"And I saw again the voice that talked with me (the Verb that talked to the Apostle), and returned I saw, and I saw seven golden candlesticks (the seven chakras of the spinal cord, the seven churches): and in the midst of the seven candlesticks, One like the Son of Man (a Verb taught the Apostle) clothed in a garment that came down to the feet, and girt about the breasts with a ribbon of gold, and his head and his hair were as white as wool, as white as snow And his eyes like the flames of fire, and his feet like fine brass, as hot as an oven, and his voice as the noise of many waters (the Word, the Logos, sound).And he had in his right hand seven stars( In the Macrocosm the seven Spirits before the Throne, in the Microcosm the seven atomic Angels that govern the seven chakras or churches of the spinal cord). And from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword (the flaming sword). And his face was like the sun when it shines in its strength. And when I saw him I fell as dead to his feet. And he put his right hand upon me, saying, Fear not. I am the first and the last (our resplendent Dragon of Wisdom is the first and the last) "(Rev. 1: 12-17).


The Beloved lives and is dead and behold, he lives for ever and ever. "He hath the keys of hell and of death" (Revelation 1:18).


When we leave the Eden we divorce that Verb that lives in the unknown depths of our being. The Beloved died for us, but behold, he lives forever.


 The Beloved is Hiram killed by three traitors. It is Jesus condemned to death by Judas, Caiaphas, and Pilate. Those three traitors constitute what we call the self, the ego and the self (Satan). Sebal, the first betrayer of Hiram, is Satan in the astral body of the human being. Hortelut, the second traitor of Hiram, is Satan in the mind. Stokin, the third traitor of Hiram, is the Satan in the soul will.


Here is the ego in its three fundamental levels of consciousness. This is the prince of this world, the black dragon with three heads that we must decapitate and dissolve.


The Demon of Desire, the demon of the mind, and the demon of bad will. These are the three murderers of the Verb, "but here he lives for ever and ever, Amen."


He holds the keys to our own atomic infernos. "He has the keys of hell and of death."


We need to resurrect the Son of Man within ourselves.


There are seven churches in the microcosm-man and the macrocosm.


The Apocalypse is the book of man and the universe is. The seven churches of our spinal cord glow of happiness with the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit.


The seven churches of our spinal cord are the doors that give us access to the seven glorious cathedrals of the higher worlds.


We feel filled with great and mystical trembling when we see the majestic cathedral of Sardis between lightning, thunder, earthquakes, storms and large hail.


The throat chakra is the door that gives access to the great cathedral of Sardis.


The sublime and terribly divine Laodicean church is all pure gold. Its dome and walls are all carved in the purest gold of the Spirit.


The lotus of thousand petals, the resplendent crown of the saints, gives us access to the glorious cathedral of Laodicea, temple really exists in the higher worlds.


In the seven churches of the internal worlds we study the Rituals of Life and Death as the officiant (the Verb) arrives.


The seven churches of the spinal cord are connected to the seven chakras or nerve plexus of the sympathetic nervous system wide by certain very fine nerves.


The seven churches hang like lotus flowers of the famous Nadi Chitra. Within the medullary canal is the Shushumna canal. Within the Shushumna channel is that channel which we call Nadi Chitra. The seven beautiful and divine churches hang of this precious medullary canal.


The spinal cord is the candlestick. To the right and the left are the two olive trees of the temple, the two olive branches which through two golden tubes golden pour oil out as Gold, is the "Ens Seminis".


"These two sons of oil who are ahead of the Lord of all the earth" (Zech. 4: 14). These are the two witnesses (Ida and Pingala). This is the pair of sympathetic nerves that are entwined like two serpents in the spinal cord. By them go up oil pure gold, to the chalice (the brain).


When the metal serpent awakens, it enters the "canalis centralis" of the spinal cord and going up very slowly and hardly by between that medullary canal called in India Brahma Nadi.


The seven churches shine with the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit. As the sacred fire rises, the seven churches become open and turn upward. As the seven churches open, then they awaken the chakras or sympathetic plexuses.


The candlestick has seven lamps that are the seven churches, and seven channels to the lamps that are above him. These seven channels correspond to the seven degrees of power of fire.


All these chakras, discs, magnetic wheels are the senses of the astral body.


Our soul is wrapped in the astral body. The astral body has its anatomy, physiology and pathology ultra- sensitive.


The senses of the astral body and endocrine glands are in intimate correspondence: wherever there is a nerve plexus, there is a chakra of the astral body.


Within the astral body is the mind, will, consciousness, spirit, etc.


With the awakening of the seven churches, the astral body is filled with glory and beauty.


This is how we transfigure and glorify completely.






Between the woman and the serpent there is enmity since leaving Eden. The serpent deceived Eve, and from that moment begins the conflict. Jehovah said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life I will put enmity between you and the woman, and. between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel "(Genesis 3: 14, 15).


The world was filled with tears from the serpent was cursed; Woman hurt the serpent's head, and the serpent revenges itself of the woman injuring it in the heel. Then we born crying and die crying.


Moses in the desert lifted the serpent of metal upon the staff. That snake became the staff itself. The struggle is terrible: "brain against sex, sex against brain and heart against heart." We must tame and raise the serpent of metal upon the staff as Moses did in the desert.


We must descend to the Ninth Sphere (sex) to work with fire and water, the origin of worlds, beasts, men and gods. All authentic white initiation begins there. In the union of the `Phallus and Uterus is find the key of all power. Raise well your cup and take care to not spill even a single drop of the sacred wine. Slay desire. Kill the very shadow of desire. We must celebrate the wedding of Canaan and transmute water into wine. When man is chaste can raise the igneous serpent of our magical powers by the central canal of the spinal cord. The Pentecostal fire has power to open the seven churches. When the solar atoms make contact with the lunar atoms in the coccygeal bone near the Triveni, then there comes the sacred fire of Pentecost. The igneous Serpent rises from the bottom of the sacred ark. The ark of the testament are the sexual organs.


In the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple of Solomon, the Ark shone like a terribly divine lightning. To the right and left sides of the ark of science were two cherubs with their wings touched. These two most sacred cherubs were in the attitude of men and women during intercourse.


Inside the ark are the Aaron's rod (symbol of the phallus), the cup or Gomor containing the manna of the desert (symbol of the uterus) and the Tables of the Law, without which it is impossible the development of the terrible metal serpent.


That divine serpent is called Kundalini. Devi Kundalini only awakens with the ineffable charms of love. The important thing is not to waste the sacred wine. In the camera of wine only will can save us. The Kundalini rises slowly through the spinal canal. The seven churches are in the medullary canal. The Kundalini opens the seven churches.


The beautiful immaculate and divine white light that radiate the Angels originated in the candlestick of his spinal cord.


The spinal cord is the sacred candlestick of the Temple.


The Massif Golden Candlestick of the Temple of Solomon had seven arms. This candlestick is the spinal cord with its seven churches.


To the right and left of the candlestick are the two olives of the temple, "The two sons of oil".


When we work with the Arcanum AZF, then water and fire of the Ninth Sphere rise by between these two sympathetic canals (Ida and Pingala) to the chalice (the brain).


The holy martyr Miguel de Molinos, said: "The subtlest arrow that pulls us nature is lead us to the illicit (fornication) under the pretext of necessary and useful Oh, how many souls have been carried away and lost the spirit by. this golden deception! Will never taste of the silent Mana. QUOD NEMO NOCET NISI QUI ACCIPIT ".


"If not perfectly overcome (the animal ego) to die in yourself, for he who seeks not die to his passions is not willing to receive the gift of understanding, without whose infusion is impossible to enter the introversion and move on the Spirit, and those outside, without him live. "


"Resign yourself and refuse at all, although the true self-denial is rough to the principles, it is easy in the middle and the end is very gentle. You will know that you are very far from perfect, if you do not find God in all things. The pure, perfect and essential love, you know that consists of the cross, in willful denial and resignation, in perfect humbleness. "


"At the time of strong temptation, abandonment and desolation, important enter thee and to be in the intimate of your center of your heart, for only look at and contemplate God, who is enthroned and quiet in the depths of your Soul. The impatience and bitterness of heart shall experiment that born from the bottom the sensible, empty and little mortified love. Knows true love and its effects, when the soul is deeply humiliated and wants to be truly mortified and despised ".


If you want to turn your seven-branched candelabrum remember that this is the path of the razor's edge. This path is full of dangers inside and out.






In the school of Sufism we find described seven degrees of ecstasy by which the mystic reaches the perfect state of the soul.


Sufism is the school of ecstasy. There the station level with the secret is revealed, because it is the inner state of life in God.


In the path of inner peace we must do the Father's will and in heaven and on earth. This conformity with the soft yoke takes us through the narrow, narrow and difficult path that leads to light.


Anyone who works in the Magisterium of Fire must learn to meditate on the seven churches.


The mystic must concentrate deeply on the Lamb slain. The mystic must pray to the Adorable begging him to wake you up the chakra, disc, wheel or desired faculty.


After the appeal made, should the mystic seek refuge in nothingness. The mind must be silent and still.


When the mind is quiet, when the mind is quiet, then comes enlightenment, ecstasy.


The dream combined with meditation produces ecstasy.


God looks at nothing to fill it.


Ecstasy has seven degrees of power: the first is the fire that instructs and teaches us.


The second is the Gnostic unction, which is a mild solar liquor spreading throughout the soul, teaches, corroborates and dispose to embody the truth.


The third is the mystical exaltation of the humble and sincere disciple.


The fourth is Illumination.


The fifth is the Internal Joy of the Divine sweetness emanating from the precious fountain of the Holy Spirit.


This joy is for those who have "continuous consciousness."


The sixth is the decapitation of self.


The seventh is the venustic initiation, the incarnation of the Son of Man within ourselves.


There are other degrees of contemplation and ecstasy, such as: kidnapping, liquefaction, rapture, joy, kiss, hug, transformation, etc.


When our mind is immersed in "the nothing", the Lamb enters the soul to have dinner with her. That nothing is the means by which the Beloved act within your soul, awakening centers and doing wonders. For that nothing comes the divine husband to marry her soul, in the nuptial bed of paradise.


By this way we return to the innocence of paradise. The soul immersed in that nothing will successfully the spiritual martyrdoms and inward torments pass through. God looks at nothing to fill it.


Internal meditation produces changes in our internal bodies. Then comes the awakening of consciousness. All human beings live in the supersensible worlds with consciousness asleep. Meditation provokes the solemn awakening of consciousness.


This awakening is like lightning in the night. The awakening of consciousness during normal sleep comes our physical body. When the body sleeps we move our internal vehicles.


When the body sleeps, the soul travels through the upper worlds. With the awakening of consciousness, we stop dreaming. So we live in the inner worlds in a state of intensified vigilance. That is what is called "continuous consciousness."


One who has awakened consciousness lives awake in the superior worlds.


In the supersensible worlds we feel the mystical beatitude of the ineffable light..


There the past and the future join in the eternal now. There is no greater pleasure than that of feeling detached soul.


Then we savor the divine nectar of the eternal and full of joy we walked through the doors of the Temples between the ineffable melodies of the Big Mysteries.



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