Intellectual information is not experience. Erudition is not experimentation. The essay, the proof, the exclusively THREE-DIMENSIONAL demonstration, is not UNITOTAL, integral.
There must be some faculty superior to the mind, independent of the intellect, capable of giving us direct knowledge and experience of any phenomenon.
Opinions, concepts, theories, hypotheses, do not mean verification, experimentation, full awareness of this or that phenomenon.
Only by freeing ourselves from the mind can we truly experience THAT which is real, THAT which is in a potential state, behind any phenomenon.
MIND exists in everything, the seven cosmos, the world, the Moons, the Suns, they are nothing more than crystallized, condensed mental substance.
The MIND is also matter, although more rarefied. Mental substance exists in the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms.
The only difference between the INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL and the irrational beast is that which is called INTELLECT. The HUMAN BIPED gave the mind intellectual form.
The world is nothing more than an illusory mental form that will inevitably dissolve at the end of the GREAT COSMIC DAY.
My person, your body, my friends, things, my family, etc., are deep down what the Hindustan call MAYA, (ILLUSION), vain mental forms that sooner or later must be reduced to cosmic dust.
My affections, the dearest ones that surround me, etc., are simple forms of the cosmic mind, they have no real existence.
Intellectual dualism such as pleasure and pain, praise and blame, triumph and defeat, wealth and misery, constitute the painful mechanism of the mind.
There can be no true happiness within us as long as we are slaves of the mind.
It is urgent to ride the donkey, (THE MIND), to enter the heavenly JERUSALEM on Palm Sunday. Unfortunately today the donkey rides on us.
No one can know the truth while he is a slave to the mind. That which is the real is not a matter of assumptions but of direct experience.
JESUS the great KABIR said: "Know the TRUTH and it will set you free." However, I tell you: TRUTH is not a matter of affirming or denying, believing or doubting; it must be experienced directly in the absence of the Self of the Ego, beyond the mind.
Whoever frees himself from the intellect can experience, experiment, feel, an ELEMENT that radically transforms.
When we free ourselves from the MIND, it then becomes a ductile, elastic, useful vehicle, through which we express ourselves.
Higher logic invites us to think that freeing, emancipating oneself from the mind, getting rid of all its mechanics, is in fact equivalent to AWAKENING CONSCIOUSNESS, to ending automatism.
That which is beyond the mind is BRAHMA, the eternal uncreated space, THAT which has no name, the REAL.
But let's get to the point; Who or what is it that must get out, get rid of the mortifying mind?
It is obvious to answer these questions by saying: The CONSCIOUSNESS, the inner BUDDHIST principle, that which is SOUL in us, is what can and must be liberated.
The mind only serves to embitter our existence. Authentic, legitimate, real happiness is only possible when we emancipate ourselves from the intellect.
However, we must recognize that there is an inconvenience, a major obstacle, an obstacle for that longed-for liberation from ESSENCE; I want to refer to the tremendous battle of antitheses.
The ESSENCE, the CONSCIOUSNESS, although of a BUDDHIC nature, lives unfortunately bottled up between the showy intellectual dualism of the opposites YES and NO, good and bad, high and low, mine and yours, like and dislike, pleasure and pain, etc.
Clearly, it is brilliant to understand thoroughly that when the storm ceases in the ocean of the mind and the struggle of opposites ends, the ESSENCE escapes, it immerses itself in what is REAL.
What is difficult, laborious, arduous and painful, is to achieve ABSOLUTE mental silence in each and every one of the forty-nine SUBCONSCIOUS departments of the mind.
Reaching, obtaining stillness and silence at the mere superficial intellectual level or in a few subconscious departments, is not enough because the ESSENCE continues to be caught between submerged, infra-conscious and unconscious dualism.
BLANK MIND is something too superficial, hollow and intellectual; we need SERENE REFLECTION if we really want to achieve ABSOLUTE stillness and silence of the mind.
The Chinese word MO, means silent or serene; CHAO means to reflect or observe. MO CHAO, therefore, can be translated by SERENE REFLECTION or SERENE OBSERVATION.
However, it is clear to understand that in PURE GNOSTICISM the terms SERENITY, REFLECTION, have much deeper meanings and therefore must be understood within their special connotations.
The sense of serene transcends what is normally understood by calm or tranquility, it implies a superlative state that is in this sentient world, beyond reasoning, desires, contradictions and words; designates a situation outside the madding crowd.
The sense of reflection likewise is beyond that which is always understood by contemplation of a problem and idea. It does not imply mental activity or contemplative thought here, but a kind of OBJECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, clear and reflective, always enlightened in its own experience.
Therefore: SERENE is here the SERENITY of NON-THOUGHT and REFLECTION means intense and clear CONSCIOUSNESS.
When PERFECT SERENITY reigns, true deep ILLUMINATION is achieved.
Remember men and GODS, that cursed land where the deformed giant POLYPHEMUS once lived filthy, always accompanied by a hundred of his brothers, equal to him in cruelty and monstrous stature.
ULYSSES, the cunning warrior cities destroyer, accompanied by his people took refuge in the cave of the Ogre and this without respecting any hospitality began to devour all the guests.
However, the shrewd warrior, skilled, cunning and sharp in all kinds of deception, managed to intoxicate with delicious wine to that huge giant sick of human flesh.
The monster slept on its back on the ground by the hearth, vomiting wine mixed with scraps of meat that it had inhumanly sacrificed. Not a negligible opportunity for a warrior stuck in the mouth of the wolf and it is clear that the King of ITACA, (ULYSSES), knew how to make good use of it.
The legend of the centuries tells that the cunning warrior, cunning and cunning like no other, took a stake with a sharp point hardened by fire and drove it without consideration into the front eye of the colossus, then fleeing precipitously far from that cavern.
AENEAS, the illustrious Trojan man, was able to verify the reality of this story, when he was sailing towards the land of Lazio.
He landed with his people in that inhospitable land, listened to the tale from ACHAEMENIDES's lips and saw POLYPHEMUS appear from among his flocks and went towards the sea through the part where there was a high cliff.
Panicked, the Trojans boarded stealthily, carrying Achaemenides, and cut the moorings.
The giant felt the beating of the oars and although he did not think of pursuing the navigators, he cried out with a loud voice as when a lion roars and a hundred titans appeared similar in stature to the tall cedars or pines that adorn the sacred forest of DIANA.
These, then, are the "GIANTS" of antiquity, the GEBBORIM before and post-Flood of the Bible.
Let me remember the five statues of Bamiam rediscovered by the famous Chinese traveler Hiouen Thsang.
The biggest represents the first Human Race whose PROTOPLASMATIC, semi-etheric, semi-physical is thus commemorated on the hard imperishable stone, for the instruction of future generations; otherwise his memory would never have survived the Atlantic Flood.
The second, 120 feet tall, clearly represents the one born of sweat, the Hyperborean Race.
The third measures 60 feet and wisely immortalizes the Lemur Race that inhabited the MU or LEMURIA Continent located in the Pacific Ocean; his last descendants are represented in the famous statues found on Easter Island.
The Fourth Race represented by the corresponding statue, lived on the ATLANTIC continent located in the ATLANTIC Ocean and was even smaller but gigantic compared to our current fifth Race.
The last of these five images turns out to be a bit taller than the average tall man of our current race. It is obvious that this statue personifies the ARIA humanity that inhabits the current continents.
There are out there in all corners of the world, cyclopean ruins and colossal stones as living testimony of the giants.
In ancient times, there were gigantic stones that walked, spoke, spoke oracles, and even sang.
The STONE of CHRIST, the SPIRITUAL ROCK that followed ISRAEL, it is written that it became JUPITER-LAPIS devoured by his SATURN FATHER in the form of a flint.
If there had not been giants that move such colossal rocks, they would never have had a reality, a Stonehenge, a Carnac (Brittany), and other similar Cyclopean constructions.
If in times gone by, the true and legitimate Magic science had not existed on the face of the earth, there would never have been so many testimonies of stones, "ORACULARS and SPEAKERS".
In a poem attributed to ORPHEUS, these stones are divided into Ophits and Siderits, the SERPENT STONE and the STAR STONE.
The Ophits is rough, hard, heavy, black, and has the gift of speech; when you go to throw it away, it makes a sound similar to a child's cry. Through this stone, was how HELLENE predicted the ruin of TROY, his beloved Homeland.
Ancient sacred documents affirm that EUSEBIUS never in his life separated from his Ophites and that he received Oracles from them, uttered by a small voice that resembled a faint whistle, the same one that ELIAS or ELIJAH heard after the earthquake at the mouth of the cave.
The famous Westminster stone was called LIAFAIL, the "SPEAKING STONE" and it only raised its voice to name the king to be elected. That stone had an inscription now erased by the dust of centuries that read: NI FALLAT FATUM, SCOTI QUOCUMQUE LOCATUM INVENIENT LAPIDEM, REGNASSE TENEN-TURIBIDEM.
SUID tells of a man who could distinguish at a glance the inanimate stones with which they were endowed with movement. PLINY mentions stones that moved away when a hand approached them.
The monstrous stones of Stonehenge were formerly called CHIOR-GAUR or the dance of the Giants.
Several very learned authors speaking about the ruins of Stonehenge, Carnac and West Hoadley, give wonderful reports on this very special subject.
In these regions are huge monoliths, some weighing over 500,000 kilograms. It was the giants of ancient times who were able one day to lift these masses, place them in a perfect symmetrical shape, and seat them with such wonderful balance that it seems that they hardly touch the ground, and that even when the lightest touch of a finger sets them in motion They would resist, however, the force of twenty men who tried to displace them.
GIANTS were those who transported the stones for the construction of the pyramids of Egypt.
The OSCILLATING STONE was a means of divination, used by the giants, but why do they oscillate? The most enormous of these are evidently relics of the ATLANTS; the smallest, are the Brimham rocks, with rotating stones at the top, they are copies of the oldest Lithoi.
Speaking in a language of gold, in the most pure gold of the DIVINE LANGUAGE, we discover with mystical amazement that BAR in Sirius means SON.
BARÓN itself decomposes into two sacred syllables BAR-ON; translate intelligently as SON OF THE EARTH.
CHRIST the SOLAR LOGOS is something much deeper: in the ARAMAIC language it is BAR-HAM, the SON OF MAN.
Certainly the COSMIC and triumphant CHRISTOS or COSMIC CRESTOS is not JESUS, but was in him INCARNATED; It is not the BUDDHA either, but it flourished on his fertile lips made VERB; It was not MOSES but he shone on his face on Mount NEBO; He was not HERMES and he lived in it incorporated; the LORD is devoid of INDIVIDUALITY.
To the one who knows the word of power, nobody pronounced it, nobody will pronounce it, but only the one who has it INCARNATED.
"It is necessary that every SON OF MAN (be it JESUS, BUDDHA or KRISHNA or whatever you want), suffer many things, and be rejected from the elderly, (those considered in the world as prudent, sensible and discreet) and from the princes , of the priests (or men constituted in worldly authority) and of the scribes (that is, of those considered wise in the world) and that he be handed over to death and that he resurrect on the third day ... but, add us, really , that some will not like death until they see for themselves the Kingdom of God. "
"Whoever wishes to come after me, deny himself, (DISSOLVE THE EGO), take up his cross day after day and follow me." "Because he who wants to save his soul (THE EGOCENTRIST) will lose it, and whoever for love of me wants to lose his soul (THAT IS, HE WHO WANTS TO DIE IN HIMSELF) will save it."
"For what profit a man to earn everything in the world, if he hurts himself and loses himself?"
"Well, whoever is affronted by me, will be affront by the SON OF MAN, when he comes with all his majesty and that of the FATHER, and of his Holy Angels.
By studying COSMIC GRAMMAR we can verify for ourselves that there is an intimate relationship between the RUNES TYR or TIR and BAR.
TIR corresponds ESOTERICALLY to the zodiacal sign of PISCES; BAR shines overwhelmingly in the bright constellation of ARIES; This reminds us of the hidden relationship between WATER and FIRE, death and life.
If we place before the sacred syllable AR a B, we want with it to indicate, to point out, the need to bring the Sun to Earth. AR-BAR-MAN is the primitive name of ABRAHAM.
TO INCARNATE the CHRIST in and within oneself is the vital, the cardinal the fundamental thing, to become a SON OF MAN; Only in this way do we have the full right to enter the MELQUISEDEK order.
It is appropriate to remind to the SON OF THE EARTH, the inhabitants of the world, the LUNAR race that just as water put an end to ancient history, so fire will soon destroy everything that has life.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Of the inhabitants of the earth; Oh! Of this wicked race of ADAM.
"The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the burning elements will be destroyed, and the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
It is good that the CHILDREN OF THE EARTH know that the SOLAR RACE dwells in those the land of a thousand and one nights of JINAS.
It is URGENT, INDISPENSABLE, NECESSARY, to really become KINGS and PRIESTS of nature according to the order of MELCHISEDEK; only then can we be saved.
Among the many disturbing facets of life, we can and must clearly affirm that there exists at our very side, a humanity that is invisible to us because of our sins and sexual abuse.
With the consent of the very venerable and respectable Masters, I am allowed to inform to the Lunar people that the MELQUISEDEK order has many brotherhoods; let us remember even for a moment the transcendent MONT-SALVAT; the exotic SHAMBALLA; the SACRED ISLAND of the north located in the polar cap; the Divine order of TIBET to which I have the high honor of being affiliated; etc.
It is obvious that such ineffable corporations are unapproachable thanks to the VEIL OF ISIS.
It is convenient to explain to people that the ADAMIC SEXUAL veil can only be lifted by the intimate CHRIST.
The SON OF MAN is born of fire and water; this is RELIGION-SYNTHESIS; the JANO Doctrine with its three radical IAO
The SON OF THE EARTH hates this Doctrine; their motto is: "LET US EAT and DRINK THAT TOMORROW WE WILL DIE".
It is written that the ATLANTIC RACE was devoured by HELL; only the CHILDREN OF THE SUN were saved.
According to the Law of RECURRENCE this event will be repeated; it is evident, notorious, patent, the entrance of the present humanity to the SUBMERGED INVOLUTION of the planetary organism in which we live.
There are three Churches; First: the Triumphant, brilliantly represented by the few knights of the GRAIL who have resisted, the pure ones. Second; the Unsuccessful one, that of those who abhor the INITIATIC STONE. Third: the Militant that of those others who, like , PAUL OF TARSUS, KUNDRY and ANFORTAS, still reveal themselves against the Luciferian fire, seductive.
The triumphant CHURCH is certainly that of the Brothers who have already gone up through the rough path of Salvation —PER ASPERA AD ASTRA— that says the LATIN MOTTO, true CHILDREN OF GOD in the most beautiful mystical sense.
SONS OF GOD and SON OF MAN in CHRISTIC ESOTERISM are synonymous. They are the knights of the HOLY GRAIL.
Smartly combine BAR exercises with RUNE TYR or TIR.
Put your arms up and lower your hands like shells and chanting the mantra TIR, BAR , like this: Tiiiiirrrrr. Baaaaaarrrrr.
Objective of this practice: 1: Wisely mix within our inner universe the Magical forces of the two Runes. 2: Awaken CONSCIOUSNESS. 3: To intimately accumulate Christic atoms of very high voltage.