
Pistis Sophia is the summit book of all doctrines because of the content of a supreme teaching of Jeshua Ben Joseph given to his disciples after his Magestic and Glorious Resurrection.

Like the Bhagabad Guite for the Buddhists , The Koran for the Muslims, the Tao Teking for the Taoists , the Popol Vuh for the Maya and many sacred books and the Pistis Sophia   is the great Sacred Book that some attribute to the Ophites , to the Valentians and all Gnostic historians as the disciples of Jesus , etc. And that the esoteric Gnostic    have wanted to unveil and mostly disembodied before achieving it such as Epiphonio , Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria , Irineous, Hipolitus , etc.  Recently Krum Heller ( Huiracocha ) and Samael Aun Weor also not reached to end its unveiling .

The Pistis Sophia (Faith and Wisdom) is divided into 148 chapters (91 unveiled): The first and the fourth have no inscription, the second is headed by the Second Book of Pistis Sophia and carries a note that says: Part of the volumes of the Savior -This is repeated at the end of the third book. No header. It seems almost all writings are of different ages and the fourth the most ancient.

The original texts are in Coptic and found in Egypt.  it only have the Sahidic manuscript which is a translation of the Coptic (Primitive text), the original Greek could not be found.

It was published in Latin in 1851 by Shwarze and Petermann . With a code of the city London called Asquenianus and whose antiquity dates back to the third century its name in Latin is OPUS GNOSTICUM VALENTINO ADJUDICATUM EST.

Codice manuscript Coptic Londinensi Descripsit Vertit. MGSHWARTZE. These sacred and ancient Teachings contain mostly sexual preference. (The mysteries of the Burned Forge of Vulcan, the Great Arcanum AZF.

The Pistis Sophia is the greatest and most sacred work.


                                                                 FIRST BOOK OF PISTIS SOPHIA


                                                                                     Chapter I


                                                     Jesus had instructed his disciples until then

                                                         only to the regions of the First Mystery.


And it happened, when Jesus rose from the dead, that he spent eleven years running with his disciples in instructing them only to the regions of the First Commandment and even the regions of the First Mystery, that which is within the veil, within the First Commandment, which is the twenty-fourth mystery outside and below, (those twenty-four), which are in the Second Space of the First Mystery, which is before all the mysteries, the dove-shaped Father, 

("Joyful in hope, suffered in tribulation , be constant in prayer. ")

(The Kings of Sexual Fire work patiently on the Great Work.)


(The Intimate Christ instructs the mind and heart.)


(The First Commandment is: Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself.)


(The First Mystery is Kether, the Ancient of Days, you know that.)

(When the devotee understands the First Commandment, then he easily understands the twenty-fourth Mystery.)


(The Twenty-Four Mystery is hidden among the Loom of God.)

("Mesh after mesh weaves my Loom, fabric for my Honor and fabrics to honor.")

(The Ancient of Days is always hidden in his own loom, in his own Creation.)


(It would not be possible to understand the Twenty-Four Mystery without having previously understood the Sixth Mystery.)


("Works you give me Lord, but with them strength.")


(The Sixth Mystery clearly explains the Twenty-Four Mystery.)

(The spirit is strong but the flesh is weak, do not fall into temptation.)

(The Soul, the Sex, the temptation, the fall, the Regeneration, are hidden in the Sixth Mystery.)


(In the First Space is the Ancient of Days, the Father who is in secret.)

(In the Second Space is Nature, explainable only with the Sixth Mystery.)


                                                                  What the First Mystery involves.


And Jesus said to his disciples: "I appear outside the First Mystery, which is the Last Mystery, which is the Twenty-fourth Mystery." And his disciples did not know or understand that there was anything within that Mystery, but they thought of that Mystery that was the head of the Universe and the head of all existence that was the end of all ends, because Jesus told them in relation with that Mystery, which involves the First Commandment and the five impressions and the Great Light and the Five Auxiliary and the entire Treasury of the Light.

(The Jesus Intimate appears outside the First Mystery though the Son is one with the Father and the Father is one with the Son. He who has seen the Son to have seen the Father.)

(The First Mystery is that of the Father and therefore it is also the Last. The Old Man of the Centuries is the first and the last of the Mysteries.)

(The Twenty-Fourth Mystery, explainable by the Sixth Mystery, hidden among its entrails to the First Mystery and synthesized in the sixth mystery, is the very head of the Universe.)


(The First Mystery, which is also the Twenty-Four Mystery, involves the First Commandment even if the Commandments of God's Law are twenty-two.)

(The First Commandment also involves the five impressions of the Great Light and the Five Auxiliary and the entire Treasury of the Light.)


("From ears I had heard you; but now my eyes see you and my heart feels you.")

(The First Commandment and the five impressions of the Great Light and the Five Auxiliary and the entire Treasury of the Light, even if they are under the Law of the Balance, in last synthesis, are contained in the First Mystery.)


(The Five Impressions of the Great Light are represented in the Esoteric Pentagram.)

(The Gnostic Pentagram is the human figure with four members and a single point that is the head.)


(The sign of the Pentagram is also called the sign of the Microcosm and represents what the Kabbalist rabbis of the Book of Zohar call the Microprosopium.)

(The Pentagram, raising its upper beam to the air, represents the savior of the world.)

(The Pentagram, raising its two lower legs in the air, represents the goat male of the coven.)

(A human figure, with its head down, naturally represents a demon, that is, intellectual subversion, disorder or madness.)

(The Pentagram, called the Flaming Star in the Gnostic Schools, is the sign of the Magic Omnipotence.)

(The Five Impressions of the Great Light and the Five Auxiliary are contained in the Flaming Star.)

(The Five Auxiliary are the Five Geniuses: Gabriel, Rafael, Uriel, Michael and Samael.)

(The entire Treasure of Light is contained in the Pentagram, and it allegorizes Man.)

(Understanding the Magic Pentagram is the key to the Two Spaces.)

(The sign of the Pentagram must be composed of the seven metals, or at least, be traced with pure gold on the white marble.)

(The seven metals are as follows: silver, mercury, copper, gold, iron, tin and lead.)

(The Pentagram with the upper beam facing up, makes the demon columns run away.)

(The Pentagram with the two lower rays facing up attracts the dark ones.)

(The Pentagram drawn with coal, with the two lower rays facing outwards, on the threshold of the room, does not allow the entrance of the dark ones.)

(The Pentagram is consecrated with the four Elements, reciting the exorcisms of Fire, Air, Water and Earth.)

(It`s blows five times on the magic figure.)

(It is sprinkled five times on the Flaming Star with the ritual water.)


(The figure of the Pentagram is dried with the smoke of five perfumes: frankincense, myrrh, aloe, sulfur and camphor.)


(Then the Pentagram is alternately placed on the ground, in the North, in the Midday, in the East and in the West.)

(The name of Aleph and that of the sacred THAU will be pronounced together in the Kabalistic name of Azoth.)

(When blowing five times on the Flaming Star, the Five Magic Auxiliaries will be invoked.)

(Never forget that the Golden Fleece is the Treasure of Light.)


(Unquestionably, the Golden Fleece is also contained in the First Mystery.)

(No Adept could seize the Golden Fleece if he did not previously understand the First Commandment and the First Mystery.)

(The First Mystery is contained in twenty-four, which is the Loom where the own destiny is knit and unweave.)

(The Loom of God, the Great Work, only works with the Sixth Mystery.)

(The Sixth Mystery is that of the Lover, that of Love.)

(Transcendent Sexual Electricity is the wonderful force that originates every movement on the Loom of God.)

(Those who never transmute the Sacred Sperm into Transcendent Sexual Electricity, leave the Loom of God on hold.)

(Those who leave the Loom of God on hold do not work in the Great Work.)

(Worshiping Iod- Heve is necessary.)

(However, the Worshiper is stuck if he does not work in the Great Work.)

(When you do not own a Hermetic Vessel you have to get it to work in the Great Work.)

(Many times moral codes and prejudices and fears constitute a major obstacle to the acquisition of the Hermetic Vessel.)

(The destroyed, damaged Hermetic Vessel does not serve the Alchemist for his work in the Great Work.)

(The Hermetic Vessel is the Female Yoni, you know it.)

(In the wise connection of the Lingam Generator with the Female Yoni is the key to all power.)

(Those who spill the Mercury fail to generate Transcendent Sexual Electricity and fail in the Great Work.)

(Spilling the Hermetic Vessel is equivalent to paralyzing all the activities of the Twenty-Four Mystery.)

(Cowards, moved by prejudices and absurd fears, never get a hermetic Glass and fail unfortunately.)

(Those who for absurd considerations and false moral postulates adhere to a destroyed or damaged Hermetic Vessel and do not dare to take a new one, leave the Great Work paralyzed and unfortunately fail.)

(The Treasury is for courageous workers.)

(The Gods must feed on the nectar of Immortality if they do not want their physical body to degenerate and die.)

(The Nectar of Immortality is contained in the Holy Grail.)


(The Holy Grail is the Sexual Female Yoni.)


                                                              The Regions of the Great Invisible.

And on the other hand Jesus had not spoken to his disciples of the total expansion of all the regions of the Great Invisible and of the triple powers and of the twenty-four invisible ones, and of all their regions and their Aeons and their orders, or how they  extended (those that are not the emanations of the Great Invisible) and its non-generated and their self-generated and their givers of Light and their odd ones and their rulers and their Authorities and their Lords and their Archangels and their Angels and their deans and its servants, and all the houses of their spheres and all the orders of each one of them.

(The total expansion of all the regions of the Great Invisible, in the Dawn of any Cosmic Creation, is extraordinary.)

(The Adept must know all the supersensitive regions of Nature and the Cosmos and how they expand in the Dawn of Creation.)

(In these regions dwell the Aeons and their Sacred Orders that are the emanations of the Unknowable and Un-manifested Divine.)

(The Thirty Pleromatic Aeons arose from successive and orderly emanations in pairs of the Pro-Father shine.)


(The Thirty Aeons arise in the Dawn of Creation.)

(The Triple Powers, the Law of Three, the Three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos, are indispensable to create and recreate again.)

(The Three Forces are: Holy Affirm, Holy Deny, Holy Reconcile; Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Positive Force, Negative Force, Neutral Force.)

(When these Three Forces flow in different directions they cannot perform any creation.)

(For a new creation to arise, these Three Primary Forces must meet at a given point.)

(The Triple Powers and the Invisible Twenty-Four are present in the Dawn of any Cosmic Creation.)

(Positive, Negative and Neutral Forces, intensive work in the Great Work, form a Unique All.)

(And the Twenty-Four Elders work incessantly on the Zodiac within which our Solar System throbs.)

(From the Glow of Light (the Ray of Eternal Darkness) the energies awakened again in space at the Dawn of the Great Day. The One of the Egg, the Six and the Five, then the Three, the One, the Four, the One, the Five, the double Seven, the Total Sum. And these are the Essences, the Flames, the Elements, the Divine Builders, the Numbers, those that have no body and those that do, the Divine Man, the total amount.)

(From the Divine Man emanate the Forms, the Sparks, the Sacred Animals and the Messengers of the Sacred Powers within the Holy Four.)

(This is always the case at the Dawn of all Cosmic Creation.)

(From the Great Invisible emanate also the "not generated" themselves, that is, those who have not yet reached the Second Birth.)

(From the Great Invisible emanate the "self-generated", those who worked with the Mysteries of Sex and reached the Second Birth.)


(From the Great Invisible emanate the disciples of the self- generated, also generated.)


(From the Great Invisible emanate the disciples of those generated by themselves and their Givers of Light and their Odd ones and their Rulers and their Authorities and their Archangels and their Angels and their Deans and their servants, and all the houses of their spheres respective, and all Esoteric Orders of each of them.)


                                                                      The Treasure of Light

And Jesus had not told his disciples of the total expansion of the emanations of the Treasury, nor of his orders, how they are extended; neither of their saviors, according to the order of each of them, how they were; nor did he tell them what guard is at each gate of the Treasury of Light, nor did he tell them from the region of the Twin Savior who is the Son of the Son; neither from the regions of the Three Amens, in which regions they are expanded, nor to which region the Five Trees are expanded; nor of the Seven Amens, what are the seven voices, what is their region, and how they are expanded.

(The Treasure is the Philosopher's Stone, the Resurrected King within each of us.)

(From the Treasure arise Emanations, Mystical Orders that extend, Saviors, etc.)

(A Guard is always at the door of each Temple.)

(The Treasury of Light is only owned by the Resurrected Masters.)

(The Twin Savior is the Son of Man.)

(The Twin Savior is Tiphereth, the Causal Man within which the Logos, the Christ, comes to manifest.)

(The Twin Savior is certainly the Son of the Son.)

(The regions of the Three Amens are symbolized by the Triangle of the Three Supreme, which is separated from the rest of the Universe by the abyss that the intellectual humanoid can never cross.)

(The Ancient of Days is the First Activity of Manifestation and Movement, it is a state of pure becoming.)

(The Christ, the Logos, is the Second Primordial shining in the Zodiac Belt.)

(From the Logos comes the snake that bites its tail with its mouth, the Third Primordial.)

(The Three Amens are the Three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos.)

(The Three Primordial Forces are the Holy Affirm, the Holy Deny and the Holy Conciliar.)

(There are Three Witnesses in Heaven: the Father, the Logos and the Holy Spirit; and Three Witnesses on Earth: the Blow, the Blood and the Water.)

(The Five Trees are the Prodigies, the Spells, the Jinas, the most hidden Powers, the Law, the Karma, The Orders of the Lords of the Law.)

(The Seven Amens are the Seven Weores, the Seven Spirits before the Throne of the Lamb, the Seven Planetary Spirits, the Seven Regions.)

(The Seven Voices are the Seven Spirits before the throne of the Lamb.)

(The Seven Geniuses are: Gabriel, Rafael, Uriel, Michael, Samael, Zachariel, Orifiel.)

                                                                         The Light World

And Jesus had not told his disciples what kind the five auxiliaries are or which region they have been taken to; neither how the Great Light has expanded itself, nor to which region it has been taken; He had not told them either of the five impressions, or of the First Commandment, to which region they have been taken, but that he had run with them in general, teaching them that they existed, but did not tell them of their expansion and the order of their regions, nor as they are. For this reason they did not know that there were also other regions within that mystery.


And he had not told his disciples: "I left such and such regions until I entered into that mystery and until I had to leave it," but when he taught them he said: "I have come out of that mystery." For this reason they thought of such a mystery that it is the end of the ends, and that it is the head of the Universe and that it is the total plenitude, because Jesus had said to his disciples: "That mystery involves the Universe of which I have spoken to you since the day I met with you until this day." For this reason the disciples thought then that there was nothing inside the mystery. 

(The Five Auxiliaries are part of the Seven Spirits before the throne of the Lamb, are brought to the Manifestation and taken later to the Absolute.)

(The Light expands on the Dawn of all Creation and then gathers before the bosom of the Absolute at the end of any Creation.)

(The Five Impressions are related to the First Commandment and are brought to the Cosmos when the Day of any Creation dawns.)

(The Order of the various Cosmic Regions is perfectly clarified in the Tree of Life.)

(Unquestionably, Jesus came out the First Mystery.)

(The First Mystery is the end of all ends, the Head of the Universe, Total Fullness.)


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