Thus says the Lord Jehovah to us: "I have always helped you, I will always help you. I will always help to all those who have already passed through the schools of the Baals.". Baals are the tenebrous. All schools, organizations, lodges, orders, religions and sects of this world are the abyss. Those are the schools of Baals who eat at Jezebel's table (fornication) and feed on foods offered to idols (theories, intellectualism, etc).


There are sects where people are speaking in tongues, fans believe the Holy Spirit has already entered them. Those are poor victims of demonic entities that possess them. To actually receive the Holy Spirit needs to be pure and chaste, because he who fornicates (spill the water of life) sins against the Holy Spirit.


Those who are resolved to take on their shoulders the heavy cross of initiation, will be persecuted and even hated by the spiritualist brothers themselves, who daily live talking about initiation. Brothers Theosophists, Spiritualists, Aquarians, etc., hate chastity. They abhor because they are wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. They defend their beloved fornication with the finest philosophies. When told of sexual magic, immediately they reject it because for them there is nothing dearest than fornication.


If you, my brother, you want to have on your shoulders the heavy cross of initiation; Do not be hindering the theories of those lost souls. All those tenebrous crucified Christ.


All those tenebrous live crucifying the Lord. All of them hide their feline claws between velvet gloves, smile sweetly and speak ineffable, sublime words, but their thoughts are full of perdition.


"Woe to you, scribes and hypocrites Pharisees, who are like graves which are not seen, and men walk over them do not know."





To be Initiated a great balance of consciousness is needed. It needs to cultivate powers but not covet them. Aspire to initiation but not covet it. Knowing how to find virtues in the heart of the evil. Knowing how to find the evil in the heart of the virtuous. People begin to practice sexual magic and then get tired; they fail for lack of tenacity and perseverance. You cannot have tenacity without having conscious awareness of what is being done. You cannot have conscious awareness without suffering.


 People want to get everything in one day, rare it is the one who perseveres whole life. People have not yet moral responsibility.


People live flitting from school to school and that is why they fail. The Gnostic who leaves the Gnostic movement is an "irresponsible" complete, an embryo, a fetus without any maturity. The mature Gnostic would prefer death rather than withdraw from the Gnosis.


Achieve the perfect balance between Light and Darkness is to achieve practical adept.


No fanatic could achieve that perfect balance.


From the great evil born the great saints. The Saints can easily become demons. It is nearer to the abyss that who has seen the light than who he has not yet seen it.





In the world of the mind there are splendid halls full of light and beauty, we find there black magicians who seem masters of ineffable light. Those tenebrous only speak divine things, but among their most subtle philosophies advise us to spill the semen.


Many initiates unable to resist those luminous temptations and fall into the abyss.


Moses the great initiate, condemns the spilling of semen saying: "And man, when he emission of semen, washed in water all his flesh and be unclean until evening", "and every garment, and every skin on which any semen spill, wash with water, and be unclean until evening. "


And the woman with whom man have intercourse of semen, both bathe themselves in water and be unclean until the evening "(verses 16, 17 and 18, chap. 15, Levitical).


So Moses considers unclean the shedding of semen.


Krumm Heller Parsival the dark and horrible black magician Cherenzi teach spill the semen. How cynical!, What a scoundrels !.


These tenebrous teach negative sexual magic. They ejaculate the semen during their negative sexual magic cults.


This kind of cults come from the cult of the horrible Goddess Kali.


The Kula order and its Goddess Kali come from the black magic of the Atlanteans. Today that order of the goddess Kali exists in India. With these tantric cults negatively awakens the serpent and down towards the atomic infernos of man. Then becomes the horrible tail of the demons. This is how the tenebrous ones deceive the naive. "Those are the facts of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate." Perished with these cults the Canaanites, the inhabitants of Carthage, Tire and Sidon. With these horrible practices sank Atlantis. Those are the cults with which men become the beast with seven heads that tells us the Apocalypse. That's the horrible practice of the Lemurian-Atlantean monsters. All instructor who teaches spilling the semen is a black magician.





Many of the people who get in Gnosis are usually so vain and foolish to believe that this is a small school like any other. These poor people are sadly mistaken. He who goes to develop powers and not sanctified becomes a demon. Whoever wants to convert the Gnosis in business becomes a demon.


People are used to thinking according to their interests, vanities and prejudices. When one enters Gnosis has to die to live. Intellectuals do not work for these studies, it is very difficult for them. They want to fatten the mind, and the reality is that you have to kill the mind and then resurrect it totally transformed. This intellectuals do not understand why they do not serve for Gnosis, they do not understand these things. Gnosis is a very deep function of consciousness.


This is not understood with the reason or the intellect. This is very profound question of conscience. Many Gnostics brothers are full of versatility, are firm and resolved as soon as weak and doubtful. They are in the gnosis and are not. They are and are not. These are the antichrists, those who hear the word and then escape. Those who have listened to Christ and then return to the darkness because the word seems hard. Those are the ones who then scandalize men. Wicked traitors.


Those are the Judas who sell Christ for thirty pieces of silver. When they hear the word they are full of faith.


Then again let themselves be confused by the darkness and shout against the word of the Lord.


To such ones it would be better for them not to have been born, hang a millstone around his neck and jump into the seabed.


"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. Words that I have given you, are spirit and life.".


"But there are some of you who do not believe, because Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe and who were to deliver him." "And he said that's why I told you that no one can come to me unless it be given him from the father." "From that time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him."


Those who are weak and are not, those who retire are the tenebrous, the Judas, the perverse antichrists.





Our disciples should carefully avoid reading so much newspaper. In a large gathering of journalists in the United States a young journalist said literally the following: "We journalists are prostitutes of intelligence". It is not convenient to read so much newspaper. We need to have simple and pure mind. Child's mind. Only then can we enter into the great mysteries. Intellectuals are so gross that by a lack of a point or a comma, they lose all sense of a sentence. Intuitive gnostic, with a single letter, he understand.




We need to free ourselves from all kinds of sects, religions, schools, political parties, concepts of country and flag, theories, etc.


All these are the filth of the Great Harlot whose number is 666.





Our Gnostic disciples must be very careful with impostors. We knew a head of the Rosicrucians old order, vowing that such a Bhekpati-Sinha, was a great master of India, a disciple of Ghandi and thousands of other things like that. A fanatic ate up the leftovers of such sir. All spiritualists of such kneeled before of the adorable impostor. Fortunately no lack of intelligent men. A disciple came out to our adorable impostor asking about your address in India. The impostor gave the address of the yogi Sivananda. There is a common saying: faster falls a liar than a lame.


Soon came the reply of The Divine Life Society whose original in English is in my power, the letter reads verbatim to translate:


Dr. Kattan Umaña Tamines.

Cali Colombia, SA


Adorable and immortal Being

Saludes and worship.


Regarding your kind letter and attachments. This to inform your good merces that Mr. Bhekpati Sinha, mentioned in his letter has no connection with the activities of the Divine Life Society and me is completely unknown. The world is wide enough to hold all men. A prudent or wise must discriminate within himself alone and move towards his own goal, also seeking the emancipation of others.


The spiritual path is precisely called the "path of the razor's edge"; It is full of obstacles, inside and out. Enter to the silence of his own heart. Incarnates the Silent or Intimate.


May the Almighty bless them all with peace, blessedness and supreme beatitute. With my considerations and meditation on OM.


Yours, Sivananda.


Where were the wonderful powers of the Rosicrucians boss? Can be secure guides such a kind of blind guides?


We advise disciples not follow anyone. They follow themselves. Everyone should follow his resplendent and luminous inner being. Everyone should worship their I AM.


We supplicate, we beg our disciples not follow us. We do not want henchmen nor followers. We have written this book to you our friends, listen to your own inner Master, your resplendent I Am. He is your teacher, follow it to HIM.


Beware of so many false avatars that appear in these times.


Beware of imposters. Beware of sexual temptations.


Your never attend to those centers, where mediums can easily lead you astray from the path. Many disciples have fallen horribly for these dangerous three causes. Flee from these three serious dangers so that you do not lose your initiations and degrees.





Esoteric discipline is very demanding. We must not confuse sanctity with sanctimonious. The human type of sanctimonious, has filled the world with tears. The sanctimonious fanatic horrifies himself of everything. A dark sanctimonious when he saw the Mexican sculpture of the Bat God said that was black magic. For the Sanctimonious even the most divine things are black magic. The Master Litelantes was criticized because she did not communicated with their sanctimonious. Hated her the sanctimonious because she did not share their blabbermouths of parrots, what they say and do not do and speak what they do not know. The sanctimonious only lives visiting from school to school and always sitting in comfortable armchairs. The sanctimonious hates sexual magic and lives always full of fear.

Sanctimonious enjoys with theories and believe in the kingdom of supermen. The sanctimonious is so imbecile that would dare to excommunicate a Ghandi or a Jesus Christ, if you be caught eating a piece of meat. This is the kind of sanctimonious, always fanatic, always afraid, always a fornicator.


Sanctimonious always they believe that Jesus Christ was a simpleton full of sanctimonious. Those Aquarius parrots, of Theosophy, Spiritualism, the Rosicrucians, etc. are wrong


Jesus Christ was a terrible revolutionary, a very severe Master and solemnly sweet. So the sanctity is, severe and sweet.


The true saint is a perfect gentleman who totally fulfills the ten commandments of God's law and knows how to handle his sword when needed, to defend the good, the truth and justice. The true saint never goes around saying and always known for their deeds. "By their fruits ye shall know them."





The arrogant and proud clairvoyants slander others and fill the world with tears. The clairvoyant has to be as calm as a lake of Nirvana. Then on that very pure lake the whole picture of the universe is reflected. Over the murky waters of a mind filled with reasoning, pride, preconceptions, social prejudices, but spiritual pride, anger, selfishness, etc., only the tenebrous images of the abyss is reflected.


On the surface of the waters are reflect inverted the silhouettes of trees. All Master of glory also has his shadow reflected in the abyss. When the clairvoyant is full of prejudices takes the shadow for reality. This is how the great masters of the White Lodge have always been slandered by clairvoyants.


The clairvoyant full of preconceptions and prejudices, rejects the leafy trees of life, stays enchanted of their dark shadows silhouetted inverted as abysmal demons in the deep bottom of the waters. In the past, many clairvoyants who praised us, later when this or that reason they changed their ideas, then stoned us, slandered and crucified us.


Really when imagination is stirred with the tempests of reasoning, the starry sky of spirit is clouded. Then the clairvoyant takes the shadows for reality itself.


Clairvoyants Bodhisattvas when they fall are worse than demons. The clairvoyant fallen Bodhisattva he think himself omnipotent and powerful, it gets puffed up. Confuses things, takes the shadows for reality itself. Slanders the great Masters.


Damaged homes, says he does not know, explains with authority what he does not understand, never accepts his position of fallen Bodhisattva and comes to believe above his master.


Esoteric discipline is very severe. The clairvoyant should not go around telling people their visions because he loses his powers.


The clairvoyant should be humble, serene, obedient, gentle, chaste, respectful and moderate in the word. Pure in thought, word and works. The clairvoyant should be like a child.





Really what is needed is to know how to live; many rose- crosses brothers, Theosophists, etc., they do not know how to live, Goethe said: "All theory is gray, and is only green the tree golden fruits that is life."


The White Lodge has informed us that many Gnostics who are consciously or unconsciously in black magic with this book will withdraw from the Gnosis; the word will seem very hard to them; those deserters will react for slander us. They will spread against us their slanderous species.


We warn the curious that Gnosticism is not a schoolhouse more like many others who have known. Many become Theosophists and then leave, then pass to the Rosicrucians and they also retire until they happen nothing, live flitting from school to school, walk in contumely with all the wicked of the Spiritualists, Theosophists, Rosicrucians, Aquarians, etc., and nothing happens to them when they change school thinks that gnosis can do the same; We warn you that entering Gnosis is internally subjected to the terrible test of the Guardian of the Threshold.


If the winner comes out enter the narrow, narrow and difficult path that leads to Nirvana. Then come the degrees, initiations, tests, etc. The higher the disciple the more terrible is the fall. Those who have not seen the LIGHT much ignored and therefore much is forgiven. But a greater awareness greater accountability. He who saw the light and then withdraw it becomes a demon. Many Bodhisattvas have horns in their forehead of the astral body and have become demons. 


That is the terrible reality of Gnosis.


"He who adds knowledge increase sorrow." Get back the curious!


Get back profaners! Gnosis is a two-edged sword.


To humble and virtuous defends and gives them life, to the curious and impure hurts and destroys.



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