"At that time the disciples came near to Jesus, saying: Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"; And Jesus called a little child he stood among them and said, Verily I say unto you, Except, ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. "


"So whosoever therefore humbles himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (Chap. 18 ver. 1-2-3-4, Matthew).


Those who call themselves his followers, do not want to follow his example, no one wants to become a child now.


Popes, cardinals, archbishops, bishops and priests of the tenebrous Church of Rome, travel in luxury cars, filled with pride and arrogance, even remotely feel like turning children; They are full of intellectualism, high ranking titles, have enormous riches. Pastors of different religious sects of this barbarian age enjoy the title of pastors and filled with arrogance and pride they feel happy with regales and obeisances of their ignorant sheep; neither they are eager to be children.


By this time everyone wants to be great lord and sit in the best seats in the synagogues, all want to be great avatars and great teachers, no one wants to be a child. Everyone knows a lot, those teachings they preach but do not apply; none wants to have a child's mind, they do not like. The brothers of the different schools, orders, lodges, etc. They are bookworms: think they know a lot and that about to become children seem to become even ridiculous, but such self-declared to be one only for pride, that is the present situation of so many; saying to be famous reincarnation, none wants to be the little one, none wants to be the last of all.


To receive the crown of life must have child's mind.


We have to free ourselves from intellectual pride, ending the Theosophist fear, and the Rosicrucian intellectualism, free ourselves from spiritualist aberrations, clean understanding of all kinds of intellectualism and theories, political parties, concepts of country and flag, schools, etc.


We must practice sexual magic and kill not only desire but to the very knowledge of desire.


We must end the reasoning to have a child mind, the child does not reason, intuit, knows instinctively, not greed money, not fornicate, not adulterous, nor murderer.


 How can it be child who kills?, How can it be child who steals ?, How can it be child who fornicate? Through three doors is enter to the abyss: anger, greed and lust.




                                                                         THE ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE


In the fourth initiation of Major Mysteries the initiate wins Nirvana, comes into the world of the Gods where only happiness reigns without limits. Upon arriving at the Fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries, you gets to the mountain of the Gods, which has two paths leading to the summit. One is the spiral path circling the mountain takes you to the top; another is the path of duty, long, bitter, narrow and difficult that it leads us directly to the ABSOLUTE.


Max Heindel speaks of the mountain men, but do not know the mountain of the Gods; Mountain of men also have two roads, the spiral where all humanity goes up and the rectum, narrow, narrow and difficult transited by initiates; the top of this mountain is Nirvana, and to get there you have to cross Nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries and five majors.


When the Initiate reaches the top of the mountain of men, are facing two paths, Mountain of the Gods, there a terrible guardian appears before the initiate, which shows the Nirvanic spiral path and says this it is a good work, the initiate sees the infinite worlds of space, suns rolling through eternity, the Gods of Nirvana filled with happiness, dwelling happy in his ineffable paradises; then shows you the narrow and difficult path of long and bitter duty leads us directly to the ABSOLUTE and says: This is a superior work, you have to resolve by which of the two roads you will go now; If the initiate tries to think that the guardian says: do not think, say it now.


This is a terrible moment, because the fate of many eternities depends on it; this is the most terrible moment of our cosmic evolution. The initiate who renounces Nirvana for love of humanity, is confirmed three times honored and after many eternities of Nirvanas won and lost for love of humanity, finally won the right to enter to the ABSOLUTE; about those of the spiral path of Nirvana have periods of activity and periods of rest between the Nirvanic deep happiness, they are reincarnated in the worlds only through lengthy intervals and dipped again during eternities between the infinite happiness of the spheres.


As using not the 4 bodies of sin, they enjoy limitless happiness between music of the stars; and through limitless eternities, slowly, slowly reach the Absolute, this path is extremely long. On February 19, 1919 at 3:40 pm Nirvana went into activity and now Nirvanic hierarchies are fighting for the return of evolution toward higher worlds.


There are Nirvanis loaded with karmic debt, pay them during their cycles of cosmic manifestation. The great danger in reincarnation for Masters, is the fall of the Bodhisattvas, currently they exist in the world thousands of Bodhisattvas fallen, in which the Masters cannot incarnate. The falls are due to the will-soul is not well developed and does not grow as long as the desire on the astral body exist, you have to kill desire.


A Master can be very resplendent in the "Glorian" but with the fallen Bodhisattva, It cannot serve the suffering humanity, this means awful suffering for the Master.


The Master and his Bodhisattva are a mysterious double individuality; the Bodhisattva who renounces Nirvana for love of humanity, has the right to ask for the elixir of long life with him can preserve the physical body during long eternities, as long as he want.


Count St. Germain presently lives with the same physical body that he had during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe.


Zanoni lived thousands of years with the same physical body.


Megnour held thousands of years with the same physical body.


Sanat Kumara presently lives with the same body he had in Lemuria 18,000,000 years ago; the great masters of the guardian wall that protect humanity, live with the same bodies that took millions of years ago; Maters Kout Humi, El Morya and many others preserve their bodies for thousands of years, death has not been able to overcome them, and thus have avoided the danger of reincarnations, after falling the Bodhisattvas exposed to the environment, to temptations, to inheritance, etc., only those of iron will never fall.



                                                                           THE BAT GOD


In the fine arts building in Mexico City, we find an Aztec sculpture of the Bat God we are going to talk about him even if the tenebrous ones qualify us of black magicians. This sculpture is a precious Aztec symbol of one of the leading hierarchs of death. The Angels of Death work under the influence of Saturn and disembodied souls according to the law of Karma, have as symbols the bat, the owl and sickle; they take the soul from the body out and break the silver cord that connects the soul to the body.


Souls during sleep can travel anywhere and return to the body by the silver cord. Angels of death when they are officiating assume skeletal appearance, after their work they assume beautiful presence, really are Angels.


The Bat God dwells in the center of Eden. It is an angel of death, and has the power to kill, also to heal.


The Aztecs formed a chain horseshoe to invoke it; the links in that chain were loose, no one touched the hands and body and opened up the sides of the altar, those attending the rite remained full of respect, squatting, huddling.


The mantram ISIS was vocalized by everyone in two syllables, and prolonging the sound of each letter as follows: Iiiii Ssssss Iiiii Sssss , holding the sound of each letter as possible; the S It sounds like cricket, or as the bells of the snake, so holy among the Aztecs, that is the subtle voice to do signs and wonders; the mantra was vocalized many times in a row. The Priest throwing between a brazier aromatic incenses of marine snails reduced at white dust; the snails and the sacred fire were internally associated. The braziers were placed on a table, on the altar  burned two lights symbols of life and death; the priest turned his face to the attendees blessed with a sharp knife, and with his heart called the Bat God; and he attended the terrible Hierarch of Death: This rite can be practiced today in the Gnostic sanctuaries.


The Bat God can heal the sick if the Law of Karma permits, any group of people can practice this rite to heal seriously ill. This rite practiced by the Aztecs in a temple of solid gold, which exists yet in Jinas state.


At the funeral tests of Arcane 13 assists the bat God; When Jesus arrived at Arcane 13 wandered among the graves of the dead, the terrible specters of death besieged him among the terrors of the horrible night, cadaverous phantoms of death reminded him of horrible things of the past. Jesus had to overcome the supreme council of the Angels of Death, the fight was terrible but he won, did not fear; Then the Ancient of the days as a terrible blow came in Him, so the Son and the Father are one, this is done in the Arcanum 13; This process is always the same in everyone who receives the Crown, this belongs to the second initiation of the mysteries of faith and nature.


"I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and experts and hast revealed them to children." "So Father, for so it seemed good in your eyes".


"All things are delivered to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal."


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