It is already fully demonstrated that FEAR prevents the free INITIATIVE. The poor economic situation of millions of people, is beyond doubt due to that is called FEAR.
The frightened child looks for his beloved mother and clings to her in search of safety. The frightened husband becomes attached to his wife and feels that he loves her much more. The frightened wife looks for her husband and children and feels much more loving them.
From the psychological point of view it is very curious and interesting to know that fear sometimes disguises itself with the clothes of LOVE.
People who internally have very few SPIRITUAL VALUES, internally poor people, are always looking for outside something to complete them.
Internally poor people always live intriguing, always in nonsense, gossip, bestial pleasures, etc.
Internally poor people live from fear to fear and, as is natural, they become attached to their husbands, to their women, to their parents, to their children, to the old outdated and degenerated traditions, etc. etc. etc.
Any old sick and poor in the PSYCHOLOGICAL is usually full of fear and is terrified with infinite anxiety to money, family traditions, grandchildren, their memories, etc. as looking for security. This is something that we can all demonstrate by carefully observing the elderly.
Each time people are afraid they hide behind the protective shield of RESPECTABILITY. Following a tradition, whether of race, family, nation, etc. etc. etc.
Really, all tradition is a mere repetition without any sense, hollow, without true value.
People have a marked trend to IMITATE others. That of IMITATE is a product of FEAR.
People with fear IMITATE all those to whom they attach themselves. Imitate the husband, the wife, the children, the brothers, the friends who protect him, etc. etc.etc.
IMITATION is the result of FEAR. IMITATION totally destroys the FREE INITIATIVE.
In schools, in colleges, in universities, teachers make the mistake of teaching male and female students, what is called IMITATION.
In painting and drawing classes students are taught to copy, to paint images of trees, houses, mountains, animals, etc. That is not create. That is IMITATE, PHOTOGRAPH.
Creating is not IMITATE. Create is not PHOTOGRAPH. To create is to translate, to transmit with the brush and to alive the tree that we love, the beautiful sunset, the dawn with its ineffable melodies, etc. etc.
There is true creation in the CHINESE AND JAPANESE ZEN art, in abstract and semi-abstract art.
Any Chinese painter of CHAN and ZEN is not interested in IMITATING, photographing.
Painters in China and Japan: enjoy creating and re-creating.
The painters of ZEN and CHAN do not imitate, they CREATE and that is their job.
The painters of CHINA and JAPAN are not interested in painting or photographing a beautiful woman, they enjoy transmitting their abstract beauty.
The painters of CHINA and JAPAN would never imitate a beautiful sunset, they enjoy transmitting in abstract beauty all the charm of sunset.
The important thing is not to IMITATE, copy in black or white; the important thing is to feel the deep significance of beauty and to know how to transmit it, but for that it is necessary that there be no fear, adherence to the rules, to the tradition, or fear to which they will say or to the scolding of the teacher.
It is URGENT for teachers to understand the need for students to develop creative power.
It is obviously absurd to teach students to IMITATE. It is better to teach them to create.
The human being is unfortunately an unconscious sleeping automaton, which only knows how to IMITATE.
We imitate other people's clothes and from that imitation come the different currents of fashion.
We imitate the customs of others even when you are very wrong.
We imitate the vices, we imitate everything that is absurd, what we always live repeating in time, etc.
It is necessary for school TEACHERS to teach students to think for themselves independently.
Teachers must offer students all possibilities to stop being AUTOMATON IMITATE.
Teachers should provide students with the best opportunities for them to develop creative power.
It is URGENT that the students know the true freedom, so that without any fear they can learn to think for themselves, freely.
The mind that lives slave of the "WHAT WILL THEY SAY", the mind that IMITATE, for fear of violating traditions, rules, customs, etc. It is not a creative mind, it is not a free mind.
The mind of the people is like a house closed and sealed with seven seals, a house where nothing new can happen, a house where the sun does not enter, a house where only death and pain reign.
The NEW can only happen where there is no fear, where there is no IMITATION, where there are no attachments to things, to money, to people, to traditions, to customs, etc.
People live slaves of intrigue, envy, family customs, habits, to the insatiable desire to gain positions, climb, climb up, climb the top of the ladder, make themselves felt, etc. etc.
It is URGENT for TEACHERS to teach their male and female students the need not to IMITATE all this obsolete and degenerated order of old things.
It is URGENT that the PUPILS learn in school to create freely to think freely, to feel freely.
The students spend the best of their lives in school acquiring INFORMATION and, nevertheless, they do not have time to think about all these things.
Ten or fifteen years in school living life of unconscious automatons and leave school with the consciousness asleep, but they leave school thinking they are very awake.
The mind of the human being lives bottled between conservative and reactionary ideas.
The human being cannot think with true freedom because he is full of FEAR.
The human being has FEAR of life, FEAR of death, FEAR of what they will say, of what they say, of gossip, of losing their jobs, of violating regulations, of having someone take away their spouse or steal their spouse, etc., etc., etc.
At school we are taught to IMITATE and we leave the school turned into IMITATORS.
We do not have free INITIATIVE because from the banks of the school we were taught to IMITATE.
IMITATE people for fear of what other people may say, IMITATE students because the MASTERS have really terrified the poor students, they are threatened at every moment, they are threatened with a bad grade, they are threatened with certain punishments, they are threatened with expulsion, etc.
If we really want to become creators in the fullest sense of the word, we must become aware of all that series of IMITATIONS that unfortunately have us trapped.
When we are already able to know the whole series of IMITATIONS, when we have carefully analyzed each of the IMITATIONS, we become aware of them and, as a logical consequence, the power to create is born spontaneously in us.
It is necessary that the students of the school, college or university, free themselves from all IMITATION in order to become true creators.
Teachers mistakenly assume that students need IMITATE to learn. The one that IMITATE does not learn, the one that IMITATE becomes an AUTOMATON and that's it.
Do not try to IMITATE what the authors say about geography, physics, arithmetic, history, etc. IMITATE, MEMORIZE, to repeat like parrots, it is stupid, it is better to CONSCIOUSLY UNDERSTAND what we are studying.
FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION is the SCIENCE OF CONSCIENCE, the science that allows us to discover our relationship with human beings, with nature, with all things.
The mind that only knows IMITATE is MECHANICAL, it is a machine that works, it is NOT creative, it is not capable of creating, it does not really think, it just repeats and that is all.
Teachers should be concerned about the awakening of CONSCIOUSNESS in each student.
The students only worry about spending the year and then ... out of school, in practical life, they become office clerks or children maker machines.
Ten or fifteen years of studies to be turned into talking automatons, the studied subjects are forgotten little by little and at last nothing remains in the memory.
If the students were AWARE of the subjects studied, if their study was not based solely on the INFORMATION, the IMITATION and the MEMORY, another would be the reality to them. They would leave the school with CONSCIOUS, UNFORGETTABLE, COMPLETE knowledge that would not be submitted to the Unfaithful Memory.
FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION will help students by awakening them the CONSCIOUSNESS and INTELLIGENCE.
FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION takes young people down the path of the TRUE REVOLUTION.
The students must insist that the TEACHERS and MASTERS give them the TRUE EDUCATION, the FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION.
It is not enough that students sit in the school benches to receive information about any topic, something else is needed, FUNDAMENTAL EDUCATION is needed to awaken CONSCIOUSNESS.
IT IS URGENT that the students leave the school mature, CONSCIOUS of truth, INTELLIGENT, so that they do not become simple automatic pieces of the social machinery.