Chapter 28

                                                              The powers adore the light dress.

Jesus continued his speech again and said to his disciples: Listen to the things that happened to me among the rulers of the twelve Aeons and all their rulers and all their lords and their authorities and their angels and their archangels. When they saw the light attire that I was wearing, they and their odd ones, each saw the mystery of their names, which was in the light attire that surrounded me. They all fell together, worshiped the dress of light that covered me and cried saying: How is it that the Lord of the Universe has passed through us, without us knowing? And all together they sang praises to the interiors of the interiors. And all their triple powers and their ancestors and their un-generated and their self-generated and their gods and their sparks of light and their bearers of light - in a word, all their great - saw the tyrants of their region, that their power diminished in them and they became weak and fell into great, immeasurable fear. They contemplated the mystery of their names in my dress, and set out to come to worship the mystery of their names that were in my dress, but could not because of the great light that surrounded me; but they worshiped a little far from me, and worshiped the light of my dress and cried together, singing praises to the interiors of the interiors.

(The Archons of the twelve Aeons, the Lords and the Authorities, the Angels and the Archangels, are represented within us by the various autonomous and self-conscious parts of our own Self.)

(The powers of the Regents and destiny and sphere are within our own Soul.)

(To the Intimate Christ and his garment of light we must find him at the bottom of our own Being.)

(The Mystery of the mystical name that each one of us carries in his own Being must be read in the garment of the Intimate Christ.)

(Our mystical name has its deep significance in the Intimate Christ.)

(The Intimate Christ has passed many times through the different corners of our Microcosmic Universe, without knowing us.)

(The different independent parts of our own Being sing praises to the Intimate Christ .)

(The triple powers of the Being and its ancestors and its non-generated and its self-generated, and their gods and their sparks of light and their bearers of light, whose powers are within our own Soul, know very well that the tyrants we carry inside succumb to the Lord.)

(All divine intimate powers worship the inner Christ.)

(This is repeated in the universe and in man, in the Macrocosm and in the Microcosm.)

                                                                      Tyrants resembled dead.

It happened then, when this happened among the tyrants who were below these rulers; they all lost power and fell to the ground in their Aeons and resembled the dead of the world, breathless in them, just as they became the moment I took away their power.

It happened later, when I left those Aeons, each one of those that was of the twelve Aeons, was subject to his order and all performed their works as I had established, so that they spent six months turned left doing their works in their squads and their triangles and those in their aspects, and so that they spent another six months turned to the right, towards their triangles and their squares and those in their aspects. Thus will travel those who are in Destiny and in the sphere.


The twelve Aeons are within ourselves, here and now.)

(The twelve Aeons are atomic.)

(The twelve Aeons are related to the twelve zodiac orders.)

(Among the Twelve Orders, Leo is the most exalted.)

(Recall the "Lions of Fire", the "Lions of Life", the "Igneus un-form puffs", triple divine powers emanated from  the  Omni-penetrant and omniscient Okinadockh.)

(These "Fire Lions" are Kether, Chokmah and Binah, true Dragons of Wisdom.)

(The Ten Sephirot or emanations, plus the Ain Soph Aur and the Ain Soph, are actually, Twelve Aeons.)

(The Twelve Aeons are, in reality, Twelve Regions.)

(Aeon Thirteen is terribly divine.)

(The Aeons Regents, each of them, is subject to their Order, and all of them, in the Macrocosm and within the Man Microcosm, work according to the Solar Logos.)

(Part of the works must be done in the light, and part, between the super-darkness and the august silence of the Sages.)

(We must never forget that Hell and Paradise exist right here and not in any other world.)

(Hell is located within ourselves and within the bowels of the Earth.)

(Paradise is located within the Being and in the higher Dimensions of the World.)

(Only by working in the burning Forge of Vulcane located in Hell and among the august darkness of the Non-Being, can we gain the right to enter Paradise.)

(Hell is the womb of Heaven.)

(All work, in light or darkness, must be done between triangles, octagons and squares.)

(We must wear the boots of God Mercury to travel like this, since we are in Destiny and in the Sphere.)



                                                                                  Chapter 29

                                       Jesus enters the thirteenth Aeon and finds Pistis Sophia.

Then I ascended to the veils of the thirteenth Aeon. And it happened, when I reached the veils that they separated by their own accord and opened before me. I entered the thirteenth Aeon and found Pistis Sophia under the thirteenth Aeon. She was alone, with no one next to her, placed in that region, lamenting and groaning because she had not been admitted to the thirteenth Aeon, her highest immediate region. And she also felt sorry for the torments that Obstinate, who is one of the three triple powers, had inflicted on her. But about this - when I talk about it, about its expansion - I will tell you the mystery and how it happened.

(The Thirteenth Aeon comes to remind us of the Thirteen Aztec Skies or Nahoas of ancient Mexico.)

(There are also Thirteen Katuns among the Maya of Yucatán, Palenque and Central America in general.)


(It's those thirteen prophetic Katuns, Thirteen Periods of time for each human race.)

(Obviously, the prophecies for each of the last Katuns of our Aryan race were fulfilled exactly.)

(We are currently approaching Katun Thirteen.)

(The Mayans say that between the years two thousand forty and two thousand forty-three the Katun Thirteen will enter.)

(The great catastrophe that will annihilate Humanity that currently lives in the five continents of the World, will occur in Katun Thirteen.)

(Our Solar System has Thirteen Worlds, which are the following: Earth, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Vulcan, Persephone and Clarion.)

(The Thirteen Katuns, the Thirteen Worlds, the Thirteen Heavens of Anahuac, are related to the Thirteen Sephirot of the Hebrew Kabala, namely :)




(These are the thirteen Aeons or supersensitive Atomic Regions that penetrate and mutually interfere without confusion.)

(Beyond these Thirteen Aeons is the Un-manifested Absolute.)

(The Intimate Christ, in Man, ascends within the resurrected Adept to the terrible Mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon.)

(The Mysteries of the Thirteenth Aeon open before the Christified and Resurrected Adept.)

(Pistis Sophia is a compound word.)

(Pistis Sophia means: Power- Wisdom.)

(Pistis means Power. Sophia means Wisdom.)

(Unquestionably, the Power is in the Fohat, that is, in the Fire.)

(Authentic Wisdom becomes Fire.)

(There is the Fire of Fire, the Flame of the Flame, the Astral Signature of Fire.)

(Obviously, Christ-Wisdom, is the astral signature of Fire.)

(On the Thirteenth Aeon are the terrible Mysteries of the Pistis Sophia.)

(Obviously, the Pistis Sophia arises from within the bosom of the Eternal Common Cosmic Father.)

(Ostensibly, the Pistis Sophia arises from among the Unmanifested Absolute and is deposited in Aeon Thirteen.)

(We need to go through the Buddhist Annihilation if we want to marry the Pistis Sophia.)

(The worshipers of dear Ego would never find the Pistis Sophia.)

(Only with death comes the new, if the germ does not die, the plant is not born.)

(The Pistis Sophia is dormant within each one of us, in our inner Universe.)

(Only the death of the Ego will allow us to marry Pistis Sophia to ascend to Aeon Thirteen.)

(Unquestionably, one of the three triple powers, Eros diverted, or misguided Cupid, causes Pistis Sophia the worst damage.)

(We will never speak out against Eros, Shiva, Holy Spirit, or against Cupid-Eros, well we know that the key to all power is found in the tantric mysteries of Lingam-Yoni.)

(Chaos-Gae, Eros, the Greek Trinity, invites us to reflection.)


(Actually, we only speak out against fornication, adultery and sexual abuse.)



                                            Sophia and her power mates, contemplate the light.

It happened then, when Pistis Sophia saw me shining extraordinarily and without measure of the light that surrounded me that went into great agitation and contemplated the light of my dress. She saw the mystery of her name in my dress and the glory all of her mystery, for previously she had been in the region of height, on the thirteenth Aeon, but she began to sing praises in the highest light, that she had seen in the veil of the Treasury of Light.

And it happened then, when she persisted in singing praises in the highest light, that all the rulers who are with the two great triples - powers and their invisible (of her) who is their pair, and the other two and twenty invisible emanations contemplated (in the light), - because Pistis Sophia and her pair, they and the other two and twenty emanations form four and twenty emanations that the invisible Ancestor and the two great triple powers have emanated.

(Pistis Sophia, the divine Wisdom-Power, shines among the Christic mysteries, and agitated throbs and shudders in the Logoic garments.)

(The mystery of the name of the Pistis Sophia is hidden in the Solar Logos.)

(For something we have always been told that Christ is among the Mysteries of the Treasury of Light.)

(The Pistis Sophia speack with the sacred Verb of the great Hierophants.)

(The Pistis Sophia, Wisdom-Power, shines gloriously made flesh, in the incarnate Gods.)

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