The Buddha Jesus was full of majesty, all he lacked was the coronation. Jesus went to the Jordan, there dwelt John, had his temple and officiated in: John is a great master of the White Lodge. At the door of the temple, John placed an inscription that read "profane dances are prohibited". John was a man of medium height, venerable old man with a white beard; when officiating he dressed himself inside the temple with his regal priestly tunic.


Outside the temple he dressed simply wrapping her body in a camel skin, and half-naked, this venerable old man was full of majesty and everyone respected him. His body full of strong muscles and broad forehead reflected the majesty of his resplendent Being. John had to live until the arrival of the Messiah. John had to be the great initiator of the Buddha Jesus was so written in the books of fate. Jesus entered the temple and John ordered him to remove his clothes; John was clothed in his priestly robes; Jesus naked covered only his sexual organs with a white cloth, then he left the hall and entered the sanctuary. John anointed the Lord with pure oil and poured water over his head. At that moment three star shone internally in the sky of the Spirit: The third star was red like living fire; then came down from heaven the Spirit of wisdom.


That was the supreme moment; the Spirit of Wisdom entered Jesus through the pineal gland. The Father did not enter in those moments within the body of Jesus, he only attended with he in his regal chariot of fire, visible only to the eyes of the Spirit; so was the coronation of the Buddha Jesus. Revelation says: "Be faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life" Jesus was faithful and so received the crown of life, which is the eternal breath for himself unknown, a habit of the Absolute within us, that pure ray of every man whence the Intimate itself emanated; The Atmic thread of South Asians; our I AM. "Whosoever knows, the word gives power, no one has uttered it, no one will utter it, but he who has it incarnated." He incarnated it in the baptism.


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God and the Word was with God"; "This was in the beginning with God"; "All things were made by him; and without him nothing that is made was made"; "And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not".


Orientals call the Cosmic Christ, the Chrestos; the Egyptians called Osiris; the Indus Vishnu; Tibetan Kuan Yin the melodious voice; the army of the Voice; the great breath, the central Sun; the solar Logos; the Word of God.


After the Gnostic baptism. Christ shone in Jesus, full of glory, with immaculate white light, divine, radiant as the sun.


This is how Jesus incarnated his resplendent and luminous I AM. From that moment the Buddha-Jesus was called Jesus Christ.


"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth." "That was the true Light that enlightens every man that comes into the world."


In it there are no hierarchical differences, in Him we are all One John testified about Him and cried, saying, "This is he of whom I spoke: He who comes after me is before me: because is first that I.".


"Because of its fullness we all take, grace by grace".


Everyone who incarnates his Inner Christ will be also Him.


In the past several have embodied it in the future many will incarnate it. No one can receive the crown of life without lifting his 7 snakes on the rod. Anyone who says, I received the Crown of Life, he lies; the recipient does not say, only known by his works; Crown of Life is a terrible secret.


We have to become abodes of the Lord "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, thus it is necessary that the Son of Man be lifted up". We have to incarnate Christ in us to go up to the Father. Christ is not an individual, is the army of the voice. The Word of God. No one comes to the Father but through the Son; in Christ all are ONE. In the Lord there is no difference between man and man, for in Him we are all ONE. In HIM there is no individuality; he who incarnate it is then HE. HE. HE. "Variety is unity."


We must end the personality and with the “I” for the Being to be born in us; We must end individuality.


If a mystic in ecstasy abandons all his 7 bodies to investigate the life of Christ, then he will see himself represented in the drama of the Passion of the Lord, doing miracles and wonders, will be killed and resurrected the third day, will occupy that mystical the place of Christ and in those instants will be HE. HE. HE. Because in the world of the Christ there are no individuals; in Christ exists only one Being, which is expressed as many. At ending with the “I” and individuality, only remain the values of consciousness, which are the attributes of the Eternal Absolute Abstract Space. He alone can say "I am the way, the truth and the life." I am the light. I am the life. I am the good shepherd. I am the door. I am the bread. I am the resurrection. The Being receives the Being of its Being, the I AM, that breath of the great Breath in each of us, our particular ray. HE. HE. HE. The I AM is the Christ of every man, our divine "AUGOIDES" the Logos. He who receives the Crown of Life has the right to say, I am He, I am He, I am He.


To Theosophists we say that he is not the Monad, but that from him comes out the Monad; He is our particular ray, that ray is a perfect triad, only He frees us from the law of karma. He is the Logoic ray of each man. The purpose of the law is Christ.


The law of karma is just the stepmother, the healer who heals us, that's all. In Christ we are free; Christ is the Logos, the Word; He makes us kings and priests free and powerful. He who receives the Crown of Life is freed from the law of karma.


He is the host of voice, our resplendent Dragon of Wisdom. He is the Crown of Life, Faith, the Word, the Crown of Justice,the Christ. In the law we are slaves, in Christ we are all free because the end of the law of karma is the Christ.


"Be Faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life." The attributes of the eternal I AM is the Army of the Voice. Abandon all of your idolatries, religions, schools, sects, orders and lodges, seek your resplendent and luminous I AM who dwells in the depths of your being. He is your only Savior.


Christ is the Army of the Voice, which is the only Being; Being of all Beings; the sum total of all the attributes of the Eternal Absolute Abstract Space; all the cosmic Christ, impersonal, universal, infinite ... Christ is a multiple unit. Light shines in the darkness but the darkness did not recognize him.


Christ is the Solar Logos. The Army of the Voice is a multiple, eternal, unconditioned and perfect unity; He is the Creator Logos; He is the Word of the first instant; He is the great emanated from within the entrails of eternal Absolute Abstract Space breath, is the army of the word. The eternal Absolute Abstract Space is the Being of the Being of all Beings, the Absolute, the Nameless, unlimited space. Everyone who incarnates his Christ becomes Christified and enter the ranks of the Army of the Voice. In Egypt, Christ was called  Osiris and whoever incarnated it was an Osirified; Among the Aztecs the I AM is Quetzalcoatl.




                                                               THE THREE ASPECTS OF THE CROWN


The Crown of Life has three aspects: first the ancient of days, the Father; second, the beloved Son of the Father; and third the Holy Spirit, very wise. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the perfect triad within the unity of life; this triad, plus the unity of life, is the holy four; the four eternal carpenters, the four horns of the altar, the 4 winds of the sea; the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton whose mantric word is: IOD HE VAU HE, the terrible name of the Eternal.


Each man has his own original crown, which is the own ray that connects us to the Absolute; The Intimate is the beloved son of the Crown of Life. From our original Crown emanated the entire theosophical septenary; it is the I AM that theosophists do not know.




                                                                              THE ANCIENT OF THE DAYS


The old man of days is original in every man, and is the Father; there are as many Fathers in Heaven as men on earth. The Ancient of Days is the occult of the occult; mercy of mercy; the goodness of goodness; the root of our being; "The Great wind." The hair of the Ancient days has 13 loops; and the beard 13 strands.


Only defeating death can we incarnate the Ancient of days. The funeral tests of Arcane 13 are more frightful and terrible than the abyss. The Arcane 13 is of the Ancient of Days.


We need a supreme death to have the right to incarnate the Ancient of days, only one who incarnates it has the right to internally wear the hair and beard of the venerable Elder.

Only in the presence of Angels of Death after emerging victorious from the funeral tests we can incarnate the Ancient of Days. Which embodies is an oldie more in eternity. The Ancient of Days is the first terribly divine emanation of the Absolute Abstract Space.




                                                                      THE FIRST DIVINE COUPLE


From the Ancient of Days emanates the divine couple, who is Christ and his virgin wife, the Holy Spirit that resembles an ineffable woman in every man; this divine mother wears white robe and blue cloak; the blessed Mother Goddess of the world holds in her hand a precious lamp. The divine man seems a complete Christ, and is symbolized by the erect phallus, by the scepter of power on high, by the tower, for all sharp stone and by the robe of glory; He is the divine origin.


The Divine woman is an ineffable virgin, this divine mother is symbolized among the Aztecs by a mysterious virgin; that is seen in her throat a mysterious mouth   the throat is really the uterus where the word is gestated; The Gods create with the larynx; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. "


The Holy Spirit is the maker of Light: "And God said, Let there be light and there was light"; The esoteric meaning is: "Because he said it was".


Aztec virgin has four hands, its meaning is: she gets the father's life and gives life with the Word all things. She is the mother of the world. Two strange snakes coiled form a rare head, these two serpents are the two sympathetic cords of the spinal cord, between these two channels goes up our sexual energy to the brain, these are the two witnesses of the Apocalypse, the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth, the two olive oil pouring himself as pure gold, the two snakes that coil in the caduceus of mercury.


The arms of the Goddess are the two serpents: The Temptress of the Eden and of bronze that healed the Israelites in the wilderness.


The skirt of Aztec virgin is formed by serpents: On the Chest has one that means death, one must die to live, you have to lose everything to win it all. In the temple of serpents, called of Quetzalcoatl, was worshiped the Holy Spirit; Before sunrise, a priest with a tunic and cloak of white, black and red, threw between coals of fire, snails powder, for it used white, black and red seashells, white is the pure Spirit, the black symbolizes the fall of the Spirit into matter, and red is the fire of the Holy Spirit, with which we return to the whiteness of pure Spirit; This incense ascended to heaven, the priest prayed for life and plants bloomed, because the Holy Spirit is the sexual fire of the Universe. The ritual was taking place in the Temple of Quetzalcoatl before sunrise, because the Holy Spirit is the maker of Light; the priest vocalized the mantra IN EN.


Jonah the prophet, also verified the rite of the Holy Spirit exactly the same as the Aztecs and used to do the same garments and incense.


Also they are vocalized the mantra IN EN when they cast incense in the fire. This rite should be established in all the Gnostic sanctuaries. Snails are related to seawater and water is the habitat of fire of the Holy Spirit. Thus marine snails are the perfect incense of the Holy Spirit. The Mother or Holy Spirit gives us power and wisdom.


The symbols of the Virgin Mother are the Yoni, the Chalice, the robe of concealment. By not ejaculating the semen, the total sexual force of the divine couple returns towards its origin, opening centers and awakening terribly divine igneous powers. Moses on Mount Horeb reached to incarnate the mother and remained enlightened. Others incarnate the divine couple, very few can incarnate the Ancient of Days; these are the three aspects of the Crown: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the trinity within the unity of life.


Before Jesus, many Buddhas received the Crown of Life and died crucified; after Jesus some of us have received and many will receive in the future. The Spirit of Wisdom always lives crucifying itself in the matter to save the world.


The holy four, the Tetragrammaton, is symbolized by the four teeth of the Aztec virgin, the IOD HE VAU HE. Divine I AM. In Kabbala Kether is the Father, the Son Chokmah and Binah the Holy Spirit; this is the Sephirothic Crown, the Crown of Life. This triad plus the unit is the holy four, the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton, the IOD HE VAU HE.


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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
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