"After these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven saying Hallelujah, salvation and glory and power to the Lord our God" (Rev. 19: 1.).


"Because His judgments are true and righteous, because he has judged the great whore (humanity who corrupted the earth with her fornication, and has avenged the blood of his servants (The Initiates) of her hand" (Rev. 19: 2).


"And again they said, Hallelujah. And her smoke rose up forever and ever." (Rev. 19: 3.).


"And the four and twenty elders (of the Zodiac), and the four beasts (of sexual alchemy) fell down, and worshiped God (the Truth) that sat on the (internal) throne, saying, Amen! Hallelujah!" (Revelation 19: 4.).


"And a voice came from the throne (that we have in the depth of Being), saying: Praise our God (Internal), all his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great" (Rev. 19: 5). .


"And I heard as the voice of a great multitude, like the noise of many waters (the seminal waters), and as the voice of great thunder (the voice of the gods), saying: Hallelujah, because reigned Lord our God Almighty (within us)!" (Rev. 19: 6.).


"Let us be glad and rejoice and give glory to him, because for the marriage of the Lamb, and his wife (the soul), has rigged" (Rev. 19: 7.).


"And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine (the tunic of Masters), clean and bright linen, for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints" (Revelation 19: 8.).


"And he said to me: Write: Blessed are those who are called to the supper of the Lamb and said to me, These are true words of God" (Revelation 19: 9.).


"And I fell at his feet to worship him, but he said to me. Look, do it not, I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God (which is your internal God) because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy "(Revelation. 19: 10).


"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he who sat on it (the fifth of seven), was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and quarrel" (Revelation 19: 11.). One who writes this book gives testimony of this prophecy, because it is the Bodhisattva servant of the fifth of the seven.


The Son speaks the word of the Father and gives testify of the Father. The Father is one with the Son. The Son one with the Father.


The Son does not feel worthy to untie the sandals to the Father. Only the Father is perfect.


The Father is glorified in the Son, and the Son is glorified in the Father.


The Buddha Maitreya Samael is the Kalki Avatar of the New Era, the rider on the white horse. But his son, the poor servant who writes this Aquarian Message, really not even feel worthy of kissing the sacred feet of the Father.


The Buddha Maitreya gloriously shines, and his son kneeling.


"And his eyes were like blazing fire, and on his head were many diadems, having a name written, that no man knew, but he himself (for being written with characters of the Language of Light), and was dressed in a stained vesture in blood (during the battle against the Black Lodge, in the supra-sensible worlds), and his name is called THE VERB OF OF GOD "(Ap. 19: 12, 13). The Avatar of the New Age is a Verb.


"And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses (cavalry of Nirvana), clothed in fine linen, white and clean (because they are Masters)" (Ap.14).


"Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword (the word), and to smite the people (to hurt demons to separate people of Inner God), and he (the Word) shall rule them with a rod of iron (into the abyss), and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God "(Ap. 19: 15). The tenebrous have fought against the Verb, but the Verb treads the winepress of the fury and throws them into the abyss.


On his robe and on his thigh written (with sacred characters on a ribbon) this name: King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev. 19: 16).


The power of the King is not on the forehead. The power of the king is in sex. The scepter of the sacred kings, the two columns of the temple and the cross of the Redeemer are made with wood from the tree of good and evil. This is the tree of knowledge (the sex). When man and woman unite sexually, something is created. Receiving the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit, we become kings and lords of nature.


The Kundalini is the fire of the Holy Spirit. The Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses within the aura of the Maha Chohan. The Maha Chohan is the Holy Spirit, the Third Logos found in the Forge of Vulcan. This forge is sex. Only with sexual magic (the Arcanum AZF) awakens the Kundalini.


The great German sage Krumm Heller says in the eighth lesson of the Zodiacal Course, the following: "Instead of coitus which reaches orgasm, should reflexively lavishing sweet caresses, keeping constantly separated the mind of animal sexuality, sustaining the purest spirituality as if the act were a true religious ceremony."


"However, it can and should the man enter the penis and keep it in females (tucked into the vulva), so that befalls both a divine sensation that can last for hours, withdrawing the moment the spasm approaches, to avoid the ejaculation of semen, so you will increasingly feel like fondling. " should not spilling the semen, neither within the vulva, or outside it, or on the sides, or anywhere.


Continues Dr. Krumm Heller( Huiracocha ) said: "This can be repeated as many times as you want without ever occur fatigue, because the opposite is the magic key to daily rejuvenated, keeping the body healthy and prolonging life because it is a source of health with this constant magnetization ".


"We know that in ordinary magnetism, the magnetizer communicates fluids to the subject, and if the first has those forces developed, he can heal the second transmission of the magnetic fluid is ordinarily done through the hands or through the eyes. But you need to say that there is a more powerful thousand times more powerful conductor, a thousand times superior to others, than the virile member and the vulva as receptive organs. "


"If many people practice it around, strength and success to all who come into commercial contact social with them will spread, but in the act of divine magnetization sublime to which we refer, both man and woman magnetize reciprocally being one for the other as a musical instrument that when clicked, launches or starts prodigious sounds of mysterious and sweet harmonies. the strings of this instrument are spread throughout the body, and are the lips and fingers the main pulsators of it, with the condition that this act preside absolute purity, which is what makes us magicians in that supreme moment. "


In these paragraphs the Master Huiracocha is the key to awaken the Kundalini. This is the Arcanum AZF. This is the Great Arcanum.


When Cazotte, the great French poet, wrote his famous book entitled "The Loving Devil" he was then visited by a man who was wrapped in a coat. That mysterious person was the Master Zanoni. The mysterious visitor then made some secret handshakes that Cazotte not understood. Cazotte was not initiated; but Zanoni initiated him.


The style in which it was written "The loving Devil ", is near the Arcanum AZF


Zanoni reported from lip to ear the Great Arcanum the great French poet. We still remember the terrible prophecies of death in the famous banquet of  Cazotte.


Some Initiates wanted to reveal the Great Arcanum and others opposed. Cazotte exalted by the wisdom prophesied about, some to exile, others, the scaffold, suicide, dagger, poison, and finally he prophesied his own death on the scaffold. All Cazotte prophecies were fulfilled with amazing accuracy.


Another wonderful character was the powerful and enigmatic Count Cagliostro. This man of indecipherable age is a true Master who has the elixir of life. No one can have this elixir without having worked with the Arcanum AZF


Cagliostro swallowed dust within his sepulcher and escaped from the sepulchral grave because he had received the elixir of life. Cagliostro practiced sexual magic intensely. Cagliostro was a disciple of Count St. Germain.


Cagliostro was an alchemist. He transmuted lead into gold and made genuine diamonds. This Master was known in different parts of the world. Sometimes used in a country a name, in others used other name, etc. He was known by the names of Tis-chio, Milissa, Belmonte, D'anna, Phoenix, Pellegrini, Balsam, Mesmer, Harut, and Cagliostro, as stated in the famous process on "Queen's Necklace" title is a work of Alexander Dumas. Ragon commits the crime of slandering the Great Copt. Eliphas Levi also slanders the Count Cagliostro accusing him of black magician. The Great Copt lived with the famous Schrader in Germany and in England with the illustrious theosophist George Coston.


With his knowledge of the philosopher's stone, Cagliostro saved the life of the Archbishop of Rohan.


Baroness Oberkirch said the Great Copt the following: "There was not absolutely beautiful, but I never saw physiognomy like His gaze, more profound, was supernatural I know not define the expression in his eyes: they were, at the same time, ice. and fire, influencing irresistibly, and attracting, and repelling. "


In Strasbourg he had many alchemist disciples. Cagliostro was tried by the Inquisition, imprisoned in the Bastille, and then in the Fortress Leone.


The Inquisition condemned him to death; but the enigmatic and powerful Count Cagliostro mysteriously disappeared from the prison.


Death could not against Cagliostro. Cagliostro still lives with his same physical body because when a Master has swallowed soil within his sepulcher, is Lord of the living and the dead.


Nobody can reach these Initiatic heights without the secret practice of sexual magic. Anyone who rejects the Great Arcanum is a real fool.


It was much that suffered the great ancient initiates, and there were many who perished in the secret trials when aspired to the supreme secret of the Great Arcanum. Today publicly we deliver the arcane AZF printed in this book.


Another one who was realized with the sexual magic was St Germain. The Count of St. Germain, Master of Cagliostro, was rejuvenated at will and appeared and disappeared instantly when least expected. Count Saint Germain even gave the luxury of passing for dead, and then enter the tomb to escape later with his body in state of Jinas.


Usually, those Masters who swallowed earth, fulfill their mission in any country, and even gave himself the luxury of passing for dead, to close a chapter of his immortal life. Saint Germain, according to the memoirs of aristocratic lady some contemporary of Louis XV, appeared until 1723, many years after his death, completely young to predict the French Revolution and the tragic death of Louis XVI. Then Saint Germain pointed to the terrible French ministers and challenged their anger by becoming invisible at will.



Saint Germain has the gift of tongues. He speaks all languages of the world. This Grand Master was counselors of kings and wises. He read sealed bids, appeared and disappeared like lightning; transmuted lead into gold and made diamonds vivifying coal; Was believed he born in Jerusalem and had an age of more than two or three thousand years. We know that the count Saint Germain still lives with his same physical body. That Grand Master worked with the Arcanum AZF, ie, he practiced sexual magic intensely. To that owes its power. So he received the elixir of life. Saint Germain works with the ray of world politics. It is a pity that Marie Antoinette had not heard the advice of Saint Germain.


Cagliostro was the best disciple of Saint Germain. Cagliostro lived in the time of Jesus Christ; was a friend of Cleopatra in Egypt; he worked for Catherine de Medicis; was the Count Fenix, etc. Cagliostro's disciple Altotas, still lives with his same physical body without death has been able to cut the thread of his precious existence.


Saint Germain was before World War II in Europe and then returned to his shrine in Tibet. It is not the King in the front but in the sex.


All disciplines of yoga, all Kriya culminate in the supreme secret of the Great Arcanum. When a Yogi is prepared, he receives from lips to ear the Arcanum AZF. The Sacred Order of Tibet is obliged to inform the yogi, from lips to ear, the Great Arcanum.


That order is composed of 201 members. The General Staff has 72 Brahmins. Supreme meditation and absolute adoration leads us to ecstasy (Samadhi). Any Master of Samadhi (ecstasy), is an illuminated.


However we must know that lighting is one thing, and the realization is something different. A master of Samadhi (Ecstasy), may, during a state of supreme adoration, set free the mind that is normally bottled into the ego, and to experience the truth. But that does not mean embody the truth. After the ecstasy, the mind turns to be bottled in the ego, and the mystic continues in the same tragic and painful life. Only incarnating the truth, there is total revolution in man. Whoever wants to embody the truth, you need to build the temple upon the living stone. This living stone is sex.


The temple of wisdom has seven columns; these are the seven degrees of power of fire. There are seven serpents: two groups of three, with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us with the One, with the Law, the Father.


The first serpent belongs to the physical body. The second, to the vital body. The third to the astral body. The fourth, to mental body. The fifth to the body of will. The sixth, to the Buddhic body. And the seventh, to the Intimate. These are the seven steps of knowledge. The seven snakes do not rise simultaneously together. The magisterium of fire is very difficult and advanced by degrees.


First you have to raise the first serpent; then the second; later the third, etc. The yogi who does not practice with the Arcanum AZF is a garden without water. Practice yoga, but Work with the Great Arcanum in the Magisterium of Fire.


If you, dear reader, you suppose that there is some other way to achieve development, evolution and progress of Kundalini. Samael, the Budha Maitreya of the New Age of Aquarius, solemnly swear that you are absolutely wrong. It never has been known in any school of mysteries of this earth, or of the other planets of the infinite, another opposite way or different of the Sex.


If you're already an old woman; if you can no longer have sexual contact; if you are already old; if you are sick; if you understand that your physical vehicle no longer serves to work with the Arcanum AZF; So train yourself in the astral. Learn to consciously travel in the astral body.


Get ready, my son, with concentration, meditation and worship. Be chaste in thought, word and deed. Understand your mistakes. Annihilates not only desire, but the very shadow of desire. Prepare my son with creative understanding, and hastens your work with the Arcanum AZF for future reincarnation.


Are you old man? Are you old woman? Are you some invalid? So do not get discouraged, beloved son. Do not fill of inaction. In your future reincarnation you can work with the Arcanum AZF and you will become a God.


However, if you are full of youth, if you are not powerless, if you are a complete male, and reject the Great Arcanum, to continue fornicating hidden amid speculation of mind, Unhappy you! Woe to you! To reject this treasure for spill the water of life to satisfy the lust desire of the ego. Woe to you!.


The sophistry that that there are many paths to God, is false of all falsehood. Our adorable Savior only pointed out a narrow path, and a narrow door, and said:


"Strive to enter through the narrow door (sex) because I tell you that many will seek to enter and not be able. After the father of the house is risen up and shut the door, and begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us, and shall answer and say: I know you not whence ye Then you will say: Before you have eaten and drunk, and taught in our streets, and I'll say. I say that I do not know where ye may depart from me, you workers of iniquity there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. "


Those who suppose that without the Arcanum AZF can incarnate the verb, are ignorant. The Akasha is the agent of sound. The Kundalini is Akashic. Without the Akasha, the verb cannot be incarnate; because the Akasha is the agent of sound. We must raise the Akashic serpent in order to incarnate the verb. The Kundalini (Akashic fire) becomes a Creator with the word. The Kundalini is the vehicle of the creative verb. The creative energy of Maha Chohan is sexual and speak in the creative larynx. Without the Arcanum AZF no one can incarnate the verb.


The fifth of the seven, the Verb of Aquarius, tells you: "The King is not in the forehead. The King is in the sex.".


At the bottom of all mystery schools, it is the Great Arcanum. If you reject the Great Arcanum, Unhappy you! Woe! If you have the mind filled with theories and throw this book saying it is another book like the many that I have read, woe to you!, You have rejected the word; You have insulted the verb; You have signed your own death warrant and will roll to the abyss. We are not threatening, beloved reader; we are warning.


Life began its return towards the Great Light; final judgment has already been done, and the end times have arrived. Those who are not able to lift his snake by the medullary canal cannot ascend with the life return to the Absolute.


"And I saw an Angel standing in the sun, and cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather together for the great supper of God, that ye may eat the flesh of kings and captains, meats and strong, and the flesh of horses and of those sitting on them, and the flesh of all free and slave, small and great "(Rev. 19: 17, 18.).


The atomic war and the great cataclysm to come, will kill all free and slave, small and large.


"And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army" (Ap. 19: 19).


The tenebrous legions began to enter in the Avitchi (abyss) after the final judgment made in 1950. Great battles in the astral and mental worlds was then initiated. And the beast and the dark of the great Black Lodge, gathered to make war against him that sat on the horse (the Verb), and against his army.


The Bodhisattva who writes this book testifies to these battles that the Black Lodge has launched against him who is his Father who is in secret.


It was urgent to the final judgment and the entrance of the tenebrous into the abyss. These battles of the inner worlds, impact on the physical world.


"And the beast was taken (into the abyss), and with him the false prophet (the materialistic intellectualism), who had done miracles before him (with his miracles and false, such as hydrogen bombs, atomic bombs, inventions wonders surprising, and finally, his tower of Babel), with which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast (horns), and that worshiped his image (materialistic science). These two were thrown alive into lake of fire burning with brimstone "(Rev. 19: 20). That lake of fire burning with brimstone is the fire of passion and disaster, the abyss, the Avitchi, the eighth submerged sphere, the atomic infernos of nature.


"And the rest were killed with the sword that came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with the flesh of them" (Ap. 19: 21).


When someone who has body goes into the abyss, the Antakarana breaks between the fourth and fifth human principles. These quaternary separated from the spiritual triad, are demons.


When a person is very perverse, the spirit leaves her.


Those people without spirit are demons. When the spirit leaves the body definitely, that person goes through death, although still live. Then that spirit is contained in the book of the disembodied.


Currently there are many people who no longer have the spirit (the intimate). Anyone who loses the intimate, becomes a demon. Every demon is of the abyss. All those who fight against the Verb, are killed by the terrible sword he carries in his mouth. All these tragedies; all these disasters; all these prophecies, all these cataclysms have a very solid base. That basis is the return of life towards the Absolute.


Those who are not able to lift the serpent upon the staff, cannot return to the Absolute, because the return is internal and is based on each step of the snake. The snake must climb 33 degrees of the Spinal Cord.


We need to resume climbing the seven scales of knowledge. We must return for each of the seven degrees of power of fire. We cannot return with theories, because none of us is a child of any theory. Each of us is the son of a man and a woman.


The issue is sexual, because we exist by the sex. Those who make the mistake of rejecting the Arcanum AZF will inevitably sink into the abyss. Those who will not sink into the abyss, should start raising the sevenfold scale of burning fire.


Remember that the abyss is full of people with good intentions.


Remember that the abyss is full of people who feel perfect and holy. They will enter into the abyss many mystical fornicators.


Those who say: I will not practice with the Arcanum AZF, I continue with my religion, my school is better, my system is superior, there are other roads, etc., will sink into the abyss, because fleeing from the door of Eden( the sex), then will find the door of the abyss.


We departed from Eden through the narrow door of sex. And only through that door can we return to Eden. Eden is the same sex.


The return of life towards the Absolute means the fall of the great Babylon, the catastrophe and the final disaster.


We, the Brothers of the Temple, once we deliver the Arcanum AZF to the humanity from the ancient Earth-Moon. So those who accepted the Great Arcanum rose to the angelic state. At the time of the ancient Earth-Moon, we did the same warnings. Our work was done when the lunar humanity had reached the age at which terrestrial humanity is now. Then life begins its return to the Absolute, and the brothers always comply with the duty to warn and teach. Those who once on the ancient Earth-Moon rejected the Great Arcanum became terribly perverse lunar demons. These sublunary demons now dwell in the abyss.


Some human beings of the fifth root race of the moon accepted the Great Arcanum too late, and now are rising to the angelic state. This delayed group was given a new home. That group now lives on another planet.



Sublunary spheres constitute the abyss.


In these dark regions name the Virgin, it means provoke the wrath of demons.


The tenebrous hate the Virgin and furiously attack anyone who dares to name her in their regions.


The Virgin Mother of the World is the Kundalini.


The tenebrous hate the Great Mother as a serpent of fire, rises through the medullar canal.


When the snake goes downward from the coccyx, becomes the tail of Satan. The descending serpent is the horrible tempting serpent of Eden.


In the Angels the serpent victoriously rises through the spinal canal. In the demons, the snake is the tail of Satan.



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