We affirm that Conscience in man is beyond doubt and without fear of being wrong, a very particular kind of APPREHENSION OF INNER KNOWLEDGE , totally independent of all mental activity.


Certainly we can study SEXOLOGY from two different angles. The one from the point of view official merely as a student at the Faculty of Medicine. The other, from the point of view Gnostic. I'll front facing Sexology in the light of Universal Gnosticism.


First of all, GNOSIS means KNOWLEDGE. The word Gnosis also enters the official science: diagnosis. You see Gnosis there in etymology. In any case the defined gnostic currents know thoroughly Sexology.


In the name of truth I must tell you that Sigmund Freud, with the psychoanalysis, began an era of extraordinary transformations in the field of Sexology. Sigmund Freud was an innovation in the field of medicine, know that all who have studied Freud.


Agler was certainly one of his best disciples. And disciple of him were Jung and many other psychologists, psychoanalysts and parapsychologists.


Sex itself is the center of gravity of all human activities revolve around sex all social aspects of life. Take for example a dance, a party: Sex tour around the whole party in a cafe everything revolves around sex.


Today the Sex begins to be studied by some wise men with transcendental purposes. And unfortunately it is true, pornography abounds that diverts the Sex to merely sensual activities.


There are several kinds of SEX: There is the ordinary Normal Sex, there is infra-sex and there is Supra-sex.


What it is meant by Normal Sexuality? Understood by Sexuality Normal, sexual activity leading to the reproduction of the species.


The infra-sexuality is different and there are two kinds of infrasexuals. In terms of Kabala it is said that Adam had two wives: Lilith and Nahemah. Lilith represents one of the infrasexuals areas, find it to pederasts, homosexuals, lesbians, etc.


Nahemah side are abusers of sex, pornographic, those who give themselves completely to unbridled lust without a brake of any kind or control; are the two spheres of the Infra-sexualism.


But let us now turn to Supra-sex, to the Supra-sexuality. Unquestionably the Supra-sexuality is for Geniuses, for Transcendental Men for Ineffable Women, etc. Suprasexuals were Jesus of Nazareth a Buddha, a Hermes Trismegistus, a Mohammed a Lao-tse in China, a Quetzalcoatl a Pythagoras, etc...


How can we enter the Kingdom of the Supra-sexuality? But I say, to enter the realm of the Supra-sexual, in the sphere of the Supra-sexuality, it is required first at all Normal sex. The Infrasexual for example, lesbians, homosexuals, pederasts, masturbators, are not prepared to enter the Kingdom of the Supra-sexuality. The Infrasexual must first of all, if he wants to regenerate, start to achieve Normal sexuality to like the opposite sex to get married. Once achieved it, can enter the full path of the Supra-sexuality.


It is difficult for homosexuals and lesbians, who belong to the sphere of the infra-sexuality, regeneration but is possible need to like first the opposite sex then get into the Normal sexuality and then after to get on the path of the Supra-sexuality .


 But not only infrasexuals are really lesbians, masturbators, homosexuals, etc., no. Infrasexuals are also sex abusers, those that are changing every second a lady, those who copulate up to ten and fifteen times daily. And there are, I know them. Subject like that undoubtedly are degenerate, infrasexuals, although they believe are very macho, but what they have is that they are degenerates.


Let's go now to the way of Sexuality Normal. Normal. Normal Sexuality itself is beautiful. Man to his wife Joining, they love each other, reproduce their species, they live a measured life, etc. They live yes, according to the interests of nature, according to the economy of Nature. Each one of us is a little machine, we cannot deny that captures different types and subtypes of cosmic energy.


Every little machine, that is, each of us can grasp these types of energy automatically, subconsciously, and relayed to the inner layers of the Earth.  


I do not want to say that plants do not fulfill this function, it is clear that each plant, after its kind, captures these or those types of cosmic vibration which then transforms and retransmits to the inner layers of the Earth.


As for the bodies of animals is the same. They capture these or those types of energy that transform and relayed to the inner layers of the Earth, to the planetary organism. Total, the Earth is a living organism.


We reproduce incessantly with Sexuality Normal. This is necessary for the economy of Nature. In addition, sexual enjoyment, is a legitimate enjoyment of men, not a crime as many sanctimonious, many pietistic suppose, etc. But today, with our Normal Sexuality, we live according to the economic interests of Nature.


Another thing the SUPRASEXUALITY is, that is final. To get into the SUPRASEXUALITY field is to be already on the road of the extraordinary transformations.


Nietzche, in his work; "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" speaks frankly about the Superman; Says: ... "It`s time for Superman. Man is nothing more than a bridge between animal and Superman, a dangerous step on the ROAD, a dangerous looking back, Everything about in him is dangerous. Has come the time of Superman ".


Well, Hitler interpreted Nietzsche in his own way. During the Second World War even the most insignificant German police was a superman, no one felt tiny at the time of Hitler in Germany, they were supermen.

It seems that Hitler, though with good intentions, could not read Nietzsche. I believe in Superman, frankly it clear to you, but I think that Hitler missed the Way.


In any case, in humans there are five fundamental centers: First of all the intellectual, which is the most used all of you for the study. Second the Emotional, we have it in the heart. Third Engine, which is at the top of the spine. Fourth instinctive center, which is at the bottom of the spine. And the fifth itself, Sexual. I repeat for you to record better: intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual, five centers. All centers are fundamental to all human activities.


The thinking apparently is very fast but unfortunately is very slow. If you are driving a car, for example, and suddenly, in a moment of danger, they are set to discuss whether to do this or that, forward or backward or slowdown, turn right or left, so they come to collide and have a catastrophe.


The Motor Center is faster. One, when you're driving a car, does not have much time to think, act quickly and get out of the step. But if at that time the thought acts, it stuck, and would collide...


How many times will one driving a car and it turns out that in a given time is undecided whether to turn around, if right, if left and all, it is a failure. So it is very slow Thinking Center. Faster is the center of the Movement, the Motor Center.


Emotional Center is also fast, but no faster than the Sexual Center. One man sees a woman in milliseconds know if supplemented with one or not, whether you agree with the wave carry one or not. This is done in milliseconds, you know that. You can be face to face with a girl but instinctively instantly know if you agree with its wave or not, that is very fast. So it is a center that allows you to review with unprecedented speed the other pole. It is the fastest Center we possess.


But go into a little more detainees factors. Many times a man lives happily with his wife; however notice that something is missing. Certainly it may happen that with the woman he is feels is not complete. It may be that she fills the activities of Emotional Centre, but may not be supplemented with one sexually, and finding one out there another lady, it may happen that this other yes it is supplemented with one and then comes what is called ADULTERY.


Say that a man emotionally is complemented with a woman, but not sexually. It may be the case meets a lady with sexually complement. Suppose a man is sexually complemented by a woman but not emotionally. It may be the case meets a lady with which it is complemented emotionally. But it may be that in the world of the habits a man is not complemented by his wife.


It may also happen that is in the world of the habits related to Motor Centre, with another woman with whom is complemented with which it has affinity. This is the intrinsic cause of so many adulteries that originate the divorces.


 We are studying here the causes of adultery, the sexual issue.


I think the best thing for one, as a man, is to find a woman who complemented with one intellectually, emotionally; in the Motor Center, or world of habits, in the center of Instincts and in the Sex, and vice versa that is the perfect match, the perfect couple. The ideal for a woman, is to find a man that is fully complemented, then there would be real happiness.


Another serious reasons for that there can be happiness, this is the question of temperaments. A man of fiery temperament is impossible for to be happy with a woman who is a mass of ice, simply not.  



 Well, what would you say about a man of fiery temperament have to copulate with a woman cold as ice?


It is also true that there is a bilious temperament, heavy, awkward people. A woman, for example, heavy character, awkward in his movements, it is impossible to that it can be understood with a man of nervous temperament is impossible that a man of nervous temperament can be understood with a fiery woman.


So the question of temperaments is very important. Not only there needs to be correlated with the various centers of the organic machine: Intellect, Emotion, Movement, Instinct and Sex, but there are related temperaments. Only then, having similar temperaments and perfect interplay between the various centers of the machine , as it can then have a real affinity, which would give happiness.


But we should think about sex not only as a physiological question. It should be known that in sex exists ENERGY. After all Einstein said: " Energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared (E = m.c2)." Also said: "Energy is transformed into mass, the mass is converted into energy." Is it possible to transform Mass into Energy?  Of course. You see water where ever it is the water evaporates by the sun's heat finally becomes cloud, lightning, thunder; all waters of the seas, rivers, become clouds and finally lightning and thunder, that is ENERGY.


It is known today in medicine that only a small part of our brain is working, he is exercising his functions. Unquestionably we have many inactive areas, of the brain. If with a the little brain we have created atomic rockets traveling to the moon , we have managed to create atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we have gotten ourselves supersonic aircraft traveling at extraordinary speed, what if we regenerate, if we put those parts of the brain in activity? If the entire brain mass will work, then we could transform this world, change it, make it wonderful. But you have to regenerate it.


The great musicians of yesterday, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin, Mahler, etc. were men who had inspirational seminal transmutation who gave their brain extraordinary capabilities, who used the highest percentage of the brain areas.


 Let us be analytical, we are here to analyze. Simply because the brain is degenerated, there are certain areas that cannot appreciate good music. And why it has degenerated brain? It has degenerated simply because we, for centuries, have been extracting from our organism the entity of the Semen. We have not extract solely to give life to other creatures, no, we extracted because we liked because it is a great pleasure, that's all.


With that we have indulged in LUST, in beds of pleasure enjoying a great time, but who pays for everything was the brain; That is, he is the one who has had to "pay for." Now it happens that many areas are not working.


Our world is not only three dimensions as ignoramuses believe; in our world there exists a fourth vertical. Furthermore, we can say with great emphasis that there is a Vertical Fifth, Sixth and Seventh one. So, we have never seen our world as it truly is, and we have not seen it because our five senses are degenerated, our pineal gland is atrophied.


So there are other senses in which we are of perfection but are degenerate; if we regenerate could perceive the world as it is, with its several dimensions.


In the world there are many ideologies in the world there are many beliefs and everyone is free to believe what he wants but the only force that has the power to transform us, was the one who created us, which put us on the table of existence, I refer emphatically to the Sexual Force.


Learning to manage that wonderful Energy of Sex means to be master of Creation, when the sacred sperm is transformed into energy, extraordinary psycho-somatic changes cause.


We well know what those hormonal vessels of our gonads, how they work, as hormones pass from vessel to vessel, such as along the strands finally comes to the prostate. Well we know how valuable Prostate is, there is produce the greatest transformations of the Entity of Semen. And hormones finally enter the bloodstream. HORMONE word comes from a Greek root meaning, "ANXIETY OF BEING, STRENGTH OF BEING".


Hormones have been studied by our scientists, they are wonderful. Sex hormones, for example, entering the bloodstream, made wonders. When all endocrine glands, be it the thyroid , the Parathyroid , kidney glands   etc., , etc. are stimulate, make them small micro-laboratories that produce more hormones, and those hormones, like all the glands in general, enrich the blood stream extraordinarily. Then ailments disappear, illnesses disappear.


Unfortunately today, the sperm that is prepared by the gonads and then raises or increases to the Prostate, is unfortunately wasted and when it is already sent out of the body, when it is thrown. Many times even not enough to reach maturity that is eliminated.


As for masturbators, well you know what the vice of masturbation. When somebody masturbates, he is committing a crime against nature. After he has ejaculated the Entity of Semen, remains certain peristaltic movements in the phallus, and this is known by any man.


During masturbation, all that collects the phallus with the peristaltic movements is cold air that goes to the brain, so many cerebral faculties are exhausted.


Countless individuals have gone to the madhouse by the abominable vice of masturbation. So we condemn this vice in a one hundred percent.


The Psychosomatic it is intimately related to the sexual. A Suprasexuality involves in fact something Suprasexual within the psycho-somatic. So I say to you quite clearly that Suprasexuals were, for example, Hermes Trismegistus, or Quetzalcoatl, or Buddha, or the Great Kabir Jesus. Those were Suprasexuals, and Suprasexual is the Superman of Nietzsche.


Thus, from a revolutionary point of view, we can become true Gods-Men if they want. Suffice to regenerate areas of the brain, which we were to Work and then so we would make a better world.



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