Chapter 2

                                              Jesus and his disciples sit on the Mount of Olives.

It happened then that the disciples sat on the Mount of Olives speaking of these words and rejoicing with great pleasure and exulting themselves and saying to each other: "Blessed are we before all the men of the Earth because the Savior has revealed this to us and because we have received the fullness of the total end ", (they said) while Jesus sat a little away from them.


A great luminous force descended upon Jesus.

And then it happened that on the fifteenth day of the moon, in the month of Tybi, which is the day on which the moon is full; on that day then when the sun had appeared in its march, a great luminous force came after him shining in an extraordinary way; and there was no measure for that light in conjunction with that force, for it came out of the light of lights, and came out of the last mystery, which is the twenty-fourth mystery inside and outside, (those that are on the orders of the second space of the First Mystery). And the luminous force descended upon Jesus and completely enveloped him while he sat, away from his disciples, and shone extraordinarily, and there was no measure for the light that was upon him. 

(The fifteenth day of the Moon corresponds to Lucifer.)

(The key to Lucifer is the Arcane AZF, the Sexual Force.)

(Unquestionably, the creative power of the Logos is in the creative organs.)

(The deep inner Sun shines on the path of the Initiate.)

(The luminous Sexual Force shines extraordinarily in the Aura of the Christified.)

(The Sexual Force, ultimately, comes from the Light of Lights that is precisely the Logos.)

(Unquestionably, such Light comes out of the Last and First Mystery, which is actually the Twenty-Four, the Great Work, the Work in the Great Workshop of the Universe.)

(The artist hermetic of quality understand fully all this about saying.)

(Indubitably, Hermetic Artists belong to the Esoteric Orders that work in the Second Space of the First Mystery.)

(Understand the Second Space of the First Mystery, the regions where the Hermetic Sages live.)

(The Ancient of days dwells in the First Space of the First Mystery and to him corresponds exactly the first of the twenty-two Commandments of the Law of God.)


It completely enveloped him.

And his disciples did not see Jesus because of the great light he was in or around him, for his eyes were blinded because of the great light he was in; if not they saw only the light, which threw many rays of light. And the rays of light were not similar to each other but that the light was of various types from the bottom to the top, a ray more excellent than the other ... in a great immeasurable glory of light; it stretched from under the earth to the sky. And when the disciples saw that light they felt great fear and agitation. 

(In the inner Jesus Christ of each one of us the creative energy shines marvelously.)

(The Logos is Perfect Multiple Unity. In the world of Logos variety is unity.)

(The Intimate Christ in each one of us is beyond individuality, personality and self.)

(In the Lord, all beings are really One.)

(In the "Light - Christ" and from the "Light - Christ", many rays sprout.)

(Each Logoic ray is of a different type and of a different kind, however, all rays of each other constitute the Logos.)

(Each ray is the living expression of this or that Adept, of this or that Christified.)


(Any Logoic ray serves as the foundation for this or that Hierophant.)

(The existence of some Adept would be inconceivable if we excluded from the bottom of his Being his corresponding ray of Light.)

(All the Rays of Light, in last synthesis, are summarized in One that with immeasurable Glory of Light extends from the Abyss to the Sky.)



                                                                                 CHAPTER 3


                                                                  Jesus ascended to heaven.

It happened then, when the luminous force descended upon Jesus, which gradually enveloped him completely. Then Jesus ascended to the heights, shining extraordinarily in an immeasurable light. And the disciples looked at him and none of them spoke as long as he reached heaven, but they all kept deep silence. This happened on the fifteenth day of the moon, on the day on which the moon is full, in the month of Tybi. 

(Unquestionably, it is through Mystery Fifteen, which is that of Tiphon Baphometo, that the Ascension of the Intimate Christ can be accomplished in us.)

(The mystery of Baphometo is solved with the Sixth Mystery, you know it.)

(The hermetic figure of Baphometo could never be missing in the houses of the old medieval Alchemists.)

(Lucifer-Baphometo grants us the sexual impulse through which the realization of the Great Work is possible.)

(When we kill Baphometo with the Longinus Spear, we transmute the lead into Gold.)

(Sexual transmutation is fundamental to the Christification that is the mystery of Baphometo.)

(Undoubtedly, any metal transmutation would be absolutely impossible if we spilled the Hermetic Vessel.)

(Those who learn to use the sexual impulse intelligently can perform the Great Work.)

(The Ascension of the Intimate Christ in us becomes absolutely possible when the Fifteen Mystery is understood which it is the same as that of the Lucifer-Baphometo.)


                                              The confusion of powers and the great earthquake


It happened then that, when Jesus reached heaven, three hours later, all the powers of heaven went into turmoil and moved against each other; they and all the Aeons and all their regions and all their orders and the whole earth was agitated, and all those who inhabited it. And all the men of the world went into turmoil, and also the disciples, and all thought: By chance, the world will be overwhelmed!

And all the powers in the heavens did not cease in their agitation, they and the whole world, and they set themselves in motion against each other, from the third hour of the fifteenth day of Tybi's moon until the ninth hour of the morning. And all the Angels and their Archangels, and all the forces from above, praised the interiors of the interiors so that everyone would hear their voices, endlessly, until the ninth hour of the morning.

(The Ascension of the Intimate Jesus Christ is a Transcendental and Practical Alchemy Sexual Mystery.)

(Certainly, the Ascension of Christ in us is clear by the wise combination of the Three Amens, I want to emphatically refer to the Three Fundamental Forces of Nature and the Cosmos.)

(The Three Forces, Positive, Negative and Neutral, wisely combined in the Burning Forge of Vulcan, originate the Human Transformation, the Ascension of Christ in us.)

(Stella Maris, the Divine Mother Kundalini, orients the navigator in the stormy ocean.)

(The victorious Intimate Christ is the Red Christ.)

(The revolutionary Christ, the rebellious Christ, shakes all the Powers of Good and Evil.)

(The Red Christ could never be understood by the Powers of Good and Evil.)

(All the Powers of Heaven are agitated and set in motion, against each other, before the strange origins of the revolutionary Logos.)

(Actually, all Beings, all Aeons and all Regions of the Tree of Life and their Orders, are agitated before the Red Christ.)

(The Red Christ is the Christ who worked in the burning Forge of Vulcan, the Intimate Savior Christ, the Christ who emerged victorious at the time of temptation, the Christ who expelled the merchants from the Inner Temple, the Christ who killed the infidels, the Christ dressed in the Purple of the Kings.)

(The Deep Inner Christ must fight tremendously against the eternal enemies of the night that are within ourselves, here and now.)

(These enemies are the infidels, the various psychic aggregates that personify our psychological defects.)

(The Ascension of Christ in us is a sexual problem.)

(The Powers of the Light and the Powers of Darkness stir and stir before the Resurrection and Ascension of the Intimate Christ in us.)

(The Intimate Christ must fight against the Powers of Good and Evil.)

(The Intimate Christ is beyond Good and Evil.)

(The Intimate Christ wields the sword of Cosmic Justice.)

(The Powers of Good and Evil fight each other before the Christ events.)

(The Three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos must crystallize in man.)

(The SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN wants to make the Three Primary Forces crystallize in each of us.)

(Under the Constellation of the Whale the Initiate develops.)

(Without Lucifer-Baphometo it would be impossible to Intimate Self-realization of Being.)

(Lucifer originates the sexual impulse in each of us.)

(If we control the sexual impulse and transmute the Sacred Sperm, we ascend from degree to degree.)

(All work of the Great Work is done in the Ninth Sphere.)

(The Ninth Sphere is the Sex.)

(Those who spill the Glass of Hermes fail in the Great Work.)

(Fire Hierarchies worship the Interiors of the Interiors.)

(The Interiors of the Interiors are the Beings of Beings.)

(The Interiors of the Interiors is the Real of the Real.)

(The Seer of the Seer is the Intimate God of the Seer, you know that.)



                                                                               Chapter 4

But the disciples sat together in fear and were extremely afraid and disturbed because of the great earthquake that had happened, and together they condoned themselves saying: What will it be then? By chance will the Savior destroy all regions? Saying like that, together they leaned toward the ground.

(All great cosmic and divine events are always announced with great earthquakes.)

(Undoubtedly, there are great earthquakes in the Higher Worlds.)

                                                                      Jesus descended again.

While they were saying this and they were leaning toward the ground, then, in the ninth hour of the morning, the heavens opened and they saw Jesus descend, shining excessively that there was no measure for the light that surrounded him. However, it shone more radiantly than at the time when there was when he had ascended to heaven, so that men on earth could not describe the light that possessed it, and threw rays of light in great abundance, and there was no measure to describe its rays, and its light together was not the same, but it was of various kinds and different types, some rays more outstanding than others ..., and all the light harmonized together. It was triple class and each one stood out more before the other ... the second one, which was in the middle, was more outstanding than the first one that was below, and the third one, which was above the others, was more outstanding than the two that were down. And the first glory, which was placed under all the others, resembled the light that had shone with Jesus before his ascension to heaven, and saw himself as in his own light. And the three forms of light were of different types and of different kinds, one more outstanding than the other ... 

(In the Hour Nine the Heavens open and the Intimate Christ descends shining.)

(Those who understand the Hour Nine understand the Twelve Hours of Apollonius.)

(The Mysteries of Chokmah correspond to Hour Nine.)

(No Adept could experience Hour Nine without having been resurrected previously.)

(The resurrection of the Intimate Christ in us happens at the Eight Hour.)

(The Twelve Hours of Apollonius are related to the Twelve Works of Hercules.)

(The multiple rays of the Logos are of different kinds and of different types. Some rays are more prominent than others.)

(However, the Logos is a Perfect Multiple Unit.)

(The Light of the Cosmic Christ harmonizes, put together.)

(In and of itself, the Logos has three aspects.)

(Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are three Logoic aspects.)

(The Sacred Absolute Sun wants to crystallize the Three Primary Forces within us.)

(The Logoic Light is triple class and each one stands out more before the other.)

(One is the Glory of the Holy Spirit, another is the Glory of the Christ and another is that of the Father.)

(The Three Forms of Logoic Light are of various types and of different kinds, one more outstanding than another.)

(But all the Triple Logoic Light is One.)

(The triple world of Logos is the glory of Aziluth.)

(The world of Aziluth comes from the omnipresent Okidanokh asset.)

(The active Okidanokh is the incessant eternal breath, to himself, deeply unknown.)

(The active Okidanokh is rooted in the Sacred Absolute Sun.)



                                                                                 Chapter 5

                                                   Jesus addresses the word to his disciples.

And it happened then, when the disciples saw this, that they were frightened with great disturbance. Then Jesus, merciful and compassionate, when he saw his disciples with great disturbance he spoke to them saying: "Have courage. It is I, do not be afraid."

(The psychic aggregate of fear must be radically removed from our nature.)

(In the Logos, the existence of fear becomes impossible.)

(Fear serves as the basis for many mistakes.)


                                                                              Chapter 6

And it happened then, when the disciples heard these words, they exclaimed: "Lord, if it is you, gather your light of glory towards yourself so that we can resist it, otherwise our eyes are in darkness and we are disturbed and all the earth it is also in disturbance due to the great light that surrounds you."

(Osiris is a black God, the Egyptians said.)


(Human beings are not able to resist the Light of Glory.)

(The Light of Christ dazzles the inhabitants of the Earth.)

(Osiris- Christ is therefore black for human beings.)

(The splendors of the Christ obfuscate the inhabitants of the Earth.)

(The splendors of the Christ, in truth, are not understood by the people.)

(Crowds have Consciousness asleep.)

(As long as the ego continues, the multi-faceted ego within us, unquestionably Consciousness will continue asleep.)

(Only by annihilating the ego does awakening come.)

(Only the awake can understand the Christ Mysteries.)

                                                     Jesus attracts his own light to himself.


Then Jesus gathered to himself the glory of his light, and when this happened, all the disciples were filled with courage, they walked their steps towards Jesus, they prostrated themselves, they glorified him by rejoicing with great joy, and they said: "Rabbi, where have you gone, what was your ministry for which you have gone, why were there all these confusions and all the earthquakes that happened?"

(Intimate Christ returns again and again, constantly, whenever necessary.)

(The Cosmic Christ is a force like electricity, like the force of gravity, etc.)

(The Cosmic Christ is beyond personality, individuality and self.)

(The Christ expresses himself through any Man who is properly prepared.)

(However, all Christ events are accompanied by major earthquakes and confusion.)

(The Christic events are terribly revolutionary.)



Jesus promises his disciples to tell them all things.


Then Jesus, merciful, said to them: "Rejoice and rejoice from now on because I have gone to the regions from which I had appeared. From now on, then, I will speak with you without veils, from the beginning of the truth to the end and I will speak with you without analogies. From now on I will not hide anything from you from the mystery from above and from that region of reality. I have been granted thanks to the Ineffable and thanks to the First Mystery of all mysteries, to speak with you, from the beginning to the fullness, as well as from the inside out and from the outside in. Listen, therefore, that I can tell you all things.

And it happened, when I sat a little away from you on the Mount of Olives, that I meditated on the order of the Ministry by the grace from which I was sent, which was already consummated, and that the last mystery, which is the twenty-fourth mystery from the inside out, those who are in the second space of the First Mystery, on the orders of that space, had not yet sent me my garment. And it happened then, when I knew that the order of the Ministry by the grace of which I was sent, was consummated, and that by that mystery my clothing had not been sent to me, which I had left behind in it until its time was finished, - Meditating on this, I sat on the Mount of Olives a little away from you. "

(Jesus Christ, or Intimate Christ-Jesus  in each one of us, always emerges from the world of the Solar Logos to manifest itself to men.)

(In Kabala, we would say that the Jesus-Christ Secret arises from Chokmah, thus it appears in the Tree of Life.)

(Unquestionably, he descends from that region to penetrate the womb of his Divine Mother, by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit.)

(Stella Maris is a Virgin before childbirth, in childbirth and after childbirth.)

(The Virgin of the Sea gives birth to her Son in the stable of the world.)

(The Stable of Bethlehem is the very body of the initiate.)

(In the Stable of Bethlehem there are the animals of Mind, Desire and Bad Will.)

(The Inner Jesus Christ must eliminate all the undesirable elements that we carry inside.)

(The Virgin of the Sea is the Daughter of her Son and the Beloved Wife of the Holy Spirit.)

(She, Stella Maris, obeys the orders of the Intimate Jesus - Christ and works with Him eliminating undesirable psychic elements from us.)

(Thanks to the First Mystery, that is, thanks to the Ancient of Days, thanks to the Father of All Lights, the Inner Jesus-Christ can teach the Initiates.)

(The Lord does not hide anything from those who are really awake.)

(The Lord teaches the Adepts the Mysteries of the High and that region of reality.)

(The Lord, thanks to the Ineffable and by work and grace of the First Mystery of all Mysteries, which is that of the Father, secretly instructs us.)

(He instructs us from the beginning to the fullness, as well as from the inside out and from the outside in.)

(All this is possible when we embody it.)

(To the one who knows the Word gives Power, nobody pronounced it, nobody will pronounce it but only the One who has it incarnate.)


(The Mount of Olives is the Causal World.)

(The Lord descends from the World of the Solar Logos to live as a Causal Man.)

(The Lord projects himself from the Causal World to the Physical World.)

(The manifested Lord acts in the regions of the Mind.)

(The manifested Lord shines in the Astral Body of the One who has Him incarnate.)

(The manifested Lord enters the Physical Body to live as a Man among men.)

(Whenever necessary, the Lord comes to this valley of tears to help Humanity.)

(Sleeping crowds never know the Lord and vituperate him whenever he comes.)

(The Intimate Jesus- Christ has been crucified many times.)

(On the Mount of Olives the Intimate Christ reflects deeply.)

(The Last Mystery is the Twenty-Fourth Mystery.)

(This is told from the inside out, you know that.)

(In the Twenty-Four Mystery the Divine Mother Kundalini works weaving her own Loom.)

(Those who work in the Second Space of the First Mystery understand all this.)

(The Divine Mother Kundalini, Stella Maris, works in the Second Space of the First Mystery.)

(In the Second Space of the First Mystery we find all the workers of the Great Work.)

(The Workers of the Great Work obey the Father both in Heaven and on Earth.)

(Now you will understand better why the Twenty-Four Mystery is the First Mystery.)

(The Divine Mother Kundalini weaves her own Garment for the Adept.)

(All this work is done based on conscious efforts and voluntary suffering.)

(Those who lost their Sacred Garment should look for it again.)


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