AA Michael: there is no time to procrastinate!
Dear hearts,
I come today to talk to you, placing my blanket of shimmering blue Light protection, it is the Christic shield for excellence. As paladin of Truth and Justice, I encircle your head with a crown of diamonds and lay down on your hands, cupped open the Electric Blue Sword of Fire that distinguishes me.
Too many are still doubts that afflict your human mind, constructs, cathedrals built on simple concepts, the unnecessary frills that only confuse the clear vision as gray mist prevents to get the full picture of the matrix reality in which you live.
There is no time to procrastinate, what needs to be changed, it should be changed now, what needs to be let go, it should be left to go now. It 's time for decisions, net, in relational and working field , in terms of self-regulation and preservation of your Light Body. Many are the situations, as you might say, of convenience, to which you are bound, too many are still fears, fear of failure, to feel alone, having not enough to live. Please don’t forget, dear hearts, that you are Divine beings, that your Soul oversees everything on your way and pushes you over obstacles in order to reach the goal. Goal that is not unique, it is not a goal at the end of a road, but is a continuous creating and recreating situations, events, meetings, quantum mechanisms that are unfolding in front of you, not in a straight line but in a circular manner.
There is no past, present or future, but there is an eternal present, parallel lives in this Universe and in the infinite Universes that you live at the same time. The more you merge with the superconscious mind and your soul self, the more you will have clear visions and perceptions of what is happening in parallel lives. Do not be surprised if you hear a friend, thousand miles away, that is in difficulties, or if you would suddenly have a vision of a wonderful flowery meadow, perceiving its fragrance or scent, these are your abilities to clearsentience, clairaudience, telepathy, and bilocation too, which are also reactivated by your DNA.
You cannot neither imagine the infinite capabilities of your mind, a mind that, if merged in its two hemispheres, without separation, duality, as a result of a Sacred Marriage between your Sacred masculine and feminine, that at some point of the path, should be celebrated , that's when you get to this merging that a way of constant and perpetual connection is open with the Heart chakra, then nothing more is possible, and your life becomes a true Miracle.
Don’t persist wanting to categorize each information, your human mind is really packed, and the confusion that dwells in you does not help you shed light on your situation, allowing you to analyze in an objective and detached way your creation, establishing necessary changes.
Be anchored to sweet Mother Gaia, She loves you, through the Earth star chakra, let She nourish you, connect yourself to the Core of the Universe through the Soul Star chakra, and then nourish yourself by the symbol of Infinite, visualizing now pink magenta, now purple, blue and gold, breathe it deeply, nourish every cell of its energy.
Beloved children, is AA Michael who come and whisper to your Heart on this day. Spring is reborn in your world, you reborn to the spring of your Soul. Talk to the spirits of the trees, let devas of flowers and whisper of wind cherish you, nourish yourself by the fire spirit that perpetually burns within your Sacred Heart.
I am in you, any time, call me, I urge you now! There is no time to procrastinate, let your Soul guides you to change, be skilled helmsmen leading your ship, and if the winds of life were to be impetuous, and the storm hits on you, please be aware of your Mastery , ability, integrity and powerful shield that surrounds you and protects you. Never waver in certainty, do not let small faults in your energy field become gashes able to make you fall, thus favoring beings entering who don’t belong to Pure Light. You have to work on your weaknesses, whether they are your strengths, ask me every day to cut energetic cords that are attached consciously or unconsciously by all those around you.
I am the Archangel Michael and I give you these Truths,
Love yourself and each other, and your reality will change in a blink of an eye
Have faith and life will become an authentic Miracle
Channeled by Lara at 13:14 of April 2, 2013
Thanks Amparo for your comment, i call forth AA Michael every day, many times, because life gives us many traps daily, so Discernment and Protection are really needed. Thanks for letting me know that sunday is AA Michael's day, i didn't know!
Peace, Global Peace and a waterfall of Love to you, dear friend...
Thanks to you dear friends, I'm only one of the many tools working for Universe ...
Blessed be
There is always more we can let go of.
Always more we can do.