Chapter 42

When Jesus had said these words to his disciples, he continued: "Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear; and whoever in whom the spirit burns, let him come forward and say the solution of the idea of the fifth repentance of Pistis Sophia."

(Philip, the Apostle of Jesus, exists within ourselves, here and now.)

(Philip assists the summoner and takes him out in the astral body.)

(Such summoners usually receive multiple benefits.)

(This type of invocations is done by surrendering to normal sleep.)


(Philip can also take the summoner with a physical body and in a state of "Jinas".)

("To heaven Philip" is the key to the invocation.)

(Repeat such a phrase thousands of times.)

(If you want to take the physical body, you are asked for the service to Philip.)

(If you only want to take the astral, Philip's service is requested.)

(Philip is spoken at, Philip is begged at.)

(A little sleep is required to go out in astral body.)

(To carry the physical body in Jinas state requires less sleep and a lot of faith.)

(The reader should study our "Yellow Book.")(Next publication)

(One is the historical Philip, another the intimate Philip; each one of us has his Philip.)

(The Twelve Apostles are the Twelve Powers within ourselves.)

(The Twelve Apostles are the twelve parts of our own Self.)

(We repeat this for the good of our readers.)

                                                                   Philip, the scribe, complains.

And when Jesus finished saying these words, Philip came forward, raised and lowered the book which he carried in his hand, - for he is the scribe of all the speeches spoken by Jesus and of everything he did -; Philip then approached, and said: "My Lord, surely it is not only me who you have entrusted to take care of the world and write all the speeches we will deliver and make (all of us); and yet you have not made me come here to say the solution of the mysteries of repentance of Pistis Sophia, but my spirit has often burned in me, constricting me to go ahead here and say the solution of the repentance of Pistis Sophia; and I have not been able to do it because I am the scribe of all speeches " .

(Philip always writes the words of the Intimate Christ.)

(Philip is the scribe of all speeches.)

                      Jesus explains that the scribes assigned are Philip, Thomas and Matthew.

And it happened then, when Jesus listened to Philip, who said: "Listen Philip, blessed, with whom I speak: it is you and Thomas and Matthew, to whom the First Mystery sends to write all the speeches that I will say and all that I will do, and all the things that you will see. But as for you, the number of speeches you have written is not yet complete. When it is, you will come and proclaim what you please. Now, therefore, you three will write all the speeches that I will say (all the things that I will do) and that you will see, so that you can witness all the things of the kingdom of heaven. "

(Philip, Thomas and Matthew, three Apostles within ourselves, obey the orders of the First Mystery and write the speeches of the Intimate Christ.)

(The three parts of Being, Philip, Thomas and Matthew, in addition to writing all the things that the Intimate Christ says and sees, and does, also have the power to see and hear the things of the Lord.)

(Philip, Thomas and Matthew are the three witnesses of the things of the Kingdom of Heaven.)

(Philip, Thomas and Matthew are really three parts of our own Being.)



                                                                                  Chapter 43

                                Mary interprets the words of Jesus concerning the three witnesses.

When Jesus had finished, he told his disciples: "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

Mary came forward again, took a few steps in the middle of the meeting and stood next to Philip, saying to Jesus: "My Lord, the light that dwells in me has ears and I am ready to listen to my power; I have understood the word you have spoken


Now then, my Lord, listen to my sincere speech, you, who have told us: "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

"As you said to Philip:" It is you and Thomas and Matthew to whom the First Mystery sends to write all the speeches of the kingdom of the Light and to be witnesses ", listen then and that I proclaim the solution of those words. They are the ones that you Light power prophesied before through Moses: "All matters will be established by three witnesses." The three witnesses are Philip, Thomas and Matthew. "


                                          Philip interprets the fifth repentance from Psalm LXXXVII.


- Lord, God of my salvation, day and night I have called you.


- Let me cry before you; Tilt your ear to my plea, Oh! Sir.


- Well, my soul is full of evil and I have been dragged into the lower world.


- I count myself among those who have gone down to the pit; I am like a man who has no one to help him.


- The free among the dead are like those killed who are thrown away and sleep in the graves, whom you do not remember anymore and are destroyed through your hands.


- They put me in a lower pit, in the darkness and the shadows of death.


- Your anger has gone out and your care has come to me. (Selah)


- You have taken my friends away from me and they have made me abominable in their eyes. They have abandoned me and I can't get out of here.


- My sight has darkened in my misery; I called you, Oh! Lord, all day, and I have raised my arms to you.


- Won't you do wonders for the dead? Do physicians not get up and confess you?


- Do not they proclaim your name in the graves?


- And your virtue in a land you have forgotten?


- But I called you, Oh! Lord, and my prayer will reach you in the morning.


- Don't turn your face from me.


- Well, I'm miserable, and I suffer since my youth. And when I exalt myself, I humble myself and get up.


- You have taken my teammates from me and my friends from my misery.

This is thus the solution to the mystery of the fifth repentance that Pistis Sophia pronounced when she was oppressed in chaos. "

(The Intimate Christ is the Instructor of the World.)

(The Intimate Christ is our Inner Savior.)

(Let's repent and cry for our mistakes.)

(All of us, indeed, have been dragged into the lower world.)

(We are among those who have come down to the Hell Worlds.)

(Those who still believe they are free are mere victims of the ego.)

(In the lower pit, in the kingdom of Pluto, under the epidermis of the Earth, one suffers horribly.)

(Blessed is he who dies in himself, here and now.)

(That one will not see the Second Death then.)

(Only by dying in themselves, based on conscious work and voluntary suffering, can Pistis Sophia be released.)

(The Initiate who goes through the annihilation of himself reaches total Enlightenment.)

(The Initiate voluntarily is placed in a lower pit, wishes to die, wants to die.)

(The Lord can perform wonders with the dead.)

(Blessed are those who die because they will be raised in the Lord.)

(The Name of the Lord will be proclaimed in the graves of those who die in themselves.)

(We are poor and miserable, naked and wicked, but we believe ourselves holy and powerful.)

(The deep inner Lord admonishes the Initiate.)

(We are badly accompanied and the Lord will keep away bad company from us.)

(The bad companies within us are.)

(Bad companies are the perverse psychic aggregates that we carry inside.)

(The wicked companions are dead thanks to the Lord.)

(Dead our wicked companions, Pistis Sophia is released.)

(It would do no good to possess all the scholarship of this world if it did not die in itself.)

(Breaking the psychic aggregates is only possible in the Forge of the Cyclops, in full chemical intercourse.)

(Man-Woman, sexually united, are surrounded by terrible Cosmic forces.)

(Man-Woman, sexually united, are surrounded by the terrible forces that brought the Universe into existence.)

(The man is the positive force, the woman is the negative force. The neutral force reconciles them both.)


(If the three forces are directed against a psychic aggregate, it is reduced to cosmic dust.)

(The man, in full chemical intercourse, must help his wife, taking her psychic aggregates as if they were her own.)

(The woman must take the psychic aggregates of the man as if they were hers.)

(Thus, the positive, negative and neutral forces will be directed against any aggregate, duly united.)

(That is the key to disintegrating psychic aggregates.)

(Man-Woman, sexually united, should pray asking the Virgin of the Sea, Devi Kundalini, to disintegrate this or that psychic aggregate previously fully understood.)

(If the man wants to disintegrate a psychic aggregate, be it hate, lust, jealousy, etc., he will cry out to the Divine Mother Kundalini begging her to disintegrate such an aggregate, and his wife will help him with the same appeal as if the aggregate were hers. )

(So will the man with his wife's psychic aggregates, taking them as their own.)

(The totality of the forces of man and woman, during metaphysical intercourse, must be directed, already towards the psychic aggregates of man, and already towards those of woman.)

(Thus we will end the Ego.)

(This is the key to freeing Pistis Sophia.)

(Let us not forget that during chemical intercourse, the man and woman together, are truly an omnipotent and terrible divine Androgen.)



                                                                                   Chapter 44

                                                          Philip is praised and continues writing.

And then, when Jesus heard Philip's words, he said: "Well spoken Philip, well loved. Now and therefore, come, sit down and write your part of the speeches that I will give and of all the things that I will do, and everything what you see"

And immediately Philip sat down and wrote.

Later, Jesus continued his speech and said to his disciples: "Then Pistis Sophia called to the light, who forgave her sin of leaving her region and going down into darkness. And she uttered her sixth repentance, saying:

(The Father of all lights forgives Pistis Sophia for the sin of having fallen into the darkness of nonbeing.)

(In the darkness of nonbeing sovereign reigns pain.)

(However, the descent is necessary to re-emerge later victoriously.)

(The victorious re-ascent implies total transformation.)

(The Phoenix rises more powerful than before, more omnipotent, and terribly divine.)

                                                                   Sixth repentance of Sophia.


- I sang you praises, Oh! Light, in the darkness below.


- Listen to my regret and may your light answer my plea.


- Oh! Light, if you think about my sin I will not be able to stand before you, and you will abandon me.


- But you, Oh! Light, you are my savior; because by the light of your name I have had faith in you, Oh! Light.


- And my power has had faith in your mystery; and even more, my power relied on light when it was among those of heights; and he trusted her when he was in the chaos below.


- Let all the powers in me trust in the light, now, when I am in the darkness below, and that you can trust the light again if you reach the region of height.


- Because she is (the light) who has had compassion on us and guided us. A great mystery of salvation is in it.


- And she will take all powers out of chaos due to my transgression, for I have left my region and come down to chaos.


- Now and therefore, allow yourself to understand the one whose mind is exalted. "

(The Initiate sings praises to the Great Light even though he is working between the darkness and the august silence of the Sages.)

(We need the Great Light to truly forgive us.)

(If the Light would always think about our mistakes and never forgive us, we would never move forward.)

(The Light of the Name is the Name of the Light that the Being of our Being possesses.)

(The Mystery of the mysteries is experienced by conscious Faith.)

(The Initiate trusts the Light when he is among those who dwell in the heights.)

(The Initiate trusts in the Light when he works on the super darkness and august silence of the Sages.)

(All autonomous and self-conscious parts of our own individual Being must have full confidence in the Inner Light, here and now.)

(When we work in the Abyss we must have full confidence in the Light and not pass out.)

(No one could go up without having gone down previously.)

(We must steal the Light from the darkness.)

(The Light pities of us and guides us.)

(In the light there is a great mystery of salvation.)

(The light must take all the powers of each of us out of Chaos.)

(By Powers, it is understood, that each of the independent parts of the Being that descend to Chaos and suffer.)

(Obviously, each of the independent parts of our own individual Being must be perfected.)

(The Twelve apostles, that is, the twelve parts of our Being, the twelve Powers, must be perfected within ourselves, here and now.)


(People just want to know something about the twelve historical apostles, but they understand nothing about the twelve parts of our own individual Being.)

(We must look for the twelve within ourselves.)

(It is urgent to perfect the twelve apostles within ourselves.)

(Remember that twelve are the foundations of the Celestial Jerusalem and that in each of them the name of each of the twelve is written.)

(Thus, the twelve names of the twelve apostles each correspond to their corresponding foundation.)

(We must destroy Babylon the great, the mother of all fornications and abominations of the Earth.)

(Obviously, Babylon is our own psychological city populated by psychic aggregates that we carry inside.)

(We must build up the Heavenly Jerusalem within ourselves.)

(Twelve are the foundations of the Celestial Jerusalem.)

(Perfecting the twelve is only possible by disintegrating the psychic aggregates.)

(Rare is he whose mind is saved.)

(The wall of the Celestial Jerusalem is 144 cubits, a measure of man, which is of an Angel.)

(If we add this amount, one hundred and forty-four, together, we have nine.)

(Nine is the kabalistic number of the Ninth Sphere.)

(Nine is the sexual sphere.)

(Only by working on the Ninth Sphere is it possible to totally disintegrate the psychic aggregates.)

(Only by disintegrating such aggregates do we liberate the Essence and build up the Heavenly Jerusalem, here and now.)


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