Eden is the etheric world. Eden is the same sex.
The etheric world is the abode of sexual forces. The etheric world is Edem. We leave the Eden through the gates of sex; only through those doors we can enter to Eden
At Eden we cannot enter through false doors, we have to enter the Eden through the door where we left.
The governor of Eden is Lord Jehovah. The Lord Jehovah dwells in Eden. The Lord Jehovah dwells in the Etheric world, because the Etheric world is Eden. The Etheric world is Paradise.
The ether is the fifth element of nature. The blue color we see in the distant mountains, is the ether of Eden. In future times the Etheric world will become visible and tangible in the air.
In future times the elemental Gods of fire and air, water and earth will become for us visible and tangible in the air. Everything comes out of the ether, everything returns to the ether. The ether is the garden of Eden.
The raw material of the Great Work is the Christonic Semen.
Semen is the pure water of life. Semen is, the water of everything that exists, the semen is the water of Genesis. A plant without water, dries and dies. The water of the plants is vegetal semen. Vegetal semen is transformed into leaves, flowers and fruits. The combinations of infinite substance are wonderful. The sea is the semen of planet Earth. Everything comes out of the sea, everything returns to the sea. We have the sea in our sex glands. In our seminal waters the mystery of life is enclosed. The continents left the sea and returned to the sea. We came out of the spermatic semen of the first instant. Animals of all kinds carry the secret of their existence, in the seminal waters. Men only see the gross particles of physical matter that form the material crust of the pure waters of life.
We know in Eden the waters of the sea of life.
In Eden we see those waters, of Genesis shining with glory. From that prime matter of the Great Work everything has been created. The combinations of infinite substance are wonderful. In the sacred precincts of the temples there is never a lack a sacred vessel full of pure water of life. That is the Labarum of the Temple. He who drinks of that water of eternal life will never thirst again, and the rivers of pure water will flow from his belly.
Those are the waters of AMRITA. That is the Mulaprakriti of the Orientals. The whole Universe will be reduced to its semen when the Great Night arrives. The Universe came out of the Water and will return to the Water.
The pure water of life, is the Labarum of the Temple. The waters of Genesis are governed by the rays of the moon, and by the elemental Gods of the waters.
The Kala-Hamsa Swan perched on a lotus flower floats on the pure waters of life. Kala-Hamsa, means: "I AM HE" "I AM HE" "I AM HE". In other words we can say; "The Spirit of God floats on the face of the waters."
Divinity encourages on the sea of Eternity. God is within ourselves, and within ourselves we can find Him. I am He, I am He. I am He.
God is Love. Love is immanent and transcendent in every drop of the great ocean. We can only find God in sex and love. The Swan represents Love. Love is only encouraged with love. The swan was born to love.
When one of the couple dies, the other dies of sadness
In Eden the swans attend the table of the Angels. They elaborate within the immaculate whiteness of their ringlet ineffable delicacies that the Gods drink in their diamond cups. The combinations of the infinite substance are wonderful. The semen we carry in our sexual glands is the infinite substance of the great ocean. The multiple combinations of this infinite substance become continents filled with plants, flowers and fruits.
The many combinations of this infinite substance give rise to all creation, birds and monsters, men and beasts. Everything comes out of the seminal waters of Genesis. In those waters love encourages. Parsifal broke his bow full of remorse after having killed the swan near the castle of Montsalvat,
The swan of Leda reminds us of the charms of love. The swan of love makes the waters of life fruitful. The fire of love makes life spring from the great ocean. Water is the habitat of fire. Sexual fire slumbers among the pure waters of life. Fire and water united in a trance of love gave birth to the whole Universe. Within our seminal waters encourages the fire of love. The fire of love makes the waters of life fruitful. The swan symbolizes love. The Swan alone feeds on love. When one of the couple dies, the other succumbs to sadness.
In Eden only chastity reigns. In Eden sexuality is as pure as the Light of the Elohim. However, in Eden there is also the sexual act. Plants and flowers, trees, Gods, birds and reptiles, animals and men, everything comes out of sex. Without sex, all creation is impossible.
Plants have body, soul and spirit as men.
The vegetable souls are the elementals of nature. Every plant, every tree, every herb, has its own individuality.
Each Plant is an individuality of body, soul and spirit.
These are the innocent angels of Eden. These are the elements of Eden. These elements are organized into plant families that botanists classify with Latin names.
Vegetable magic teaches us to manipulate the elements of plants. These vegetable families have in Eden their temples and their Gods. The Gods of Eden are the Elemental Kings of nature. No plant could bear fruit without love and without sex. The elementals of plants also know how to love. The nuptial bed of these ineffable beings of Eden, is formed by the roots of plants and trees. The elementals of the plants are sexually united, but they know to retire in time, to avoid the seminal ejaculation. Having sexual connection always passes the seed to the womb, without having to ejaculate the semen.
Thus the female becomes fruitful and the internal fertilized fruit gives rise to the fruit. The combinations of infinite substance are wonderful. The ether of life then serves as an instrument for the reproduction of plants.
The CHEMICAL ETHER allows plant transformations, they are transmuted, associate and dissociate the chemical elements and the plant is filled with rich fruits. That is how life springs. The LUMINOUS ETHER tints ineffable colors of flowers, fruits and all things, everything shines under the light of the sun. The REFLECTOR ETHER is then an ineffable mirror where nature recreates itself. Thus arises life from the bowels of Eden. The mountains in the Eden are as blue as the sky and transparent as the crystal. When man reproduced like plants, he lived in Eden. Then the rivers of pure water of life flowed with milk and honey.
Man was speaking the Great Universal Word of Life, and fire, air, water and earth obeyed him. All nature knelt before man and served him, because man did not ejaculate his seminal liquor. The man sexually joined his wife, and retired before the spasm to avoid seminal ejaculation.
During the sexual act the lunar hierarchies only used a spermatozoon for the reproduction of the species; a spermatozoid easily escapes our sexual glands, without the need to spill the semen. Thus the female becomes fruitful and springs life. This is the Immaculate Conception.
In the Eden dwells an ineffable virgin related to the constellation of Virgo, this being works with the rays of the Moon: it is the Immaculate Conception. He is a Primordial Elohim of paradise.
Those who return to Eden know this, because this most pure Elohim rules the Immaculate Conception. Blessed be Love. God shines on the perfect couple.
If you have your lamp filled with oil, the temple will always be full of light. If you pour out the oil of your Lamp, the fire will be extinguished, and you will sink into the deep outer darkness, where only the crying and the gnashing of teeth are heard. Semen is the habitat of Fire. If you shed the semen you will lose the fire, and you will sink into deep darkness. Semen is the oil of your lamp. If you shed the semen your lamp will be extinguished and you will sink into the darkness of the Lucifers. In other words, says the Lord Jehovah: You may eat of all the trees of the garden, except the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat thereof ye shall die. In Eden the elementals do not shed semen. When we shed the semen remains the Lamp without fuel, then the flame is extinguished and we enter the darkness of Lucifer. Semen is the fuel of the Lamp. No lamp can burn without fuel. Where there is no fire there is no light, and darkness reigns.
Unlucky the inhabitant of Eden who dares to spill his semen.
His lamp will be extinguished for lack of fuel, and will sink into the darkness of the Lucifers. The tree of the science of good and evil is sex. When man ate of the forbidden fruit he was cast out of Eden .Adam was all Eden's men. Eve was all the women of Eden.
In other words, when Adam and Eve spilled the oil from their lamps, these were extinguished for lack of oil and then they were left in deep darkness. That was Eden's got out.
The fire of the Holy Spirit is the fiery serpent of our magical powers.
The fire of the Holy Spirit is the Kundalini, source of all life.
That fire is confined within the semen.
If we shed the semen the fire will be extinguished and we will enter the kingdom of darkness. When the man shed the semen, he entered the realm of Lucifer. Lucifer is a terribly evil devil. The Lucifers are his legions that obey and follow.
Sexual passion has its seat in the Lucifers. When the man allowed himself to be seduced by the Lucifers, he poured the oil out of his lamp and remained in darkness. Then he left the Eden by the gates of sex, and entered the kingdom of the Lucifer by the gates of sex.
If man wants to go back to Eden all he needs to do is fill up his oil lamp and turn it on. He then leaves the kingdom of the Lucifer and enters the Eden. He leaves the darkness and enters the light.
There is the luciferic man and there is the Edenic man. The luciferic man spills his semen. Edenic man never spills his cum. The present humanity is Luciferic. The ancient humanity of the Polar, Hyperborean and Lemurian races, was Edenic humanity. The Edenic state is a state of consciousness.
The luciferic state is another state of consciousness. An Eden man can have flesh and blood body like any man.
A luciferic man has a body of flesh and bone like any man. The Edenic and luciferic states are states of consciousness. Eden is the etheric plane. When the man left Eden his consciousness was submerged in certain atomic strata or luciferic regions. The human soul sank into its own atomic hells and lost its powers. That was Eden's got out.
Thus the Edenic man died and the luciferic man was born.
That is why the Lord Jehovah said: "Of all the trees of the Garden you can eat, except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for in the day that you eat of it you will die.
In the gigantic courtyards of the temples of ancient Lemuria, men and women were sexually united to create. The sexual act was led by the Elohim. The man and the woman retired before the spasm to avoid seminal ejaculation.
The Elohim used only a spermatozoid to, and a female gamete to create. A spermatozoid is so infinitesimal, so microscopic, that it easily escapes our sexual glands without spilling the semen. Thus the Edenic man reproduces.
Thus are born children of the Immaculate Conception. This is the Immaculate Conception. Lucifer tempted the man and the man fell into temptation. Lucifer is a black wizard with blood-colored robes.
Lucifer covers his head with red helmet, like many of Eastern Tibet. The lustful forces of the Lucifers awoke in man the animal passion. Then the men and women began ejaculating their semen.
The tribes of Lemuria were therefore expelled from the temples.
The Kundalini, who had previously risen victoriously in the spinal canal, then descended to the coccygeal bone and was imprisoned in the Muladhara chakra. The lamp of the temple was extinguished and the man sank into deep darkness. Thus the Edenic man died, and the luciferic man was born. When the man ate of the forbidden fruit, said the Lord Jehovah: Behold, he has made himself one of us, knowing good and evil. If man had not eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge he had risen to the Angelic State but in perfect innocence. In Eden we were with respect to the Lord Jehovah what the fingers of the hand compared to the brain. Lucifer gave us independence.
The forbidden fruit made us aware of the science of good and evil. This science is very deep. There is the good of the bad and there is the bad of the good, in everything good there is something of evil; in everything bad there is something of good. Among the incense of prayer also lies the felony. Among the perfume of prayer also lies the felony.
There is much virtue in the wicked; there is much evil in the virtuous. He who knows the good of the bad and the bad of the good receives the terrible sword of Cosmic Justice. The Angels knows the science of good and evil. The Angels are perfect men. The Angels also left the Eden and returned to Eden, that's why they are Angels. The Angels were men like us. We left Eden but we knew good and evil.
We left Eden, but we gained self-independence.
Jehovah the governor of the Eden said: Of all the trees of the Garden you can eat, except of the tree of the knowledge of the good and of the evil, because in the day that you eat of it you will die. Lucifer said to the woman, "You shall not die, but God knows that the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil," and when the man ate of the forbidden fruit, Behold, man is like one of us, knowing good and evil.". Thus we acquire wisdom, thus we achieve self-independence, Thus we became aware of the science of good and evil.
Now we must return to Eden to be like Gods, knowing the science of good and evil. Now we must return to Eden to be Gods. We have to enter Eden by the same door where we left. We leave the Eden through the door of sex, and only through that door can we return to Eden.
Eden is the same sex. If we want to enter Eden we have to go back to Eden's old sexual system. We have to enter through the door of sex, because through that door we go out; there is no other door to enter Eden, there is no other door to get out of Eden. Where we left we have to enter, that is the Law. Man sank into the atomic hell of nature, when he left Eden. If it had not been for the Christ, it would have been very difficult for us to get out of the abyss. Fortunately, a Savior was sent to us, that Savior was the Christ.
Now we have to incarnate Christ in us to return to the FATHER. No one comes to the FATHER but by the SON.
Only with the redemptive blood can we wash our clothes and dress in white clothes to enter the Eden, exactly through the same door where we left. To Adam's supreme disobedience was opposed the supreme obedience of Christ.
Jehovah gave us his commandments. Lucifer gave us individual self-independence, and Christ redeems us from sin. Thus the Gods rise from the clay of the earth.
Thus the sentence of the Lord Jehovah was fulfilled: "And he cast out to the man, and placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a burning sword to keep the way of the tree of life."
The two trees of Eden are the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. These two trees of the garden even share their roots.
The tree of life is represented in our physical body by the spinal column. The tree of knowledge is represented by the sexual organs. Both Eden trees even share their roots. God put Cherubim and a burning sword to keep the way of the tree of life. If man could have eaten the delicious fruits of the tree of life, then we would have fornicators Gods. That would have been the curse of curses. The most terrible sacrilege. The Impossible.
The Flaming Sword of Cosmic Justice, stirs up lighted, threatening and terrible, guarding the way of the tree of life.
The tree of life is "The Being."
Now we must know that the Intimate." The Being, The Tree of Life. The INTIMATE is the beloved son of the "Inner Christ". The Inner Christ is the ray from which emanated the same INTIMATE. The Inner Christ is One with the Father.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit are a perfect triad.
From this triad was born the Innermost. The Intimate it is wrapped in six lower vehicles which penetrate and penetrate without confusion forming man. All the faculties and powers of the Intimate are the fruits of the Tree of Life. When the man will returns to Eden, he will eat of the fruits of the Tree of Life. Then he will be able to see God face to face without dying, the lightning will serve as a scepter and the storms carpet for his feet. There are 10 waves of life that penetrate and penetrate without being confused; those ten eternal emanations are the 10 SEPHIROTH of the Kabbalah. The 10 branches of the Tree of Life. Now we will understand why God put 10 fingers in our hands. The 12 senses of man are related to our spinal column. The spinal column is the physical exponent of the Tree of Life. The 12 senses are the 12 fruits of the Tree of Life.