Chapter 26
This they did continuously, before their power was diminished and vanished, and they felt exhausted or without energy, that their power began to cease in them so that they were exhausted of power, and their light, which was in their region, ceased and his kingdom was destroyed and the universe ascended promptly.
It happened that when they perceived this, and when the number of the Melchizedek figure, the Receiver (of the Light), took place, then he had to leave again and enter in the middle of all the Archons of Destiny and those of the Sphere , and put them in turmoil and made them leave their circles promptly. And since then they were constrained to seek power out of them, out of the breath of their mouths and the tears of their eyes and the sweat of their bodies.
(Unquestionably, the Solar Gods became lunar when they fell into animal degeneration.)
(When the Solar Gods became lunar, they lost their powers, they felt exhausted and without energies, they fell.)
(The number of the Melchizedek figure, the Receiver of the Light, had then, and the Great Being went into action.)
(Melchizedek, in action, rules with strong hand the Archons of all Aeons and the Rulers of Destiny and the Rulers of the Sphere.)
(Melchizedek in action, makes those Hierarchs abandon their respective circles when they make the mistake of falling into the animal generation.)
(Since then, those Lords are constrained to seek power outside of themselves, in the vain world.)
(Indubitably, the solar gods, turned into lunar creatures, suffer like any person, terribly.)
The rulers devour their matter so that souls are not molded.
And Melchizedek, the Receiver of the Light, purified them, and as he does continuously, he brought his light to the Treasure of the Light. And all the Archons of the Aeons and the Archons of Destiny and those of the Sphere, turn to useless matter, devour it and do not let it go and become souls in the world. They devour their matter so as not to be without energy and exhausted and so that their power does not cease in them and their kingdom is destroyed, and in order to be able to slow down and subsist for a long time until the end of the number of perfect souls that will be in the Treasury of the Light.
(But Melchizedek, the Genie of the Earth, the Receiver of the Light, through his Adepts, shows the path of purification to the fallen Gods.)
(Melchizedek can bring the light of Souls to the Treasure of Light.)
(We have already said that the Golden Fleece, the Treasure of Light, is in the depths of itself.)
(Unquestionably, the Archons of Destiny and the Rulers of the Aeons and those of the Sphere, turn to useless matter, subject it, devour it, subjugate it, rule it, do not let it become human souls in the world.)
(That is, they, the Rulers, keep the elemental Essences within their respective Realms.)
(Such elementary Essences are ruled by the Archons.)
(However, elemental Essences, as they develop, pass from one Kingdom to another, but according to the Law.)
(In time and time, every elemental Essence can, according to Law, become a Human Soul.)
(The termination of the number of perfect Souls that will be in the Treasure of Light will be the day of "Be with us" at the end of the Great Cosmic Day.)
Chapter 27
Then, when the rulers of the Aeons and those of Fate and those of the sphere continued to do this - turning themselves, devouring its waste matter and not allowing souls born into the world of mankind in order to remain Aldermen and that their powers that are in their powers, that is souls, can spend a long time out here - they persisted in doing this continuously for two circles.
Thus, when I wanted to ascend to exercise the ministry for which I was called by order of the First Mystery, I went up to the middle of the tyrants of the Archons of the Twelve Aeons, with my light clothes, shining so extraordinarily that there was no measure for the light that enveloped me.
(May the Sun that enlightens you shine in you and may the Tyrants who enslave you be reborn as Men to teach and illuminate you perpetually.)
(Thus, They will devour their useless matter, freeing those who must be released.)
(The Lords of the Law will continue to be Aldermen as long as their human persons respect the Law.)
(This is easy to understand when we know that the Lords of the Law also reincarnate, and that, therefore, they possess a human body.)
(The powers of the Aldermen are within our own Soul.)
(The Laws of the Archons of the Aeons and Destiny, and of this sphere of action in which we all move, are within our own Soul.)
(We always spend a long time outside, right here, in this Valley of Tears, during Two Circles or in Two Circles, the external and the internal, the exoteric and the esoteric, the visible and the hidden.)
(In the end, the Royal Man Christify itself and ascends victorious, to exercise the Ministry for which he was appointed by order of the Father of All Lights, the Ancient of the Days.)
(Must go up the Christified Adept even in the midst of the Times of the Twelve Aeon Rulers, with their Light Attire shining extraordinarily.)
Adamas and tyrants fight against light clothing.
And it happened then, when the tyrants saw the great light that surrounded me, that the Great Adamas, the Tyrant, and all the tyrants of the twelve Aeons, they together, began to fight against the light of my clothing wishing to seize it, to In order to remain more in his empire. This they did without knowing who they were fighting against.
(Adamas, the "Tyrant," and all the "Tyrants" of the Law of Karma that govern the Twelve Aeons, oppose the passage of Man marching toward Final Liberation.)
("Tyrant," is an allegorical matter. The Lords of the Law are just and collect the debts of everyone who marches towards Liberation.)
(Obviously, we must become "Adeptus Exentus.")
Jesus takes away a third of their power and changes their course.
When they agglomerated and fought against the light, thereafter and by mandate of the First Mystery I changed their paths and the courses of the Aeons and the courses of their Destiny and their sphere and turned them six months towards the triangles on the left and towards the squads and towards those in their aspects and towards their octagons, just as they had been before. But I changed their way of turning or facing another order, and made them face another six months towards the works of their influences in the right-hand squares and in their triangles and in all those in their aspects and in their octagons. And I made them confuse with great confusion and deceive themselves with great deception - the archons of the Aeons and all the archons of Destiny and those of the sphere -, and I put them in great agitation and since then they are no longer able to turn to their useless matter and devour it so that their regions continue to remain and they (themselves) can spend a long time as archons.
But when I had removed a third of their power, I changed their spheres so that they would spend time looking to the left and another time looking to the right. I have changed their entire path and their entire course and made the path of their course hurry so that they can be quickly purified and quickly elevated. And I've abbreviated the circles and made their path faster, and this one will be extremely rushed. They were put in confusion on their path and since then they have not been able to devour the matter of the waste of the purification of their light.
(It is not unfair to collect the debts of those who owe.)
(However, those who fight for their Liberation suffer a lot and feel the Agents of the Law as tyrants.)
(The Intimate Christ may, by mandate of the First Mystery, change within ourselves the paths and courses of Destiny and the Sphere in which we live in order to achieve our Christification.)
(Unquestionably, we must learn to walk with both feet if we want to reach Christification.)
(You have to walk intensely with Mystery Six, towards the Triangles, on the left.)
(The Twenty-Four Mystery could not work without Mystery Six.)
(Within the Twenty-Four Mystery the First Mystery is hidden.)
(The Square of the Right Behavior and the Octagons of the Octuple Path, in its various aspects, are the foundation of the Great Work.)
(The Squads on the right and the Triangles and their Octagons in their various aspects serve as the foundation for the Great Work.)
(Six months to the right and six months to the left, with their Triangles and Squads and Octagons in their various aspects, enclose, in short, the Work of the Great Work.)
(Triangles, means the Three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos.)
(Squares, means straight conduct.)
(Octagons, eight Initiations, eight Initiatory qualifications, etc.)
(The entire Secret Path that leads to the final liberation is marked with triangles, squares and octagons.)
(Six months to the right, six months to the left, half Light, half Darkness.)
(The Sages must work for times in the Light and for times in the Darkness of the Non-Being.)
(This kind of Gnostic Work, for times in the Light and for times in the Darkness, confuses many, and therefore there are few who achieve the total Intimate Self-Realization of Being.)
(Remember Arcane Six, Sex, Love, work in the Forge of the Cyclops.)
(Working between the super-darkness and the august silence of the Sages is urgent at certain times.)
(Working in the Light, during certain times, is indispensable.)
(A rise precedes a descent.)
(To all exaltation a terrible humiliation precedes it.)
(Living among demons and in the hell worlds, working between triangles, squares and octagons, is necessary.)
(Living in the light, working between triangles, octagons and squares, is indispensable.)
(Light and darkness oppose and complement each other,)
(At this precise moment, it is very timely to transcribe the Hermetic Foundation of what we are saying.)
(THE TABLE OF EMERALD by Hermes Trismegisto)
(It's true, no lie, true and very true)
(What is below is like what is above and what is above is like what is below. For these things miracles of one thing were performed and as all things proceed from one, through the mediation of one, thus all things have been born from this unique adaptation thing. The sun is the father and the moon is the mother. The wind has carried her in her womb. The earth is her nurse and her receptacle. The father of everything, the Thelema of the universal world, it is here. Its strength or power remains intact if it is converted to earth. You will separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the thick, gently, with great industry, ascends from the earth and descends from the sky, and receives the force of the higher things and from the lower ones. You will have in this way the glory of the world and all darkness will flee from you.)
(It is the force, strong with all force, for it will overcome every subtle thing and penetrate every solid thing. Thus the world has been created. From there will come admirable adaptations, whose method is given here)
(Without Sexual Magic and the Underworld, it would not be possible to understand the previous paragraphs of Hermes Trismegisto.)
(Unquestionably, the Path of Intimate Self-Realization of Being is frighteningly difficult.)
(The Initiate has to go far beyond good and evil.)
(The Adept has to fight, not only against the forces of evil, but also against the forces of good.)
(The rocky path is surrounded by dreadful chasms impossible to describe with words.)
(Sometimes, the path is lost among the shifting sands, sometimes it is cut by terrible precipices, sometimes you have to climb up, or down to the darkness of the Non-Being.)
(Sometimes, a beautiful virtue that has nothing wrong with it can become an insurmountable obstacle that stops the Walker's march.)
(Going down into the darkness of nonbeing usually scares walkers off the lonely path.)
(The virtuous reproach the walkers who descend to Pluto's abode)
(However, we should never confuse a fall with a descend.)
(In all this there are terrible confusions.)
(The Rulers of Destiny and the Archons of the Aeons and the sphere in which we live, whose powers are within our own soul, are terribly confused.)
(They stir within the Soul of the walker. Useless matter does not attract those who march along the difficult path, they no longer eat garbage and only feed on sepulchral delicacies offered by the Gods.)
(Continuing as rulers of undesirable things is not very pleasant.)
(The Intimate Christ does not change the spheres of the rulers within ourselves, so that they can balance their work between light and darkness.)
(This is how we can quickly purify ourselves and rise.)
(In this way the circles are abbreviated and made the path faster.)
(Buddhist annihilation is fundamental to radical Christification.)
(The Rulers of the Aeons and Destiny and the Sphere of action in which we live, which are within ourselves, and which are also autonomous and conscious parts of our own Being, want the radical elimination of the animal ego.)
(It would not be possible to establish correct relationships in the various parts of our own Self if we did not eliminate the psychic aggregates before.)
(All this set of psychic aggregates, living personification of our psychological defects, constitute the Ego.)
(The Essence, the Consciousness, is bottled among such psychic aggregates, unfortunately being processed by virtue of its own bottleneck.)
(Now we will understand better why Humanity is in a state of hypnosis, unconscious, asleep.)
(As long as the animal ego continues within us, the correct relationship with itself is not possible.)
They no longer have the power to devour their matter.
Moreover, I have reduced their times and periods, so that the perfect number of souls that will receive the mysteries and will be in the Treasury of Light, will be completed quickly. If I had not changed their courses and abbreviated their periods, they would not have allowed any soul to come into the world because of the matter of their waste - that they had devoured - and they would have destroyed many souls. For this reason I tell you before: I have abbreviated the times of my choice, otherwise no soul could have been saved. And I have abbreviated the times and periods due to the perfect number of souls that will receive the mysteries, that is, the elect; and if I had not abbreviated its periods, no material soul would have been saved, but all would have perished in the fire that is in the flesh of the rulers. These are the words on which you have questioned me with precision.
And it happened then, when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples, that they all fell together, worshiped him, and said to him: Blessed be before all men, for you have revealed to us these great feats.
(The Rulers of the Aeons and Destiny and of the Sphere, which are represented within our own Soul by the various autonomous and self-conscious parts of the Being, do not wish to devour the matter of the waste of the purification of the Light. )
(The Christ our Lord reduces times and periods so that we can quickly receive the Mysteries and be in the Treasury of Light.)
(However, we must work intensely on ourselves if we want to be helped by the Intimate Christ.)
(A God begging and with the hammer giving.)
(Without death there is no resurrection.)
(If you don't die, you won't be resurrected,)
(Death, to which we refer in these paragraphs, is never the death of the physical body and that for this type of death the Resurrection is not necessary.)
(The immortal Soul does not need the resurrection of the physical body.)
(The terrible judgment of the Lord is necessary before the Resurrection. Obviously, we must be judged and killed before the deep inner Resurrection.)
(The tyrant that we carry inside, the ego, must be dead, if we really long for the resurrection of Christ in us.)
(As long as the Being has not risen, we will continue unconscious and perverse, mired in pain.)
(The Death of the ego and the Resurrection of the Being in us must occur during life.)
(Being and the ego are incompatible.)
(The Being and the ego are like water and oil, they can never be mixed.)
(Only the resurrected Souls will be in the Treasure of Light.)
(Total Enlightenment is only for the Resurrected Beings, for the Perfect Souls.)
(The Intimate Christ within us, changes courses and abbreviates periods so that the Soul can crystallize in our human personality.)
(Each psychic aggregate within us is the living personification of some psychological defect.)
(Unquestionably, any psychological defect, when disintegrated, is replaced by some virtue, power, force or law that crystallizes in our human personality.)
(This is how, little by little, we are crystallizing Souls.)
(Obviously, even the physical body must become Soul.)
(Soul is, then, all that set of spiritual forces and powers that must crystallize in us.)
(This is how the Soul comes to this world, this is how Souls come to Earth.)
(However, if the water does not boil at one hundred degrees, it does not crystallize what should crystallize and what should be removed is not eliminated.)
(Similarly, we affirm that we must go through great emotional crises before achieving the disintegration of any psychic aggregate.)
(It is not enough to understand any defect, it is necessary to eliminate it.)
(It is urgent to know how to meditate to comprehend any psychic aggregate, or psychological defect, which is the same.)
(It is essential to know how to work with all your heart and with all your soul if we want to eliminate.)
(When are begs to Stella Maris, the Virgin of the Sea, it is assisted by her.)
(The Divine Mother Kundalini, the igneous Serpent of our magical powers, can and should eliminate psychic aggregates.)
(Each of us has his own individual particular Cosmic Mother.)
(Stella Maris is reinforced by Transcendent Sexual Electricity, in the Forge of the Cyclops.)
(Obviously, it is therefore preferable to invoke the igneous Serpent of our magical powers in the fiery Forge of Vulcan, that is, in full Metaphysical Copulation.)
(Thus, we can and must precipitate the death of that tyrant that we carry inside.)
(In this way Souls can come quickly to Earth.)
(Waste matter, psychic aggregates, living representation of our psychological defects, prevent the arrival of Souls to the World.)
(It is therefore necessary to eliminate defects and crystallize Soul.)
(The perfect Number of Souls that the Mysteries of Light will receive is ineffable.)
(If the Christ did not abbreviate the periods within ourselves, no Soul would have been saved.)
(This means that Soul would not have been crystallized in human people.)
(The fire of the abominable Kundartiguador organ, the negative fire that burns in the atomic infernos of the intellectual animal mistakenly called Man, would have annulled every attempt of Soul Crystallization.)
(Thus, the arrival of Souls to Earth would have been impossible.)
(Soul Crystallization, or arrival of Souls, in these verses, is taken as a synonym or something similar.)