Chapter 86

And Jesus answered and said to Mary: "Finally, by the way, you ask everything concerning exactly and with certainty. But listen carefully, Mary, I can tell you about the consummation of the Aeon and the ascension of the universe. This will not take place yet; without However I have said to you: “If I lead you to the region of the inheritances of those who will receive the mystery of the Light, the Treasure of the Light, the region of the emanations, will then be considered by you as a unique macula of rubble and as the sunlight of the day."

(One day the Aeons are to be consummated, and the Universe will rise again into the Great Light.)

(Similarly, our inner universe will have to be consummated in the Aeons to rise to that which has no name.)

(The region of the cosmic inheritances of those who will receive the mystery of the Light.)

(It is unquestionable that the region where we have our divine heritage is even beyond the Treasury of Light, the region of emanations.)

(Everything is relative, even the Treasury of Light. The region of emanations pales before the ineffable splendors of the region where we have our divine inheritance.)

                                            Of the twelve saviors and their regions in the Heritage.

"Therefore I have said:" This will be done at the moment of the consummation and the ascension of the Universe. "The twelve treasure saviors and the twelve orders of each of them, which are the emanations of the seven voices and the five Trees, will be with me in the region of the inheritances of the Light; being kings with me in my kingdom, and each one of them being king over his emanations and also each of them being king according to his glory, according to his greatness and according to his smallness.

And the savior of the emanations of the first Voice will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the First Mystery of the First Mystery in my kingdom.

And the savior of the emanations of the second Voice will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the Second Mystery of the First Mystery.

In the same way, the savior of the emanations of the third Voice will also be in the region of the souls of those who have received the third mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of the Light.

And the savior of the emanations of the fourth Voice of the Treasury of the Light will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the fourth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of the Light.

And the fifth savior of the fifth Voice of the Treasury of the Light will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the fifth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of the Light.

And the sixth savior from the emanations of the sixth Voice of the Treasury of Light will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the sixth mystery of the First Mystery.

And the seventh savior from the emanations of the seventh Voice from the Treasury of Light will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the seventh mystery of the First Mystery in the Treasury of Light.

And the eighth savior who is the savior from the emanations from the First Treasure Tree of Light, will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the eighth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light.

And the ninth savior who is the savior from the emanations of the second Tree of Treasure of Light, will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the ninth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light.

And the tenth savior, who is the tenth savior from the emanations of the Third Treasure Tree of Light, will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the tenth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light.

In the same way, the eleventh savior, who is the savior of the fourth Treasure Tree of Light, will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the eleventh mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light.

And the twelfth savior, who is the savior from the emanations of the fifth Tree of Treasure of Light , will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the twelfth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light. "

(All this will be a concrete fact at the great consummation.)

(The twelve saviors of the Treasury of Light and the twelve orders of each of them are the emanations of the seven Voices and the five Trees.)

(Unquestionably, the twelve and their twelve Orders and the seven voices and the five Trees will be absorbed in the Christ, the day of "be with us".)

(Undoubtedly, all of them in the Christ will be kings in his kingdom and will be with the Lord in the region of the inheritances of the Light.)

(Thus the kings will be happy with the Intimate Christ in his kingdom.)

(Each of them will be king over all the autonomous and conscious parts of their own Being.)

(We already explained in the first chapters of Pistis Sophia what are the seven Voices and the five Trees and the twelve powers.)

(There are twelve zodiacal saviors or twelve Avatars and also the twelve star orders within each of them.)

(The zodiacal constellation Leo is the superior order, the order of the Fire Lions, the order of the Fire Blows.)

(Obviously, the twelve saviors are related to the seven fire radicals and the five Trees of the Law.)

(It is also true and in all truth that the seven Voices are the seven spirits before the Throne of the Lamb.)

(There is a whole zodiacal grandstand related to the twelve saviors and the twelve zodiacal mysteries.)

(The savior from the emanations of the first Voice, which is related to Gabriel, will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the first mystery of the First Mystery.)

(The savior related to Raphael's emanations will be in the region of souls who have received the second mystery of the First Mystery.)

(The savior of Uriel's emanations will be in the region of those who have received the third mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of the Light.)

(Michael's savior from the emanations of the fourth Voice in the Treasury of Light will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the fourth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light.)

(Samael, the fifth savior, fifth voice in the Treasury of Light, will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the fifth mystery of the First Mystery in the region of the inheritances of the Light.)

(The sixth savior from the emanations of the sixth Voice of the Treasury of Light, named Zachariel, will be in the region of souls who have received the sixth mystery of the First Mystery.)

(Orifiel , the seventh savior from the Treasury of Light emanations , will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the seventh mystery of the First Mystery of Light. )

(Before proceeding further we must not forget the Seven Radicals within ourselves.)

(This invites us to think about the seven mysteries related to the seven degrees of fire power.)

(Obviously, all seven exist within the human being. I want to refer emphatically to the seven autonomous and self-conscious parts of our own Being.)

(I need now to explain that The First Mystery is always the Ancient of the Days and his Son.)

(Explaining this, we will say that there are seven planetary regions related to the seven mysteries.)

(Only through the advancing the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers do we go from mystery to mystery.)

(After these explanations we will continue explaining the words of the Kabir Jesus.)

(There are five Trees of the great Treasure of Light.)

(The eighth savior who is the savior of the emanations from the first Tree of the treasure of Light will obviously be in the region of the souls of those initiates who have received the eighth mystery.)

(Unquestionably, the eighth mystery is related to the First Mystery of the inheritances of the Light.)

(We already know that the First Mystery is the Father who is in secret.)

(To the Lord and his Son correspond all the mysteries.)

(The ninth savior is the savior of the second Treasure Tree of Light; he must obviously be in the region of souls who have received the ninth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light.)

(The tenth savior, who is the tenth savior from the emanations of the third Treasure Tree of Light, is unquestionably always in the region of the souls of those who have received the tenth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light.)

(The eleventh savior, who is the savior of the fourth Treasure Tree of Light, will always be in the region of the souls of those who have received the eleventh mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light.)

(The twelfth savior, who is the savior from the emanations of the fifth Treasure Tree of Light, will always be in the region of the souls of those who have received the twelfth mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of Light.)

(We have repeated without comment what the great Kabir Jesus the Christ said, precisely to emphasize and make reflections.)

(The twelve saviors, or twelve Christifieds, are related to the twelve zodiacal signs and to the twelve planets of the solar system that revolve around the sun.)

(We said earlier in this book that our solar system is made up of the sun and twelve planets.)

(We have already spoken clearly about the thirteen heavens and their relationship with the thirteen worlds and the thirteen Aeons.)

(Around the sun rotate twelve worlds and each of these has its corresponding planetary Genius.)

(It is ostensible that the twelve are also within ourselves.)

(It is obvious that the twelve powers, both within the Macrocosm and the Microcosm man, are related to the twelve mysteries.)

(Each of the twelve mysteries is always related to the First Mystery.)

(The twelve mysteries are deposited in the twelve fundamental parts of the Being.)

(Let us think of the twelve Sephirot or twelve Aeons within ourselves; thus we will understand by Kabalistic relationship the twelve mysteries.)

(Mystery Thirteen is the most secret of all mysteries.)

                                      Of the ascension of those of the Treasury in the Inheritance.

"And the seven Amens and the five Trees and the Three Amens will be on my right, being kings of the Inheritances of Light. And the twin savior who is the Son of the Son, and the nine guardians will also be on my left, being kings in the Inheritances of the Light."

(All this, related to the seven Amens and the five Trees and the three Amens, is already explained, the same related to the Twin Savior.)

                                                         Of their respective ranks in the kingdom.

"And each of the saviors will rule on the orders of their emanations in the Inheritances of Light as they would also in the Treasury of Light."

"And the nine guardians of the Treasury of Light will be superior to the saviors in the Inheritances of Light. And the twin savior will be superior to the nine guardians in the kingdom. And the three Amens will be superior to the twin savior in the kingdom. And the five Trees will be superior to the three Amens in the Inheritances of the Light. "

(The reader must review the first chapters where I speak of all this.)

(Obviously, each of the twelve saviors will rule over orders that are related to their own essences, lives, zodiacal Monads; it is clear that each of the twelve is related to some zodiac sign.)

(We have already explained that there are twelve zodiacal orders; Leo being the superior order governed by the Lions of Life or Lions of Fire.)

(Now our devotees will understand the power of the twelve saviors over the forces, essences, and wonders of the twelve zodiacal constellations.)

(The nine guardians of the Treasury of Light are within the human microcosm and within the macrocosm.)

(Obviously, the nine guardians are related to the mercury of the sages and to the transmuting science of "Jesod mercury.")

(Since the gods are children of the mercury of the wise, it is clear that the nine are superior to the twelve in the inheritances of light.)

(Understand well that the twelve saviors reached the exalted state in which they find themselves thanks to the mysteries of the Ninth Sphere.)

(Sexual mysteries are found in the Ninth Sphere.)

(The Twin Savior is found in the sixth Aeon, he is the "Causal-Man" with the incarnate Christ.)

(The Christ descended from the kingdom of Chokmah to manifest in Tiphereth is amazing.)

(The Lord is born from the womb of the Divine Mother Kundalini.)

(The Lord is conceived by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit.)

(The Lord is incarnated in the "Causal-Man".)

(The Causal Man is therefore the Son of the Son.)

(The Lord only incarnates in true Bodhisattvas, which is why Christ is said to be the Bodhisattva.)

(Christ is Perfect Multiple Unity.)

(Christ is the Platonic Logos.)

(Christ is the Demiurge Architect of the Universe.)

(Christ is our Lord Quetzalcoatl.)

(Quetzalcoatl is the feathered serpent. Perfect Multiple Unity.)

(The Twin Savior is superior to the nine guardians in the kingdom because he became master of the mysteries of the Ninth Sphere.)

(The three Amens: Holy Affirm, Holy Deny, Holy Council, are superior to the Twin Savior in the kingdom.)

(It is clear that the Twin Savior is, due to the crystallization in himself of the three primordial forces of nature and the cosmos.)

(Without those three forces, the Twin Savior would never become what it is. Therefore, these three primary forces are superior to the Twin Savior.)

(The five Trees of the Great Law govern the Cosmos and are superior to the three Amens in the inheritances of the Light.)

(Obviously, all Christified must settle accounts and appear before the Cosmic Treasury before receiving the Goal of the Universe.)

                                          From the powers of the Right its emanation and ascension.

"And LEW and the keeper of the veil of the Great Light , and the receiver of Light and the two great guides and the great Sabaoth , the Worthy, will be kings in the first savior of the first Voice of the Treasury of Light , the savior who will be in the region of those who have received the First Mystery of the First Mystery, because indeed LEW and the guardian of the region of those on the Right and Melchizedek, the great receiver of Light , and the two great guides have emanated from the purified and entirely pure light from the first to the fifth Tree.

LEW indeed is the seer of Light who has first emanated from the pure Light of the first Tree; moreover, the guardian of the veil of those on the Right has emanated from the second Tree; and the two guides also have emanated from the pure and entirely purified light of the third and fourth Treasure Trees of Light ; Melchizedek, moreover, has emanated from the fifth Tree; on the other hand Sabaoth , the Worthy, whom I have called my father, has emanated from LEW, the seer of light.

These six then, by mandate of the First Mystery that is the supreme Auxiliary, has motivated them to be in the region of those on the Right, for the economy of harvesting of the supreme light of the Aeons of the rulers and of the worlds and all the races in them, - and each of whom I will tell you the destiny on which he has established in the expansion of the Universe. Because in addition to the importance of the destiny on which they have been established, they will be fellow kings in the first savior of the first Voice of the Treasury of Light , who will be in the region of the souls of those who have received the first Mystery of the First Mystery. "

("LEW ", the prince of the phases, and the guardian of the veil of the Great Light and the receiver of light and the two great guides and the great Sabaoth the Worthy, transcendental parts of our own Being, self-independent and conscious, they will be kings with the First Savior.)

(The First Savior is related to the first Voice of the Treasury of Light.)

(Obviously, the first Savior has received the first mystery of the First Mystery.)

(Those who have received the first mystery of the First Mystery have their savior.)

(The Ancient of Days is actually the first mystery of the First Mystery.)

("LEW", the angel of the phases, and the guardian of the region of those on the right and Melchizedek the Genie of the Earth who is the great receiver of light and the two great guides, have really emanated from the purified Light.)

(From the five Trees of the Great Law emanate the divine hierarchies that exist in the macrocosmic and in the microcosmic.)

("LEW", the prince of the phases, always obedient to the Ancient of Days, is the seer, that is, the splendor, the life of the Great Light.)

("LEW" emanates from the pure light of the first Tree of the Great Law; it is the law itself within ourselves, here and now.)

(It is written that the keeper of the veil has emanated from the second Tree.)

(The two guides emanate from the sheer light of the third and fourth Trees of the Great Treasure.)

(Melchizedek, the ruler of planet Earth, who dwells in the Agharta region, within the interior of the world, has emanated from the fifth Tree of the Great Law.)

(Sabaoth the Worthy emanates from the prince of phases, "LEW", the seer, the splendor of light.)

(These six are actually six self-conscious and independent parts of our own Self.)

(The economy of the harvest of the Light is something transcendental.)

(Talking about harvesting the Light is a terrible thing.)

(We well know that the intellectual animal is not man.)

(If we put the intellectual animal and man face to face, we will find physical similarity, but the psychological processes of the one and the other are totally different.)

(At the end of the lemur continent, once located in the Pacific Ocean, some real men who fell into animal degeneration, degenerated and mixed with beasts of nature.)

(Obviously, this is the origin of the Atlantis race.)

(The current human race descends from the Atlantis trunk.)

(This race that now lives on the face of the Earth is thus the result of the fatal mixture of men and beasts.)

(Unquestionably, it becomes necessary to create man. The intellectual animal is not man.)

(Fortunately, the intellectual mammal carries germs for man into its sex glands. However, availability to man is required.)

(The sun is currently doing a terrible experiment in nature's test tube, it wants to create men.)

(In the time of Abraham the prophet, the sun managed to create a good number of men.)

(During the first eight centuries of Christianity, a good harvest of solar men was also achieved.)

(By these times the sun is making terrible efforts in nature's test tube, it wants a new harvest of Light, for the Light.)

(However, it takes a revolution of the grain, of the seed, a conscious cooperation with the sun.)

(The sexual reproduction system used by animals, including the intellectual mammal mistakenly called man, does not serve to create man.)

(Man could never be created through the exclusively animal sexual reproduction system.)

(If it is want to create man, it is necessary to use the sexual system of human reproduction.)

(The gift of Kriyasakti, by which the solar men reproduce, is the only one that can actually create men.)

(Intellectual animals mortally hate the gift of "Kriyasakti ." The gift of Kriyasakti totally excludes sexual orgasm, animal spasm, and seminal effusion from irrational and intellectual beasts. Seminal ejaculation is exclusively animal, never human. Preventing ejaculation Seminal human creation is accomplished within us.)

(The intellectual animal rejects the system of reproduction by Kriyasakti because the beast only knows how to reproduce through the system of animal generation.)

(When the intellectual animal accepts the human and solar reproduction system of the great gift of Kriyasakti, it unquestionably becomes a man.)

(It is evident that through the gift of Kriyasakti, the germs of man develop within the organism. This is how man is born within us. The sun wants a harvest of solar men.)

(In an Anahuac codex I found a phrase that said: "The gods made men of wood, and then they fused them with divinity." Then I found another phrase that said "" Not all men manage to merge with divinity. ")

(Men made of wood, this reminds us of the carpentry masters: Joseph the carpenter, the earthly father of Jesus, the workers of the Great Work.)


(Unquestionably, man can be born into the human organism based on conscious work and voluntary sufferings. However, it is written that not all men manage to merge with divinity.)

(In order to fully merge with Divinity, the real man must become a Bodhisattva. Obviously, only Bodhisattvas with a compassionate heart can incarnate the Christ. For some reason it has always been said that Christ is the Bodhisattva. These solar men are actually the harvest of the Supreme Light of the Aeons.)

(The sun now wants a new harvest of solar men and deserves it because of the great work done with organic life.)

(In that delicate film of organic life, placed on the Earth's geological crust, the sun has worked intensively.)

(He wants the sun now to see the result of his work, he wants a new harvest of solar men as soon as possible.)

(Any race of Humanoids is good for the solar experiment. When a race becomes too lunar, mechanistic, and materialistic, is no longer good for its experiment.)

(Such is the case of the current Aryan race, this became rude, atheistic, frighteningly materialistic; for this reason it will be destroyed in the "Katún thirteen" of the Mayas.)

(However, before the great catastrophe looming, the sun will have reaped a tiny crop of solar men.)

(Actually, only a few solar specimens will be able to harvest the sun at this time.)

(It is obvious that this race of Humanoids that populates the face of the earth no longer offers hope.)

(Happy are those who live in the region of souls who have received the first mystery of the First Mystery.)

(Truly they will be fellow kings with the first Savior of the first voice of the Treasury of Light.)

                                           Of the powers of those in between and their ascension.

"And the Virgin of Light and the admirable guide in the middle, whom the rulers of the Aeons usually call the Great LEW after the great ruler who is in their region, he and the Virgin of Light and their twelve ministers, of whom you  have received your figure and your power, they will all be kings with the first savior of the first Voice in the region of souls who will receive the first mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of the Light.

And the fifteen auxiliaries of the seven Virgins of the Light who are in the middle, each one according to his glory, will rule with me in the inheritances of the Light and I will rule over all of them in the inheritances of the Light. "

(The Virgin of Light is our Divine Mother Kundalini.)

(The admirable guide in the Middle is the prince of phases, the admirable "LEW".)

(All this is within ourselves, they are the different parts of our own Being.)

(The rulers of the Aeons well know the prince of phases, the great "LEW".)

(The wonderful alderman in his region is a very excellent part of our own Self.)

(He and the Virgin of Light and the twelve powers within our own Being have endowed us with our heavenly figure.)

(The heavenly zodiac figure that we carry in our Being is inherited from the twelve powers.)

(All of them will be kings with the first Savior of the first Voice in the region of souls who will receive the first mystery of the First Mystery in the inheritances of the Light.)

(Tiphón Baphomet, Lucifer- Prometheus, is the best of Divine Mother Kundalini's assistants in the work of the Great Work.)

(There are seven degrees of the power of fire that we must develop within ourselves. These are the seven radicals. They are seven serpents, two groups of three with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father. These are the seven "Serpent Women", the seven virgins.)

(All these auxiliary fires and the seven virgins always spreading in the regions of the twelve zodiacal saviors.)

(The rest of the different parts of the Being, each one according to his glory, all integrated with the Intimate Christ, will rule with Him in the inheritances of the light. The Lord over all will rule in the inheritances of the Light. )

                              But this will not take place until the consummation of the Aeon.

"All this that I have told you, will not take place now, but until the consummation of the Aeon , that is, in the ascension of the universe that is its dissolution and in the total ascension of the number of perfect souls to the inheritances of the Light.

Ant is of the consummation, therefore, what I have told you, will not be realized, because each one will be in his own region, in which he has established from the Beginning, until the number of the harvest of the perfect souls is completed.

The seven Voices and the five trees and the three Amēns and Twin Savior and the nine guards and the twelve saviors and those in the region on the right and the middle region, each will remain in the region which has been established, until the number of the perfect souls of the inheritances of the Light are raised all together.

And also all the rulers who have repented will remain in the region in which they have been established, until the number of the souls of the Light are raised all together. "

(All this said by the Great Kabir Jesus will be consummated at the consummation of the Aeon, at the end of the Mahanvantara. At the end of the great cosmic day the words of the Lord will be consummated. Obviously, the universe will ascend from octave to octave before its total dissolution. )

(The perfect souls of the inheritances of the light will ascend with the universe from octave to octave and will finally submerge themselves within the bosom of the Absolute. Then they will enjoy inexhaustible happiness.)

(When the universe dissolves comes the bliss of the Great Pralaya. The Great Pralaya is the deep cosmic night.)

(When the harvest of perfect souls is completed, the Mahapralaya, the cosmic night, comes. The cosmic night comes when the harvest of perfect souls is completed.)

(Actually all the amounts of years assigned to a cosmic day are symbolic. The cosmic night comes when the harvest of perfect souls is completed, that is, it is absolutely perfected.)

(The seven Voices or Verbs in the macrocosm and in the microcosm man and the three Amens, that is, the three forces and the Twin Savior and the nine guardians of the mysteries of sex and the twelve saviors in the zodiacal belt of the macrocosm and the human microcosm and those on the right and those in the middle will remain in their region.)

(All of them, each one, will live in their respective sphere and all the repentant rulers will dwell in their regions until the end of the great cosmic day.)

(Certainly all of these are autonomous and self-conscious parts of our own individual Self.)

(At the end of the Mahanvantara all the parts are integrated with the Intimate Christ and the deep night of the Great Pralaya comes.)

(As for the Twin Savior, it is unquestionable that " Ce-Akatl " is the twin of Quetzalcoatl , the Mexican Christ.)

("Ce-Akatl" is cremated at the stake, sacrifice itself for Quetzalcoatl .)

(" Ce-Akatl" is another part of Quetzalcoatl's being reincarnated in another body.)

(Thus the Christified adept lives in different times and places simultaneously, he has his twin.)

(The transactional step of all the self- conscious and independent parts of our own Being during the final integration, is verified inwards, each part sinks inside another part.)

(And each part receives the Gnostic anointing and the seal of its mysteries. And each, that is, each part, is suitable in its sphere and in its ministry.)

(All the parts integrated with the Intimate Christ are immersed within the inheritances of the Light.)

(The order is wonderful as the Great Kabir Jesus describes the process of final integration in man and within man.)

                                                   Of the ascension of the souls of the perfect.

"All the souls will come, each one at the moment when he will receive the mysteries; and all the archons who have repented will pass and come to the Middle region. And the Middle ones will baptize them and give them the spiritual anointing and they will seal them with the seals of their mysteries. And they will pass through all of the Middle regions and through the Right region and the interior of the nine guardians region and the interior of the Twin Savior region and the interior of the region of the Three Amens and of the twelve saviors and the interior of the five Trees and of the seven Voices. Each one will give you the seal of their mystery and they will go inside all of them and go to the region of the inheritances of the Light, and each one will stay in the region in which he has received mysteries in the inheritances of the Light.

                                                          From the rank of the souls of the perfect.

In a word, all the souls of men who will receive the mysteries of the Light will precede the repentant archons and they will precede those of the Middle region and those of the entire Treasure of Light region. In a word, they will precede all those in the region of the Treasury and they will precede all those in the regions of the First Commandment and will pass within all those and enter the inheritance of the Light to the region of their mystery; and each will remain in the region in which he has received mysteries. And those in the Middle region and those in the Right and those in the entire Treasury region, each will remain in the region of the order to which he has been appointed from the beginning until the universe is raised. And each of them will complete their economy in which they have been placed regarding the harvest of souls who have received the mysteries in connection with this economy, so that they may seal all the souls who will receive the mysteries and who will pass through its interior towards the Heritage of Light.

Therefore Mary, this is the word related to what you interrogated with exactness and certainty. Otherwise he who has ears to hear, let him hear. "

(The souls who receive the mysteries of the Light precede the repentant archons in the valuable work of integration.)

(The archons precede those of the Middle region in the work of human and solar integration.)

(These will precede those in the Middle region and those in the Right region always precede those in the Treasury of Light region.)

(In a word, all of them will precede in the work of individual integration all those of the Treasury of the Light.)

(All of them will actually precede all those in the First Commandment region.)

(We already know that the First Commandment is in the Ancient of the Days.)

(In the final integration process they will pass into each other inside until the inheritance of the Light and later to the region of its mystery.)

(And those of the Middle and Right region and those of the entire Treasury region, each will remain in its corresponding region until the future cosmic day.)

(Each of the parts of the Being that is integrated will retain its qualities until a new Mahanvantara returns.)

(All souls must receive the inheritance of the Light. From interior to interior the inheritance of the Light is reached.)

(Each part of the Being must complete its values for integration. If the various autonomous and self-conscious parts of the Being were not known in Gnosis, the work of human and solar integration would not be understood.)

(In all this there is a process described by the Great Kabir Jesus. Whoever has understanding understands that here is wisdom. Mary, the Serpent Woman thus receives the teaching of Jesus.)



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Love & Joy posted a discussion
  Manifesting The Impossible By Master Kuthumi & Natalie Glasson Greetings and love I extend through my being to you as I embrace you in a warm loving and wise hug. Please allow my energy to flow through you....It is time to allow all unnecessary…
11 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Starmer may think he's a new "Churchill," but Macron thinks he's a new "Napoleon" and as for Soros, he believes himself to be an "Emperor of "Europe," who overthrew the Soviet Union...

I would say it's time for the men in white coats to take charge…"
7 hours ago
Roba and Kuldip joined Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community
8 hours ago
Roberto Durante left a comment on Comment Wall
"A reminder of who started the war… NATO’s expansion!"
11 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"A message to the UK government: When it comes down to it, the British people definitly won't want a nuclear war with Russia...They won't want to pay higher taxes in order to "support" Ukraine...Many British people have been brainwashed into hating…"
12 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
12 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"The deep state have henchman-maybe 'glitches' by the grey pallor of their skin and their dead eyes-the FBI and CIA have been involved in human trafficking, Trump released a study by DNI director John Ratcliff documenting that during Trump's first…"
14 hours ago
AlternateEarth posted a blog post
Steven Greer Issues An Emergency Warning To Trump – The Global Transnational Deep State Is Preparing To Launch A Massive Fake Alien Invasion Designed To Cause A Societal Collapse 100X Worse Than Their Covid Attack!FAKE ALIEN INVASION ALERT:…
14 hours ago