The truth is that before acquiring the individual NEW FACULTIES OR NEW POWERS not even remotely known and still not own, must acquire faculties and powers that he mistakenly thinks have, but that does not really have.
First of all it is necessary to know the path that leads to the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being.
Indubitably it is urgent to understand the need to crystallize in us that which is called Soul. Jesus The Christ said: "In patience possess your souls". But above all should understand what it is that which is called Soul. Certainly I have to say that the Soul is a set of laws, principles, Virtues, Powers, etc. The people possess the Essence, the psychic material for Alma, but not yet possess the Soul.
Obviously, whoever wants to possess that which is normally called Soul must disintegrate the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within ourselves: Anger, Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, etc. Virgil, the poet of Mantua, said, "Even if you had a thousand tongues to speak and palate of steel, could not reach to fully list all your defects." Obviously, the latter are called in Tibet "psychic aggregates" such aggregates closely resemble elementaries that speak various organizations of occultism types and are a living personification of our errors.
It is said that Jesus of Nazareth threw from the body of Mary Magdalene seven devils. Indubitably, these represent the seven capital defects that multiply endlessly. Such a statement of the Christ Gospel means that the Intimate Christ of Mary Magdalene threw various inhuman psychic aggregates that she possessed. Each of these aggregates is organized in a very similar way to the human personality and possess three brains: the Intellectual, the Emotional and the Motor-Instinctive-Sexual.
Each Added looks like a person actually. If we say that within our human person there are many people living, we are not exaggerating the note, it is. All these aggregates fight mutually each other, fighting for supremacy, each of them wants to be the "master", the Lord, and one who manages to impose, who manages to control the five cylinders of the organic machine is a given instant he believe to be the only one. Moments later, however, it is overthrown and another takes its place.
As for the Essence, is most dignified, it is the most decent thing we have inside us, it is the very consciousness. Unquestionably it is trapped among all those multiple aggregates, processed under its own conditioning.
Remember what Master Jesus asked the possessed of the biblical gospel. What's your name? And the possessed replied, "My name is legion." You do not have a true individuality, they have not succeeded.
Consciousness in each of you sleeping. Why? Because it is processed under its own bottleneck, then it is in a state of hypnosis and that cannot be denied.
And as for the Soul itself, have you achieved perhaps crystallize it? Obviously, each of you has your immortal soul, but do not possess it.
One could have a beautiful diamond, store it in a safe, probably would enjoy one thinking that has such a jewel, more if it were pawned, not possess, would know that is the jewel, but also not ignore that really does not possess.
Many times someone knows to have a beautiful heritage, know they have it, but one thing is to have it and another to possess it.
Soul of us, where is it? Journey through the Milky Way, it moves throughout this galaxy, but you know you have it but one thing is to know they have it and another thing to possess it.
So that worth possess it but, how could one own your soul? Well definitely DISINTEGRATING the psychic aggregates, because the Soul and the aggregates are incompatible; are like oil and water, they cannot be mixed.
If we not achieve to disintegrate the psychic aggregates, living personification of our psychological defects, we lose the soul.
What would it serve Jesus Christ says if a man acquires all the treasures of the world, but loses his soul? It serves of nothing. Is it possible to lose your soul? Yes it is possible. Whoever enters the infernal worlds loses its soul, that is obvious.
It is said to lose this treasure. Is there any way to keep it? Yes, I repeat, crystallizing itself, here and now.
When one completely breaks and disintegrates the psychic aggregate of lust or the aggregates because they are many, crystallized in the Essence that we carry within, that precious virtue of the Soul known as chastity.
When you can destroy, annihilate the psychic aggregate of hate, then one crystallizes the precious virtue of Love. When you get reduced to cosmic dust the psychic aggregate of Selfishness, then crystallizes in one the precious virtue of altruism or Christ-centrism. When one gets to annihilate the psychic aggregate of Pride, then it crystallizes in us the ineffable virtue of humility.
In reaching this part I want to say that, unfortunately, many texts of occultism, esotericism type, etc., lead one to mystical pride and that is serious. Connoted very venerable authors claim that we are "gods" that each of us is a "God". Obviously, this statement comes to justify in us the mystical pride which causes a lot of damage in the path of self-realization , for one, conceited, convinced that there is a "God" can become Mythomaniac.
Unquestionably, it is not possible to become a true Enlightened when you have pride, could not I ever think of a "God" drunken fornicator, adulterer, fighter, selfish, envious, jealous, lustful, etc.
Materializing the reality of the facts, look at what we are and do not forge illusions: we eat, drink, fornicate, adulterate, we hate, we criticize, we are jealous, etc. Do you perhaps believe in a "God" like that?.
If we want to convince us, it would be enough if we were honest with ourselves. If we carefully examine our existence and discovered that, indeed, is not one of the seven wonders of the world that review we do about ourselves and about our own lives, will be wonderful consequences, because it will allow us to know what we are, understand the crude reality of what we are.
So, in that way, we will march on the path of simplicity and humility. When one disintegrates really, in true, that psychic aggregate of pride, obviously crystallizes in us humility, which is the most precious virtue.
Please note that there is not only pride based on social positions, in the capital, in the family lineage, etc. There is a lot worse and harmful Pride that all these forms just cited, and is the MYSTICAL PRIDE, the believe of being SAINTS, SAGES, the feel GODS, assume that no one is bigger than us, we're great Semi-Gods, etc. etc. etc.
This is serious because actually, really, the Pride will never allow us to have right relationship with the higher parts of the BEING. When one cannot relate to the highest parts of the BEING, cannot enjoy Enlightenment. Will live stuck to books, to read, to listen to the speakers, but never will have the mystical experience of reality.
So first of all it is urgently needed in these studies that we manage to remove from ourselves the Mystical Pride, which is the most dangerous. If we succeed, emerges in us the precious virtue of HUMILITY.
Every time we eliminate a psychic aggregate, crystallizes a virtue, a Power, a law, a faculty, a Gift, etc. This is how we gradually crystallizing SOUL in us. That Soul which normally lives there in the Milky Way, traveling, slowly crystallizes in us. However, we must also say, that if "the water does not boil at 100 °", does not crystallize in us what must to crystallize and does not disintegrate what must to disintegrate.
With this "water must boil at 100 degrees" I am speaking in parable form; as you already know in order to disintegrate each psychological defect.
Who thus act with supreme repentance, working on this or that psychological defect, unquestionably disintegrates one by one the psychic aggregates and his replacement will CRYSTALLIZE that which is called SOUL.
Whoever gets the complete elimination of all the undesirable psychic elements that in its interior load, crystallizes in Himself one hundred percent of his Soul, set of, precious virtues or ineffable genies. Attributes, laws, gifts and qualities of perfection. Even the physical body must be transformed into Soul, the only way you get to where you must go.
I know many scholars of sparkling intellectualism who have drunk in all philosophies of the world, whether in the West or the East of the world. Hebrew and Sanskrit are known, the Greek but suffer the unspeakable, do not enjoy Enlightenment because they still have not made the BODDICHITTA. This word can sound to you a little strange, it is an Eastern term.
In Japan, China, India, Nepal, where he was born Gautama, the Buddha Satkiamuni, BODHICHITTA was called the Soul Crystallized in a man or a woman. Of course, it is wonderful to see how those diverse spiritual elements. Virtues, Powers, are slowly crystallizing in the Essence as she gets released.
What happens is that you have to crystallize your Soul, and that's different.
You have seen, for example, a piece of ice. It is the crystallization of the water element. Unquestionably very cold this element takes shape and becomes ice. Amazes see the crystallization of water. It is done in accordance with certain geometric, extraordinary principles.
Similarly it happens with the Soul element crystallizes according to certain precise mathematical and geotechnical delineations, indisputable. So even the same body of flesh and blood we have must become SOUL, and is possible to transform it into Soul if really, in fact, really we propose.
We have a body of flesh and bone. This physical body is composed of organs, organs of cells, cells of molecules, etc. There is no doubt that there has been an intelligent guiding principle that has promoted a system of living cells in the form of organs. It makes me laugh frankly the idea cells "unconscious" and becoming ordained as dormant organs. How absurd is that! Sleeper cells, unconscious, blind (as Haeckel says), organizing in the form of organs. That would not fit in the mind to anyone.
The cells are organized in a conscious; thanks to intelligent principle of Mother Nature is possible to organize the body 's cells as organs.