this one of November 13. I am not sure when this started this change, but the last I looked sometime before my vacation, they were awful still. I took this from GLP. There are many posted in this thread from the French individual as well as messages from others, including myself I see. whoever is posting these to this thread, is making a better translation than just from the software like the others.The thread is called Twelve Messages of AA Michael from equinox to Summer Solstice. This new one, dated Nov. 13th, is very nice and I am so glad to see it.Many of you should be feeling the huge increase in spiritual energies that are discussed in this. And it is this increase that is causing some people that are not attracted to this higher energies to become more difficult to be around.http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message799612/pg6#14370580November 13, 2009I am Michael, Prince and Regent of the Celestial Militia. Liked well Children of the Light, wherever you are on the surface of this Earth, in your vehicle of density, receive Graces and Blessings from the whole of the Archangelic Conclave and from my Presence among you, accompanied by the Radiance of the Archangel Uriel, Angel of the Presence. Well liked Maitres of the Light, in a few days there opens to you and in you, within your Being but also within the whole of humanity, the second step of the activation of your Being in its Divinity and in its Beingness. We, Conclave, decided to cover, during this second step, and at the same time, the third step.From now on is en route, towards you, a whole series of waves and particles in relation to the Vibrating Light, in relation to your Celestial Weddings, already lived. In very few days the Light will become manifest within your density, first of all inside of you. You will notice by yourself that it will become possible for you, and even essential, to reach vibratory levels until now unknown to you. Within these vibratory levels, you will perceive and experience and live, partly, within Beingness manifested within this density. The phenomena that you call electromagnetic, solar and extra-solar, also, will intervene in a particular and powerful way. This will not be able to be hidden much longer.Many things will change, within this Humanity, in you, around you and for the whole of the collective Conscience of incarnated Humanity. Thus has decreed the Source. Thus has decreed the Archangelic Conclave. Thus has decreed the 24 Ancient ones and thus has decreed Marie. Together, we will prepare the arrival of the Maitre of the Light, the one who has been called Christ, who thus prepares to return among you. This is not now but this is coming soon. It is necessary therefore for you to purify, pacify and raise your house in order to leave the place to your Beingness, to your Divinity, to your Essence and to the Presence of that which comes to seek you.Today, and in the days which come, and in particular from the 17th, you will notice, by yourself, within your own Vibration, the changes, in a notable and essential way. It will be, indisputably, within this Solar system both before and afterwards. Thus, we prepare, we, from our dimensional planes, towards your dimensional plane, the access to the integrality of your Vibration and your Conscience, no longer limited and bent, within this density. Obviously, a certain number of reactions assumed to be hostile will be only from the fear in relation to certain Consciences, in relation to certain resistances, in relation to certain things that are opposed to your sovereignty.You will find your vibratory Sovereignty, your Sovereignty of Conscience and your capacity to work within the Light and for the Light. Then, rejoice and prepare yourselves. Prepare to reach a new stage in your transformation, a new stage in your expansion. You are Beings of Light, you are unlimited Beings, having traveled the ways of the Illusion, constrained and forced by a certain number of forces which have you, literally, stuck within an Illusion, having permitted you, certainly, to grow in Light, through the absence of the Light, to develop in you the thirst for the Light, the thirst for the Truth and especially the will to find, in you, what you are. Then, yes, rejoice because that is now.As the days go by, from the 17th, you will notice, until the end of your year, that things will be accelerating, in an important way. All that will occur at the level of your own density, at the level of your own dimension, will only illustrate the influx of the Light, the influx of the Vibration of Liberty within your world. A certain number of forces, belonging to the past and the conditioning forces, will revolt and liquify under your eyes. The deconstruction, which I had announced and carried out on the intermediate planes, for a few months, has found today its total actualization within the matter that you live. Then, in you, will arise the breath of the Liberty, the breath of the Joy, the breath of the Heart.Your Heart is called to vibrate, your Heart is called to manifest and to open itself to the Joy totally. You no longer will be able to go against what you are. Those who go to this opposition and those who will be opposed, in Conscience, to the new Conscience will see appearing in themselves a certain number of sometimes painful phenomena. Include/understand well that, nobody, among us, within our multi-universe and our multi-dimensions, wishes for that. You will, yourself, be responsible for your Liberty and responsible for your own order. There is nothing that can, except your own fear, be opposed to the final Revelation of the Light.The final revelation of the Light does not mean the end of this dimension but rather the total opening of this dimension to the Light. This signifies that the zones of the Shade and all that is, literally, hung up and stuck in the concept of power, must disappear. Your Sovereignty is at this price. Your Freedom is at this price. You have nothing to fear in what comes. You have only to hope, only to receive, in order to live in Unity.The Unity signs, if you wish it, and let us wish it with you, the end of the duality, the end of the forces of opposition and of contraction which have prevented you, in one way or another, from finding your full Sovereignty. Today is one great day. The 17th will be, like I said, a major turnaround within the history of humanity. The form that that will take imports little. Whatever are the human demonstrations of dissent, whatever are the terrestrial demonstrations of agreement, whatever are the manifestations of the elements, have no fear. All is in order and all is in place, within the Revelation which comes. You have only to raise your own Vibrations. You have only to become again your own Maitre by giving yourself over to the Light which comes.In this condition, you will find the safety, you will find the Joy and you will remain there, no matter what happens outside of you. We engage you therefore, and during the period that will go from the 17th of your month of November until the end of this year that you call 2009, to prepare yourselves, in a manner intense and vibratory, to receive the Light of the Maitre. This will reveal to you what you are, what you have been, what you have followed as path within this density, in this life and in other lives. But, beyond that, you will find, also and above all, filiation, the spiritual lines which have supported you, in all the meanings of the term, within this manifestation.A certain number of powers that were hidden to you, a certain number of gifts which were occulted to you will re-manifest themselves within your Conscience, within your body of personality. Nobody will be able to deceive anyone because you will see clearly in the situations, the beings who will be facing you and in reaction with you, in resonance with you within your evolution. We engage you therefore to not ever again cheat, to be in accord with yourself, to no more play any game of power, seduction or manipulation. It is in this condition that you will join the domains of the Light and Beingness. There are no others. There is no karma. There is no limitation of age, of sex, of condition or of belief which can stop that. Only, your will to remain under the influence of the power or to manifest your power on a being other than yourself, or in a situation where you have nothing to do, will force you to remain under these schemes of influence.We hope that you will be sufficiently grand, will be sufficiently awake, to receive the Liberty because what comes is truly the Liberty. Never forget that the Light is Vibration, that the Light is Conscience and that the Light is Illumination and Liberation. Never forget that you must find, totally, your power over yourself and especially over that which, until now, has enslaved you, within your body, within your mental, within your emotions, within your social role and within your hereditary lines. You must, today, proclaim your Liberation in order to receive the Maitre of the Liberty.Today, the force breathes on you. As of the 17th, you will notice a new force, a new Conscience, a new intention within your own manifestation, in your world, in your environment and in your Life. This is now. Here is the announcement that I had to make to you. I will initialize, in you, within all of the Beings on this planet, by the Grace of the Source and the Divine Marie, by the channeling of the 24 Old men, together, we will realize that. No force opposed to the Light (which considers itself as such) will be able to intervene or interfere in our manifestation within your density. Seek in you in order to receive the Light, in order to receive the Fire, within your chest, in order to find your Beingness. You will be helped through it, as from the 17th, by the Vibration of the Presence the Archangel Uriel who could, by the Grace of the Source, manifest his Presence and his Radiation within the Earth, much earlier than expected.As you know and as you can see, a certain number of forces, linked to the forces of the fear and linked to the forces of confinement, are trying to overtake us. I address myself solemnly to them all: you will no longer be able, in one way or another, to manipulate, conspire and enslave anything. The hour of Freedom is coming. The hour of the Fire of the Love is coming. The hour is to awaken that, totally. You will not be able, in any manner and in any way, to limit or slow that down. I would say to you: the game is finished. Place in the Light. Place in the Truth. Place in the Unit. And place in the Joy.Then, during this period, you are all invited, without exception, to vibrate within your Heart. That you help yourselves by the syllables and the Sacred Sounds, transmitted by Metatron, that you utilize the techniques that are your own, it doesn't matter. The technique or the means which will start in you the Vibrations of the Fire of the Heart will be, for you, the adequate technique. It belongs to you to devote the maximum time to your own Liberation.We count on you. And you can count on us. You are the Beings of total Liberty and total Light. I spent my time repeating it to you, reaffirming it to you. It is time, now, to live it totally because the Light establishes its reign, reign of Liberty and reign of Sovereignty, within even this dimension. The Space/time in which you live and that was falsified and curved straightens itself out, now, at full speed. The three envelopes of falsification called ionosphere, magnetosphere and heliosphere became, totally, permeable to the cosmic radiations, to the radiations of the Light and to our dimensions. This means that there are no more technical obstacles to our intervention within this dimension. There does not exist any constraint which could force us not to manifest ourselves. We will do it according to your call, your wish for Liberty and Liberation, according to your wish to find the Unit and above all Beingness, that is to say the totality of what you are.On the day of the 17th, I will return to participate in this Effusion of the Liberation. I will pronounce only some words, permitting you to climb, during the period of November 17 to the end of your year, the steps which will permit the establishment of your total Sovereignty within this dimension. Today, however, because of my Presence in advance, by giving you in advance what will appear the 17th, the Fire of the Love will penetrate in you as of 12 noon (French hour) within your Crown of the head, within the Crown of the Heart and, for some, in the totality of your physical structures. The hour of the awakening of your cells, the hour of the awakening of what you are, is coming. If you have, compared to that, a certain number of questions, I want to try well to bring an additional clarity. The word is therefore up to you, concerning the establishment of these second and third steps.Question: does that mean that the initial expiry date envisaged is advanced, considering the second and the third step are confused?The final expiry, which was that of May of your next year 2010, is still relevant today. Simply, the conditions and the manner of arriving there will be profoundly different. All that has been occulted of what you are, all that locked you up, will have disappeared, by then.Question: does that signify that the Christ Vibration will manifest in us?The Christ Vibration, and the Maitre of Light in his Vibration and his Presence, approach you inexorably. He will be able, as we have said, to take place within your own Heart, in time. You will merge with him, in Unit and Truth. But this is not for immediately. Nevertheless, a number among you, within the Vibration of Beingness, the Vibration of the Light, will perceive, feel his Presence and will then be linked to Him, in a strong way.Question: could you develop on the fusion of your Radiances and those of Christ?As from the moment when the magnetosphere will have almost disappeared, it will be possible for me to amalgamate my Radiance with the Radiance of Christ. That will be effective before the end of your year.Question: does that meet a specific objective of the evolutions in progress or is this in the logic of the normal evolution?Both at the same time. There is, within your density, in little time, the access fully of your Conscience to the spheres of the Unit. It will thus sign the total end of what you call your Conscience, within this density. It will be made possible by the Effusion, in you, of the Christ Michael Conscience and the Marian Conscience. That will sign "on vous" {"on" means someone or it, we, you or they} the Revelation, in you, of your four spiritual lines and your return in the worlds of the Unit. That will be realized by the Fire of the Love and the Light. Conscious vibration, transforming your own Conscience, in other spheres of life.Question: from when will there no longer be electromagnetism on the Earth?At the latest, in your year 2012. By then, many human beings will have already passed to other Vibrations and other Consciences.Question: when you say that they will have passed to other Vibrations and other Consciences, does that means it that they will have left this plane?Obviously. But to quit this plane, does not mean to die, from now on. When you yourself fall asleep at night, your Conscience travels. In the same way, when you quit this body, at the time of a door called death, your Conscience continues its voyage. In the same way, to leave this plane will translate to leave this plane to go on another plane. This is called "dimensional translation" or "ascension". It is this which starts to manifest with you, in you and around you.Question: what difference do you make between the union of the Source/the Holy Spirit/Metatron and the union of Christ/Michael/Marie?At the level of the multi universe, within the multiple dimensions, the unified members of the Light are supported vibrationally by the tri Unit. This one is constituted of the Source, of Marie, of Michael or Metatron. Within your density, the false appellation Father/Son/Holy Spirit will find its Truth in the new tri Unité called Christ, Marie and Michael. There is not a difference, there is a differentiation according to the dimensions. But, vibrationally, that corresponds to the awakening that I announced to you.Question: which could be the reaction of the leaders of this world or people of power in this world?They will have to change. They will discuss. They will struggle. But that is their problem. That is not your problem nor our problem.Question: does that mean that they will no longer have the means of imposing whatever it is?All is question of the level and rise of vibration. The Light which comes to you, and your reaction within your own Light which is elevation/exaltation, will annihilate totally the slightest attempt to manifest their power and their influence. Whether that is through manifestations related to the interruption, in one way or another, of the means for maintaining their power called money, media, electronics and others or whether that is through the vibratory rise in your Conscience, if it is sufficient and if our vibratory lowering to you is sufficient, then, they can no longer lure you.Remember that, whatever your vibratory level, each one, on his level of human being, will perceive the Truth. In perceiving this Truth, many beings will be opposed to what will correspond, for them, to the fact of being misled. Others, who will be on higher vibratory levels, will accept, forgive and evolve/move on while quite simply dropping what belongs to the past. Those who will be opposed to that no longer represent any power nor any faculty to be opposed to it. We have, in a decisive and final way, prepared what should be repaired within your falsified dimension. This has been realized by our action at the level of the sun and the whole of the planets of your external Solar system. It only remains for it to manifest within your density.Question: when you speak about external sun, is it about the second sun which must replace the present sun?It is about the reunification of what you call sun with the true sun. It also, had been falsified and split in two like you. The true sun is the Light which does not project the Shade. It is what exists when you live in unified dimensions, where the Light does not come from a point, but from the whole.Question: when this day is established, it is right to all sing an hallelujah?If it makes you pleased… It is well beyond. You will include/understand the scope of it only when you live it.Question: in what are we going to live, as being incarnated, it will manifest more or less difficult moments of readjustments. How to know if these readjustments are really steps leading towards the Beingness?This question keeps alive the duality. As from the moment when your vibratory level rises, whatever the consequences, at the level of this body, they no longer have any importance in front of the evolution of your Conscience. The Vibration transforms the body and the Conscience. When the Conscience becomes established within the Vibration, whatever the body manifests, that is resistance or adjustment, that no longer has any kind of importance.Question: why cannot one have access to our spiritual lines before the translation?Because the access to your spiritual lines signs the Vibratory connection to your Unit. The rest, which appears before or which would not follow this connection, would be useless curiosity. Thus it is, in the same manner, with your memories of what you call your lives, within this falsification, of the lives past. It does not have any sense nor any interest as long as you are not ready to transcend this dimension of duality and thus the law of karma.Question: Conversely, what is the reason or the particular effect of re-contacting one's four lines, while one is still incarnated before this translation?To prepare your translation. Each Conscience will not live the same type of translation. Nor with the same aim. Nor with the same goal. Nor with the same destiny. In short: you do not all go to the same place, nor at the same moment. Wanting to put the whole of humanity and Consciences, currently present within this dimension, in the same basket does not make sense. There are many residences in the house of the Father. You all come from different stellar origins. You all have different dimensional ways.Question: you have mentioned people who could be in opposition compared to the events that will take place. What will happen to their Conscience?This is their way and their function. There is not another thing to say. Your glance and your Conscience should not fall on these reactions there, but you must be in the Vibratory action of your own Light. Take charge/care of yourself and your Heart. It is the best way that you will have to help the whole of humanity: to leave the personality, to leave the bonds, whatever they are, you rise beyond that, in order to find the Liberty and the sense of the real Service and not of slavery.Any glance carried towards the outside, and you will have the capacity to live it, any glance turned towards a sentiment of wanting to help or of wanting to oppose, will slow down your Vibration. You will include/understand then the mechanisms of operation of them. Without passing by the head or by the intellect, without passing by the affect, without passing by the emotion, but only by the Vibration, there will be what elevates you, there will be what weighs you down. With you to choose.Question: as long as we are still subject to the electromagnetic forces present on this plane, how to ensure that they do not lower our Vibrations too much?They will not be able to lower your Vibration as from the moment when your Conscience does not give it weight. As and when you perceive and feel in you the radiant Crown of the head and the Crown of the Fire of the Love, within your Heart, you will include/understand the nature of it and you will no longer be subservient, in a limited way, to the electromagnetism. Thus, the guide will not be what you think. The guide will not be linked to the blackmail, whatever it is, nor to the bonds of power, but rather to the Vibration. What raises you and lightens you will put you in Joy and will put you in contact with the energy of the Presence and the Angel of the Presence. What weighs you down you will give you the problems and the concern and this will be immediate.Question: does that mean that we will find our Divine nature?You will find your Unit and your true and real nature. Your nature is that of a star Seed. You will become again, in other words, your own Source because you are the Source.Question: what we see, in incarnation, like integration of this process linked to the body of Beingness, will lead directly to the integration with the Source or is this a step?It's about, in Truth, the last step. There will be no others, within this dimension.Question: there has been talk of asteroids which would hit our planet. Is this still the actuality or the Vibratory movements, in this moment, sufficient for all these changes?All will depend on your ability, individual and collective to respond to the Light and become, yourselves, Light. Nevertheless, whatever are the types of events within your density, they are nothing compared to what you are and compared to the Light. Again, whatever happens, you will be in the reaction or in the elevation. What comes is Light. And nothing else.What I propose to you, now, to some extent preparatory to the day of the 17th, is to live the first steps of that. Thus, I bring my Blessings to you and ask you to receive, within this Restricted circle, the Vibration of the Angel of the Presence, accompanied by my new Vibration of Conscience, in conjunction with Christ, during a few moments, together and in communion. It is what we will realize the 17th, during one hour. Now, I say to you, very soon.
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