By having the stage of the cosmic amphitheater, I want to pour into these pages some memories.


Long before that rise from the chaos that Lunar Chain about which speak many distinguished Theosophists writers, there was a universe of which are only now their tracks between the intimates Records of Nature...


It was in one of those worlds where what happened then that following I tell for the obvious purpose of clarifying the Doctrine of Transmigration of Souls...


According to the Cosmic Desiderata in such planet they evolved and involved seven human races very similar to those of our world...


By the time of his Fifth Root race too similar to ours, there was the abominable civilization of Kali Yuga or Iron Age, as right now we have us here on Earth...( we are in the dawn of the new age: the Golden Age)


Then, that I was just a poor intellectual animal sentenced to live, had come from bad to worse embody incessantly in male or female bodies, as the debit and credit of Karma...


I confess plainly that my Mother Nature worked futilely creating bodies for me; I always destroy them with my vices and passions.


As if it were an unbearable curse, each of my existences was repeated within the Spiral line in curves more and more lower ... Obviously, I was precipitated by the devolving, descending path.


I wallowed like pig in abject bed all vices and even remotely was interested in spiritual matters. It is unquestionable that I had turned into an unredeemed cynic, it is clear that any kind of punishment for serious it was, it was in fact doomed to failure...


They say that one hundred eight beads have the necklace of the Buddha and this indicates the number of lives that are assigned to every soul...


I do some emphasis to say that the last of those hundred eight existence was for me something definitive ... then I entered in the involution of the submerged Mineral Kingdom.


The last of these personalities were female and it is clear that after wallowing on the Procrustean bed served as a passport to Hell...


Into the mineral belly of that world, blaspheming, cursing, hurt, insulted, frighteningly fornicated and degenerating more and more without giving shows ever regret...


I was felt falling into the remoteness of the past; I disliked the human form; preferred assume among these chasms figures of beasts; then I looked plant, shadow glided here, there and everywhere; finally I felt fossilized me...


¿Becoming stone? How horrible! ... But whatever it was already so degenerated, and that mattered to me...


See which leper of the City of the Living Dead fall fingers, ears, nose, arms and legs, it's certainly not pleasant; however, neither this moved me ...


Fornicated unceasingly in the Procrustean bed with as many larva approached and felt like I extinguished candle...


Life among the mineral entrails of such a planet obviously got too boring, and therefore, as if to kill so long and tedious time, I wallowed like a pig between filth.


I frighteningly weakened all torn to pieces and died painfully; me disintegrated with a horrible slowly...


I do not even have the strength to think, was better that way, finally came the "Second Death" which speaks the Revelation of St. John; I exhaled the last breath and then ...


The Essence was free; I saw myself become in a beautiful child; certain Devas after examining carefully, they allowed me to enter through the Atomic Doors that lead to one back to the planetary surface, to the sunlight.


Ostensibly had died the Ego, the Myself, the I. Free My Soul now assumed the form of a tender beautiful child! ...


What happiness, my God! How great is the mercy of God! ...


Essence freed of Ego is entirely innocent and pure. The EGO became into the bowels of that world in cosmic dust...


How long I lived in the infernal worlds? I do not know probably eight thousand or ten thousand years...


Now devoid of Ego I returned to the path of evolutionary type; I entered the realm of gnomes or pygmies, beings working with the slime of the earth, innocent Elementals of mineral...


Later I joined the Elemental Paradises of the plant kingdom; rejoining constantly in plants, trees and flowers; How happy I felt in the Temples of Eden receiving teachings at the foot of the Devas...!


The bliss of the Jinas Havens is inconceivable to human reasoning.


Each family in those Edens have their temples and their instructors; one is filled with ecstasy when entering the Sanctuary of Orangeries, or in the Chapel of the family of Mint, or the Church of eucalyptus trees...


About the evolutionary processes we must make the following statement: "Natura non facit saltus" (Nature does not jump).


It is thus evident that the most advanced states in the plant kingdom allowed me to get into the Animal State.


I started rejoining in very simple organisms and after having millions of bodies, I concluded returning in organisms more and more complex...


As outstanding note of these paragraphs, I must assert that I still have very interesting memories of one of those many existance, on the banks of a beautiful river of cheerful singsong waters always rushing between his bed of ancient rocks …


I was then a humble creature, a very particular specimen of the gender of amphibians. I moved bouncing here, there and everywhere, between the grove.


Clearly had full aware of myself, knew that once had belonged to the dangerous realm of intellectual animals ... my best friends were the Elementals of those vegetables that had their roots on the banks of the river, talked with them in the Universal Language ...


He lived deliciously in the shade far from rational humanoids; when immediately sensed danger there I took refuge between the crystalline waters ...


Many times continued returning in various organisms, before I had the joy of rejoining in a specimen of some kind of very intelligent amphibians, that they went happy out from between the stormy waters of the Ponto to receive sunlight on the sandy beach...


When came the terrible sovereign Grim Reaper that makes all mortals tremble with fear, I say the last goodbye to the three lower realms and returned to a humanoid body; so laboriously I reconquered the state of rational animal who once lost ...


At that, my new state of brained or tri-centered biped, recalled, evoked abyssal unusual events; even remotely wanted to return to the underground world; I longed to seize the new cycle wisely of hundred and eight lives that now assigned to me for my Intimate Self-Realization...


The bygone experience had left painful scars in the bottom of my soul; in no way I was willing to repeat the involutive processes of the infernal worlds.


Very well I knew that the Wheel of Samsara turns incessantly in an evolutionary and involutionary form and the Essences after passing through the intellectual animal state, descend thousands of times a horrific precipice to eliminate the subjective elements of perceptions; however, no way I craved more abysmal suffering and therefore was willing to take my new cycle of rational existences. By that time the civilization of that planet had reached its peak; the inhabitants of that world had sea and air ships, gigantic ultra-modern cities, powerful industries and commerce, universities of all kinds, etc., etc., etc., unfortunately it was not coordinated in any way such  order of things with the concerns of the Spirit .


In any one of these my new Humanoids existance, with restless Consciousness, like feeling a strange terror, I decided to inquire, investigate, to find the secret path...


Says a proverb of Ancient Wisdom: "When the student is ready the teacher appears."


The Guru, the guide, came to get me out of darkness into the light; he taught me the Mysteries of Life and Death; he told me the Path of the Razor's Edge.


Thus it became the Mystery of the Golden Blossom; I thoroughly understand my own situation; I knew it was only a poor rational homunculus, but longed to become true man and it is obvious that I succeeded in that great Cosmic Day, in that sidereal day before yesterday, long before the Mahanvantara of Padma or Golden Lotus.


Unfortunately at that time so remote, when just started my esoteric studies at the feet of the Master, he did not enjoy any fortune; my family, inhabitants of that world, lived in poverty; a sister who was watching over the house measly cents earned in the public market selling fruits and vegetables; I used to accompany her...


On one occasion I was locked in horrendous prison for no reason of any kind...


Long was behind bars cruel that prison; however, and this is curious, no one accused me; there was no crime to pursue; It was a very special case and highs, was not even my name on the list of prisoners; obviously there was some kind of secret persecution of the initiates; so I came to understand.


Patiently waiting for any opportunity, I lurked any auspicious moment in order to escape...


I tried several times in vain, but at last, one day of those many, the guards without knowing how or why they forgot leaving a door open; It is unquestionable that in no way was willing to lose the long-awaited opportunity: in seconds I left the prison giving after some detours to a market square with the desire to sidetrack some policemen they caught sight me and who followed me; anyway I succeeded in the attempt and moved away from that city forever.


I will conclude this chapter by saying that only by working in the FIERY FORGE OF VULCAN Fiery Forge I managed then become in MAN AUTHENTIC.



 Arcanum 10


From a strictly academic perspective, the word Evolution means: development, construction, progression, advancement, advance, building, dignity, etc., etc., etc.


Doing a grammar, orthodox and pure approach, I clarify: the term Involution means progression conversely, retrocession, destruction, degeneration, decay, etc.

Obviously it urges emphasize the transcendental idea that the Law of Antithesis is co-existential with any crudely natural process. This concept of content is absolutely irrefutable, indisputable, irrefutable.


Concrete examples: day and night, light and darkness, construction and destruction, growth and decay, birth and death, etc., etc., etc.


The exclusion of either of the two aforementioned Laws (Evolution and Devolution), originally static, quietism, radical paralysis of natural mechanisms.


Denying therefore either of these ordinances actually means falling into barbarism...


Evolution exists in the plant that germinates, develops and grows; involution exists in the plant aging and slowly decreases to become into a pile of firewood plant.


 Evolution exists in every organism that is gestated, born and developed; involution exists in every creature which expires and dies. Evolution exists in any cosmic unit that emerges from chaos; Involution exists in any planet in a state of consumption destined to become moon, a corpse...


There is Evolution in every ascending civilization; there is Involution in any descending culture type...


It is clear that these two aforementioned Laws constitute the fundamental mechanical axis of Nature.


 Unquestionably without such a basic axis could not turn the wheel of Natural Mechanisms. Life is processed in waves which rotate with the Arcanum 10 of the Tarot...


Bellow of Essences start their evolution in the Mineral Kingdom; continue into the Vegetal State continue with the Animal Scale and finally reach the level of intellectual humanoid type...


Waves of life descend then involute into the interior of the planetary organism to go down by the Animal and Plant scales to return to the Mineral Kingdom.


Spin the Wheel of Samsara: on the right side evolving Anubis ascends; by the left Typhon down involute.


Stay within the intellectual humanoid state is too relative and circumstantial.


With much justness has been told that any humanoid period always consists of one hundred and eight existences of evolutionary rate and involution, more or less alternating.


Let me clarify: each rational humanoid cycle is assigned one hundred and eight lives that keep strict mathematical concordance with the number of accounts that form the necklace of Buddha.


After each humanoid epoch, according to the laws of time, space and movement inevitably turns the wheel of the Arcanum 10 of the Tarot; then it is manifestly clear that involving waves of life descend into the planetary body to re-ascend evolutionarily later...


Three thousand times turns the Wheel of Samsara. Understanding this, grasp its deep meaning is indispensable and urgent if we really long for the Final Liberation.


Continuing this chapter is necessary to draw the attention of the reader in order to assert the following: completion of the three thousand periods of the great wheel, any kind of Intimate Self-Realization is impossible.

In other words, it is necessary to affirm the inescapable fact that to every Monad is mathematically assigned three thousand cycles for Deep Inner Self-Realization. It is indubitable that after the last turn of the wheel the doors close.


When the latter happens, then the Monad, the Immortal Spark, our Real Being, gathers its Essence and its principles to definitively absorbed within That which has no name (the Supreme PARABRAHAMAN).


It is obvious that the failed Monads they did not achieved Mastery; they possess the divine happiness, but not have legitimate Self-Consciousness; they are just Sparks of the Great Bonfire, they could not become flames...


No apology could give those sparks, because the three thousand turns of the wheel are always processed in many Cosmic Days and various universal scenarios offering infinite possibilities.


Above the wheel of the Arcanum 10 we see a sphinx adorned with a crown of nine metal points. Such an Egyptian figure ostensibly is not located either to the right or to the left of the Great Wheel. The crown is speaking to us of the Ninth Sphere, the sex, of the esoteric work in the Lit Forge of Vulcan.


Ostensibly this hieratic image so far from the evolutionary and involutionary laws symbolized in the right and left sides of the wheel, are indicating to us the path of the Revolution of Consciousness, the Real Initiation Wisdom...


Only by entering the path of the Intimate Rebellion, only moving away from the evolving and involutive paths of the Wheel of Samsara we can become genuine, legitimate and true Men.


The intransigent exclusion of the Doctrine of Transmigration of Souls taught by Krishna, the Hindu Great Avatar, comes to bottle up us indeed in the Dogma of Evolution.


In matters of esotericism, orientalism, occultism, etc., scholars have full freedom to write whatever they want; however must not forget the "Golden Book". I refer to "Measures pattern": the Tarot...


No one could with impunity violate the laws of the Tarot without receiving their due; remember that there is the KATANCIA Law, Superior Karma ... There is responsibility in words...


The dogma of Evolution violates the Cosmic Laws of the Arcanum 10 of the Tarot; violates the desiderata of the Golden Book ... it leads many people to error.


Obviously all erudite occultist, esoteric should always appeal to "Pattern Measures", the Tarot, if not want to fall into the absurd.


Peace Inverential!



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