Comprehend is something immediate, direct, something we experience intensely, something we experience very deeply and inevitably comes to become the true intimate SPRING of the conscious action.
First of all I think it is necessary to change, we must leave the state this where we are, urges a total transformation within himself.
Indubitably no change is processed without special "shock". Obviously THE SEVEN NOTES, are related to all life events. C-D-E-, in fact involve a series of events. But you that between the same E and F observe there really is a pause. Thus, F-G-A, are the following notes. Between A and B there is another pause.
If one sets out in life run a program, there will inevitably begin with the note C, will continue with the D and reach note E. In reaching this part has difficulties, drawbacks: it is a pause between the note E and the note F. Then the current Sound tends to return to the original starting point.
As a consequence or corollary, it is normal that the initial effort, the project was launched, capsizing. But if you throw a new effort to break through the pause, obviously, just normal to be kept straight and even climb the momentum started and the business succeed.
Continuing with this, we see that then come the F, G, A notes, but between A and B a new pause. If the original impulse is not strengthened, the current Sound will return to the original starting point and fail the enterprise, project or business. So it is very important that the seven notes of the musical scale, is formidable this matter of the current Sound.
Must be given a "shock" to the sound between E and F notes and other between A and B notes. Always you need a "shock" which allows one to exist, for a change, a transformation.
A child is born, he comes into the world. The first "shock" that perceives is the air he breathe, that receive. At the air arrives, to receive it for the first time, the child lives. So we need that "shock" merely physical to exist. It is also true that if, for example, instead of breathing us oxygen, nitrogen, etc., breathe carbon monoxide, the "shock" would occur but would not be received by the body, the body would not accept that "shock" and death would come.
As for our cackled modern civilization, it happens that require a "shock" not to die, not to be destroyed. That "shock" could only be through another vastly superior to our, only then could this civilization not die. It would have to invent the kind of "shock" to give to this dying civilization, but has not been invented such a "shock" to allow this civilization transformed and exist. Obviously, this civilization will have to die for lack of that "shock", that is clear.
Moving forward, we must contemplate the man in the light of Genesis, just so we understand what kind of "shocks" lead us to the Intimate Self-Realization of Being. What Genesis tells us, it says. "In the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth." the ignoramuses suppose that refers exclusively to the macrocosmic heavens and Earth merely physical, Earth this we live.
I do not deny that it also covers, among other things, but specifically he is referring concretely to the Microcosm Man. Heaven are states of consciousness within ourselves, within man himself. As for the Earth, it is the physical body of man, the Philosophical Earth quoted by the medieval alchemists, Philosophe^ s earth. So in the beginning God created the heavens, the higher states of consciousness of Man and Earth, the physical body.
Genesis adds: "The earth was without form and void and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters ". What is allusion been made here? Simply to the tri-centered or tri-brained biped mistakenly called Man, the "Intellectual Animal", which is without form and void Earth, which has its mind in the most complete disorder. It is a mess that only believe what they tell you the five senses, who lives in the world of animal passions, who knows nothing about the Real, about the esoteric, which is absolutely ignorant, who has never received a ray of light, etc. It is the ordinary man, the man of the market, the man in the public square, the vulgar man of the earth, sensual and rude guy. That is the average of human life, the average of all the millions of humans or humanoids currently living on Earth.
But how to get out of that state? Imagine for a moment that we got on a tower to see the human multitudes, how do you make them get out of from that state they are? There is no doubt that every one of those people who generally make up the crowds is a messy and empty Earth,that is obvious. How to do? It takes a special "shock", the only way it could happen that would change, only then can be possible that "shock".
Genesis says that God created the light and said, "Let the Light be made and the Light was made ...", and separated light from darkness. What Darkness refers Genesis? Well Darkness are within oneself, within this Earth Philosophic. But what kind of Darkness are those? For those Darkness constitute inhuman psychic aggregates that personify our psychological defects, anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, etc., etc., etc. Well. The seven deadly sins, they are multiplied by seven and as many, more and more, are legion.
Consider what the psychic aggregates are. Already Virgil, the poet of Mantua, said: " Although we had a thousand tongues to speak and palate of steel, would not manage to enumerate all our fully defects ". They themselves are the darkness that we carry within.
Separate the Light of Darkness, that's very difficult. That Light is the Superlative Consciousness of the Being, must wrest it from the Darkness, thereby removing it from every inhuman psychic aggregate. In fact it involves terrible super -efforts to be made in itself and within oneself, here and now.
To take out the light of the darkness! That means destroy all those receptacles within which is tucked the Essence, disintegrating those aggregates, pulverize, so that the Light essential free is made. That is what is meant by separating the Light of Darkness. And the light called day and the darkness of ignorance and error called night. You have to know to understand, I think the brothers are reflecting.
So to transform us into men made in the image and likeness of God, we need a "shock", ie, of the Esoteric Knowledge Hidden. Obviously, to become living Men we need a third special "shock". Let`s get concrete: for the physical man to exist, we need a physical "shock", which is the air we breathe at birth.
In order for the man made in the image and likeness of God exist, is need another "shock", which is defined by those words that say: "God said, Let the Light be and the Light was made, and separated the Light of the Darkness". The ignorant man needs a special "shock", needs someone to take the knowledge, needs someone to take you Teaching , needs to receive Esotericism lights, it produces in him a special "shock". Only that special "shock" can transform him later can convert it, let say, in what is called "Man made in the image and likeness of God" on the sixth day.
On the seventh day, and things change. To become a Living Man a Man of the seventh day, a very special last "shock" is needed. A sixth day man is a man made in the image and likeness of God, but not a Living Man, you need a third "shock" to become a Living Man. If a man of the sixth day, made in the image and likeness of the Eternal, wants to become a living Man, it must be made Resurrected. Could not be done Resurrected without a special "shock" needs to descend, go down to the infernal worlds, into the Ninth Sphere, to disintegrate the demons of the Black Moon.
I have explained many times that the psychological moon has two sides, which is seen and unseen. Just as the moon visible has two sides, the one is seen and hidden, which is on the other side, so I have to tell you that the Psychological Moon within ourselves has two sides: the one is seen that is, defects you see with the naked eye and the one is not seen, the hidden.
Many saints who progressed too, were stuck believing they had finished with the Ego. Yes, they had destroyed many inhuman elements of the visible part of the Psychological Moon, but had not disintegrated the inhuman elements of the hidden side of the Psychological Moon. They were absorbed in NIRVANA or MAHA-PARANIRVANA convinced that the undesirable elements of his psyche had been disintegrated, pulverized. Later they realized they had not yet reached the goal, left them many undesirable elements in the hidden part of the Psychological Moon.
Within us are the 12 Powers, are the 24 Elders, are the 4 elements, etc. Being of each of us seems an army of Children, innocent infants. Each of the parts of the Being enjoys Autonomy, Self-Awareness and Self independence.
That need we improve each of the parts of the Being, that is true and all truth. But that is only possible by eliminating the subjective elements of perceptions.
Perfecting the superior part of Being, that is very difficult. Who manages to perfect the top of your own Being receives the degree ISMESH. There are few who reach those heights. We must begin to create within ourselves MAN made in the image and likeness of the Creator. This man could not come into existence without a special "shock". This "shock" is the Gnosis, is that of the Light, which will takes out from the chaotic state and will become a Self-Realized Man.
But if there we stay like that, we would walk wrong, we need to create, to arise within us the Living Man of the seventh day. For that you also need a special "shock" the ignoramuses do not understand. When an Initiate, which is a man made in the image and likeness of the Creator, seeks to become a Living Man, it is not understood. Now you will understand why the 12 Apostles are slandered.
Slander "virtuous" slander "priests" of the temple and slandered the "elders". Who are the "virtuous"? Who are the "priests" of the temple?, Who are the "elders"? That worth explaining.
The "scribes" intellectuals, who are attached to so many rancid and rotten codes, that are the false virtuous who condemn to the Initiates. Who are really the "elders"? Simply, people of very full experience, very "opinionated" never understand Initiates. Finally, who are the "priests"? The people of every cult.
So the 12 Saint, 12 Powers, the 12 Apostles are often calumniated, but they march firm to where they need to go.
So, my dear brothers, you see, those "" shocks "" received are needed for transformation, they are vital.
Returning to Genesis, we say that is a work that we do not understand. The Bible begins with Genesis and ends with the Apocalypse. Who understands Genesis? Who understands the Apocalypse? No one. Some authors assume that all Genesis relates exclusively to man. Let us not be exaggerated, not exaggerate the note, it is also related to the Universe.
When someone is creating within himself the man made in the image and likeness of God, he is obviously working with the same force with which God created the world. It's like a small piece of the world within which it has to be a creation. Here it is how one comes to know how God created the world. Thus, Genesis is applicable to Microcosmic, but in symbolic form, allegorical.
No one could understand the Genesis if it were not Alchemist. Alchemists know that this is so. For example, to create man made in the image and likeness of God necessarily is need the Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, and this happens up there in the Macrocosm.
From the Space endlessly Space rise the ARCHEUS compound of sulfur, Mercury Salt arises, and is from that ARCHEUS that comes to arise a new Cosmic Unit, a new solar system. Here below you are to create an ARCHEUS within ourselves with Sulphur, Mercury and Salt, for that ARCHEUS outbreak, no new Cosmic Unity, but a man made in the image and likeness of the Creator.