Master Jesus went into the wilderness; It was winter time and it was cold in Egypt; there was an old temple of mysteries, Solitaire and demolished. The Master walked into a room and kneeling before the great hierophants, humbly asked the entrance to the terrible mysteries of the fifth serpent of burning fire.


The great Egyptian sages accepted him, the Master left the room and entered a small sanctuary of the solitary temple. It was winter time and the Masters protected themselves from the cold by wrapping with religious robes of white and blue colors. That was how the Master entered the mysteries of the fifth serpent, which ascends through the central canal of the spinal cord of the soul-will. We said that the Intimate has two souls, the soul-will and the soul-consciousness. The sixth serpent is of the soul-consciousness; the seventh is from the same Intimate; are seven serpents, two groups of three with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father. So the Intimate with its twin souls is pure, ineffable spirit. The four material bodies are the temple of the Triune eternal spirit. Paul of Tarsus said: "Remember that your bodies are the temple of the living God, the Most High dwells in you"; the Almighty is the Intimate in us. The testament of wisdom says: "Before the false dawn appeared on Earth, those who survived the hurricane and the storm gave praise to the Intimate, and to them appeared the heralds of the aurora".


The human personality is the car, the mind is the animal that drags the car, the Intimate is the coachman, the reins are the conscience and the whip the will; Oh! Of the coachman who does not know how to handle his reins: Oh! Of the coachman who does not know how to handle the whip, because he will keep a whip and reins in his hand without being able to use them; the beast without control will drag the car to the abyss, then the Intimate will lose his car. At the moment there are many perverse people separated from the Intimate, they are multitudes that follow a terribly dark evolution in the abyss; all those people have horns on their foreheads, those are the demons; Many of them declare themselves as prophets and Avatars, founding spiritualist schools and are endowed with sparkling intellectualities, some of them with fine manners and exquisite culture. Among the high social strata of the aristocracy there are thousands of select, educated, intellectual and even mystical people, already totally separated from the Intimate, those souls have horns on their foreheads, they are dark demons, these people only possess the four bodies of sin (physical, etheric, astral and mental) The Triune immortal spirit, unfortunately no longer dwells in them and although living in the physical world, dwell internally in the "abyss".


Must strike the mind with the whip of the will, we must learn to handle the whip. Must to Christify the soul-will, transmuting the human will into Christ-Will; These are the mysteries of the fifth serpent.


The Christ-Will only know  how to do the Father's will, on earth as in heaven, and has all the majesty of Beethoven's nine symphonies; the Christ-Will is ineffable music and reflects the majesty of the Word.


Men place their will at the service of the beast and that is why they fail. The Divine Master said, "Father, if it is possible take this cup from me, but not my will be done, but yours." Thanks to his priestess the Divine Master could raise his fifth serpent upon the rod. The initiate enters the temple when the fifth serpent awakens, then the altar is adorned with the sacred cloth of Veronica. The divine face with the crown of thorns is the living symbol of the will of Christ, which is total sacrifice for poor suffering humanity.


In the world of the Will all Initiates carry their cross.


The Will- Christ only knows to obey the higher orders, respects the free will of others,does not exercise coercion over others not even by play, because that is black magic. In the world of the will  the soul it is crucified to  save mankind.


The ascent of the fifth serpent through the spinal cord of the soul- will is very slow and difficult. When the fifth serpent reached the fifth holy center of the heart, he entered the Buddha Jesus of Nazareth in a sacred enclosure; A great Egyptian Initiate said: "To the Mater dispute for him a lot." Truly my brothers all sects, religions and schools dispute for him so much.


Master Jesus then entered a great hall of the temple; there were several old masters, practicing sexual magic with their wives, they fought heroically struggling to raise his fifth serpent, a great hierophant smiled watching the venerable elders. Sexual Magic is the untold secret of the Great Arcanum.


In Egypt those who dared to divulge the Great Arcanum were condemned to death; they cut his head, is hearts were torn out and his ashes were thrown to the four winds.


In the Middle Ages those who divulged the Great Arcanum were killed, already by the shirts of Nessus, the dagger, poison or scaffold. We deliver the Great Arcanum publicly to launch the new Aquarian Age, the Great Arcanum is the sexual magic.


By fully raising the fifth serpent  Jesus got up.

Initiatory celebration of Buddha Jesus was grand; the sacred dancers danced cheerful in the temple. Music and sacred dances enclose clues of immense occult power.


Worshiping the woman, loving her and practicing sexual magic with her was like the soul Jesus arose in Egypt. The sixth and seventh serpents did not need to lift them because those are of the inner Master and he never falls who falls is the human soul, or Bodhisattva of the Master; in this dark age there are many fallen bodhisattvas; one of them is  Andrameleck become horrible demon that is today embodied in China. These Bodhisattvas are ordinary men, many of them are now full of vices and wickedness; Javhe the evil genius is a fallen angel (not to confound with Jehovah).The Bodhisattvas reincarnate incessantly paying karma, suffer and enjoy, are  men like everybody; naturally on them cannot enter the inner Master until they rise from the mud of the earth. They are down Daniel, Solomon and many others.


This age of Kali Yuga was fatal for the bodhisattvas fallen who are worse than demons; an Archangel pitied of a harlot wanted to help her and the weak bodhisattva fell with her, lost his sword and sank into the mud of the earth; naturally the Bodhisattva was separated from the Intimate and only after many painful reincarnations rose again and was finally able to return to merge with his God.




                                                             MOMENTS LAST OF JESUS IN EGYPT


Having raised his five fallen serpents, the Buddha Jesus shone full of glory; and he did not need but the coronation. The crown of Jesus has a history older than the world; truthfully he said: "Before Abraham was I am.".


Revelation says: "Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life"; the Crown of life is the Being of our being; is the authentic and legitimate "I AM." There is need for the “I” die for the Being to be born in us, later the Being receives the crown of life which is the resplendent and divine I AM. The I AM is as different from the “I”, as the day to night, as winter to summer, like God and the devil. Those who speak of a lower and an upper “I”, what they are is looking for loopholes to circumvent the process of ego. We the Gnostics do not seek loopholes because we know that the ego is a horrible larva of the threshold and we want to end the larva to Be; Only then can we receive the crown of life, incarnating in us the resplendent I AM.


In Egypt the Master learned to go out in the astral body by vocalizing the PHARAOH mantra, so he learned to go out at will in astral body; the Master lay on his bed in exactly the same way that the Aztecs represented to Chac Mool god of rain. He rested his head on a pillow and dozed vocalizing the mantram FARAON . To vocalize this mantra is divided into three syllables; the first is the FA that resounds in all of nature. The second is the RA Egyptian. The third is the ON which reminds us of the famous mantra OM of the Hindustani.


The master dozed vocalizing the mantra and so left in astral body at will; it is important to prolong the sound of each of the letters forming the mantra FARAON.


The physical body sleeps and the soul goes to the inner planes with awareness, so we travel in astral body at will. Pharaoh of Egypt gave Jesus a sacred esoteric medal consisting of some small wings that symbolized the igneous wings, this medal was placed over his heart.


At that time there was in Egypt an initiate who was straying, tried to mislead Jesus but failed in his efforts; Jesus warned that man but it was useless he was going already very bad.


This is the hidden wisdom that we the Gnostics are spreading to start the Aquarian Age, we are the initiators of this new era. "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the ages for our glory." "Which none of the princes of this world knew: because they had known, because if they would known never have crucified the Lord of glory." "But God hath revealed them unto us (the Gnostics) by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God" (Verse 6, 7, 8 and 10, Chapter 2 Corinthians.).


All religions and schools of this century adore and exploit the human person of Jesus and reject the secret doctrine of the I AM; nobody wants to look internally to his resplendent and luminous I AM. That was the doctrine that He taught us but people reject these teachings because: "The animal man receive not the things of the Spirit of God for they are madness to them, and not be understood because they are spiritually discerned" (Verse 14 cap .12 Corinthians). "But we speak wisdom among the perfect, and wisdom not of this world, nor of the princes of this world that come to naught" (Verse. 6 Ch. 2 Corinthians).


After these things, Master Jesus rode his camel and walked away from the pyramids; then He was in the sacred land of Hindustan; in eastern Tibet, and he entered the mystery schools.


The Master made great prophecies in India and Tibet.


In the snowy Tibetan peaks the Master entered a great temple of mysteries where there were large gatherings of Masters.


Jesus is a real Hierophant of the great mysteries. After this visit he returned to the Holy Land; by that time Herod was dead.




                                                                               IN THE HOLY LAND


The Great Buddha Jesus of Nazareth returned to his homeland to fulfill the greatest mission of all ceturies. However it is very true and all truth that no prophet has no honor in his own land.


Until the carnal birth of Jesus  contains a very painful moral tragedy. The Sepher Toldos Jeshu said that a man named Joseph Panther forced and raped a virgin named Mary and thus was begotten Jesus' body. When this happened, Mary loved a young man named Jochanam, which filled with deep sorrow went to dwell in Babylon. The painful tragedy of Jesus begins from the moment of conception. The Angels who attended this conception suffered terribly. Who can redeem us from sin but who knew sin?


He rose from darkness to light. He went through all human pains and therefore, he is the only one who can redeem us from human suffering.


The people of Israel was chosen to surround the Master and redeem the world: thus is understand why these people had so many prophets and so many saints. About the unconquered walls of Zion shone the glory of Solomon son of David King of Zion. On the walls of Jerusalem shone the face of Jehovah. On the roads of Jerusalem they shone full of light Isaiah, Samuel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and many others; that was the people chosen to accompany the Lord.


Unfortunately, in the last hour of the supreme final proof he freed Barabbas and crucified Christ, their promised Messiah. When the people had to choose between Christ and Javhe, he crucified Christ and worshiped Javhe, who is the head of the black lodge. Javhe is a fallen Angel, the genius of evil, terribly perverse demon.


That was how the people of Judah crucified their promised Christ; and he failed the people of Israel; so it was plunged into the abyss the people who had been chosen to spread the Christic wisdom upon all the face of the earth; That is the people who betrayed his master and crucified him. If had not been crucified the Lord another would have been the fate of the Western world, we would now have sublime enlightened rabbis all parties preaching Christic esotericism.


Christic Esotericism, the secret Jewish Kabbalah and Holy Alchemy united, would have illuminated and transformed the world completely.


The mysteries of Levi would have shone with the Light of Christ. Gnosticism had shone brightly everywhere.


The world had not fallen then into dead Christianity of Roman Catholicism. We had saved from the horrible darkness of the dark age. Unfortunately the chosen people failed and all humanity sank into the abyss.


The earth shook terribly and the veil of the SANCTUM SANTORUM was torn into two pieces. Then the Ark of the Covenant remained visible for all as the only hope of salvation; that Ark represents the sexual organs within which is the great Arcanum. Sexual Magic; the supreme key of redemption.

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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"That's good news, chaps.....6th Jan and we have lift off, President Trump 47...👏🏻
Also a double whammy, with Trudeau hitting the ejector seat button, today....Happy landings...🤣"
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