Ancient traditions tell that AENEAS the TROJAN remained for some time sheltered together with his people in the forests of the Ida, until the Greeks had left the old TROY.
And when the HELLENES left the heroic ruins of the superb Ilion, Aeneas builds his fleet and weeping leaves the shores of the homeland and the lonely plain where the ancient citadel was located, now turned into a heap of blackened ruins.
And the wind blows the sweet sails under the light of the full moon, and the oar fights with the smooth marble and the hero arrived with his ships and his people on the shores of Thrace, a rough country, where he hoped to find a welcoming land, since the Thracians They had been allies of the old PRÍAMO.
The history of the centuries tells that in the rough land of the Thracians, AENEAS founded a city to which he gave his name by calling it ENEADA.
And when the TROJANS made the SACRIFICE to JUPITER, the COSMIC CHRIST, in the precise moments in which they were preparing to light the fire and immolate the white bull, an extraordinary prodigy happens.
The branches that they cut for the fire dropped, instead of sap, a black and corrupted blood that stained the earth.
AENEAS was frozen with terror and begged the INEFABLE GODS to make that omen turn favorable to his designs.
The HERO says that he broke some other branches of the same tree, but all, as he says, dripped blood, until according to his words, a deep voice reached his ears that seemed to come from the roots of the plant, saying: "AENEAS ! Why do you tear me apart? Respect a wretch and do not commit the cruelty of torturing me. It is I, Polidoro, whom my enemies riddled with wounds in this very place, and the irons that were nailed in my body have borne fruit and raised a plant that, instead of barbs, produces steely javelins ".
The legends relate that on the heap of earth in which the roots of the tree were embedded, AENEAS consecrated an altar to the MANES of the dead and libations of wine and milk were poured.
This is how the FUNERALS of POLIDORO, the deceased warrior killed in the hard battle, were celebrated.
Since the ancient times of Arcadia, when the GODS of the four elements of the Universe and the DEIDUSES of the tender corn were still worshiped, the old hierophants grayed in wisdom never ignored the multiplicity of the EGO.
Is it then, a strange thing, that one of those many entities that make up the EGO clung so eagerly to life, being reborn in a tree?
The case of Pythagoras's friend reincorporated in a poor dog comes to mind.
And are not the centaurs also helped? What does the legend of the centuries tell us?
Those epic warriors who, bleeding, fell between the helmets and round shield of the glorious dead out of love for their people and their homeland, receive well-deserved extra help when they return to this world.
It is written in terrible words that the CENTAURS eliminate a part of themselves, of their beloved EGO, before returning to this valley of tears.
That the less perverse in the human body be reincorporated and that the decidedly criminal enters the crematorium of the WORLDS-HELLS, is law for CENTAURS.
Dante, the old Florentine crowned with laurels, found many CENTAURS in the abyss; let us remember CHIRON the old educator of AQUILES and the irascible Foló.
THE GREAT BOOK OF NATURE written with burning coals says with complete clarity that it terrifies: MANY PARTS OF THE EGO ARE LOST BEFORE THE RETURN TO THIS WORLD; MANY PSYCHIC AGGREGATES of the EGO reincorporate into organisms of beasts, others cling desperately like POLIDORO to the branches of trees and finally certain subjective elements of the EGO, continue their INVOLUTION in the submerged MINERAL KINGDOM.
TRANSMIGRATION is without a doubt something very similar, although completely different and with deeper roots.
Among the tremendous flames of life there are people so beastly that if everything that is rude was extracted from them, there would be nothing left. It is necessary that such creatures are reduced to dust within the interior of the earth, so that the ESSENCE, the SOUL, is released.
The legends tell that CAPANEUS one of the seven kings who besieged THEBAS, proud among the abyss, says: "As I was in life, I am after death. Even when Jupiter tired his blacksmith, from whom he took in his anger the sharp ray that he wounded me, the last day of my life, even when he weary one after another all the black workers of Mengibelous, shouting: "Help me, help me, good Vulcan!", as he did in the FLEGRA combat, and assaulted me with all his might, he would not be able to get back at me fully. "
Within this afflicted world we live in there are DREADING INVOLUTIONS. This is where Divine Justice has thrown ATTILA, who was her scourge on earth; to Pyrrhus; to Sexot, who eternally tears tears with the boiling of his blood.
"When falling there, you will have to suffer unbearable suffering and where there is no certain time to escape."
Homer said: "It is better to be a beggar on earth and not a King in the Empire of the shadows."
The descent into the TENEBROSOUS WORLDS is, therefore, a journey backwards along the INVOLUTIVE path, a sinking in ever increasing density, in darkness, rigidity, and in an inconceivable tedium of time; a fall backwards, a return, a repetition of the ANIMAL, VEGETABLE and MINERAL states, a return to primitive CHAOS.
The SOULS of the abyss are liberated with the SECOND DEATH; When the EGO and the LUNAR BODIES are reduced to dust, they receive the ballot of freedom.
Those souls coming from the interior of the earth, stained by the terrifying underground journey, covered with dust, become GNOMES of the MINERAL KINGDOM, later in ELEMENTAL creatures of the VEGETABLE KINGDOM, later in ANIMALS and finally they regain the human state they lost.
This is the wise doctrine of TRANSMIGRATION once taught by KRISHNA the Master Hindustan.
Millions of SOULS who died in HELL now play like GNOMES among the rocks. Others are now delicious plants or live within animal creatures aspiring to return to the human state.
When we deeply analyze the IS RUNE, we discover with mystical amazement, our own BEING, the INTIMATE.
The Testament of ancient wisdom says: "Before the false dawn dawned on the earth, those who survived the hurricane and the storm, praised the INTIMATE and to them the heralds of the New Age appeared.
In the deep night of all ages, there in the sunny country of KEM, when the IS RUNE was studied among the secrecy of the Egyptian temples , one always thought of the MAN-WOMAN, MALE-FEMALE bipolarity and from there it is clear that it was ISIS, the sacred name of the ETERNAL MOTHER SPACE.
Much has been said in occultism about the PRAKRITI, the space as a MATERNAL FEMALE ENTITY, but the PSEUDO-ESOTERISTS know nothing in relation to that mathematical point in which the KING SUN, the Golden Child of the SEXUAL ALKYMY, is always gestated.
There is no doubt that in that mysterious point resides the very root of our Sacred Monad.
The POINT itself is our PARTICULAR DIVINE MOTHER adorable and eternal, without beginning and without end.
In our DIVINE MOTHER KUNDALINI all the sacred powers of the MONAD (ATMAN-BUDDHI-MANAS) are contained.
To those who are not very well versed in THEOSOPHY we will say that in the PARTICULAR DIVINE MOTHER of each one, all the powers of our own spirit are found.
The PSEUDO-ESOTERISTS AND the PSEUDO-OCULTISTS have said a lot about the IMMORTAL TRIAD or TRIUNE SPIRIT of each living being, but they tell us nothing about the unfolds of the PRAKRITI (THE DIVINE MOTHER).
She ... the UNMANIFESTED, among the Greeks has no symbolism, but in her second manifest aspect in Nature, she is the chaste Diana so adored and blessed.
The third aspect of the PRAKRITI is the blessed Goddess-Mother-Death; terror of love and law; the terrible HECATE, PROSERPINA, Queen of HELLS.
Two more unfolds of the PRAKRITI lead us to the negative aspect of Nature, the undesirable, what would in no way suit us, the reign of terror and Black Magic.
It is written that all these unfolding of the PRAKRITI are repeated in the MICRO-COSMOS-MAN.
The fundamental thing is the THREE superior ASPECTS of PRAKRITI and with them we must learn to work.
The REVOLUTION of the CONSCIOUSNESS would be radically impossible without the special help of our own ADORABLE DIVINE MOTHER.
She is in herself our own BEING, the root of our Divine Spirit, its cause, its origin.
She is ISIS, whom no mortal has lifted the veil and on the flame of the serpent we call her.
Many PSEUDO-ESOTERISTS and PSEUDO-OCULTISTS read SIVANANDA. There is no doubt that this MAN was really a GURÚ-DEVA who worked intensely for suffering humanity. I truly confess that I never liked his HATHA YOGA; practitioners of this type have always seemed like a circus thing to me. It never occurred to me that someone could SELF-REALIZE by becoming a one of them.
However, it is therefore to know that this above-mentioned Yogi worked deeply and in much secret with SEX-YOGA. It seems rather that HATHA YOGA only used it as bait to fish in the river of life.
I am pleased to inform our beloved readers that GURÚ-DEVA SIVANANDA joyfully disincarnated in a MAHA-SAMADHI (ECSTASY).
I met him in the parallel universe of the FIFTH DIMENSION. My joy was tremendous when I saw that this man had manufactured his SOLAR BODIES in the LIGHTED FORGE OF VULCAN.
My surprise was extraordinary when verifying that this MASTER before dying had already died in himself.
Sivananda worked intensely on the GREAT WORK of the FATHER. He is therefore a GURÚ-DEVA in the most complete sense of the word.
Our meeting was very unique, it took place within a beautiful room where I was fulfilling my duty to teach. Suddenly the GREAT YOGI came in and as if wanting to recriminate me, he said: "YOU ARE VULGARIZING THE DOCTRINE".
It is obvious that he meant to refer to the dissemination of the MAITHUNA (SEX-YOGA) among the laymen.
In no way was I silent; my answer was frank and sincere, as I belong to the VIRIL FRATERNITY, it could not be otherwise.
I made an energetic statement saying: "I am ready to answer all the questions that are asked of me here before everyone and within this room." However, GURÚ-DEVA SIVANANDA, as he is the enemy of all disputes, preferred to sit in the sacred BUDDHIC position and then immerse himself in DEEP MEDITATION.
I felt the mind of the YOGI within my own recondite, this MAN dived, scrutinized, explored in my most intimate depths. There is no doubt that Sivananda wanted to talk with my Real Being, whose secret name is SAMAEL and he succeeded.
Amazed, I could not help but exclaim: "Sivananda, you are a true SAMYASIN of thought!" The GURÚ-DEVA, full of ecstasy, got up and embraced me, he had UNDERSTOOD the revolutionary approach of our doctrine, and exclaimed saying: "Now I do agree with you and I will tell everyone to read your works."
Then he added; "I KNOW YOUR MOTHER (referring to my PARTICULAR DIVINE MOTHER), I have seen her very well dressed and she wears a white cloak that reaches her feet."
The interview was formidable and some other things happened that I am now silent because they do not fit in this chapter.
Let's practice with the IS RUNE and meditate on the Divine Mother KUNDALINI.
In a firm standing position, let's raise our arms to form a straight line with the whole body and after praying and asking the DIVINE MOTHER for help, let's sing the MANTRAM ISIS like this:
I ..... sssss I ..... sssss . Lengthening the sound of the two letters and dividing the word into two syllables. IS-IS.
After the student lies down with the body relaxed and full of ecstasy, CONCENTRATE, meditate on the DIVINE MOTHER.
EINSTEIN, the famous author of the theory of relativity, at the beginning of this 20th century conceived in his brilliant mind a curved, finite universe, closed like an egg.
We still remember that terrible exclamation of that extraordinary man when he said: "THE INFINITY TENDS TO A LIMIT".
No one is unaware that later EDWIN HUBBLE discovered with infinite amazement at the famous observatory on Mount WILSON that all the GALAXIES that populate infinite space are moving away at fantastic speeds from each other.
This fact in itself is undeniable. Unfortunately, GEORGES LEMAITRE did not understand it and, looking for causes, reached the wrong conclusions.
If the Universe is in continuous expansion - he explained absurdly - it is because one day it exploded, starting from a center, from a primitive atom ".
LEMAITRE with his erroneous calculations firmly believed that this primitive, original nucleus had a meager, small, insignificant diameter; just the distance from the earth to the sun or 150 million kilometers.
Certainly tiny proportionally speaking, let us imagine infinite space even for an instant.
Such a primitive nucleus would have, according to LEMAITRE, such a frightening density that the very proximity of the atoms would naturally raise the temperature to hundreds of millions of degrees above zero.
At this inconceivable temperature, according to such a theory, the atomic energy released would be such and the cosmic radiation would be so intensive that everything would end up dislocating and then a deep explosion would ensue like the eruption of a terrifying and terrible volcano.
Wonderful all this, but who laid this cosmic egg? What existed before? Why would the cosmic explosion have to take place at a certain mathematical moment and not before or after?
Where is the foundation of such a theory? Who was an eyewitness to such a hypothesis?
We GNOSTICS fully understand that the GALAXIES move away from each other and that has already been demonstrated, but this does not necessarily mean that all of them have started from the same nucleus.
EINSTEIN said, "Mass is transformed into energy." And all the wise men of the world bowed in reverence to this tremendous truth.
The great mathematician also said: "Energy transforms into mass" and no one could refute this postulate.
There is no doubt that: "Energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared."
These wise postulates come to show us that the mass of all the universes is eternal and immutable; it disappears here to reappear there, in a kind of ebb and flow, activity and rest, day and night.
The Worlds are born, grow, age and die; they cease to exist to be transformed into energy and then resurface, are reborn, when it crystallizes again in mass.
In the retrospective count of all the seven cosmos that bustle and beat in infinite space, there is no root zero hour, common to all together.
I clarify, when I say common root in this specific case, I mean the concept of time as zero hour.
This does not mean that we deny zero hour absolutely. This exists in particular for each Universe; in the normal pre-cosmic state for any solar system.
In other words, we will say that each solar system of the unalterable infinity has its MAHAMVANTARAS and PRALAYAS, that is, its cosmic days and nights, times of activity and rest.
In this GALAXY in which we live, move and have our being, there are millions of solar systems and while some are in their zero hour, others are in full activity.
The times of activity and rest, cosmic days and nights, are also repeated in man and in the atom, in everything that has been, is and will be.
Modern scientists try to explain all these things on the basis of natural laws alone.
It is certainly ridiculous to want to exclude intelligent principles from such laws.
Each world in starry space has its FOHAT, which is omnipresent in its own sphere of action.
Without any doubt we can and must emphatically affirm that there are as many FOHATS as there are worlds, each of which varies in power and in degree of manifestation.
There are millions, billions and trillions of FOHATS, these in themselves are conscious and intelligent forces.
Truly the FOHATS are the builders, the Sons of the dawn of the MAHAMVANTARA, (COSMIC DAY), the true cosmic creators.
Our solar system brought into being by these agents is certainly made up of seven parallel universes.
FOHAT, then, is the personified vital electrical power, the transcendental unity that links all cosmic energies, both in our THREE-DIMENSIONAL world and in the PARALLEL UNIVERSES of the SUPERIOR and LOWER DIMENSIONS.
FOHAT is the VERB made flesh; the messenger of cosmic and human ideation, the active force in Universal life, the solar energy, the vital electric fluid.
FOHAT, is called "THE ONE THAT PENETRATES" and the MANUFACTURER because by means of the PUNCTA it gives form to the atoms coming from the Formless matter.
In the FOHAT are hidden mathematics, the army of the voice, the GREAT WORD.
Any explanation about cosmic mechanics that excludes the NOUMENO after the PHENOMENON, the FOHAT after any COSMO-GENESIS, would be as absurd as supposing the appearance of a car by spontaneous generation product of chance, without a special factory, without engineers, without mechanics, etc.
The trajectory of the GALAXIES never indicates that they have their origin or original starting point in a nucleus as reduced as the hypothetical egg of LEMAITRE.
As proof of this we have that the scattering angle always varies between 20 and 30 degrees, that is, they may have passed enormous distances from the supposed center.