CHAPTER 46

                                                                                                                     RUNE GIBUR


Those baked earth discs or coins, very abundant in the marvelous ruins of old Troy, are full of JAIN or SWASTIC crosses.


All this invites us to think that the people of SHEKELMESHA, although related to the ATLATEANS, also carried an ARIA yeast in their veins, just like the famous Yucatecan peoples.


We should have remembered that the Aryans began more than a million years ago. The first of the three ATLANTIC catastrophes dates back 800,000 years and the last as we have already said in our happened about 11,000 years ago.


The SWASTIC is a deeply significant ESOTERIC symbol.


Said Ineffable sign shines in effect on the head of the great serpent of VISHNÚ, the SHESTA-ANANTA of the thousand heads that inhabit PATALA or the lower region.


If we study this question in depth, we come to show that all ancient peoples always put the SWASTIC at the head of their religious emblems because it is Thor's hammer, the magic weapon forged by the pygmies against the giants or Pre-cosmic Titanic forces opposed to the Law of Universal Harmony.


The sacred SWASTIC is therefore the hammer that produces the storms that the ASES or Celestial Lords use.


In the MACROCOSMOS, its arms bent at right angles express clearly and without the slightest doubt, the incessant EVOLUTIONS and INVOLUTIONS of the seven cosmos.


The SWASTIC in the MICROCOSMIC represents the man with the right arm pointing to the sky and the Left to the earth.


The SWASTIKA is an ALKYMIC, COSMOGONIC and ANTHROPOGONIC sign, under seven different interpretative keys. It is therefore finally as a symbol of the TRANSCENDENT ELECTRICITY, the ALPHA and the OMEGA of the UNIVERSAL SEXUAL FORCE, from Spirit to Matter, and for it, whoever comes to encompass all its mystical meaning is free from MAYA (ILLUSION).


Without any doubt the SWASTIKA is the electric windlass of physicists; within it are contained all the mysteries of the LINGAM-YONI.


The Swastika in itself is a CROSS in moviment; SEX-YOGA, MAITHUNA, SEXUAL-MAGIC.


The GNOSTICS know very well that in the ENS SEMINIS contained in the sexual endocrine glands is the "WATER OF LIFE", the "SOURCE OF IMMORTALITY", THE "ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE", the "NECTAR OF SPIRITUALITY".


The INTIMATE SELF-REALIZATION lies exclusively in the marrow and the semen, and everything that does not goes by there is unfortunately wasting time.


Everyone would like to immerse themselves in the current of sound to achieve FINAL LIBERATION, but truly, truly I tell you that if you are not born again you will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


That of being born in the SANCTUM REGNUM actually belongs to the Mysteries of the Cross, to the SWASTIKA.


In MEXICO AZTEC the GOD of life wears the SWASTIKA cross on his forehead and the priests had it as an ornament on their sacred vestments.


It is obvious that without the SEXUAL ALKYMY, without the electric windlass, without the sacred mysteries of the SWASTIKA, the INTIMATE SELF-REALIZATION, the SECOND BIRTH of which the great KABIR JESUS spoke to the RABBIN NICODEMUS, it is something more than impossible.


In the ZEN BUDDHISM of JAPAN, the onion with its different superimposed layers, symbolizes the human being with its subtle bodies. In the western world, different schools of the PSEUDO-ESOTERIC and PSEUDO-OCCULTIST type study such supersensitive vehicles.


ZEN monks emphasize the need to disintegrate, to dust such subtle bodies in order to achieve final liberation.


The ZEN philosophy conceives that these subtle organisms are simple thought forms that must be dissolved.


It is evident that those internal bodies studied by Mister LEADBEATER, ANNIE BESANT and many other authors, are LUNAR vehicles, PROTOPLASMATIC bodies that evolve to a certain point perfectly defined by nature and then rush down the INVOLUTIONARY path until returning to the original starting point.


The LUNAR BODIES obviously have a beginning and an end. The ZEN monks are therefore not wrong when they try to dissolve them.


But we go a little further; Let's talk about TO SOMA HELIAKON, the wedding garment of the soul, the body of the SOLAR MAN.


Remember the Gospel parable of the wedding feast. When the king came in to see the guests and saw a man there who was not dressed as a wedding, he said, "Friend, how did you get in here without being dressed as a wedding?" It is clear that he was silent, in no way was he prepared for the answer.


Terrible was that moment when the king ordered to tie his hands and feet and throw him into the darkness outside where only the crying and gnashing of teeth can be heard.


That the different SOLAR BODIES inter-penetrating each other constitute the wedding garment of the soul, is something that should not surprise us.


The fundamental thing, the cardinal thing, is to manufacture the SOLAR BODIES and this is only possible by transmuting the SEXUAL HYDROGEN B-12.


It is obvious that by means of incessant sexual transmutations we can condense the HYDROGEN of SEX in the splendid and marvelous form of the SOLAR ASTRAL BODY.


It is evident that by working with the windlass of the physicists in the forging of the CYCLOPES (SEX), we can crystallize the SEXUAL HYDROGEN in the paradisiacal body of the SOLAR MIND.


It is pathetic that by working to the maximum in the NINTH SPHERE, we can and must give shape to the SOLAR BODY of CONSCIOUS WILL.


Only in this way through these ALKYMIC crystallizations can we INCARNATE the DIVINE SPIRIT in us.


Only in this way working with the mysteries of the SACRED SWASTICA do we arrive at the SECOND BIRTH.


The absolute ignorance of these principles enunciated, leads thousands of mystical students to the most serious errors.


Ignoring these fundamental postulates of GNOSTICISM is very serious because it results in the bottleneck of intelligence in different dogmas and theories that are sometimes charming and fascinating, but absurd and stupid when we really examine them in the light of the TERTIUM ORGANUM (The third Canon of thought).


MAX HEINDEL thinks that the Wedding Suit of the Soul, the "SOMA PUCHICON" is exclusively constituted by the two superior ethers of the vital body or LINGAN SARIRA of the Hindustani.


This author believes that by increasing the volume of these two higher ethers, the SOMA PUCHICON is achieved.


The concept is very nice but false; such ethers are not everything; it is urgent to manufacture the SUPERIOR EXISTENTIAL BODIES OF THE BEING, that is, the SOLAR vehicles, if we really want to reach the SECOND BIRTH.


In no way could the SOLAR BODIES, the wedding garment of the soul, be manufactured without the sexual mysteries of the RUNE GIBUR.


This RUNE is the letter of Masonry, it is a pity that the MM have not understood the deep significance of this mysterious letter.


The is the SWASTIC cross, the AMEN, the wonderful ending to all prayers.


is also the GOTT or GOD. It is good to know that GIBRALTAR was previously called GIBURALTAR, that is to say: Altar, ARA of Divine Life, of GIBUR.


And people forgot about the runic practices but RUNE-CROSS still has not been forgotten fortunately.


Tracing with the thumb, index and middle fingers the sacred sign SWASTIKA, we can defend ourselves from the dark powers, before the SWASTIKA the columns of demons flee.


It is written in previous chapters and we will not tire of repeating it: "WHOEVER WANTS TO COME AFTER ME, DENY THEMSELVES, TAKE YOUR CROSS and FOLLOW ME."


PETER crucified with his head down, towards the hard stone and his feet raised vertically, invites us to go down to the forge of CYCLOPES, to the NINTH SPHERE, to work with FIRE and WATER, origin of worlds, beasts, men and gods; every authentic WHITE INITIATION begins there.


Protest against the SEXUAL ALKYMY of the SWASTIKA, the INFRASEXUALS, the degenerates, the declared enemies of the THIRD LOGOS.


If someone tells you that it is possible to achieve SELF-REALIZATION without the Holy Cross, without the sexual intercourse of two people (positive. negative poles), tell him that he is lying.


If someone tells you that it is necessary to spill the GLASS OF HERMES and that this is not the least important, tell them that they are lying.


Oh! Of you, the SODOMITES, the Infra-sexual, the enemies of the opposite sex; for those ... it will only be crying and gnashing of teeth.


Oh! of those who call themselves Christians and who carry the cross on their chest and hanging around their neck, but who hate MAITHUNA, SEX-YOGA; for those hypocritical Pharisees there will only be weeping and despair.


Oh! Oh! Oh!








Practice these RUNES in order; start your RUNIC exercises on March 21; Dedicate as much time as you wish to each RUNE.



Remember that all those who betrayed us before were actually tremendous sycophants.


I want you to resolve to die radically at all levels of the mind.



Many complain that they cannot go out at will in the ASTRAL BODY; that those awaken CONSCIOUSNESS. When one wakes up, the ASTRAL exit is no longer a problem.


Don't make the mistake of reading this book like someone reading a newspaper. Study it deeply for many years, live it, put it into practice.


Those who complain because they do not achieve ILLUMINATION, I advise patience and serenity.


The ILLUMINATION comes to us when we dissolve the PLURALIZED EGO, when we have REALLY died in the forty-nine regions of the SUBCONSCIOUS.


Those who are coveting hidden powers; those who use MAITHUNA as a pretext to seduce women, will enter the INVOLUTION SUBMERGED IN THE WORLDS-HELLS.


Work with the THREE FACTORS of the REVOLUTION OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS in an orderly and perfect way.


Do not make the mistake of adulterating and fornicating. Abandon the butterfly those who live butterflying from flower to flower, from School to School, are in reality safe candidates for the abyss and the second death.


Abandon all SELF-JUSTIFICATION and SELF-CONSIDERATION,  if you really want to die radically; Only then will you achieve ILLUMINATION.


Start from ZERO beloved ones; abandon MYSTICAL PRIDE, MYTHOMANIA, the tendency to consider yourselves SUPER-TRANSCENDED.


Only in this way, by taking an inventory of yourself, can you know what you really are.


In truth you only have the LUNAR BODIES and the ANIMAL EGO,  Your SOUL, the ESSENCE is bottled up, asleep between the EGO; So what do you base mystical pride on ?


Be humble in order to achieve Wisdom and, after reaching it, be even more humble. "Whoever wants to come after me, deny himself, take up his cross and follow me."





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