CHAPTER 11

                                                                                                        PROTON AND ANTIPROTON


The real existence of the proton and the antiproton were absolutely demonstrated in 1955 by the team of physicists at Berkeley.


When a copper plate was bombarded, with an energy of 6,000 million electron volts, two wonderful hydrogen nuclei were extracted from the target, identical but of opposite sign: a positive and a negative proton.


By all means it is clear to think that half of the universe is made up of antimatter.


If modern sages have been able to find antiparticles in laboratories, it is because they also exist in the deep depths of the GREAT NATURE.


By no means can we deny that antimatter in space is frighteningly difficult to detect.


The light of the anti-stars, although apparently identical to that of the stars and the photographic plates register them in the same way, has to have a difference unknown to the wise.


The concept that there is no place for antimatter in our solar system is still highly debatable.


The transformation of mass into energy is something very interesting. That half escapes in the form of neutrinos is hardly normal, and that a third is translated into gamma rays and a sixth into light and sound waves, should not surprise us, it is natural.


When thinking about Cosmogenesis, the same questions always arise: What existed before the dawn of our solar system?


THE RIG VEDA responds:


There was no something, and there was nothing;

The blazing sky did not exist;

Not even the immense celestial vault stretched overhead.

What covered everything? What sheltered it? What was hiding it?

Was it the unfathomable abyss of the waters?

There was no death; but nothing was immortal,

There were no limits between day and night,

Only the ONE breathed inanimate and by Yes,

For no other than HIM has ever been.

Darkness reigned, and the whole beginning was veiled

In deep darkness; an ocean without light;

The germ hitherto hidden in the wrapper

It makes a nature spring forth from the fiery heat.

Who knows the secret? Who has revealed it?

Where, where did this multifaceted creation come from?

The gods themselves later came into existence.

Who knows where this great creation came from?

That from which all this immense creation has proceeded,

Well that his will has created, well he was mute,

The highest seer, in the highest heavens,

He knows it, or maybe neither, not even HE knows it. "

"Contemplating eternity ...

Before the foundations of the earth were laid,"

"You were. And when the underground flame

Break your prison and devour the form,

It will still be you, as you were before,

Without undergoing any change when time does not exist. "


Before the MAHAMVANTARA (COSMIC DAY) of this Universe in which we live, move and have our being, there was only free energy in its movement.


Before energy there was matter, the latter existed in an organized form, it constituted the Universe from the past COSMIC DAY (MAHAMVANTARA).


From the past Universe we only have as a memory the MOON, our beloved satellite that illuminates us at night.


Every time energy crystallizes in the form of matter, it appears in the extraordinary form of a symmetrical pair of particles.


Matter and antimatter complement each other. This is practically a new topic for contemporary science and further progress will be made in the future.


Clearly it is absurd to say that in our Solar universe there is no place for antimatter.


Matter is always accompanied by antimatter without which it is clear that nuclear physics would be without foundation, would lose its validity.


At the dawn of the MAHAMVANTARA, (COSMIC DAY), the Universe appeared in the form of a plasma cloud, that is, ionized hydrogen.


There are twelve fundamental Hydrogens in our SOLAR SYSTEM and this has already been analyzed by the Great Masters of humanity.


We have been told that in such a sum of Hydrogens twelve categories of matter contained in the Universe are represented from the ABSOLUTE ABSTRACT SPACE to the SUBMERGED MINERAL KINGDOM.


The original plasma cloud appears before the minds of studious men in two forms.


A careful examination of this matter allows us to understand that plasma and anti-plasma exist; it is what a certain sage has called "ambi-plasma".


Scientists know very well through observation and experience that the intensive magnetic field that forms in galaxies causes the radical separation of particles according to their electrical charge.


Plasma and anti-plasma are not only opposite but also separate.


Matter and antimatter coexist separately and condense or crystallize into stars.


When matter and antimatter come into direct contact, then the total destruction of matter occurs.


The living background of matter is precisely antimatter, but between the two forms of life there is a neutral field.


The three primary forces: POSITIVE, NEGATIVE and NEUTRAL certainly govern the entire universal mechanism.


Matter and antimatter, stars and anti-stars coexist in infinite space.


Hydrogen and Antihydrogen crystallize with the gravitational force causing nuclear fusion.


This is how, dear reader, protons of the same class accumulate on top of each other to form all the elements of nature.



                                                                                                                           CHAPTER 12

                                                                                                                          THE HARPIES


AENEAS, the epic Trojan paladin, sailing with his people into the wondrous lands of ancient Hesperia was subjected to dire new tests.


Old traditions that are lost in the night of centuries tell that on the high seas the terrifying forces of NEPTUNE raised a terrible storm, that although, (thanks to GOD), they did not sink his ship, at least if they made him lose his way to Palinuro, the most skilled of his pilots, after spending three nights without stars.


Horrifying moments were those in which the TROJANS approached the terrifying Strophadas islands, which are located in the Ionian Sea, and in which the Dantesque harpies inhabit, disgusting witches with the head and neck of a woman, who were before beautiful maidens, but now they are transformed into horrible furies that with their abject contact corrupt everything they touch.


Monstrous army of the abominable harpies, once led by the execrable Celeno, and provided with long claws, always have the pallor of hunger on their faces.


The glorious hero with his people arrived in that land and disembarked there without thinking of abject witches or horrifying Coven.


Hungry as the strong descendants of Dardano were, they soon sacrificed beautiful and gleaming cows that grazed happily in no-man's-land.


But when they were in the prime of the feast, the harpies came down from the mountains, squawking like crows and flapping their disgusting black wings, they approached the food infecting everything with their filthy mouths.


Horrendous aspect of that infected meat, the stench infected the air, the feast became disgusting, repugnant, nauseating.


Fleeing the Trojans from such sinister ladies transformed into horrifying birds, they took refuge in mysterious caves secluded from the sunny beach.


But unfortunately for such illustrious warriors, when they were about to eat after sacrificing new cattle, those cursed witches returned and spoiled the food again.


Full of great anger those men prepared to attack, and armed bows and javelins to exterminate such abominable harpies, but their disgusting skin could not be pierced by bronze and their flanks were invulnerable as steel.


A terrible curse that CELENO pronounced when, hovering over the glorious heads of the brave Trojans, he said: "Why do you make war on us, you fools? The gods have made us immortal. We have not offended you without justice, because you have sacrificed many cows. of our flock ".


"In punishment I will give you a curse. Aeneas and his race will wander the sea before they find the land they seek, and they will starve."


"They will not be able to raise the walls of their new city until, so hungry, they have been forced to devour their own tables."


Surprised and dismayed the Trojans begged the Holy Gods to deliver them from such threats and then they left that sad land and embarked again.


Sacrificing the sacred COW is in fact equivalent to summoning cruel harpies of dire omens.


It is appropriate to quote here the symbolic five-legged cow, the terrible guardian of the JINAS lands.


HP Bablasky., actually saw in Hindustan a white cow with five legs, the fifth protruded from its hump, with this it scratched itself, frightened flies, etc. Such an animal was led by a young man from the SADHU sect.



In all the theogony of the North and South, East and West of the World, the eternal feminine element of nature is always mentioned, the MAGNA-MATER from which the M and the Aquarius hieroglyph come.


She is the Universal Matrix of the great abyss, the primitive VENUS, the great MOTHER-VIRGIN that emerges from the waves of the sea with CUPID-EROS who is her son, and is the last variant, in short, of GAIA, GAEA or the earth. , which in its superior aspect is the Hindustan PRAKRITI.


Let's remember Telemachus going down to the world of shadows to find out about the fate of ULYSSES his father.


The young man walks under the light of the Moon invoking the PRAKRITI, that powerful BEING that being SELENE in the sky, is at the same time the DIANA caste on earth and BECOME formidable in the underground world.


The two subsequent unfoldment of HECATE-PROSERPINA, the fourth and fifth aspects of the PRAKRITI, are negative, they constitute the shadow of the ETERNAL-MOTHER-SPACE, reflections lost in the mirror of nature.


There are black and white JINAS. The harpies follow the dark path: DANTE found them in the HELL-WORLDS tormenting the submerged  involutionary souls.


Harpies are black JINAS; They use the two lower negative aspects of the PRAKRITI, with these they put their body into the fourth dimension to fly through the air.


Within the unknown dimension, the human body can take any shape and beautiful maidens can transform into horrible birds like those that AENEAS found in the dark Strophadas islands.


CHARON, the INFERNAL GOD whose eternal age is always melancholic and abominable, leads the harpies who have passed through the gates of death, to the other side of the evil river.


Muddy stream of black waters with swampy filthy banks where the specters of the dead roam.


Fatal river where the CHARON boat sails, leading the lost to the gloomy, dismal and dark regions of the submerged Mineral Kingdom.


Horrible end the one that awaits the harpies of the execrable CELENO, dreadfully regress in the UNDER-WORLD until it petrifies and is later reduced to cosmic dust.


The condemnation of those who do evil is just. Their jaws are like open tombs. They never knew the path.



                                                                                                                   CHAPTER 13

                                                                                                                     SIG RUNE


In fact, it is difficult to imagine the enchantment, the drunkenness of ecstasy, the communion of Saints on nights of meditation.


It was on a similar night that Patriarch JACOB, living REINCARNATION of the resplendent ANGEL ISRAEL, resting his head on the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE, read in the stars the promise of an innumerable posterity, and saw the mysterious seven-fold scale by which the ELOHIMs came and went. between heaven and earth.


Only in the absence of the EGO can we experience THAT which is the TRUTH, the REAL, that...


I went on the day of the LORD inquiring, seeking, inquiring Mysteries, about my last hour.


And I saw and heard things that profane and profaners cannot understand. And I directly experienced the final stage, the twilight of the ego, the catastrophic end of the ego.


And I was able to experience the crucifixion of the INTIMATE CHRIST and the descent to the Holy Sepulcher.


The fight against SATAN was terrible ... My WIFE-PRIESTESS sealed my sarcophagus with a large stone and smiled sweetly. Terribly divine voices and thunder and lightning issued from Golgotha of the FATHER.


All this reminds me of the SIG RUNE, the terrible Ray of the CENTRAL SUN: SULU-SIGI-SIG, secret name of the frightful sacred viper KUNDALINI.


The five-pointed star is certainly a constant repetition of the SIG RUNE, it seems all traced with the sig-sag of the Ray; in ancient times men trembled at Pentalpha.


SIG in the ARCHAIC MYSTERIES was the FALUS and this way we return to the MAITHUNA, (the SEX-YOGA).


SIG is the SUN and its letter is the whose wise prolongation becomes the subtle voice, that sweet and peaceful whistle that ELIJAH heard in the desert.


THE FINAL INITIATION is sealed with the Lightning, with the SIG RUNE, and between thunder and lightning, terrible words are heard: "MY FATHER, IN YOUR HANDS I COMMEND MY SPIRIT".


The flaming sword that turns menacingly on all sides, to guard the path of the tree of life, has the fearsome figure of the SIG RUNE, it reminds us of the zigzag, of the RAY.


"Wretched the Samson of the Kabbalah who lets himself sleep for DALILA, the Hercules of science who exchanges his scepter of power for the spindle of Onfalia, he will soon feel Deyanira's revenge and he will have no choice but the bonfire of Mount Eta to escape the devouring torments of NESO's robe."


Unhappy is he who allows himself to be seduced by the original Devil, the nameless woman, the rose of perdition from the infernal abyss.


Wretched is the INITIATE who falls intoxicated in the arms of the bloody Herodias, the harpy Gundrigia and a hundred other women.


Oh! Oh! Oh! of those INITIATES who succumb to the kisses of fire, not of women, but of the woman per antonomasia, of the woman-symbol, who does not try to seduce him rudely with the suggestions of mere animal sensation, but with the most perfidious arts and delightful of subtle sentimentality and romantic emotionalism.


For those, it would be better for them not to have been born or to hang a millstone around their neck and throw themselves to the bottom of the sea.


Poor ones! ... instead of going up to the Golgotha of the Father and going down to the HOLY SEPULCHER, they will be struck down by the terrible ray of Cosmic Justice. Those will lose their flaming sword and descend to the Kingdom of PLUTO by the black road.


Around the ebony throne of the King of the WORLDS-HELLS, they always flutter tenebrous; the dreadful jealousy that embitters existence; the cruel mistrust; the filthy revenges covered with wounds and the abominable hatreds pouring out blood.


The gnawing greed always devours itself without mercy and the disgusting spite tears the flesh with its bare hands. There they are, in short, the crazy pride that ruins everything miserably; the infamous betrayal that always defends itself and feeds on innocent blood without ever being able to enjoy never the corrupted fruit of its perfidies. There is the deadly poison of envy that destroys itself when it cannot harm others; the cruelty that plunges into the abyss without hope; the macabre and terrifying visions; the horrible ghosts of the damned, horror of the living; the monsters of nightmares and the cruel sleepless nights that cause so much anguish.


All these and other fatal images girdle the horrifying forehead of the fierce PLUTO and fill his fateful Palace.


TELEMACHUS the son of ULYSSES found in the Kingdom of PLUTO millions of hypocritical Pharisees, whitewashed tombs, pretending as always love to religion, but full of pride and arrogance.


As the hero descended into increasingly submerged regions, he found many parricides and matricides suffering frightful bitterness; he also found many wives who had bathed their hands in the blood of their husbands; traitors who had betrayed their country and violated all the oaths; However, although it may seem incredible, they suffered fewer penalties there than the hypocrites and Simoniacs.


The three judges of the hell-worlds had wanted it that way, because they said that such are not content with being evil, like the rest of the wicked, but that they also presume about Saints and with their false virtue they mislead people, they move away from the path that leads to TRUTH.


The HOLY GODS, who have been so impiously and slyly mocked in the world and whom they have made despicable in front of all people, now take revenge with all their power for the insults that have thus been inflicted on them.


The terrible Ray of COSMIC JUSTICE also plunges into the abyss the fallen BODHISATTVAS who never wanted to get up; those are charged with three crimes. 1: Having murdered BUDDHA. 2: Having dishonored the GODS. 3: Many other crimes.


Every GREAT WORK, any practice, is always sealed with the SIG RUNEwith the flaming sword.





Always seal all your magical works, invocations, prayers, chains of healing, etc. with this RUNE; trace with your hand and your extended index finger the sig-sag of the ray as you make the letter Sssssss resound like a sweet and gentle whistle.



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