To cultivate the capacity and efficiency without the understanding of life, without the knowledge of itself, without a direct perception of the process of MYSELF without careful study of the own way of thinking, feeling, desiring and acting, will only serve to increase our own cruelty, our own selfishness, those psychological factors that produce war, hunger, misery, pain.


First of all it is necessary to know the laws of the Gnostic esoteric work, if we in fact really want a conscious radical change.


On behalf of the Truth we say that if somewhere we have to start working on themselves, must be in relation to the mind and the feeling.


It would be absurd to start working with the Motor Center, for example, which as you know are related to the habits, customs and actions of such organ or center; obviously this would be like starting with an absurd fakirs. And speaking of fakirs in India there are fakirs, for example, raise one arm and hold it indefinitely, until it gets to be rigid. There are others who stand firm in one place for 20 and 30 years to become real statues. And after all, what do they earn these fakirs? Develop a little strength of will and that is obvious. We cannot think that they are going to create the Body of Conscious Will, it is clear that not.


You cannot create any body outside the Ninth Sphere. If it were possible to create anybody in the absence of the Ninth Sphere, we had been born then air, in some lake, between a rock, we would not be children of a man and a woman. But we are indeed children of a man and a woman. So Creation is made in the Ninth Sphere, this is obvious.


Therefore, no fakir can create the Body of Conscious Will away from the Ninth Sphere. Nothing is gained for those involved to fakirs, except that develop a little strength of will, so to start with the Motor Center would be absurd. Start working with the sexual center without having the correct information Body of Doctrine Gnostic , even more, because starting in those conditions does not know what he is doing, does not have a clear awareness of the work in the forge of the Cyclops(Sex), you can fall it is obvious, in very serious mistakes.


Recall that first is the intellectual center, Emotional second, third Motor, Instinctive fourth, fifth Sexual. There is also the sixth is the Superior Emotional, and the seventh is the Superior Mental. But if we do not started actually true work on lower centers of the human machine, we fall into the error.


First of all, these studies must begin with the intellectual and emotional centers. We need to truly change our way of thinking, otherwise we will march on the path of error.


What would, for example, that you attend these chairs and not change their thinking? Here they are given esoteric exercises, are guided doctrinally, but unless you change your thinking, what good is the information that is given to them?


They are told that we must dissolve the ego, that is to sacrifice oneself on favor of humanity, they are told that you have to create the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being; but if you continue thinking as before, with the same mental habits of other times, what good is all you are here listening? They are told they have to disintegrate the ego but you continue with your old mental habits, with its forms and outdated systems thinking, then, what serves them the information they are being given?


In the Scriptures is speak very clearly and precisely about the "old wine and new wine"; no one would put, for example, says the Christ "new wine into old wineskins, " because the old wineskins break. So that for the new wine needs new wineskins. It also says the Great Kabir Jesus that no one would mend or put patches on old clothes with pieces with new clothes. Ungrateful is, for example, break a new suit to mend an old one. That would be absurd, right?


Well this new teaching is like new wine needs new wineskins. What is this wineskin? Mind, If we do not abandon the outdated ways of thinking, if we continue thinking about the habits we once had, quite simply, we are wasting time.


It takes CHANGE mindset. For new wine, new wineskin is needed. So, we need to completely change our thinking in order to receive this teaching: that is the serious point of the question. Because if we receive this teaching and add to the old way of thinking we had before, to our old mental habits, nothing we are doing. What we are doing is deluding ourselves.


Wanting hook" "the car" of the Gnostic teachings to our old "car ", all it damaged by time, full of garbage and filth.


Takes before all to prepare a container to receive the wine of the Gnostic teachings. That vessel is the MIND. Only thus, with a new container, processed, you can be received the wine of the Gnostic teachings. And that's what I want all the brothers go understanding.


We need that negative emotions are removed from us because those negative emotions they do not allow change background. It is impossible to transform ourselves if we still possess negative emotions within us. We have to eradicate from our hearts the emotions of negative type, that are truly harmful in every way. A person who is carried away by negative emotions, becomes a liar hundred percent, so that negative emotions become one in a liar. Put yourself attentive as they lie, they send false judgments and then repent. But it's too late.


So we must eliminate from our nature negative emotions, LIE certainly is a false connections because we diminish the Energy of the FATHER, the life of the Ancient of Days, that is, our Inner Being Deep flowing through the Interior Cosmic Organization to reach the Mind. If we make a false connection, then such energy can no longer flow. It is as if the electrical wire is cut, then the power does not reach the focus to illuminate us.


So the lie, I told you and I repeat, it is a false connection. When one is young is filled with negative emotions, and is turn liar. That is the harsh reality of the facts. If we truly understand this, and we began to change our thinking and feeling, very soon this will be reflected in our person.


Once one has changed his way of thinking, feeling and acting, then it is perfectly ready to start working on the mysteries of Sex. Be making a grave error if we allowed people once begin to work in the Ninth Sphere without even knowing the body of doctrine. That is absurd, because the people who have not changed their way of thinking, who continue with their same habits, people who have their same way of feeling, who are victims of negative emotions, do not understand these mysteries of Being without destroying. So why not insist that first known science, then go to work in the Ninth Sphere? Felipe Bombasto Theophrastus of Hohenheim, Aureolus Paracelsus is right in this.


Let's start by changing our way of thinking, feeling. Many receive esoteric teachings, but if they continue thinking as before, as they thought 20 years ago. What do you expect then? We are losing time.


 They act as acted years ago, have old habits that they had when they knew nothing about these studies continue with those same old ways, what these people are doing, then? Obviously are wretchedly self-deceiving, that's obvious.


So, we have to start by changing our way of thinking and then how to feel, to have the new wine, the Gnostic wine in new wineskin, not in old wineskin.


 A decrepit mind, full of old habits, habits of 20 and 30 years ago, is not prepared to receive the wine of Gnosis. A mind so necessarily need to undergo a total change, otherwise, are wasting time miserably.


 Asleep people rush to war, most do not want to go to war, but always go but do not want, why? Because they are hypnotized. You know that if a hypnotized subject, for example, we ordered him to go kill someone goes and kills him. That is already provided for in the Penal Code of all countries of the Earth. So it is with the people of all latitudes, are hypnotized but they think they are awake.


If they are told that it's time to go to war, go to war, do not want to go, but go.  Why? Because they are hypnotized. This is very serious, tremendously bestial. What we need to get out of the hypnotic sleep? It's true, but let's see how we left the hypnotic sleep? If we are happy with our mental habits, our systems of reasoning, with our sentimental habits, our habits and customs acquired by heredity and family, then even hear the Teachings, simply, we are wasting time.


If truth has been born to the desire for change, but you continue so happy with their old ways of thinking, simply self-deceiving they are.


If you want to hook the "car" of Gnosis to your old rotten codices eat away by time and rotten to the marrow of the bones, then, they are doing a very silly game which leads them nowhere. So let's not deceive ourselves. Start by changing our way of thinking.


Everyone has their way of thinking and everyone believes that their thinking is the most correct. Really, and true the, different ways of thinking of each or all together, right have nothing, because they are hypnotized. How can a hypnotized person think correctly? But you think you are thinking correctly. That is its error.


Mental habits are useless. If they really want to change, here is the wine of Gnosis. But please, bring new bottles for the wine, not old wineskins; because the new wine will burst the old wineskins.



Have you perhaps reflected on what the consciousness is? It is that perhaps we could compare the consciousness? But there is a little light that goes from one place to another, that is obvious.


The Consciousness must learn to take advantage of where it should be placed. Where is our consciousness, we'll be there. You listen to me right now, but are you sure that the consciousness of each of you are here? If you are here pleasant it is, but are we sure to be here? It might be at home, in the canteen, can it be you're in the supermarket and here we are seeing just the personality of this or that brother.


So, where is consciousness, there we are. What you need to do is learn to intelligently take advantage of where it should be placed. If we place our consciousness in a bar, it will be processed under the cantina; if we put in a whorehouse, processed there; if we place in a market, we will have a good market or a bad market. Wherever consciousness is, we'll be there.


Consciousness is unfortunately bottled. And a I of lust can bring our consciousness as a whorehouse; an I of drunkenness, it may lead to the canteen; a greedy I will take it there, to some market; a holiday I will take it over there to the house of a friend, etc. Did you feel like it right not to know how to guide Consciousness?


I have understood that it is absurd to take it to places where it should not be, and that is obvious. Unfortunately, I repeat, our consciousness is now bottled within the different inhuman elements that we carry within ourselves.


We need to break all the undesirable elements within which it is bottled Consciousness. But tell me, would we do that if we do not change our way of thinking, if we are very content with our old outdated and extemporaneous habits we have in Mind ?, Will we be concerned perhaps awaken consciousness ? It is of course not.


If you want to change we will change from now, to change our mental habits, our way of thinking. When you change really, creates interior changes. When you change your thinking, you can then totally change inside.


How can one say that it will cause a change in his inner consciousness if you leave it out to where EGOS want? We really do not know to use it and that is truly regrettable. If we want change, but background, we should also be learning to know that thing that it is called consciousness.


In the Eastern world we have told us that before the birth of the BODHISATTAWA must exist in us the BODHISITA. But above all, what is that thing called Bodhisattva? Some of you will know and others do not.


HP Blavatsky says that once you possess the Causal, Mental, Astral and Physical bodies you are a BODHISATTWA. The Human Soul, the Causal Soul, dressed with such bodies is a Bodhisattva is the human Soul, covered with the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.


In the Mahayana or Mahayani Buddhism they not recognized as BODHISATTWA but those who have sacrificed themselves for humanity through successive Mahamvantaras (Cosmic Days).


There are two kinds of Bodhisattvas says Mahayana Buddhism. First, the Prayeta Buddhas, or rather, aspiring Buddhas Prayetas. These are not sacrificed for mankind never, never give his life for his brothers, and it is clear, they never incarnate the Intimate Christ. The others are truly Bodhisattvas, those who have renounced the happiness of Nirvana for love of humanity,those who in various Mahamvantaras have given their blood for humanity. Preferring to live happily in Nirvana, they have renounced any happiness for their brothers on Earth; They are the only ones who can truly incarnate the Christ.


But back to this the BODHISITA. What is BOTHISITA? Consciousness already awake, developed, transformed into the Golden Embryo. It is therefore true silvered armor that can protect us from the powers of darkness and gives us the Wisdom and Experience.


Before the BODHISATTWA arises within someone, the BODHISITA arises; that is, the consciousness wakes up and developed. See you then, how much is that gift called Consciousness. It is a pity that mankind has Consciousness bottled up within the ego. And it is clear that while people continue to think as they think, and feeling as they feel and with their same old rancid customs, they will not awaken the consciousness, it will continue hypnotized. And as a consequence or corollary we say that never then will arise the BODHISITTA.


When the BODHISITA, which is developed and awakened consciousness arises in one, in the aspirant, then the BODHISATTAWA soon appears. Obviously, the Bodhisattva is formed within the psychological climax of the BODHISITA. It's great the BODHISITA.


Really, in true, my dear brothers, is great when one really changes his way of thinking, because then, and only then, will work to awaken Consciousness. Then, and only then will do a serious work that lead to the birth of BODHISITA; It is not possible before.


Unfortunately we live in a painful world. Happiness does not exist in this world, it is not possible. While there is the EGO, there must be pain.


As we continue with our rancid form so we cannot be happy. While we are victims of negative emotions, any kind of happiness becomes impossible. We need indeed reach happiness.


We could not get such an achievement if we do not awake Consciousness. And do we not wake Consciousness if we continue with the way we currently think. So It is therefore appropriate to see how we're thinking, let 's change this antiquated way of thinking and prepare us new wineskins for new wine that is Gnosis , and work really well.


This world is held with the Laws of Cause and Effect, which are the Laws of Karma. It is also called, action and consequence: such action, such consequence. This is quite a complex world is a world of associations, multiple combinations and incessant abysses struggle of opposites, etc. In these circumstances it is not possible to exist in this world's happiness.


Each of us has to pay his Karma, we are full of debts. This Karma obviously brings a lot of pain, a lot of bitterness.


Many think that could reach happiness through the mechanics of evolution. It is a false concept because mechanics are mechanics. The Law of Evolution and also of Involution constitute the mechanical axis of the machinery called Nature.


There is evolution in the grain that germinates, in the plant that grows and finally bears fruit. There is involution in the plant that already comes into decrepitude and finally becomes a pile of firewood. There is evolution in the child that is formed in the womb, in the creature is born, it grows, it develops and lives in sunlight. More also it exists involution in human aging, decreases, comes into decrepitude and finally dies. That is completely mechanical.


It is also mechanical the Law of Karma in a sense, regarded in the light of the twelve Nidanas. What we need is to liberate ourselves precisely from the Law of Karma. We need to free ourselves from the mechanical movement of nature. We need to set us free, not be possible through the evolution mechanics.


Evolution mechanics is processed in accordance with Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Associations and Multiple Combination, etc. What is mechanical is mechanical. We need to free ourselves from the Law of Evolution and also of Involution, we need to take a big leap to fall into the Illuminating Void .


Obviously then, there is an antithesis between the theory of relativity that Albert Einstein preached and Illuminating Void. The relative is relative, the machine of Relativity works with the law of opposites. In the struggle of the antitheses there is pain, and that's not happiness. If we want authentic happiness we must get out of this mechanical law of relativity.


Hardly I was about 18 when I wanted to take the big leap, go beyond time and evidence that it is not the time, that we could call the experience of Prajna Paramita in the crudest realism. It's not over emphasize to you the news that such experiences had to repeat three times.


In the Illuminating Void there is no conceptual dualism of any kind; the machinery of relativity would not function in the Illuminating Void, the Law of Mutual Combination of Mechanical Associations is not possible in the Illuminating Void. All Relativity Einstein would be destroyed in the Illuminating Void.


Undoubtedly, the experience of the Illuminating Void is only possible in the state of Samadhi, or as also said in Hindustan, Prajna Paramita.


In the Illuminating Void there are no forms of any kind. Arguably there one passes beyond the Universe and the Gods. In the Illuminating Void could have a correct answer to what that "if the whole universe is reduced to the unit, to what would reduce the unit?"


Such a response is not possible for the Logic Mind, or at least with the mind that functions according to formal logic. In the Illuminating Void such a response is not necessary but admits a powerful reality itself. "All things are reduced to the unity, the unity is also reduced to all things." Then is penetrates to that state of Maha-Samadhi, we live in all things devoid of everything, and this, in itself, is already great, sublime and ineffable.


The Illuminating Void is only possible through the great leap and provided they have gone through the total Buddhist Annihilation otherwise would not be possible.


At that time had not yet passed through the Buddhist Annihilation and obviously, as I approached the Great Reality, Consciousness expanded inordinately. It is obvious that in this situation, not having gone through the Budhistic Annihilation, I felt unspeakable terror, why I returned to my universe of Relativity of Einstein. I repeat three times experienced since the Illuminating Void.


There is a kind of transcendent intuition, because in the field of intuition or in the world of the Intuitinality , there are different degrees of intuition. Unquestionably, the highest degree Intuitional is the philosophical-religious or philosophical-mystical minds, is the type of intuition that corresponds to the Prajna Paramita.


So such faculty allowed me to go beyond the Illuminating Void World, to the Great Reality.


I want to affirm them to you emphatically that this path of Gnosis leads to the Great Reality, it is beyond the universe of relativity; ie beyond the mechanical laws of relativity, beyond, far beyond the Illuminating Void . Meanwhile, for us it is necessary to go through a supreme annihilation so that Consciousness converted into BODHISITA, totally awakened, can make the great leap to the Illuminating Void.


And I say: we have to start by changing our way of thinking to work properly on themselves. We could not conceive the Awakening of Consciousness, developing of BODHISITA, if we do not change our way of thinking before.


It is necessary to know to meditate, to understand what it is the technique of meditation, the object of Meditation. What is what we want through meditation? No one could have his mind in holy peace with that outdated and extemporaneous thinking that hold within. No one could have peace in his heart, if not had removed himself previously negative and harmful emotions.


When a Gnostic Arhat submerges in himself in those moments he gets to work on some inhuman element that has discovered through self-observation.


Let's assume that discovered the ire. Enters then to understand the psychic aggregate of Wrath with the help of his Divine Mother Kundalini, you can invoke her for help once discovered the psychic aggregate. She then will propose to disintegrate such aggregate to come in replacing love.


As you go disintegrates all those inhuman psychic aggregates that we carry within us, the consciousness will awaken.


Much has been said in Gnosis about sex, but we must first change our thinking so that we become more aware of the Teaching. Only thus we will work successfully in the Lit Forge of Vulcan.

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