THE AIN SOPH


It is necessary to understand, it is urgent to know that in the poor INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL mistakenly called MAN, there are three perfectly defined aspects.


The first of these three aspects is that which is called ESSENCE. In ZEN BUDDHISM this is called by the name of BUDDHATA.


The second aspect is the PERSONALITY and this in itself is not the physical body although it uses this vehicle for its expression in the three-dimensional world.


The third aspect is the DEVIL, the PLURALIZED EGO within each one of us, the MYSELF.


The ESSENCE, the BUDDHATA, within man, is that which has true reality, that which is its own.


THE PERSONALITY is that which is not its own; what comes from the outside world; what you have learned at home, on the street, at school, etc.


THE PLURALIZED EGO is that set of diverse, distinct entities that personify all our psychological defects.


Beyond the organic machine and those three aspects that are manifested through it, there are many spiritual substances, forces and principles that ultimately emanate from the AIN SOPH.


And what is this AIN SOPH?.And what is this AIN SOPH ?. We say in an abstract way that it is the NO THING Without Limits, Absolute.

However, it is necessary to particularize and specify something else to understand. AIN SOPH is our singular, special, specific, own and SUPER-INDIVIDUAL SUPER-DIVINE ATOM.


This means that in the last synthesis each one of us is nothing more than an atom of the Absolute Abstract Space, this is the inner, atomic star that has always smiled at us.


A certain author used to say: "I lift my eyes upwards, towards the stars from which help must reach me, but I always follow the star that guides my interior."


It is clear that this SUPER-DIVINE atom is not INCARNATED but it is closely related to the CHAKRA SAHASRARA, the LOTUS OF THE THOUSAND PETALS, MAGNETIC CENTER of the PINEAL GLAND.


I have directly experimented with the AIN SOPH in a very deep state of meditation.


Someday, no matter the date or time, I achieved that state that in Hindustan is known as NIRVI-KALPA-SAMADHI; then my soul was totally absorbed in the AIN SOPH to travel through the ABSTRACT-ABSOLUTE SPACE.


My journey began in the PINEAL GLAND and continued within the deep bosom of ETERNAL space.


And I saw myself beyond the entire galaxy of matter or antimatter, turned into a simple SELF-CONSCIOUS atom.


So happy! I felt in the absence of the SELF and beyond the World and the mind and the stars and the anti-stars.


What is felt during SAMADHI is inexpressible, only by experiencing it is it understood.


And I entered through the doors of the temple, inebriated with ecstasy, and I saw and heard things that INTELLECTUAL ANIMALS it is not possible to them to understand.


I wanted to speak with someone, with some divine Priest and it is obvious that I succeeded and thus I was able to console my aching heart.


Any of those many SELF-REALIZED atoms of the AIN-SOPH, (THE ABSOLUTE ABSTRACT SPACE), increased in size and assumed before my unusual presence, the venerable figure of an ANCIENT OF THE DAYS.


From my creative larynx then spontaneous words came out that echoed in infinite space, and I asked for someone I knew in the world of dense forms; The response of such an illustrious Atomic Master was certainly extraordinary: "For us the inhabitants of the AIN SOPH, the human mind is what the Mineral Kingdom is for you."


And he added: "We examine the human mind in the same way that you examine any mineral."


In the name of truth I have to say that such a response caused me astonishment, admiration, stupefaction, surprise.


Then came the demonstration; that ESSENTIAL LOVER studied the mind of the person for whom I was asking and gave me exact information.


Many years have passed but I have not been able to forget that mystical experience.


I had the joy of talking with an ATOMIC KABIR beyond the PARALLEL UNIVERSES, in the AIN SOPH, but not all those atomic stars of the spiritual firmament are SELF-REALIZED.


The GENESIS ATOM (AIN SOPH) of any person who has not manufactured their SOLAR BODIES in the LIGHTED VULCANE FRAGE, is certainly very simple, it does not contain more atoms.


Another thing is the SELF-REALIZED ATOMS-GENESIS, what in occult science we call AIN SOPH PARANISHPANNA; These contain within themselves four SEED ATOMS that in ALKYMY are symbolically represented by these four letters: C.O.N. H (CARBON, OXYGEN, NITROGEN, HYDROGEN).


On any given summer night, I did question a group of Gnostic students saying: If at the end of MAHAMVANTARA we must disintegrate the SOLAR BODIES manufactured with so much effort in the NINTH SPHERE, then why do we manufacture them?


Needless to say, neither brother could give the correct answer; I needed to explain:


It is clear - I told them- that when the GREAT PRALAYA (COSMIC NIGHT) arrives, the AIN SOPH absorbs the three primary forces and disintegrates the four bodies but retains and attracts the four seed atoms corresponding to the four bodies to its interior sphere. .


Thus, within the AIN SOPH PARANISHPANNA, that is, SELF-REALIZED, there are the three primary forces and the FOUR SEED-ATOMS. The letter C. symbolizes the body of the CONSCIOUS WILL. The O, corresponds to the vehicle of the MIND-CHRIST. The N is related to the SOLAR ASTRAL. The H, allegorizes the PHYSICAL.


At the dawn of the MAHAMVANTARA, (COSMIC DAY) the AIN SOPH PARANISHPANNA reconstructs its four bodies by means of their corresponding ATOMS-SEEDS.


The four bodies constitute the Hebrew MERCABAH, the chariot of the centuries, the solar vehicle of the AIN SOPH PARANISHPANNA, The NO-THING without Limits Absolute.


The four bodies assume the form of the manifested CELESTIAL-MAN, the vehicle for descending and manifesting in the world of phenomena.



                                                                                                                     CHAPTER 15

                                                                                                                   KING HELENUS


When AENEAS the epic Trojan paladin approached the rich palace of King Hellene, he saw with amazement, admiration and pleasant surprise that woman called ANDROMACA, the former wife of HECTOR the Trojan, gloriously killed in battle at the foot of the undefeated walls of Troy.


AENEAS gave thanks to the HOLY GODS, (ANGELS, ARCHANGELS, PRINCIPALS, POWERS, VIRTUES and DOMINATIONS, THRONES, CHERUBINES and SERAPHINES of CHRISTIANITY) thanked from the bottom of his heart to these ineffable beings, who had saved this woman by preventing the Achaeans took her captive to Mycenae.


Noble woman, now wife of HELENUS the SEER KING, the splendid monarch who in his royal palace offered rich hospitality to the Trojans.


AENEAS found her in a sacred forest and had next to her, in a magnificent golden urn, the beloved ashes of Hector, her former husband.


"Are you really Aeneas, who do I see? Are you alive, or are you an apparition? Oh Gods! And if you live, tell me: Why doesn't my Hector already live?" Thus exclaimed the noble woman and then fainted.


The unfortunate woman had been the captive of the terrible PYRRHUS, cunning evil warrior, murderer of the old PRIAM.


Fortunately the luck of the unfortunate woman changed radically after PYRRUS died at the hands of the fearsome Orestes, then she married the good King HELENUS.


And the old traditions tell that on the third day AENEAS was taken by Hellene to a lonely cave to consult APOLLO's will.


The most important of his predictions consisted in telling him that he was still far from reaching the end of his journey and finally settling in the land that was once the ancient Hesperia.


He announced that he should go to consult the SIBYL of CUMAS that Divine Prophet, who wrote her magical verses on the leaves of a stout tree that was next to her cave.


The legend of the centuries tells that from time to time any hurricane wind knocked down the green prophetic leaves and the verses were mixed and mixed extraordinarily, forming phrases unintelligible to the profane and for this reason many of the consultants came out cursing the Sibyl.


Without any doubt we can and must affirm emphatically that only men of AWAKENED CONSCIENCE could understand the strange phrases and mysterious enigmas of the Sibyl of CUMAS.


HELENUS also predicted to AENEAS that he would sail alongside ESCILA and CARIBDIS; that he would pass near the land of the CYCLOPES, but that he would refrain from entering Italy through the southern coasts, which at that time were populated by terrible Greeks.


Finally, the kind Hellenic King advised AENEAS, the illustrious Trojan Paladin, to try to win the love of the GODDESS JUNO by making pious sacrifices; this Deity had always been show herself the enemy of the Trojans.


And the wind blows the white sails under the light of the Full Moon and the oar fights with the smooth marble and PALINURO consults the stars and the ships, they move away from the stately dominions of the Latin King, while ANDROMACA mourns the departure of the Trojans.


HELENUS, enlightened King, prophet of APOLLO, you offered regal, magnificent hospitality to the Trojans and then, full of love, you questioned the GOD of fire concerned about your friend ENEAS.


HELENUS, it was you; Oh Gods! Who advised such an illustrious Trojan male to visit the Sibyl of CUMAS.


Upon reaching this part of our present chapter all those Priestesses of ERITREA, ENDOR, etc. come to mind. Wherever there was a holy Sybil of these, it is certain that there was also a Delphic, Bacchic, Cabiric, Dactyl or Eleusinian Mystery.


The GODS and the wise men will never be able to forget the tremendous importance of the Mysteries in ancient times: to them SAIS, MENFIS and THEBAS owed so much fame and great renown, in the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs.


Beyond the night of the centuries, the INITIATES still remember MITRA among the Parsis, Eleusis, Samothrace, Lemnos, Ephesus, etc., among the Greeks.


Formidable were the INITIATIC Colleges of BIBRACTIS and ALEXIS among the Gallic-Druids.


Ineffable and indescribable for their beauty and splendor were the Mysteries of Heliopolis in Syria; Tara in Ireland, etc., etc., etc.


The Druid Priests of the Celts, practiced by saying PLINIO, Magic and Mysteries in their caves, as also verified by Caesar and POMPONIO MELA.


The austere and sublime Druid Hierophants, crowned with oak, solemnly gathered under the polished moonlight to celebrate their GREATEST MYSTERIES, especially on Easter in the spring, when life was resurrected powerful and glorious.


INITIATIC SCHOOLS were closed in the East with ALEXANDER's military barbarism and in the West with Roman violence.


The city of the "Cote-d'Or", together with St. Reine, was certainly the tomb for the DRUIDIC INITIATION, all the Masters and Sibyls, were vilely slaughtered by the bloodthirsty hordes of Rome, without any consideration.


The same fatal and painful fate fell to Bivractis, the glorious emulator of MENPHIS and ATHENS and ROME followed in number of victims, whose Druid College had 40,000 students of Astrology, Occult Sciences, Philosophy, Medicine, Jurisprudence, Architecture, Literature, Grammar, etc.


THE LATIN MYSTERIUM, is the Greek TELETAI whose original root is found in the word TELEUTERIA: DEATH.


The death of the physical body is a vain thing, the important thing is the total destruction of the Ego.


The ILLUMINATION of the SIBYLS OF CUMAS, the splendor of the priestesses of ERITREA, the ecstasy of a MAHATMA, all this is for people who really passed through the GREAT DEATH.


The AWAKENING of CONSCIOUSNESS, radical and absolute change, are impossible without the death of the PLURALIZED EGO. Only by dying does the new come. The path of life is formed with the footprints of the hooves of the horse of death.


                                                                                                                     CHAPTER 16

                                                                                                              THE RUNE TYR (TIR)


Birds that sing, streams that jump, roses that perfume the environment, shears that call, stop, shadow of my good, beautiful illusion of day, because night has come.


Delicious star-studded night, let me offer you the poor gift of the old park of my aching heart. It is in December, but with your romantic song it will have the roses of a month of May.


I would like to guess what voice is that that always denies vain things that rejects them, that repudiates them with a NO that is not hatred and that promises many yes.


Divine night here I am, finally alone with myself, listening in the voices of Isaiah to your insinuating clamor that names me.


Lovely night, Urania, my love; for you to be sick is to be healthy; For you, all the tales that amuse mortals in remote childhood are nothing for you, because you smell better than the fragrance of enchanted sleepy gardens, and because you are more diaphanous, well mine, than the diaphanous crystal palace. With fruitful ardor, without accident, with simple piety, I crossed the streets of the capital city of Mexico.


City traversed at midnight, between ineffable crystals clean of all fog.


Who shouting my name the house runs? Who calls me at night with such a delicious accent? It is a breath of wind that sobs in the tower, it is a sweet thought.


And I went up to the old tower of the Metropolitan Cathedral singing my poem with the voice of silence.


Mists were lost on the mountain peaks. From lands that have suffered tremendous convulsions, craters and vomiting and lavas, the emerged as a charm to delight the eyes, the IZTACCIHUATL the POPOCATEPETL two legendary volcanoes that as millennial guardians guard the valley of MEXICO.


And beyond the distant mountains I saw worlds and ineffable regions, impossible to describe in words; See what awaits you! A generous voice told me that gave music to the wind.


Song that no one heard and that goes on and on wherever I go, and in whose notes it seems that I feel my own voice.


And when I descended from the tower someone followed me, it was a Chela or Disciple; great was my joy, I felt inebriated by an exquisite spiritual voluptuousness, my body did not weigh anything, I moved in an ASTRAL form, my physical vehicle had long since abandoned it.


Already in the atrium of the old cathedral, at the foot of the ancient walls that have been silent witnesses to so many quarrels, troubles and challenges for several centuries, I saw a motley and picturesque group of men and women, children and the elderly who here, there and everywhere they sold their wares. And sitting like an oriental YOGUI next to the wall and under the ancient tower in one corner of the old cathedral, an ancient Aztec man of indecipherable age was meditating.


Any sleeper could easily have mistaken him for one more merchant; before him and on the cold stone of the floor, the venerable had a mysterious object, a sacred Aztec relic.


Humiliated, confused and dejected before this venerating Indigenous Saint, I had to prostrate myself reverently; the old man blessed me.


My CHELA, (DISCIPLE), who followed my steps, seemed like a sleepwalker, her conscience was sleeping soundly and dreaming ... suddenly something happens, he bends down as if to grasp something and without the slightest respect he picks up, catches the untouchable relic, observes in his hands with infinite curiosity and I am frankly horrified by this procedure.


This seemed terrible to me and I exclaimed: But what are you doing? You are committing a great Sacrilege. Oh my God! Get out of here, leave that relic in its place.


However, the Master, full of infinite compassion, replied: "He is not to blame for all this, he is asleep."


Afterwards, like all a passerby on the road who wants to bring a precious balm to the afflicted heart, he grabs the head of the sleeping neophyte, encourages the living FOHAT on his face with the purpose of waking him up, but everything is useless, the CHELA continues asleep, dreaming.


Full of deep bitterness I said: "And as much as I have fought there in the physical world because they awaken CONSCIOUSNESS and yet they are still asleep.


The Chela had assumed a gigantic figure; the PLURALIZED SELF (SET of different, diverse entities) embedded within their LUNAR BODIES, gave it that aspect.


It was curious to see that enormous hug giant, walking slowly like a sleepwalker, through the ancient atrium of the old cathedral, moving away from us towards the house where his physical body slept. In those moments I could not help but exclaim saying: "Whatta ugly Lunar bodies!" However, the old man venerating inebriate by compassion replied: "To the temple where you are going to enter now, (A JINAS TEMPLE) (An Aztec Sanctuary), there are many like this, look at them with sympathy." "It is clear that I will look at them with sympathy," I replied.


Let's talk now about REINCARNATION. Will these lunar creatures be reincarnated? Could there be REINCARNATION where there is no INDIVIDUALITY?


The Doctrine of KRISHNA in the sacred country of Ganges, teaches that only GODS and SEMI-GODS, HEROES, DEVAS and TITANS, REINCARNATE. In other words we will say that only the SELF-REALIZED, those who already have the BEING INCARNATED, can REINCARNATE.


The EGO, the PLURALIZED SELF, does not reincarnate, it is subject to the Law of the eternal RETURN of all things, it returns to a new matrix,  returns to this valley of SAMSARA, it REINCORPORATES.





The practices corresponding to the RUNE TYR or TIR , consist of placing the arms up and lowering the hands like shells, resounding the Mantra Tiiiiiiirrrrrrrr, (lengthening the sound of the letters I .... R .... to AWAKENING CONSCIOUSNESS).


The or TAU hits the CONSCIOUSNESS to awaken it, the I, works intensely with the blood, vehicle of the ESSENCE and the R, in addition to intensifying the circulation in the veins and blood vessels, works wonders with the igneous flames intensifying, stimulating the wake.


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