THE TEN RULES OF MEDITATION


SCIENTIFIC MEDITATION has Ten basic, fundamental Rules, without which it would be impossible to emancipate ourselves, free ourselves, from the mortifying shackles of the MIND.


1st RULE. Become fully aware of mood we are in before any thoughts arise.


2nd RULE. PSYCHO-ANALYSIS: inquire, look into, to investigate the root origin of each thought, memory, affection, emotion, feeling, resentment, etc., as they arise in the MIND.


3rd RULE. SERIOUSLY OBSERVE our own MIND, pay full attention to every mental form that makes its appearance on the screen of the intellect.


4th RULE. Trying to remember, to recall, this "SENSATION OF CONTEMPLATING" from moment to moment during the ordinary course of daily life.


5th RULE. The intellect must assume an integral, UNITOTAL, full, calm, deep receptive psychological state.


6th RULE. There must be continuity of purpose in the technique of Meditation, tenacity, firmness, perseverance, persistence.


7th RULE. It is pleasant, interesting, to attend the MEDITATION Rooms (GNOSTIC LUMISIALS) whenever possible.


8th RULE. It is peremptory, urgent, necessary, to become lookouts of our own MIND, during any agitated, revolted activity, to stop even for an instant to observe it.


9th RULE. It is imperative, necessary, to always practice with your physical eyes closed in order to avoid external sensory perceptions.


10th RULE. Absolute relaxation of the whole body and a wise combination of meditation and sleep.


Dear reader. The time has come to assess, to judiciously analyze these Ten Scientific Rules of Meditation.

 A-The principle, BASE, the living foundation of SAMADHI (ECSTASY), consists of a prior introspective knowledge of oneself. Introverting is essential during Background Meditation. We must begin by knowing deeply the state of mind in which we find ourselves before any mental form appears in the intellect. It is URGENT to understand that every thought that arises in the understanding is always preceded by pain or pleasure, joy or triumph, like or dislike.

B-SERENE REFLECTION. Examine, assess, inquire about the origin, cause, reason or fundamental motive of every thought, memory, image, affection, desire, etc., as they arise in the mind. In this second rule there is SELF-DISCOVERY and SELF-DISCLOSURE.

 C-SERENE OBSERVATION. Give full attention to every mental form that makes its appearance on the screen of the intellect.

D-We must become spies of our own MIND, contemplate it in action from moment to moment.

F-The CHITTA (THE MIND), becomes VRITTIS (VIBRATING WAVES). The MENTAL is like a calm and peaceful lake. A stone falls into it and bubbles rise from the bottom. All the different thoughts are disturbing curls on the surface of the water. May the lake of the MIND remain crystal clear, without waves, serene, deep during Meditation.

G-Fickle, inconstant, versatile, fickle people, without firmness, without will, can never achieve ecstasy, Satori, SAMADHI.

H-The technique of Scientific Meditation is obvious that it can be practiced both individually and in groups of like-minded people.

 I-The SOUL must free itself from the BODY, the AFFECTS and the MIND. It is evident, well-known, patent, that by emancipating himself, by liberating himself from the intellect, it is radically frees himself from everything else.

J-It is urgent, indispensable, necessary, to eliminate external sensory perceptions during deep inner Meditation. It is essential to learn to relax the body for Meditation; no muscle should be under tension. It is urgent to provoke and graduate the dream at will. It is evident, notorious, indisputable, that from the wise combination of sleep and meditation, what is called ILLUMINATION results.


RESULTS. On the mysterious threshold of the Temple of Delphi, a Greek maxim was engraved in the living stone that read: NOSCE TE IPSUM. MAN know yourself and you will know the Universe and the Gods. The study of oneself, the SERENE REFLECTION, is obvious, patent, of course, that ultimately ends in the stillness and silence of the mind.


When the mind is still and in silence not only on the superficial, intellectual level, but in each and every one of the forty-nine subconscious departments, then the new comes, the ESSENCE, the CONSCIOUSNESS is un-bottled, and the AWAKENING of the Soul comes. ; the ecstasy, the Shamadi, the Satori of the Saints.


The MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE of the Real transforms us radically. People who have never directly experienced that which is the TRUTH, live fluttering from school to school, have not found their center of cosmic gravitation and die unsuccessful without having achieved the long-awaited INTIMATE SELF-REALIZATION. The AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS, of ESSENCE, of SOUL or BUDDHATA, is only possible by freeing ourselves, emancipating ourselves from mental dualism, from the battle of antitheses, from the intellectual surge.


Any subconscious, submerged, infra-conscious, unconscious struggle becomes an obstacle to the liberation of the ESSENCE (SOUL).


Every antithetical battle, no matter how insignificant and unconscious it may be, indicates, points out, accuses dark points, ignored, unknown, in the atomic hells of man.


Reflecting, observing, knowing, those subhuman aspects of MYSELF, the EGO, those dark points, is essential to achieve the absolute stillness and silence of the mind.


Only in the absence of the EGO is it possible to experience that which is not of time.



                                                                                                                 CHAPTER 21

                                                                                               THE TRAGEDY OF QUEEN DIDO


Nobody can deny that the eternal MOTHER-SPACE has two rival aspects: VENUS and ASTAROTH, HEVA and LILITH; SOPHÍA ACHAMOTH and SOPHÍA PRUNIKOS.


Let us now speak  of ASTAROTH the negative aspect of PRAKRITI, its dark antithesis in nature and in man.


The legend of the centuries says that KADI's cruelty inflamed the heart of Queen DIDO. The unhappy sovereign did not want to UNDERSTAND that this passion was contrary to the will of the HOLY GODS.


Oh DIDO! Delicious dreamy light, charming myth flower, your admirable beauty sings the grace of Hermaphroditus with the air of Atalanta; and from your ambiguous form the evoked ancient muse a fiery hymn raises.


From the amphora in which the old wine is, AENEAS drinks thirsty, FEBUS frowns and JUNO must wrinkle it, but KALI-ASTAROTH, laughs as always and EROS his filter slides into HEBE's goblets.


Before meeting AENEAS the illustrious Trojan man, the unfortunate queen had been required of love by IARBAS, the king of Libya, a brave man, who could not bear offenses, a terrible arrowhead who lived with his people of war near the African desert.


Poor DIDO! ... what a terrible intimate struggle she would have to sustain, between his sacred duty, his love for his people and the cruel wound of CUPID. The latter began his destructive work insensibly erasing from the memory of the sovereign the image of Sicheus, her first husband.


LILITH-ASTAROTH ... How much damage you did! Goddess of desires and passions, mother of CUPID ... the human tempest for you flows blood from the hearts. Oh Queen, you gave the terrible oath to oblivion and you found on the path of your life a Trojan who would put new breath, a beautiful glass and delicious wine on your thirsty lip.


And when CUPID arrived, in your fierce red blood, triple flame was lit and to the frightful sexual passion you delivered the harvest of your life between branches of fire.


Beauty to whom terrible luck ordered to be martyred with so much tenderness, received from LUCIFER a rare black pearl for her diadem of madness.


And the unfortunate queen consulted her sister ANNA and they both toured the altars of the various GODS, in search of omens that would favor their wishes.


Victims were immolated to Ceres, Phoebus, Apollo, Dionysus and very especially JUNO, GODDESS of women who work in the NINTH SPHERE and who presides over the just and perfect nuptial ceremonies.


Many times, Oh God! The tragic queen leaned over the open flanks of the innocent sacrificed victims, inspecting their throbbing entrails, but a woman in love and with her CONSCIOUSNESS asleep, it is clear that she is always ready to interpret all the signs in favor of her dream.


From heaven, JUNO the GODDESS of INITIATED women indignantly witnessed the dark progress that ASTAROTH-KALI made in poor DIDO, but all her claims and protests were useless.


Consumed by passion, the unhappy sovereign spent every night awake thinking exclusively of AENEAS.


The illustrious Trojan man rebuilds the walls of Carthage and works to fortify a foreign city, madly in love.


Ah! If Mercury the MESSENGER OF THE GODS had not intervened ... the fate of poor DIDO would have been very different.


The epic Trojan paladin must leave for Lazio and forget who adores him, such is the mandate of JUPITER, father of GODS and MEN.


NO! You are not a descendant of Dardano. You were born, cold and hard, on the rough peaks of the Caucasus, and a tigress from Hyrcania raised you with her breasts, so the disgruntled sovereign exclaims in despair.


Useless were all their complaints and laments ... the unfortunate bride was not in AULIS, sacrificing the GODS to invoke the destruction of the city of Priamus, she was never an ally of the Acheous, why? Why? Why MY GOD ... had to suffer so much this unhappy?.


The unfortunate sovereign transformed into a slave by the cruel dart of sexual passion invokes death.


Useless were their offerings before the altar of the GODDESS JUNO, the animal passion has no response from the GODS.


Ah! If people knew that the poison of animal passion deceives the mind and heart...


The unfortunate queen believed herself to be in love, CUPID's dart had pierced her heart, but deep down she was certainly passionate.


 The wretch cries out at JUNO's altar, suddenly she sees that the clear water has turned black as sackcloth and the sacred wine of the libation red as blood.


Terrible moments ... On the lonely dome of the palace, the owl of death launches its sinister song and she sometimes dreams of seeing herself walking through a boundless desert in search of her beloved AENEAS, fleeing desperately pursued by the ruthless FURIES.


And yet the wretch was not unaware of the infallible and marvelous magical means to forget a bestial passion.


"I'm going to tell you, so that you can help me," he said to her sister Anna, "you will build a great pyre in the great hall of the palace that faces the sea, and on it I will put and burn the memories of AENEAS; even that sword, studded with gold, offered to me by the wicked, as a present for our nuptials that have not come to pass"


Unfortunately, the passionate sovereign instead of burning the memories of the illustrious Trojan man in the funeral stone, resolves to immolate herself amid the blazing fire.


She girdles her royal temples with the sacred ribbons of the victims destined for sacrifice, and standing on the funeral pyre, she takes as witness the hundred Gods, EREBUS, CHAOS and HECATE, the third aspect of the DIVINE-MOTHER-SPACE.


She, the unfortunate sovereign who could have used the magical effects of the LUNAR herbs by using them as fuel to incinerate memories, passions and bad thoughts, violently wishes to burn on the pyre of death.


Pray to the SUN, cry out to JUNO, invoke the FURIES of vengeance, make the mistake of cursing AENEAS and finally pierce the heart with the Trojan's sword. Her sister found her already burning in the fire, thus Queen DIDO died.



                                                                                                                  CHAPTER 22

                                                                                                                     RUNE UR


Looking in the infinite space, searching, watching the AKASHIC records of nature, I have been able to verify for myself that the MOON is the mother of the Earth.


With the OPEN EYE OF DAGMA I am going to immerse myself in the GREAT ALAYA, the famous SUPER SOUL of EMERSON, the SOUL of the seven AMESHASPENDAS of the ZOROASTRIANS that was active in the past MAHAMVANTARA of the GOLDEN LOTUS.


I am going to give testimony of what I have seen and heard, listen to me men and GODS: I know in depth the "SEVEN MYSTERIES OF THE MOON", the "SEVEN JEWELS", the "SEVEN WAVES OF LIFE" that EVOLVED and REGRESSED in that which Theosophists call the LUNAR CHAIN.


Evidence in favor of this is the tides, the cyclical changes in many forms of diseases that coincide with the lunar phases; it can be observed in the development of plants, and its influence on the phenomena of conception and gestation of all creatures is very marked.


The Moon now it is a cold residue, the shadow, dragged behind the new body where its powers and principles of life have passed, by transfusion, is condemned to be chasing the earth for long ages, it is a mother who revolves around her daugh.


In the DEVAMATRI, ADITI or COSMIC SPACE, within the UR Runic, between the MICRO-COSMOS MAN-MACHINE or better said INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL, there are many latent faculties that can be developed based on tremendous intimate super-efforts.


In the ancient MOON before it became a corpse, those who accepted the Synthesis religion of JANO were saved and transformed into ANGELS; However, the majority, the enemies of the MAITHUNA, those who rejected the INITIATIC STONE, (THE SEX) became the LUCIFERES of which the BIBLE speaks, terribly perverse demons.


Needless to say, a third position is never lacking; in the lunar Apocalypse a certain cold group became hot and accepted the work in the NINTH SPHERE; (THE SEX); These people were given a new home to work with the BRUTE STONE to give it the Perfect Cubic shape.


"The stone that the builders rejected, became the head of the corner; a stumbling block and a rock of scandal."


The transfer of all the vital powers of the MOON to this planet earth, rendered the old selenite abode lifeless. The LUNAR SOUL is now reincarnated in this world we live in.


And I absorbed myself in the ABSOLUTE at the end of the LUNAR MAHAMVANTARA which lasted 311,040,000,000,000 years, that is, an age of BRAHMA.


It is indispensable to say that the MONADIC waves of the MOON we submerge after the GREAT DAY I entered the UR RUNIC, between the deep womb of the ETERNAL MOTHER-SPACE.


It is urgent to affirm that during that MAHA-SAMADHI (ENDLESS ECSTASY) we penetrate much deeper and arrive at FATHER BRAHMA, the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT OF LIFE.


It is necessary to clarify that BRAHMA immersed himself in the ABSOLUTE during the entire period of the MAHAPRALAYA, the GREAT NIGHT.


Between the terrible PARANIRVANIC repose, the UNKNOWN DARKNESS became for us the BROTHERS into uncreated light.


UHR is the clock, the measure of time, MAHAMVANTARA RUH is rest, the Great PRALAYA.


The Cosmic Night actually lasts as long as the Great Day. It is my duty to affirm that each one of us BROTHERS, radically absorbed himself in his primordial atom AIN SOPH.


As the dawn of the new Cosmic Day begins, the eternal MOTHER SPACE widens from the inside out like the button of the lotus. The Universe is gestated within the womb of PRAKRITI.





Loving our DIVINE MOTHER and thinking of that great womb where the worlds are gestated, let us pray daily like this: Within my real inner Being resides the divine light. RAM ... Iiiiiioooo is the Mother of my Being, DEVI KUNDALINI. Raaaaammmmm Iiiiioooo help me ... Raaaammmmm Iiiiioooooo, help me, Raaaaammmm Iiiiiioooooooo enlighten me, Raaaaammmm iiiiiioooooooo is my DIVINE MOTHER. ISIS mine, you have the child HORUS, my true SELF in your arms, I need to die in myself so that my essence is lost in HIM ... HIM...HIM ...





This prayer is done before the sun and with raised hands; the legs should be open and the body stooped, waiting to receive LIGHT and more LIGHT.


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