Kundalini enters through the bottom hole of the spinal cord, in ordinary people is closed. The seminal vapors uncover this spinal orifice so that the igneous snake get in through there. Throughout the marrow there is the "Canalis Centralis" and within this channel exists another, even finer called the Brahma-nadi, within it there is an even finer third channel. That third channel is the Chitra Nadi and in this Nadi there are seven lotus flowers, those are the seven chakras. These are the seven churches that speaks the Apocalypse of St. John.
As the Kundalini is ascending through the spinal cord, is opening each of the seven churches. These seven chakras seem seven lotus flowers sprouting from our spinal column. These lotus flowers hang from the medulla when the sacred serpent is enclosed within the Church of Ephesus. But when the snake goes to the brain, these lotus flowers turn upwards glowing with the sexual fire of the Kundalini.
There are spiritualist schools that they put fear in the disciples and put on them thousands of obstacles and very complicated theories, supposedly to have the right to awaken the Kundalini.
In this way the dark ones close the doors of Eden to poor suffering humanity.
The disciples fall faint with so many theories as complicated and difficult.
Truly, truly, I say to my brethren to awake the Kundalini and open the first church in the coccyx all that is needed is to PRACTICE SEXUAL MAGIC. "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes (that is to the one who finished with fornication) I give to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the midst of Paradise of God." In other words, practicing sexual magic enter paradise to eat from the Tree of Life. "Patience, suffering and work is needed to awaken the Kundalini and to open the Church of Ephesus related to the sexual organs.
The conditions to open the Second Church are: filial love for the Father, and to bear with heroism great tribulations and poverty, this is the prostate (uterus) or Smyrna Church.
The third Church is Per`-ga-mos and awakens with total chastity.
Whoever wants to awaken the third church should not eat foods offered to idols, theories, intellectualism, modern scientism, pleasures, feasting, drunkenness, etc. This church is at the height of the solar plexus (stomach).
The fourth church is Thyatira, this is of the heart. Holiness conditions needed to open this church are as follows; chastity, charity, service, faith, patience and lot of love.
These are the four inferior churches of our Temple. The top three churches are in the temple tower, that tower is the head of the human being. The Kundalini opens the seven churches of our spinal column. The only conditions needed for development evolution and progress of Kundalini are written in chapters. 1, 2 and 3 of the Revelation of St. John. So all obstacles and intellectual complications that put the dark supposedly to be entitled to awaken the Kundalini are left over.
The Bible is the word of God. Let's continue now with the temple tower.
The fifth Church is Sardis and is related to the thyroid chakra, this is the Church of the larynx. When the sacred serpent opens the Church of Sardis then we can hear in the internal worlds. Occult ear is opened, and internally we speak the verb of Light and we can create with the word. The larynx is a uterus where the word is gestated. The creative organ of the Angels is the larynx. The qualities needed to open this church are vigilance, repentance and good works.
When the fire opens the Sixth Church called Philadelphia, clairvoyance then awakens. This church is related to the chakra between the eyebrows that seems to sprout like a lotus flower from the pituitary gland. Clairvoyance allows us to see the ultra of all things, with it we see the inner worlds and the great mysteries of life and death. Moral conditions needed to open this church are: Sexual potency, veracity, fidelity to the Father. This chakra is a marvelous door and when opened, fly the white dove of the Holy Spirit.
When the fire opens the Seventh Church called Laodicea located on the pineal gland, then shines the crown of the saints in our head. This is the eye of diamond, the polyvoyance.
The eye of omniscience. When the sacred serpent has passed from the pineal gland to the eyebrows then comes the high initiation.
This is the first initiation of Major Mysteries, in this initiation the soul is united with the Innermost and we become masters of Major mysteries of the white brotherhood. Much Humility is needed to reach the union with the Innermost. Revelation tells us: "He who overcomes, I will give to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father on his throne."
When the soul is united with the Innermost, we are dressed in the white robe of Major Mysteries Master. Shines upon our brow white five - pointed star, which sheds light, and our seven churches shine with glory. We attend this great initiation without material vehicles of any kind. This great initiation is received out of the body in the higher worlds, and the new Master receives a throne and a temple.
Christ came to make us Kings and Priests of nature according to the order of Melchizedek. The new master arises from the depths of our consciousness and expresses itself through the creative larynx, the new Master is a terribly divine potency. "And he cried with a loud voice as when a lion roars, and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices." These seven thunders are the seven keynotes of the seven churches that resound in our spinal column. "And the Angel I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven." "And swore by him who he lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things in it and the earth and the things that are in it, and the sea and the things that are in that time will not be no more".
The yoga has been misunderstood in the Western world.
Master Elena Petronila Blavatsky author of the Secret Doctrine, was Yogini, and yet after being widowed Count Blavatsky had to marry; Everyone knows that she did not live with the count, however had to marry again.
A great Yogini as she could not marry for mere carnal passion, she also married a venerable old man. So the reason is deeper, more esoteric. The Master really needed marriage for her Cosmic realization. With yoga got something but not everything. A yogi without sexual magic is like a garden without water. She achieved the total development of the seven serpents with sexual magic. In oriental yoga schools secretly is taught sexual magic. Unfortunately in the Western world have appeared false yogis who have damaged many homes.
These false prophets teach that sex is vulgar and perverse, and believe they can skip the walls of Eden.
These false yogis have ended the happiness of many homes; they believe they can enter Eden through false doors; They have caused many virtuous wives have taken her disgust and revulsion to sex; This is how these personages have ended the happiness of many homes, thus insulting the Holy Spirit.
We knew the cases of a disciple of some black magician, sexually separated from her husband for following the theories of that cynical devil, naturally this home was damaged.
There are many people who usually put him fear to the brothers who begin to practice sexual magic. There are countless puts-fear. There are puts-fear that sexual magic is harmful, that the spouse gets angry, that the Kundalini go other ways, this has been invented by the black lodge to close the door of Eden to suffering humanity.
Sexual magic is the normal sexual act of the human being, then it cannot be harmful. Seminal ejaculation is a vice that the lucifers taught us, and every vice is harmful. Where there is understanding there is no anger, and the incomprehensive spouse is a problem for the initiate; that problem is solved with silence, art and intelligence. Before the incomprehensive spouse is better to be silent in these cases everything is done without saying, practice in silent, vocalize in silence, and it is done and it is not said, art and love fill the void; who has intelligence understand what we are saying between the lines.-That other puts fear that the Kundalini go through other paths is false because when the disciple begins to raise his first serpent is assisted by a specialist Master, which must lead the disciple Kundalini through the spinal canal, completed the work the specialist receives your payment.
When the initiate begins to work with the second serpent is assisted by another specialist and so on. No disciple is alone. The puts-fears are invented by the black lodge to close the doors of Eden to suffering humanity.
The Church of the Holy Spirit is the Church of Thyatira, this is the Church of the Heart. The priest who charges for marriage commits a tremendous sacrilege. Marriage is of the Holy Spirit, marriage is a mystery of the heart, to trade with the heart is trade with the Holy Spirit.
Trade with the sacrament of marriage is horribly profane the mysteries of the Holy Spirit.
Love cannot be bought or sold because then a grave sin committed against the Holy Spirit.
"All sorts of sins will be forgiven except the sin against the Holy Spirit."
He who commits suicide sins against the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit gave us life with love and sex.
He who takes his life in a new reincarnation has to die against his will, that is his punishment. The Judas who betrays the Master sins against the Holy Spirit in his ingratitude. The love of the Master is in the Church of the heart. The fires of the heart control the Kundalini. The Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses according to the merits of the heart. With a single seminal ejaculation it is sufficient for the Kundalini to lower several vertebrae. It is very difficult to reconquer lost cannons, that is the punishment for the weak. The ascent of the Kundalini is very slow and difficult. Each vertebra demands certain conditions of holiness, this is terror of Love and Law.
Man is one column, woman is the other column of the temple of the living God. The two pillars of the temple of the Holy Spirit are terribly divine. Man is the expansive principle, woman is the attractive principle, in the sexual union of both the key of redemption is. Love feeds with love, and the kiss is the mystical consecration of two souls who adore each other. In a supreme trance of love we forget the theories of men.
Sex becomes the consubstantiation of love in the human psychosexual realism. Man is the strength, Woman the sweetness.
Peter has the keys to heaven. Peter means rock, that rock is sex, and sexual magic is the key to heaven. On the stone (sex) must build the Church for the I AM.
It is impossible to realization without the charm of love. One who learns to love becomes a God. Sex is the philosopher's stone, the cubic stone of Yesod. Man and woman sexually united become Gods. It is better to love to theorize.
Goethe said: "All theory is gray, and is only green the tree golden fruits that is life."
A home with playful children, a nice garden and a good woman, are worth more than all the theories of spiritualist schools in the world together. A pure, noble, strong and loving man, worth more at the women than all the world's libraries.
With the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit we become Gods. With intellectual theories we become scoundrels.
Blessed be love, blessed be the beings who adore each other.
Were in the world did you get this from? It was not from Immanuel? The seven churches are the seven main churches on earth at this time. I am sure when I wrote revelations this was not the meaning