Much has been written in life, more is necessary to deepen...
We are now going to unveil PARSIFAL, the masterpiece of RICHARD WAGNER, with great wisdom and great success. May the gods help us! ...
The muses know well that this adamantine work of the great Master is something apart and exceptional in the dramatic WAGNERIAN.
The verb of the Master flows there deliciously like a river of gold under the thick forest of the sun.
Of Parsifal one could say emphatically what Goethe said of his second FAUST: "I have accumulated in him great mysteries and difficult problems, which future generations will be busy deciphering."
Certainly, and in the name of truth, I must confess that I am neither the first nor the last to deal with PARSIFAL...
However, it is ostensible that I am the first to uncover the truth enclosed within the august Mysteries of Parsifal.
Don Mario Roso de Luna, the famous Theosophical writer has said: "In Parsifal, Wagner's thought seems veiled with intent; In fact, and to extract the meaning of certain philosophical allusions, when it is achieved, we have to do a great deal of work of divination and mental concentration, because in this work, as in a nightmare, we find the most diverse elements confused: high questions of philosophy, biblical and oriental memories, mysticisms, orthodoxy, vestiges of Catholic worship, pagan rituals, necromancy, sleepwalking and hypnotism, medieval chivalric practices, ecstasy, asceticism, piety, redemption, affinities of material nature with the human soul, love in its most clumsiest sense, love in its purest sense "...
Clearly, it stands out with complete meridian clarity that WAGNER was a great INITIATE, a background esoteric, a true enlightened...
In Wagner's Parsifal there is science, philosophy, art and religion ... New Doctor Faust, this great musician seems to have scrutinized ancient religious scriptures...
What amazes me the most is something tremendous ... I want to refer emphatically to INNATE MAGIC: Where did he get it from? Who taught it to him? In what school did he learn it?
Then comes the development of Drama with a TRADITIONAL MAGISM of background ... greater mysteries that the common people do not understand.
Penetrating that archaic occultism, delving into the CHRISTIC MYSTERIES, examining the ESOTERIC BUDDHISM contained in that WAGNERIAN gospel, is precisely what we intend in this book.
It is obvious that many PSEUDO-ESOTERISTS are going to be scandalize by our revelations.
It is unquestionable that many sincere misguided people full of good intentions, indignant, will tear their clothes speaking against us GNOSTICS, horrible things...
And it is that PARSIFAL always provokes tremendous discussions; It is obvious that the children of darkness hate the light.
Let us remember that PARSIFAL was presented in all the best theaters in Europe, precisely on January 1, 1914 and this invites us to meditate.
"Only because of the outbreak of the First World War and the simultaneous premiere of PARSIFAL throughout the cultured world, will the year 1914 be memorable in the fasti of humanity."
If Wagner had not forbidden the staging of his MAGNUS OPUS outside of BAYREUTH, it is unquestionable that the world would have known it sooner.
Fortunately, and for the good of the GREAT WORK OF THE FATHER, the will of the immortal musician could not be fulfilled, because on it are the international treaties related to intellectual property; It is evident that in Germany the legal protection of works ends thirty years after the death of the author.
Since the well-known thirty years were fulfilled on January 1, 1914, the intellectual property of PARSIFAL prescribed and then the world could know that masterful work.
1914 mysterious for ... PARSIFAL and the FIRST WORLD WAR. It is indubitable that the WAGNERIAN gospel resounds on the battlefields, it is catastrophic, terrible, it shines glorious amidst the tempest of all exclusivism...
Let's enter the scene: We can and must locate the place of the action in the ineffable blue mountains of the north; in Gothic Spain...
It is unquestionable that precisely there and nowhere else, Wagner saw the domains and the castle of Montsalvat, occupied by the sublime Knights Templar, terrible custodians of the Holy Grail.
It is written in fiery characters in the great book of nature, the Law of Contrasts.
It is obvious that the limit of light is darkness; the shadow of every sanctuary of glory is always a tenebrous den.
It is therefore not in any way strange that right there on the southern slope of the same mountain, looking towards Arab Spain, there is also the enchanted castle of the necromancer Klingsor...
Don Mario Roso de Luna, the notable theosophical writer, says: "The vestments of the Knights of the Grail and their squires are white tunics and cloaks, similar to those of the Templars, but instead of the red TAU of these, they show a dove in flight hovered in the arms and embroidered in the cloaks ".
The place in the scene, more than gloomy, is certainly quite severe and mysterious...
The austere terrain, inevitably rocky, according to the Initiatic traditions, shines in the center with a very clear space.
Any enlightened person can see to the left, the painful path that leads to the castle of the Holy Grail.
In the background the land slopes delightfully towards a sacred mountain lake...
The sacred pool, the Initiatic lake of the representation of the mysteries, the eternal scene of every temple, as is still seen in the current Hindustani sanctuaries, could not be absent in those domains of the Holy Grail.
"After the sun and its fire, that is, its fertile awakening vibrations of life in all areas of the planet, water, the earthly feminine element, the Great Mother or nurturing Cow, is the very basis of life, symbolized in all the theogonies with a thousand lunar names: IO, Maya, Isis, Diana, Lucina, Ataecina, Calquihuitl, and so many more "...
It is obvious, and everyone knows it, that in this our world, the fluid crystalline element always appears under two opposing aspects; I want to refer to the static and the dynamic.
It is worth remembering the deep and delicious lake always peaceful and the stormy river...
The calm lake state invites us to reflect ... in reality the water is never more active than when it is shown to us in the calm fountain.
Entering, then, in this subject of deep meditation, we notice, for the moment, that the legitimate concept of "LAKE" can and even must be expanded philosophically in a deep esoteric way.
It is convenient to know with complete clarity that from such static, spermatic, genesic or lacustrine waters, comes the splendid substantial hieroglyph of the eternal zero...
It is urgent to understand that from the dynamic or fertilizing waters of the stormy river, the double line of Aquarius arises as if by enchantment, the hieroglyphic initial of the letter M with which the eternal feminine element is designated everywhere: Mother, Mater, Mama, Maria, Maya, Mar.
The straight line of the singing stream, daringly crossing the peaceful lake, comes to form the primitive hieroglyph of IO, that is, the holy IO, the foundation of our decimal system.
This comes to remind us of the terribly divine symbols of SHIVA, the Holy Spirit: The Lingam embedded in the Yoni.
It is full of deep significance in the Christian gospel, the concrete fact that in the most extraordinary moments of the preaching of the Great KABIR JESUS, the LAKE and the SEA play a formidable and mysterious role...
The gospel speaks clearly and tells us that when JESUS began his mission, he went to Capernaum, a maritime city in Galilee, of which the prophet Isaiah had wisely said: "People who were in darkness saw a great light, and light he was born to those who dwelt on earth in the shadow of death." (Matthew IV, 16).
As the great KABIR then went along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he took the fishermen Peter and Andrew as his first disciples, "to make them fishers of men."
When the Baptist was beheaded, the Great KABIR retired in a boat to a deserted and secluded place, that is, to the land of the JINAS, where the extraordinary and astonishing miracle of the five loaves and the two fishes with the hungry crowds, of which no less than five thousand men ate, not counting women and children, and there were also twelve baskets full of pieces left over. (Ibid. XIV, 15-21). ( it is now know that was such a kind a manna from heaven)
It would therefore be something more than impossible that in the domain of the castle of Montsalvat, the sacred lake of the great archaic mysteries were missing.
Esoteric water itself is the ENS SEMINIS of the old Medieval Alchemists within which is the ENS VIRTUTIS of fire.