Think deeply and mindfully by this times for many result strange.


From the Intellectual Centre diverse thoughts arise, not from one permanent Self as the ignoramuses foolishly suppose, but different "I's" in each of us.


When a man is thinking, he firmly believes in himself and for himself is thinking.


Not want to realize the poor intellectual mammal that multiple thoughts that cross your mind, have their origin in the different "I’s" that we carry inside.


This means that we are not true thinking individuals; really still we do not have individual mind.


However, each of the different "I's" that we carry inside, use our intellectual center, use it whenever wants to think.


Absurd would be therefore to identify us with this or that negative and harmful thought, believing it private property.


Obviously this or that negative thought comes from any "I" that at a given moment has abusively used our intellectual center.


Negative thoughts about different species: Suspicion, distrust, ill will towards another person, passionate jealousy, religious jealousy, political jealousy, jealousy of friends or family type, greed, lust, revenge, anger, pride, envy, hatred, resentment , theft, adultery, sloth, gluttony, etc., etc., etc.


Really are so many psychological defects we have, if we had a steel palate and a thousand tongues to speak, would not manage to enumerate them fully.


As a consequence or corollary of the above, it is unreasonable to identify with negative thoughts.


Since it is possible that there is no effect without a cause, we solemnly affirm that could never be a thought by itself, by spontaneous generation...


The relationship between thinker and thought is ostensible; every negative thought has its origin in a different thinker.


In each of us there are so many negative thinkers, how many thoughts of the same nature.


Look at this issue from the pluralized angle of "Thinkers and Thoughts", it happens that each of the 'I's that we carry in our psyche is certainly a different thinker.


Unquestionably within each of us, there are too many thinkers; however, each of these despite being only a part, it is believed the whole, at any given moment...

Mythomaniacs, the egomaniacal, narcissistic, paranoid, never accept the thesis of "The Plurality of Thinkers" because they love themselves too much, feel "Tarzan Dad" or "Mom chicks" ...


How could such abnormal people accept the idea that do not have a single, great, wonderful mind? ...


However such wiseacres think about themselves best and even dress in the robes of Aristippus to demonstrate wisdom and humility...


Account around there the legend of the centuries that Aristippus, wanting to demonstrate wisdom and humility, dressed in an old robe full of patches and holes; with the right hand he gripped the Staff of Philosophy and went through the streets of Athens...


They say that when Socrates saw him coming, he cried with a loud voice: "Oh Aristippus, your vanity shows through the holes of your clothes".


Who do not always live in a state of alert novelty, alert perception, thinking he's thinking, it is easily identified with any negative thoughts.


As a result of this, unfortunately strengthens the sinister power of "I Negative", author of the corresponding thought in question.


The more we identify ourselves with a negative thought, the more we will be slaves of the corresponding "I" that characterizes him.


Regarding Gnosis, the Secret Path, to work on himself, our particular temptations are precisely in the "I" who hate Gnosis, the esoteric work, because they know that their existence within our psyche is mortally threatened by Gnosis and by the work.


Those "I Negatives" and quarrelsome easily take over certain mental rolls stored in our intellectual center and cause sequentially harmful and damaging mental currents.


If we accept those thoughts, those "I’s Negatives" that at any given moment control our intellectual center, then we will be unable to their results.


We must never forget that all "I Negative" is "self deceives." and "deceives" conclusion: lie.


Whenever we feel a sudden loss of power when the aspirant becomes disillusioned, of the Gnosis, of the esoteric work, when he loses enthusiasm and abandons the best, it is obvious that has been deceived by some I Negative.


The "I Negative of Adultery" annihilates the noble homes and makes the children unhappy.


The "I Negative of Jealousy" deceives the beings who adore and destroys the happiness of them.


The "I Negative of the Mystical Pride" deceives the devotees of the road and they, feeling wise, loathe his Master or betray him ...


The Negative I appeal to our personal experiences, our memories, our best wishes, our sincerity, and through a rigorous selection of all this, has something in a false light, something that fascinates and failure comes...


However, when one discovers the "I" in action when he has learned to live in a state of alert, such deception is impossible...








Believe oneself to be "One" certainly is a joke in very bad taste; unfortunately this vain illusion exists within each of us.


Unfortunately we always think of ourselves the best, we never occurs to understand that not even possess true individuality.


The worst of it is that until we give ourselves the false luxury of assuming that each of us enjoys full consciousness and own will.


Woe to us! How foolish we are! There is no doubt that ignorance is the worst calamities.


Within each of us there are many thousands of different individuals, different subjects, Selves or people who quarrel among themselves, who fight for supremacy and who do not have any order or agreement.


If we were aware, if you woke up of so many dreams and fantasies, how different life would be...


More on top of our misfortune, negative emotions and self-consideration and self-esteem, they fascinate us, hypnotize us, never let us remind ourselves, seeing us as we are..


We believe to have one will when in reality we possess many different wills. (Each I have its own).


The tragicomedy of all this Interior Multiplicity is frightening; the different inner wills collide, live in continual conflict, acting in different directions.


If we had true individuality, if we possessed a unit instead of a Multitude, would also have continuity of purpose, awakened consciousness, particular will, individually.


Change is indicated, however we must start by being honest with ourselves.


We need to make a psychological inventory of themselves to know what we have left and what we lack.


It is possible to get Individuality but if we believe to have it such a possibility will disappear.


Clearly we never would fight to achieve something that we have. Fantasy makes us believe that we possess Individuality and even schools are in the world that teach that.


It is important to fight fantasy, it makes us appear as if we were this or that, when in reality we are so different.


We think we are men, when in truth we are only intellectual mammals devoid of individuality.


Mythomaniacs believe about themselves be Gods, Mahatmas, etc., without even suspecting that do not even have individual mind and Conscious Will.


The egotistical love much their beloved ego,that never accept the idea of the multiplicity of Egos within themselves.


Those with delusional disorder with all the classic pride that characterizes them, not even read this...


It is essential to overcome the fantasy about ourselves, if we do not want to be victims of artificial emotions and false experiences that besides put us in ridiculous situations, stops all possibility of internal development.


The intellectual animal is so hypnotized by his fantasy, dreaming of being a lion or eagle when in truth it is nothing more than the opposite.


The mythomaniac never will accept these statements made up above; obviously he feels arch-hierophant whatever they say; without suspecting that fantasy is merely nothing, "nothing but fantasy."


Fantasy is a real force which acts universally upon mankind and that keeps the intellectual humanoid in a state of sleep, making him believe that it is a man who possesses true individuality, will, awakened consciousness, particularly mind, etc., etc., etc.


When we think that we are one, we cannot move from where we are in themselves, remain stagnant and finally degenerate, we devolve.


Each of us is in a certain psychological stage and we cannot leave it, unless we find directly to all those people or Selves living within our person.


It is clear that through intimate self-observation we can see the people who live in our psyche and we need to eliminate them in order to achieve radical transformation.


This perception, this self-observation fundamentally changes all the misconceptions about themselves and as a result had we evidence the concrete fact that we do not possess true individuality,


While we do not self-observe, we will live in the illusion that we are One and consequently our life will be wrong.


It is not possible to interact properly with our fellow men while an inner change is not performed at the bottom of our psyche.


Any intimate change demands the previous elimination of the Selves within us.


No way we could eliminate these Selves if we do not look within.


Those who feel One, they think of themselves the best than never accept the doctrine of the many, not wishing to observe the Selves and therefore any possibility of change in them is impossible.


It is not possible to change if not eliminated, but who feels holder of Individuality if he accepted that must eliminate, which is really ignore what to delete.


But we must not forget that whoever believes to be one, self-deceived believes that if he know what to delete, but really does not even know he does not know, he is an illustrated ignorant.


We need "set ourselves free from the Ego"  "to get individuality" but who believes to have Individuality it is impossible to free from the Ego.


Individuality is sacred one hundred percent, rare are those who have it, most everyone thinks they have it.


How could we eliminate "I's" if we think we have an "I" only?


However only one who has  never been seriously self-observed think to have a One Self.


However we must be very clear in this teaching because there is the psychological danger of confusing authentic Individuality   with the concept of some kind of "Higher Self " or something like that .


Sacred Individuality is far beyond of any form of "I" is what it is, what has always been and always will be.


The legitimize Individuality is the Being and the raison of the Being is the same Being.


Distinguish between the Being and the I. Who confuse the Being with Ego, certainly never observed themselves seriously have.


Meanwhile continue the Essence , the consciousness, bottled up that whole set of Selves within us, the radical change will be more than impossible.






A person is what his life is. What continues beyond death is life. This is the meaning of the book of life that opens with death.


Look at this issue from a purely psychological standpoint, one day of our lives, it really is a small replica of the totality of life.


From this we can infer the following: If a man does not work upon himself today, never will change.


When we say we want to work on oneself, and not putting off work of today for tomorrow, this statement will be a simple project and nothing more, because today is the replica of our whole life.


There exists a vulgar saying: "Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today".


If a man says, "I will work on myself tomorrow," he never works on himself, because there will always be a tomorrow.


This is very similar to a notice, advertisement or sign that some merchants put in their stores "I do not sell in credit today, tomorrow if".


When someone in need comes to applying for credit, run into terrible warning, and if he returns the next day, is again the unfortunate ad or sign.


This is what is called in psychology the "morning sickness". While one man says "tomorrow" will never change.


We need with maximum urgency, cannot be postponed, to work on yourself today, not to dream lazily in a future or an extraordinary opportunity.


Those who say, "I'm going before to do this or that and then will work." Never work on themselves, those are the inhabitants of the land mentioned in the Scriptures.


I knew a powerful landowner who said: "I need to get rich first and then work on myself."


When he fell ill death I visited him, then asked him the following question: "Do you want to get rich yet?"


"I'm really sorry I wasted my time," he replied. Days later he died, after recognizing his mistake.


That man had many lands, but wanted to take over neighboring properties, so that his estate will be limited exactly by four roads.


"Sufficient day to day activity!" Said the GREAT KABIR JESUS. Self Observe us today, with regard to the ever recurring day miniature of our entire life.


When a man begins to work on himself today when he observes his dislikes and sorrows, march on the path of success.


It would not be possible to eliminate what we do not know. We must observe before our own mistakes.


We need to not only know our day, but also the relationship with it. There is a certain ordinary day that each person experiences directly, except for unusual events.


Interestingly result to observe the daily recurrence, the repetition of words and events for each person, etc.


This repetition or recurrence of events and words deserves to be studied, leads to self-knowledge.






In no way we could deny the Law of Recurrence processed at every moment of our lives.


Certainly in every day of our existence, there is repetition of events, states of consciousness, words, desires, thoughts, volitions, etc.


It is obvious that when one is not self-observed, cannot realize this incessant daily repetition.


It is evident that anyone who feels no interest in observing himself, nor want to work to achieve a true radical transformation.


To top it all off there are people who want to transform themselves without working on themselves.


We do not deny the fact that everyone has the right to real happiness of the spirit, it is also true that happiness would be more than impossible if we do not work on themselves.


One can change intimately when really able to modify their reactions to the various events that befall him daily.


However we could not modify our way of reacting to the facts of practical life, if we do not work seriously about themselves.


We need to change our way of thinking, be less careless, become more serious and take life differently, in its real sense and practical.


However, if we continue the way we are, behaving the same way every day, repeating the same mistakes with the same negligence as always, any possibility of change will indeed eliminated.


If one really wants to get to know yourself, you must start by observing their own behavior, to the events of any day of life.


We do not mean by this that one should not observe oneself daily, we just want to say that one must begin by observing a first day.


In all there must be a beginning, and start by observing our conduct in any day of our life, it is a good start.


Observe our mechanical reactions to all those little alcove details, home, room, house, street, work, etc., etc., etc., what you say, feel and think, is certainly more appropriate.


The important thing is to see then how or in what way can you change those reactions; however, if we believe that we are good people, that we never behave in an unconscious and wrong way, we will never change.


First of all we need to understand that we are people-machines, simple puppets controlled by secret agents, by hidden Selves.


Within our person many people live, we are never identical; sometimes manifests in us a mean person, other times an irritable person, at any other time a splendid person, benevolent, later a shocking or slanderous person, afterwards a saint, then a liar, etc.


We have people of all kinds within each of us, Selves of all kinds. Our personality is nothing more than a marionette, a talking doll, something mechanical.


Let's start behaving consciously during a small part of the day; we need to stop being simple machines even for brief daily minutes for this decisively will influence on our existence.


When we self-observe and do not do what such or that I, it is clear that we begin to stop being machines.


A single moment in which you are well aware, to stop being a machine, if done voluntarily, often radically modify many disagreeable circumstances.


Unfortunately we live daily a mechanical, routine and absurd life. Repeating events, our habits are the same, we have never wanted to change them, they are the mechanical rail through which the train of our existence goes, however, we think of us the best...


Everywhere they abound "mythomaniacs" those who believe Gods; mechanical creatures, routine, characters in the mud of the earth, wretched dolls moved by diverse Selves; so people like this will not work on themselves...






If we carefully observe any day of our life, we will certainly not know how to live consciously.


Our life seems a moving train, moving on rails fixed mechanical, rigid habits of a vain and superficial existence.


The odd thing is that we never occurs to change habits, it seems not get tired of always sending the same.


Habits have petrified us, the more we think we are free;...


We are mechanical people, more than enough to lack any true feeling what is being done in life.


We move daily into the old track of our antiquated and absurd habits and so it is clear that we have no real life; instead of living, and do not receive new impressions.


If a person started his day consciously, it is obvious that such a day would be very different from the other days.


When one take all of his life, as the same day you're living, when not leave for tomorrow what should be done today, really you get to know what it means to work on himself.


Never a day is unimportant; if we really want to transform ourselves radically, we must see ourselves, observe and understand daily.


However, people do not want to see themselves, some having wanted to work on themselves, they justify their negligence with phrases like this: "The work in the office does not allow work on himself". These words meaningless, hollow, vain, absurd, which only serve to justify indolence, laziness, lack of love for the Great Cause.


People as well, although they have many spiritual concerns, it is obvious that will never change.


Observe themselves is urgent, urgent, urgent. The Self-Observation intimate is essential for real change.


What is your psychological state when you wake up ?, What is your mood during breakfast ?, Were you impatient with the waiter ?, With wife ?, Why was impatient ?, what is you always piss you off ?, etc.


Smoking or eating less is not all change, but it indicates some progress. We know well that vice and gluttony are inhuman and bestial.


It is not good that someone dedicated to the Secret Path, have a physical body, too fat and with a bulging belly and out of any eurhythmic of perfection. That would indicate gluttony, greed and even laziness.


Everyday life, profession, employment, although vital for existence, are the dream of consciousness.


Knowing that life is a dream does not mean you understand it. Understanding comes with self-observation and intensive work on itself.


To work on yourself, it is essential to work on their daily lives, today, and then understand what it means that phrase of the Prayer of the Lord: "Give us the day our daily bread".


The phrase "Every Day" means "super-substantial bread" in Greek or the "bread from above".


Gnosis gives the Bread of Life in the double sense of ideas and forces that allow us to disintegrate psychological errors.


Every time we reduce to cosmic dust this or that "I", we gain psychological experience, we eat the "Bread of Wisdom ", we receive new knowledge.


Gnosis offers us the "The super-substantial bread", the "Bread of Wisdom " and  pinpoints the new life that begins in oneself, within oneself, here and now.


Now, no one can alter his life or change anything related to the mechanical reactions of existence unless you count with the help of new ideas and receive divine help.


Gnosis gives these new ideas and teaches the "modus operandi" by which one can be assisted by forces superior to the mind.


We need to prepare the lower centers of our organism to receive the ideas and strength that come from higher centers.


At work on itself there is nothing contemptible. Any thought however insignificant, should be observed. Any negative emotion, reaction, etc., must be observed.



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